Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1859957-The-Cruise
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1859957
Beautiful plus sized Priscilla descided to take her dream Vacation.
The Cruise. Over 3000 word count.

by Tasia.

Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful woman named Priscilla. But she was very fat and this made her unhappy.
No men would even look at her, it were as if she was just invisible she would think to herself.

Priscilla was indeed very beautiful regardless of her body. She was also good natured, kinda shy,and very clever. But she desperately wanted to lose all that weight so she could wear a swim suite and go on a cruise like on T.V
She was sure she would find herself a good man on a long cruise.. mabye?

Priscilla was a Legal Secretary at J.R Tractor and Supply Company. She was a hard worker and saved her money so she could afford the best cruise she could find.
One day, after two years of trying in vain to lose the weight Priscilla gave up and decided to go ahead and treat herself to the long awaited
Luxury Cruise. It was all bought and paid for and she might as well use it.
"WHO CARES IF I AM FAT" She told herself fiercley. Nobody ever pays any attention to me anyway.
So no one will even know that I am there, she comforted herself.
If I have to be lonely and fat, then I can at least go and see the beautiful and interesting places that I have always dreamed of visiting..
If people don't like to look at me, then that is just to bad for them!" she told herself.

Then she called her travel agent, "I am tired of waiting to lose weight to go on this Luxury Cruise," she nearly shouted into the phone when the other end picked up.
Her travel agents name was Nancy and she had always been very nice to Priscilla. The first time they had met Priscilla started to cry in her office about her unhappiness due to her weight problem.

Nancy was very sympathetic to her that day and handed her a box of tissue. She comforted Priscilla and helped her feel better.

Then together they picked out a amazing cruise for Priscilla. Priscilla made a large down payment on her dream cruise that day.

"Priscilla, that is wonderful!" Nancy said loudly on the phone.
"This is great news ,when would you like to leave?" Nancy asked quickley, giving Priscilla no time to change her mind.
"I would like to leave two weeks from today, I need some time to make the arrangements at work. And find someone to water my plants and cut the grass."
"O.K Priscilla you can stop by my office and pick up your plane tickets, then off you go on your 3 week Cruise of the Caribbean. You should be excited to know that the cruise line has planned to stop at some uninhabited,beautiful,tropical Islands where you can go and spend the whole day exploring or just layen on the beach."
This appealed to Priscilla very much.
Having a whole Island nearly to herself. She could lay in the sun and not be worried about what others were saying, because there would be no one else around.
"Priscilla? HELLO" are you still there?" Nancey asked on the other end of the line.
"Oh,Yeah I'm still here, said Priscilla, I was day dreaming about the deserted Islands, It sounds like fun."
"Wonderful, exclaimed Nancey, I am sure you are going to have a great time, just be yourself, you are a wonderful person."
"Thank you, said Priscilla, you have always been so nice to me."
"Well it's not hard, you are easy to be nice to," said Nancy.
"So, when can I expect you down to pick up your tickets?"
"I can leave right now if that is OK?"
"I will have them printed and ready to go," said Nancy in her usual cheerful way.
"Alright then I'm headed out the door, see you in about 30 minutes depending on traffic," said Priscilla.

After Priscilla hung up the phone, she suddenly had a surge of excitement about the trip run through her body,she skipped into her bathroom to brush her hair and check her make-up.
Her long black wavy hair hardly needed to be brushed she was just one of those people blessed with beautiful,long,healthy hair. It was so black and shiny that when the light hit it just right it actually looked blue, hinting at her Native American heritage. She had always been able to tan very easily, being fat made her not get out in a bathing suit much, however, her face always had a healthy glow to it.
Priscilla had amazingly green eyes.That was one of the things most people noticed about her. She had always been complimented on her beautiful eyes,gorgeouse glossy black hair and dazzling white smile.
She laughed at herself in the mirror and said with a squeal of excitement , "Priscilla were going on a CRUISE!!!!"

After a quick touch up to her make-up,that she hardly needed. She was out the door and getting into her emerald green Toyota Camery.
She liked this car because it had enough room for her to sit comfortably,the seatbelt fit without a extension, and it wasn't so low to the ground that she had to struggle to get out of the car.
She was actually humming and singing along with the radio all the way to her travel agents office to get her tickets and Itinerary.

Priscilla was excited as she pulled into the drive way and got out of her car.
She was greeted by the sound of laughter when she entered the Travel Agents office.
The waiting room was full of 6 gorgeous very shapely young woman wearing the latest skimpy fashions of the summer and 7 or 8 guys, totally buff and gorgeous.
As usual, when she entered a room no one really noticed her personally, just fat.
Of course their is always one person in any given group that has to be nasty and rude, this time, she happened to be a beautiful blond haired woman. This woman did the quick whisper in her friends ear while looking right at Priscilla, making sure that Priscilla knew she was talking bad about her.
Priscilla had learned to ignore such things long ago, but today it seemed to hurt just a little more and popped her bubble of excitement as she made her way to Nancy,s office.
"Can you believe the size of that chick?" She heard one of the guys say as she passed by the group of people.
"Dude were not even on our Cruise yet and we already spotted a whale!" Everybody burst out in laughter at Priscilla's expense.
Priscilla quickly made her way to Nancy's office door, knocked and rushed into her office.
She was nearly in tears when she entered Nancy's office. With great will power she managed to get her emotions under control.

The End of Chapter 1

© Copyright 2012 Tasia714 (tasia714 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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