Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1865605-Hoarding-You-Say
Rated: E · Essay · Comedy · #1865605
A look at what we can do with our waste.
There is no doubt that America is one of the biggest garbage producers

in the world. Landfills are being filled with tons of non-biodegradable

materials and a lot of other unnecessary materials that can be recycled.

The waste that is too harmful and expensive to sort is shipped overseas

for poor communities to dispose of in harmful ways. There must be a

better way to dispose of all the junk so that we won't contaminate the

entire world. What if the solution was as simple as hoarding? We might

picture hoarders as crazy, old aged, single women who do not have the

heart to throw away a pretty Pringle container. You may also know her as

the crazy cat lady from down the street, but what would you say if I

told you hoarding is the way of the future? Hoarders collect materials

like newspapers, plastic containers and clothes, all of which are things

that can be recycled or disposed of properly. I believe that in order

to save the environment from all this garbage, Americans should become


Imagine your house being filled up with mountains of unread newspapers

and documents. You would have enough paper to make a tree. Now imagine

every single person in America doing it. We would have enough paper to

recycle to save the rain forest. No more will there be unused dirty

paper in the landfills; they will be compiled somewhere in your living

room and dining room. Why throw away something that can actually be used

again? When you hoard paper, you have it organized in clumps which make

it easier to sort and recycle.

The same could be done with empty plastic containers. Some of the

plastic containers are not recyclable, which is why they will be

disposed of properly, and the ones are, will be recycled. The same would

go with glass containers. What would a hoarder want more than an empty

jar of pickles? Maybe an empty jar of jam! The containers would most

likely be sorted by material, color, cuteness and size, or they will

just be kept in cardboard boxes, which would also be recycled. This

would be a snap for the recycle crew to pick up because it will cause

little to no effort for them to sort out these materials.

Hoarders also like to collect junk like broken/working appliances, nick

knacks and clothes. We can put those appliances to work and if not, we

can rip them apart to be recycled and used for other things such as

scrap metal for other appliances. Also think of all the clothes that can

be collected from these hoarders. They can be shipped off to poverty

stricken areas where they can't afford a piece of clothing or shoes. Do

you really need all those V-necks?  The stuff that can't be re-reused

can be recycled to make paper or other things. The amount of material

that is unusable would be minute and wouldn't have as large of an impact

on Earth.

The recycling duties will be managed by the already existing Waste

Management and Recycling Company. They will be in charge of going to

your house recording and picking up your stuff. You might think that

because someone is a hoarder they will not want to give up their

precious paper to the recycling brigade so to resolve this problem the

hoarder will be given a non-invasive drug that makes them more

cooperative with authority. This will allow an easier process for

recycling duties.

Think of all the money we will be saving by not producing new material

because we will already have the resources to make new things from the

old. There might still be money spent for these materials but it will

certainly be cut in half or even more. Think of all of the jobs this

will create: Recycling is a huge process with a huge demand for workers.

This will increase the economic growth and encourage people to be the

best hoarders they can be.  These people will also receive a very nice

tax credit at the end of the year, which will depend on how much they‘ve

hoarded. Because it will be government owned, the company will not

operate for profits but for the common good of the people and

environment. This will ensure that everything is done with the best

interest of Mother Nature in mind.

Because hoarding will become a big thing in the future as a way of

showing you care for the environment, it will be considered acceptable.

Imagine being at school and every kid in the cafeteria instead of

throwing away their cardboard cartons, sporks and plastic trays, they

put it in a bag and taken home to be organize in their rightful place. 

If everyone did this, everything would be clean. No more trash

on the sidewalks, in parks, on the side of the roads, canals and many

other areas that find "trash" at. Everything would be clean and landfill

would be smaller. Not only would everyone be conservationists, but

people would want to do this for the economic boost it provides. Even if

wealthy people don't want to hoard, there would be lower income people

that would happily do it for them by taking their un-wanted stuff. This

would create a community service for the rich which would help out the

people in need of serious cash.

Being hoarders will help out Mother Nature and ensure a clean future

for our kids. Being a hoarder doesn't have to be a bad thing, it just

means you're good at holding on to things and organizing them. These are

qualities of a focused and well-rounded human being. This is our planet

and we should keep it clean. We don't want to wake up one day swimming

in our own crap, do we?

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