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Her short story. |
She was always so sure of herself. She knew what needed to be done in order to keep her grades high, her mom happy, and what she needed to do (or not do) in order to keep from getting hurt. Alcohol was off-limits as well as smoking, and she often stayed away from anything that was associated with making stupid decisions. Guys, well they were never really part of the plan anyway because on a 1 to 10 scale of how stupid a decision was going to be, they were always a high nine. That's not to say, though, that she didn't believe in love or that she never had feelings for anyone before because as any other young lady, she spent some of her time admiring her crush from afar or dreaming of her Prince Charming. After a while, however, she got tired of just waiting for her Prince Charming to come along. She became irritated because no one seemed to be attracted to her, and if they were, it wasn't anything more than a friend. This was about the time that she started to get on the computer more than usual. She was around fifteen or sixteen years old when she made herself a Yahoo account. During her time on this Yahoo account, she met many people, but only one stuck out more than the rest. It was a girl, Lilly, not much older than herself. Lilly was there for her no matter what and knew all about her "love" problems. That's why one day Lilly told the girl about a guy she wanted her to get to know, and even though the girl was a little scared, she was tired of being alone. So, after some hesitation, she eagerly said yes. The guy's name was Christopher, but in the months that she had been talking to him, she shortened it down to Chris. Chris became her closest friend, and for the most part, he was there when she needed to talk. He was a great guy, and even though it took her a while, she eventually said she loved him. The next couple of months after that were amazing. They never argued or had any kind of disagreement, and they talked at least twice a week. She was extremely happy until she started to notice a difference in their relationship. The things he said were unexpected and it very soon became apparent that she didn't know him as well as she thought. The girl couldn't stand the though of hurting anyone or being hurt, but she knew what needed to be done. Just like that, her love or more like the love she though she knew had vanished.It was a decision that she never had to make before, and it hurt her to think about it. She blamed herself at first for not noticing how different they really were from each other. Then the more she though about it, the angrier she grew at Chris for lying to her when he knew he wasn't planning on coming to see her in the first place. It was in the midst of all her chaotic thoughts about hurtful love that she found peace, or well, peace found her. This time peace came in disguise as a goofy game named Richard Robert. She met him in, believe it or not, a Soldier website. She would ask some questions about what she needed to know, and he would happily answer. At the end of the night, he put his Facebook link up, and she went to add him. This is when the girl's story started to get a little complicated. When the girl's mom found out about Richard Robert, she was worried. Going from Chris (who she strongly disliked) to Richard Robert (who she barely knew) was, in her mind, extremely dangerous. She tried to assure her mom that she didn't purposely do this, and that regardless of how Richard Robert felt, she still had to sort her emotions about Chris. Her mom's complaints subsided some, but the worry was still present. Regardless of the warnings her mother brought to light, the girl continued to talk to Richard Robert, and after a while, they began to text and call each other. He was so blunt about what he though, yet he found a way to say it and make her feel completely at ease. It shocked her at first because she didn't think she should feel this way. One night while on the phone with him, she began to cry. She felt incredibly stupid for crying to him in the first place, but he told her that she had no reason to feel bad and made sure she knew he was there if needed. She should've been happy to have someone who wanted to listen, but instead she ignored him being there and did what she did best ... she ran. For the next month or so, the girl didn't text, call, or email Richard Robert. Instead, the girl began to make more stupid decisions. She met a guy by the name of George and got herself in a situation that she had never been in before. It was all different and fun when they first started talking to each other, but soon in the innocence of it all, she gave herself away. They weren't dating, and they had only recently became "friends," so she knew nothing was going to ever happen between them. To be honest though, she didn't want anything to happen between them anyway. She was content with what they were doing. No strings attached or so she thought. The little arrangement between George and her had been going on for a month when she found out she needed to take a pregnancy test and then filled her mom in on what had been happening. During this time, the girl was a nervous wreck. She didn't want a baby with someone she would never be with, so her aunt drove her to the store to buy her a test. One long car trip and about five minutes later the test, fortunately, came back negative. After that the girl found out about George's new girlfriend, and they quickly stopped talking altogether. She had the thought to go and talk to Richard Robert again, but she quickly shook the thought from her mind. There was no way that he would continue to talk to her after he found out the reason for her ignoring him in the first place. Still, though, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt toward Richard Robert. About a week later, she texted him and later that night they were talking on the phone. Richard Robert listened intently as the girl told him what was wrong and how sorry she felt for treating him wrong. He told her that she did hurt him, and that he never expected her to do something like that, but he forgave her. She was completely shocked. She didn't know how he could listen to the whole story and then forgive her for it all. On top of all that, he said he wasn't going to stop talking to her because he really did care. The girl didn't know what to do or say, but she knew that not ever guy would've given her a second chance. Richard Robert told the girl that if she wanted this to work, the next time she felt afraid she would have to let him know. There can be no secrets, he told her and she was okay with his conditions. I promise she said with a shy smile and just like that, everything was back on track.For her it feels like they've been together longer than they actually have, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's different than what she is used to, but it's not bad. It's different in the way that she has realized that love isn't based on whether people argue or not. In fact, sometimes having disagreements are better than holding it all inside. That's what he has taught her. He has proven to her that she doesn't have to be afraid, but if she ever is well, that's alright too. He came into her life at the most awkward of times, when she felt hurt, alone, and half blind. She was discouraged about the present, and regretted the past. She had built walls around her heart, but, apparently, those walls were made of glass. he could see right through her. The emotions she tried so hard to hide were all on display for his gentle eyes. She's not saying it'll be easy or that she knows it all, but if their future will be anything like their present ... she'll have someone to help her through it all. |