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Article with suggestions to help freshmen adjust to college life from my own experiences. |
Fall brings cooler weather, football games, and the beginning of college and university classes. For the new freshman classes, this is a time of anticipation and freedom from the controls of the family house rules; making decisions totally on their own is the ultimate result of graduating high school and beginning to live independently. The euphoric feeling of freedom can, however, cause students to make the wrong decisions that can ultimately ruin careers and reputations. When I was a freshman at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, the independence and freedom almost wrecked my career. Here are some pointers that I learned the “hard way” as I gained knowledge and grew up into a responsible adult giving back to the community. First, choose your new friends very carefully. As you begin classes and join the many different clubs and activities on campus, watch out for the “fair weather friends” who are only interested in furthering their careers and reputations, not caring whether they destroy yours along the way. Actions always speak louder than words, if someone demeans others in front of you causing them embarrassment and pain, just remember that when the need to have you as a friend diminishes, the same will happen to you. Look for people who share your interests and have some of the same goals and moral standards that you have. Second, if you join a sorority or fraternity, remember the reason that your parents are paying for your education. Partying is fine at the appropriate time and place, but partying should not become the focus of your life. Keep the fraternity or sorority secondary in your life, completing your education should be your top priority. Remember, the decisions you make regarding your priorities can make or break your future career. Thirdly, use your time wisely. Plan a simple schedule to follow including time for classes, homework or assignments, studying, meals, dorm room housekeeping, and relaxation time. Attend class; you cannot pass if you do not attend. Complete class assignments as they are assigned; allow some time each day for reviewing notes while they are still fresh in your mind. College provides students with extensive opportunities both in education and the social world. Prepare to take advantage of these opportunities to enrich knowledge in the career of your choice and as a stepping stone into a bright and promising future. Become successful in your career. |