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A disabled man and his tragic life and end |
I like to go down to the park and watch all the happy people who go there, and I like to watch the kids play their little hearts out. But I can only go at a certain time of only certain days because my mommy says I have to be watched, so she comes with me. She always tells me that I can’t go play with the other kids because I’m not one of them, I don’t know why she says so ‘cause she took me to Dr. Johnson not too long ago and he told me that I was eight years old. My mom says lots of confusing things like that. Like yesterday she cried to daddy about how she wasn’t my mommy, yelling about how I was over twenty and about how the hospital around the corner would take perfect care of me. This blue ball hit me when I was sitting down and I caught it. This boy came up to me and asked for it back. I didn’t know what he meant so I looked at what the other kids were doing with the balls and they were throwing it to each other. “Hand the boy the ball” mom said So I threw the ball to the kid and it hit him. Strangely he started crying. I guess I didn’t throw it right ‘cause mom jerked me outta the bench into the car. Now I can’t go to the park which makes me sad. I had almost got sent to the hospital again. I visited the hospital before and it’s very fun and the people there are very funny. I met my best friends Duffy and Dr. Johnson there a month ago. Duffy was great; even though I saw her once that one time she was funny. She tells me about when she was abducted by aliens when she was a baby and how they took her to their planet and how beautiful it was. We played for about five hours and when I had to leave she started to kiss me. All the people at the hospital and my mommy pulled her off of me and she started screaming. My mommy hit her, that makes me happy because I think that means she likes her, that’s what it means to my dad anyway. Dr. Johnson is very nice also, whenever I visit the hospital he is always nice to me. He says that I’m his special patient and he loves to make sure I’m ok. Mommy says to never let anybody touch me except for her and Dr. Johnson. So I did. One day for a checkup he asked me to pull down my pants. Mom wasn’t in the room so I didn’t know exactly what to do so I cried. Dr. Johnson told me to calm down. He rubbed me on my back and told me he loved me, that made me feel so much better so I let him continue his tests. I love Dr. Johnson. My dad is always thirsty ‘cause he’s always drinking water I guess that means he’s workin hard, sitting on the front porch all day really must get him rowdy. He always drinks it out of these strange brown bottles. One night he let me drink some and it tasted nasty at first but it made my tummy feel better and it wasn’t even hurting. Mommy saw me and that was another time when I had to go to the hospital. Now that I can’t go to the park anymore I like to play with the new puppy mommy bought for me. We named him Scotty, he’s all white and furry. He likes to lick a lot and he’s very small. I love him I think dad and mommy do also like it because they don’t yell as much. Tonight I tried to go to sleep but I just couldn’t, this happens to me sometimes because Dr. Johnson says I have this thing that starts with “I”, I can’t pronounce it. I don’t like it but it keeps me from dreaming, all my dreams are always nightmares so even when I’m sleepy I try my best to stay awake even though Dr. Johnson says I should sleep every time get the opportunity, but the last time I slept I did a bad thing and I hurt mom. If I sleep I might hurt Scotty, he sleeps next to me now. I got in trouble again. When I woke up today Scotty was gone and so was mom, I was so scared because I’ve never been alone before. I ran out of the house and called out for them. I cried again in the middle of the street ‘cause I had no other place to go. Mommy came walking down the side walk yanking Scotty by a choking rope. She had taken him away from me to kill him and I had to stop her. I had to make mommy make since, maybe I f I’d showed her I loved her maybe she’d stop, so I did. These big scary men in blue suits appeared and tried to take me away from home, I panicked. I crouched to the ground covered my ears and screamed so I wouldn’t have to hear everyone hate me. They’re gonna send me to the hospital now. Mommy says I’m gonna be living there now because she can’t take care of me anymore. I guess that means I’ll get to spend more time with Duffy & Dr. Johnson. I think I like the hospital, I have my own room and it’s so silent and quiet and peaceful best of all Dr. Johnson comes in and gives me tests all the time to make sure I’m okay. I see Duffy everyday now to. She always keeps me up to date with her fascinating life. She told me the biggest secret ever, she can’t die! Dr. Johnson said that me and Duffy won’t be able to see each other anymore because she’s leaving and that made me upset because she is my best friend, it makes me sad how everybody always gotta go. I wonder when Dr. Johnson will have to go sometimes…but then I don’t because I start to cry and then Dr. Johnson has to make me feel better all over again. Mommy sent me my first letter since I’ve been living in the hospital. I have trouble reading but I know she said that Scotty died. She took him to the park and a bigger dog ate him. I think the world hates me, so I huddled in the corner of my room and turn away from it. Again I close my eyes cover my ears and scream because I like how it drowns out all the noise and thoughts, I have to do this more often now because everything is harder. I miss Scotty, and Mommy, and Daddy. I couldn’t take all the thoughts and memories it was all too much. So I went to Dr. Johnson’s room, when I opened the door he was sleeping, he also had a choker around his neck, just like Mommy had Scotty. I tried to tell him about my problem but he wouldn’t answer he just slept there like the piñata at my birthday party. He looked so peaceful, I wanted that peace to. Maybe that’s all mommy was doing to Scotty, bringing him peace. So I decided to sleep next to Dr. Johnson. |