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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1866559
Chapter 1: Shade's Approach

Chapter One

Lately, things have gone through an abnormal change. One strange day, the sun suddenly turned blue. It was weird, but it merely always rained when the sun turned blue. The good news of the blue sun was that good fortune and luck spread to those who had pure hearts. The thing is…the blue sun is rare. Sometimes, the moon strangely turned red during some nights. When the moon turned red…really strange and eerie things began happening. First, the moon’s eerie red glow spread throughout the area. When the glow spread, everything had a weird, eerie red glow. Streetlights, roofs, windows, and nearly everything else. Even the ground outside had the same eerie red glow. All the electricity in every single house suddenly goes out for about three hours every night. When the power goes out, strange, black demons appear out of nowhere in the middle of the street, looking for any people who were still outside. The demons looked like ghosts since they had no legs, and seemed like they could levitate. They had huge claws that they used to tear people apart. Their entire bodies were pitch black, but they could be seen during the nights of the red moon. The only part of them that wasn’t black was their eyes, which were a glowing yellow that had a glare that revealed their years of bloodshed with their demonic claws. They attack people who are outside when they appear, and they can smell a person from three miles away. They move in a pack, hunting down humans, and killing them. They grab the soul from the body of the person they killed, and they consume them. Why they want human souls is a complete mystery. The issue is…the Red Moon appears really often. For unknown reasons, the Red Moon comes by quite commonly. A lot of people hide in fear of the demons. Rumors say that a flute sound echoes throughout the area the Red Moon appears at. Nobody knows what it is, or what’s causing it.

A big place located in the Shine Providence known as Star City seemed to have the highest rate of deaths as a result of what people call the “Red Moon Demons.” When the demons came by to kill during the nights of the Red Moon, people were normally killed due to being unaware, or even being in their vehicles. After a family was killed yesterday by the demons, many people have begun leaving Star City to find a safer haven from the wrath of the Red Moon. Nobody was safe from whatever those demons were after. Not even the very controller of them. Soon, the very person who commands the demons will be dead, but that is not until later. Much later.

Lately, the appearance of the Red Moon became a big issue, appearing four days a week. Two to three days if people were lucky. The demons seemed to wander around without any goal or intention when no people were outside. They were relentless when hunting somebody down, like hunters going after a group of deer. They wouldn’t stop until they either got their target, or they were killed. Nobody knows if they can be killed at all. They appear powerful and invincible, but there’s no way a group of demons coming from nowhere when an evil red moon appears instead of a regular moon are unkillible. Who knows…the answer might be revealed. But…as another normal day in Star City went by, the Red Moon’s next arrival wasn’t that night. Things were simply normal in Star City, but at an airport far, far away, things weren’t so normal. The Red Moon affected the airport, and the demons were inside the airport instead of lurking the roads. The only person inside the airport was a single kid. His face was hidden underneath a mask, and he had two swords with him. “Man…looks like they started the party right on time. I still have to get to school.” The kid said, looking around for any demons lurking around. “I at least want to snag one of them for research. Hopefully…one of them comes alone.” He added as he heard nothing around but his own breathing. “It’s really quiet. Those things can float around, making sure they make no noise at all. I see. They remain quiet so their prey doesn’t hear them walking towards them.” The kid said until he looked behind him to see one of the demons right behind him. It roared loudly to gather attention to others wandering throughout the airport. Its roar broke windows, and destroyed objects that were really old and weak from the years of use. “Whoa! How long were you there?!” the kid exclaimed, jumping away from the demon before it could slash him. “I got to get out of here before it’s reinforcements gets here!” the kid said, turning through a corner, and heading down it to see three more demons chasing him from behind. “Well…this is going to be a fun time. Being hunted down by demons that kill humans for some unknown on a Sunday night. Highlight of my week.” The kid said, running straight for the door until he was suddenly stopped by five more demons blocking the door with sharpened claws. “Crap! Of course there would be more guarding the door! There’s only one thing left to do…escape through the window.” The kid said, jumping out the window, ignoring all the glass hurting him as the five demons guarding the door got enraged even more, and attacked the boy, but he moved away, and ran over to the bus station. “Ok…there’s got to be some transportation here somewhere. I need some wheels.” The kid said, noticing a vehicle with two people in it, smoking cigars, and waiting. The boy went over to the front door, and knocked in a rush. “Hey! Let me in!” he yelled, and the door opened. “Get in.” a guy said, but it was hard to see his face since he was wearing a hat, and covering his face with it. The other boy got in, and the vehicle started speeding out before all the demons chasing could get them. This vehicle went at really fast speeds as it sped onto the highway, running down any demons that got in the way until the first ray of sunlight struck. All the demons suddenly vanished into thin air as the sun began to rise. “Where you heading, kid?” the guy driving the vehicle said. “Star City. I have important business there.” The boy replied. “What’s your name, kid?” the guy driving asked. “Just call me Shade.” The boy replied. “Shade, huh?” another guy in the vehicle said. “Who are you guys, anyway?” Shade asked. “That’s a secret. Now…we should reach Star City in about ten hours. You might want to get some sleep to keep yourself ready for anything.” The guy driving said, lighting a cigar. “Things are going to hell. I can’t rest. With that moon rising at random during the night, I can never be too careful.” Shade answered in a serious tone of voice, looking out the window.
Shade wore a mask to hide his face so that nobody suspicious would know his real identity. He planned to remove his mask when he reached Star City. He had two swords in his possession in case of any attacks against him. He had messy green hair, and blue eyes. Shade hasn’t sleep in three days since the Red Moon seemed to appear anywhere Shade headed to. It’s as if somebody wanted him to be killed by the claws of the demons. As the bright light of the sun spread through the vehicle Shade was in, it seemed as if all he could do now is sleep until he reached Star City. At Star City High School, many students and teachers were gathered into the gym for a special announcement. The gym was a large one, filled with a lot of chairs for the announcement the principal has to say. There were four basketball hoops on each side of the gym, all recently used for gym class. The students were all in the gym, each sitting in the chairs, and talking until the principal came in. “Everyone. We must contract as much data as we can on the demons. They have killed many people in the city, and we all need to work together to find a way to take them down. It’s quite a mystery, but I think it may be possible to kill them. I’m not sure, though. Capturing one for the Science Club to research seems to be our best bet right now. I know they all travel in a group, but we must find a way.” The principal said into a microphone. “Capturing one?! That’s not possible! They have claws like demons! We don’t know when they sneak up behind us, and then kill us in one slash. We don’t want anybody else getting hurt!” a boy said, getting out of his chair. This boy wore a lab coat for completely unknown reasons, along with a black shirt and blue pants. He seemed to be some sort of amateur scientist with the safety glasses he wore on top of his short, light blue hair that slightly matched the color of a glacier, along with his blue eyes. “Zack…I know that your parents were killed by the demons, but now isn’t the time to explode with rage. Some people think tonight is another night where the Red Moon will rise instead of the normal moon. If we can’t get any data on them, what chance will we have against them?” the principal replied. “Are you just trying to get yourself killed!? We all know those demons are fast and powerful, and we don’t know a thing about them! Why go after something we have no data about in the slightest?! “If we try, everybody we see here could be killed!” the boy named Zack said, kicking his chair down to the floor, throwing it into the wall, and running out of the gym.

Zack was never confident about some things that could get people hurt or killed. Everybody he knows likes to take risks that could lead to something really dangerous, but Zack would never get involved. Zack had no friends in real life at all. He liked penguins for reasons only he knows why. He thinks penguins are smart, cool, and funny creatures, even though they can’t normally fly. Star City was nowhere near a cold place, or a zoo, so Zack has never seen a penguin in real life, but little does he know, his wish to see one will become a reality, but under more literal terms. As Zack ran out of the gym, he ran into the new teacher, Mr. Shadow. “Watch where you’re going, kid? You almost made me drop my coffee.” Mr. Shadow said as he glared at Zack. Mr. Shadow, like most male teachers, wore a suit for work to educate students. He was holding a cup of coffee that he got earlier from the teacher’s lounge. The strange part of him was that he was holding a weird flute, and a mask that looked really ominous. He had black hair, and red eyes that bring chills down peoples spines. “Aren’t you suppose to be in the gym?” the strange teacher asked Zack. “No…I’m not.” Zack answered. Mr. Shadow looked at Zack for a second, and smiled a bit. “How would you like to help me with a little…project?” Mr. Shadow asked with a cruel smile. “What kind of project? I mean, you’re a creepy teacher, and I don’t want to get into something I’ll regret later.” Zack answered, but Mr. Shadow’s smile over got more ominous. “Trust me…it won’t be dangerous. It’ll be totally safe and fine. I’m a teacher.” Mr. Shadow said with his evil smile going back to his normal straight face that still looked really evil. “Well…if you put it that way… guess I can trust you a bit. If I die, you’re coming with me.” Zack said. “It’s a deal. If you somehow die, I’ll commit suicide. Now, come with me.” Mr. Shadow said, as he began walking down the hall with Zack, drinking his coffee as they walked. “So…what’s this project you have planned, Mr. Shadow?” Zack asked, but Mr. Shadow didn’t look at him as he smiled again. “We’re going to the basement. A place nobody will hear you scream in pain.” Mr. Shadow said, clenching his fists, and breaking his coffee cup as Zack fearfully followed Mr. Shadow.

In the middle of the afternoon somewhere close to the outskirts of Star City, the strange vehicle that Shade was in, driven by two mysterious men, stopped at an abandoned bus station. “Why’d we stop?” Shade asked while wide awake. “The car needs…some gas. Yeah, some gas.” The driver said. “You should get out and go find some.” The other guy said, smoking a cigar. “Finding gas in an abandoned bus station? Are you sure there’s really gas here?” Shade asked the guys. “Well…we got to get moving as fast as we can, but we need gas in order to get moving before the demons come and kill us all.” The driver said. “Fine. If you try anything funny, I’ll kill you.” Shade said, opening the door, and walking outside. The guy in the passenger seat threw a sword out the window before the driver started the car. “You’ll need that. Good luck reaching Star City before the demons come and kill you!” the driver shouted, laughing a bit before driving off. “I knew those guys were nothing but trouble.” Shade thought as he observed the area he was abandoned at. The bus station seemed to also be a regular gas station back in the day. Busses were unmoving, and their engines were dead. The small building was dark and gloomy, with three of the front windows broken, the cash register torn out of its spot, and many objects all over the place that either didn’t work, or had no gas in them. The entire place was a total ghost town.

In the basement underneath Star City High School, things were even more gloomy and creepy than the abandoned bus station. The stairs and walls were stained with blood and slime. The basement was very cold, as the heater was never turned on inside the cold, evil basement. At the bottom, there were tons of experimental body parts, mostly mechanical. They were all kept in big tube things to keep the experimental parts alive. In the middle of the room was a table normally used for surgery, along with tons of dissection and drilling tools on a small table stacked with magazines. Some experiments looked half machine, and some looked completely robotic. “Now…lie down on the table. The experiment will begin shortly.” Mr. Shadow said, putting his mask on. “Ok…” Zack answered with timidness in his voice as he lied down on the table. “Now, you see here…this experiment will be a very painful process.” Mr. Shadow explained as he was putting on a surgical outfit, “and you may die. I have had experience with this, so I know what I’m doing. I am short on time, so I’ll need to put you to sleep for the duration of the experiment.” Mr. Shadow took off his mask for a minute, and played a really soothing song on his flute that has properties to force people to go to sleep until awoken by a loud noise. “Now…let us begin the experiment by replacing your heart with an experimental Ice Heart I’ve designed.” Said Mr. Shadow as he put his mask back on, and began his experiment.

Shade had been wandering around the abandoned bus station for ten minutes, completely unsure of where anything was until he saw three demons sleeping next to a bus connected to a generator. “Looks like somebody fell asleep on the job.” Shade whispered to make sure the demons wouldn’t wake up as he walked over to the bus. Shade saw the door was open, and he saw a guy sitting in a corner of the bus. “Hey. What are you doing here?” Shade whispered to the guy as he walked over. “I want to get the bus back and active, but the generator makes a loud noise, and the demons will wake up. If you can kill them when the generator is on, we can escape and go to Star City.” The guy said, walking over to the front of the bus, and sitting in the driver’s seat. “Alright. Let’s do it.” Shade said, walking out of the bus, and turning on the generator. The generator—as the guy said, made a loud noise before it started up, and the three demons awoke, and roared before going over to attack Shade. “Crap! They woke up already!” Shade said as the three demons let out a loud roar, and attacked Shade with their claws. Shade dodged the first two attacks, but he got tripped by the third demon since it aimed for Shade’s feet. Shade tripped and fell to the floor, and the three demons surrounded him, ready to kill him off all at once. The demons let out a victory roar to say they won, but before they could finish Shade off, he slashed one of them with the sword he was given by the two strange men that ditched him. The demon seemed unharmed, but one sword wouldn’t be enough to kill the demons of the Red Moon.

The demons aren’t invincible creatures. In fact, their main weakness only comes on a rare case. Right now, the demons are really invincible for the time being, but…little do the people know, the Red Moon Demons are going to change plans. The demon that was slashed let out a cry, and floated back a bit. The other two demons began to get angry to see one of their comrades has been hurt. A red aura surrounded them, but Shade couldn’t see it. They let out a loud roar, and went somewhere with their hurt partner even though he didn’t even have a scratch on him. “Ok….that was weird.” Shade thought, looking over to the bus that had a few claw marks on it due to a past attack from the demons that isn’t a part of this chapter, or even part of the events that follow afterwards since they do not need to be known at all. “Those things are bound to return any minute now! Let’s get the hell out of here!” the guy in the bus said. He was indeed right as the red glow of the Red Moon shone through the window, and a few demons were roaring outside, slashing at the door to try and break in. “They’re coming!” the guy exclaimed as he tried to start the bus, but it wouldn’t start at all. “Dude, if you don’t start this thing, we’re both demon food.” Shade said as he got into the bus. The man driving the bus still tried to start it couldn’t start it. The demons were starting to get even angrier, clawing down the door leading to the room with more speed and force than before. “Hurry up and start it, man! They’re almost here!” Shade said as the guy driving attempted to start the bus again, but still failed to start it. “Let’s try it one more time.” The guy said, trying to start the bus again. Unlike before, the vehicle actually started up this time, but the demons were able to break through the door at last, dashing over to the bus with their claws. “Let’s get out of here!” Shade said as the driver slammed on the gas, and the bus went smashing through the wall, and hitting five demons on the other side as the bus sped away from the abandoned bus station, heading to Star City. Little do they know, the demons haven’t given up the hunt yet. Both Shade and the driver sighed with relief. They were seconds away from being killed by the Red Moon Demons. As they headed towards Star City on a night of the Red Moon, they thought nothing would stop them….for the time being.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Mr. Shadow yelled in rage as he smashed one of his surgical tools with his fist. The table Zack was on had blood all over it, along with Zack’s heart that was sliced in half by a long knife. “I thought my experiment was going to be perfect, but I got carried away and screwed up. This wasn’t how my plan was suppose to go. Man, this isn’t good. I guess I can keep him in the freezer as long as he’s most likely dead.” Mr. Shadow thought, taking a large sack, and walking up the stairs with it. The school was dead quiet at night. Nothing normally went on during the night hours. Mr. Shadow knew this would happen, so he brought the sack over to the cafeteria, and threw it in the freezer. “Good riddance, kid. Thanks to you, my experiment was all screwed up. Hopefully, you die in there.” Mr. Shadow said before he walked away. Right now you might be wondering a few things. Where is Zack? What happened during the experiment? Is he really dead? What was in the sack Mr. Shadow threw into the freezer? Well, Zack is very much still alive, but he is no longer himself. The freezer was much like a meat locker in a way. Tons of meat was neatly placed on shelves in boxes big or small. The temperature was really low, so a normal person would freeze to death if they spent at least five minutes in there. What Mr. Shadow put in the big freezer wasn’t really human. What he put in there used to be human, but now with a cruel twist of fate; he has become what he’s always wanted to see. The sack moved a bit, and a penguin came out of it. He was wearing a lab coat exactly like Zack’s, only it was stained with blood, along with the penguin’s fur. It looked around, unsure of where it was, or what happened. This penguin checked his lab coat pocket to see a broken pair of safety glasses, much like the ones Zack had. “Man…what happened to me?” the penguin said in a voice that sounded just like Zack. He walked over to some reflective ice, and was in shock about how he now looked. “What the hell!? I’m a penguin now!” the penguin exclaimed in shock, but this penguin was indeed Zack who was the penguin, and his new life as a penguin has now begun.
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