Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1860328-What-actually-a-Human-Being-is
Rated: E · Other · Experience · #1860328
This is an opinionated article and purely based upon my vision and thoughts.
Human being can be defined in one phrase

"A toy of Mistakes"

What actually a human being is?? This question might be arose in the mind of all human being, but we does not wanted to answer this question because we are too foolish and selfish to face the reality.

Human being is just a toy which plays its role in the world and left the world leaving all the things he had earned from this world. If we see the internal and external structure of human being we will surely understand that Human being is the most Dependent creature but yet it is the proudest species which think that he can do all the things and never lose a chance to prove its supremacy over others. Now if we look the outer structure and make a neutral suggestion we will conclude the following things

1)Human being is just a piece of meat who is dependable on various things. If he does not get water for two days his situation will be miserable. So it can be conclude that he is dependent of Water.

2) If he does not get something to fill his stomach he will die. So it can conclude that he is dependable of food.

3) If he does not get air he will die. So he is also dependable of the most cheap thing on the planet Earth.

4) If he does not get moderate temperature his condition will also be not appreciable, like if he get too hot he face difficulties and if he get too cold he will also be fallen in difficulty.

5) If he does not bath and keep itself clean than he will be the most dirtiest creature of planet earth.

6)The more better he eat the more worse he spit out and take out from his intestine.

7) His blood will be dark if does not get cold temperature.

8) If he does not remove the UN-necessary hair from his body he will be the most ugliest species.

9) If he does not cut his nails he will look ugly and face difficulties.

10)If he does not comb his hair or does not brush his teeth he will fell in different diseases.

11) If he will not get aid properly he will die instantly.

12) If his body doesn't buried in time after death, his body will also stinks.

13) If his body shorts of one vitamin he have to face the pain.

14) If his body stops clotting the injury he will have to face the pain.

15)If his body stops making fresh blood he will die soon.

Yet human being think that he is the most awesome creature of this world. He will never see the faults in his own that how dependent he is.

"A creature which see the Mistakes of others"

But yet there are people like Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander and Shah Jehan who thought that they are most powerful creature of the world. It is all the blessing of Almighty God who give us the power to digest the food, and will to swallow it. If he made a fault in our throat than we will not be able to pass a sip of water from our mouth and will end our live with thirst.

So we should not be proud to our self but thankful to our god that he bless us with his precious gifts. According to the research if

"If human being has to pay for the Air he breath in his life, than the average amount of money an individual has to pay in his average life would be more than his imagination"

So don't be feel proud to your self. You are just an ordinary creature with some Extra ordinary capabilities which make you stronger than other.
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