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In the bitter cold of pending illness |
It began in the winter of nineteen fourteen, he walks in the bitter cold, the cold of pending illness, the fated breathe of deadness, envoi’s soul emaciates before him, as times before and again he lies in a stagnant rebirth, eyeing of both sides of the journey bearing theft of mind, as if caught in a delinquent tumour with treatment requiring a purging of the bohemian pressured rot and counteracting it with painkillers of the brown stain and white inhale, exhale annihilation, slowly he steps out from under a cardboard box the spot he sleeps with one eye opened at what lingers in his perception in the darkness that creeps by his mind and compared to that the minor physical intimidation, berating the creators of his dying mind, as he climbs out and awakes from the bitter cold of the night he in turn churns the calm and radiates a merging light of yellow and green, cowardly and sick, as if summoned from evil to some spirit high above casting out a black cloud over him and then as he drifts out towards the traffic he knowingly emits a loudness that is quite amusing to the feathers and pens, the morally low whispering and snickering the disintegration of their and envoi’s soul’s, berating as they search for someone to confide, bludgeoned and weary envoi, stretches from the nights rest and is sizzling from a glance not welcomed by him and his tune but gathering patience envoi in a wary mood and of a wave of subtleties he tries, but bewilderment abounds and as he searches the ground and walks the path he walks every morning he is walking slowly and he gathers clarity after lighting a smoke secondly but firstly rolling it the naïve self-taught way he has come to know, he smokes like and old nerve wrecked warrior fearing the worst may not yet be behind, as the day churns through the mixer of the earth quite quickly and this day in particular churns on full speed and the morning quickly turns red from the sun and the noon dehydrates and the wind whispers that it’s done, envoi gathers by the night light of the local catholic church, thinking it’s a safe place to rest his weary bones and to think, as he’s thinking he gets a knock of thought at maybe the charity of a few boiled spud skins and a mug of brown energy giving drink of the gods elixir and that maybe it might induce penance, he knocks on the door but waiting and waiting no one comes, just as if no one waits or stays very long at the house of god, so deciding to abandon the idea for now envoi walks of in hasty speed and walks on through the depths of the streets as they darken and searches the alley way’s for a night’s rest and knowing that the tune of the bells will wake him the next day ringing throughout the town, as the night dwindles off and the day begins with a radiation of light on the surface of the cobbled roads the birds twitter and the bells sound ringing throughout and people wonder about lusting at his almighty creation, but some of them forgetting their gratitude berate the beggars and tramps spread out amongst the park benches and trees, who when awoken in a huff are to search for a bob or two but is their symphony of life. At the root of envoi was a complex but simple man quite possibly gambled by life’s laws and everything else , he became a tramp on nothing but choice moving to the seaside town of lea bowing , choosing a life of simplicity with no material gain and living on tobacco coffee and potato’s, envoi having awoken ponders his lustful vagrant hunger a hunger of life’s demonised salts on the moods of his past life and the people who devoted there ego defying selfless pondering and long lectured long plank of life lessons to him, deciding to resign to his fate and walk back to the church thinking there must be some salvaged souls lingering their by now, so he walks back through the busy town and gets to the big catholic church and knocks on the big wooden door and waits and within a few moments a tall man opens the door a very self-pitied green eyed looking man and in a split second blink of the eye type thing envoi asks himself if this is what happens to a life of submission to god, living in sorrow with green eyes and a musky odour of an over stalked ofe groaning for every latest sin forgotten which equal pain lingering on before dying. As I’m thinking this the green eyed ofe of a man who is a priest asks me what I want. Envoi asks the green eyed priest if he could humbly afford a few potato skins and maybe a mug of brown energy giving drink of the god’s elixir. The green lingering priest laughs and tells him it’s the least he could do for devil owned soul such as yourself. Chuckling as he goes to get the food and coffee. The green eyed lingered priest comes back and hands me the food and instead gives me a bag of third grade coffee to take away with me. Thank you gratefully says envoi. So the green eyed musky odour no longer lingering priest chuckles and splutters of into the cool dark musky depths of the church, berating a mumble to himself any soul not as corrupted as his. So envoi as happy as pig in dark brown crap buggers of into the bright light of the town’s sky’s, knowing that if he had to give penance to that green eyed priest it would have been like a slow walk through the harbours windy seas. As envoi is walking along an old dirty road he spots an old poorhouse and decides to try his luck at boiling his coffee there, so he gets to the poorhouse and knocks at the battered door, as if it had been knocked on a few times before. And waiting a woman answers a very plump woman and in a gathered pause tells envoi to come in noticing the bag of coffee under his arm. Envoi tells the plump poorhouse woman that he just wants somewhere to boil the coffee and to eat his potato skins, so she takes the third grade coffee of him and says surely we can manage that my boy. So she goes over to the big black burnt oven and pours the coffee into a big weathered black kettle and starts boiling it. As it comes to the boil she pours envoi a large mug and herself one to and sits down beside envoi as he eats his potato skins and sips his brown energy giving drink of the gods elixir. She begins to tell envoi about the horrible plight of the country being overtaken by queens of premenstrual agony, harbouring thoughts of vengeance and pity for the men who are left to wonder and disgust at the turnaround of events of circling recaptured soft hearted souls who relish the opportunity to quest in a vendetta. Envoi just smiles and tells miss plump poorhouse that the coffee is lovely even though third grade it’s food for the soul, she just chuckles and loudly whispers you forgotten boy. Miss poorhouse then disappears of into the poorhouse and comes back with a some tobacco about fifty grams worth she tells envoi that it’s only third grade but you now have all the soul needs and she thanks him for the coffee and tells him that big kettle full of coffee will invigorate twenty souls today maybe more. Quietly chuffed because usually envoi was uncustomed to picking the butts of the ground around the town. Envoi opens the door and steps out into the dirty street and walks back to the main streets and the streets are merry and trancing and challenging his mind with sarcasm in his harboured judged mind’s eye. Ignoring as much as one can envoi disappears through the dark dim alley way, moving swiftly towards the end of the alley way to were it merges and meets a park, were there’s people gathered around very discreetly sitting in the park amongst the grass breathing in the toxic air and laughing as they merge into one spread out towards the sun. Which was something envoi had known once upon a time but care not for it anymore, so keeps walking thinking of the plight of today’s dawn. Envoi walks faster and further away and decides to sit down for a rest far from plaguing eyes and rolls a smoke well trying to roll it with intention but being battered by his mind wrecked nerves and only settles as he take in that first inhale exhale annihilation he smokes with ferocious fever and then disappears of towards his hide away haunt on Jam son street. Where it is hidden from bad spirited people but not the spirits themselves as he gets to his haunt the sky fills up like a famous painting swirling stars and moon merging into one. As he gets there he notices a tramp lying in his spot, sleeping his life away loud snore after loud snore a very Norwegian cat looking man. Envoi shouts at the man to which the man grumbles and goes back to sleep to only awaken when envoi shouts twice to get up or move along somewhere else. To which the Norwegian cat tramp obliges and moves along to the other side of the pavement. He grumbles and moans but begins to tell envoi about the horrible plight of the country and the violence and that it’s so darn terrible indeed it is envoi says, and then tells envoi how he was lost in this world but was making his way back to the light by doing good for others. This came as a surprise to envoi who mostly in counted even more hell burnt soul than himself. Mr Norwegian cat man pulls out a bottle of red wine and asks envoi if he indulges in the red pleasure giving stain. Envoi begins to gulp and begins to feel the clarity in the claret and Mr Norwegian cat man and envoi sit in the alley way in the swirl of the starry night laughing and telling stories and gathering clarity from the claret far from the towns glare and stare in here we merge of into the windy harboured sleep with dogs howling through the night. Envoi awakes a little worse for wear his mind buzzing ringing and thumping dissolving any presents of spirit. Envoi rolls a smoke and decides to take off and look for some brown energy giving drink of the god’s elixir and thinking maybe the poorhouse would have a little bit left of that coffee he gave miss plump poorhouse. So he walks out through the main streets and of into the poor dirty old road were the poorhouse is and gets to the poorhouse with the rain bucketing down and envoi knocks to which miss poorhouse opens the door and tells envoi to come in out of the rain she tells him you stupid forgotten boy for walking through the rain in those rags. Envoi asks Miss plump poorhouse if she has any coffee left. She begins to tell him they are almost skint dry with foodstuffs with it being winter and everything but that she can manage a cup of coffee for a rain drenched forgotten boy such as myself she begins to tell me there is great suffering in this world of hysteria and misery and the consequences for falling victim to loves laws, envoi begins to tell miss pug plump poorhouse the story of a love he had a golden hair beauty who told many a lies to her sulky beast who was envoi and was tamed by here touch and false but not knowing words of love and that his only vengeance was that he would never let another woman do that to him again, this golden hair beauty who he had walked through water for his young weakened arms but not to drop the princess in the murky muddy waters to get to the other side of the path to which should have been the strength of a relationship on the up. miss pug plump poorhouse says that this must have been the beginning of hurt and yearning for the beauty within this golden hair lost on that path that treacherous cold wet journey of the day before and envoi says that he would never forget her and what she boiled up in his soul and that he often thinks about here as he is laying in the cold streets of lea bowing Miss poorhouse tells envoi that you surely are a forgotten boy but there’s always time to redeem your life my boy, envoi just shrugs his shoulders and says he better be off now and leaves and heads off into the streets with his head pointing to the ground he makes his journey back to jam son street to his haunt and as he is making his way there and it’s raining slightly to the left straight into his face and envoi was getting soaked so he quickly walks faster into a bakery enclosure out of the rain and gathers his thoughts and thinks of his soaked clothes and still looking down notices a pound coin laying at his feet and picks it up and is amazed at this miracle an absolute miracle and he won’t have to suck up to the local charity today tomorrow or even the next week this will probably feed him for a month but thinking of this realises that he can afford some tobacco as well even first grade stuff like black belly tobacco shipped from the windmill country chuffed at his find he goes off to find Mr Norwegian cat to shout him some wine knowing the cat will be wanting to chew the fat on some more facts about life, so envoi rushes out through the sleeting rain towards his haunt in Jam son street onto the main streets and through the park and into and alley way in Jam son street as the sun put on a duffel coat and beanie and a white round badge near his heart begins the night, envoi get to his haunt and there sitting up against the building is Mr Norwegian cat smoking a third grade rolled cigarette that I left him earlier that day, envoi couldn’t have been happier to tell the Mr Norwegian cat looking man that he had found a one pound coin and that we would eat and drink and be merry for a month if we played our cards right, Mr cat gets up and does a little hop skip and a jump with an eruption of joy at the idea that they would live like kings for just a little while kind of like a rebirthThe next day with self perplexity from the night before, with lungs decaying like a rusted mufflers fate from the indulged black belly tobacco and the liver pot belly petrusion of the red clarity claret stain they conclude to never treat themselves like that again and make a pact to good to others and self the journey of freedom through redemption and instead tame the restlessness of their souls rumbling dark sarcastic deepened in gloom and doom enthusiasm and embrace our own both unique diverse attitudes of sunny and joyful days just a thought they both though it’s the least we can do, they begin the day perching in the breaking day break sun vying to one day redeem their lives through truth and positive vibes concluding that’s what it takes to rebel against the demons of our soul and mind, perching their in the sun they decide to make a start to the day and head of into the town out through the alleyway through the ordinary aluminous park and up into the main streets feeling intense positive zest for life and as they are walking and talking they excrete good sensitive sensitivities and emit a weight of the world lifted of there shoulders but in turn from these sensitivities and being on the street corrupt an image of vulnerability and soft hearted souls on the mend which could be like chase or be chased ideology of the wolf and the injured lamb forgetting this they just keep on walking feeling pleasure in the white inhale exhale annihilation which is something they will never give up, envois and Mr Norwegian cat walk out through the fog disappearing through the mist searching for somewere to chew the fat literally and contemplate the meaning of life the journey of When they get to the poorhouse along the salty seas they knock at the door and a very ginger whiskered cat looking man answers the door he tells them to come in and he will fix them a hearty meal and some brown elixir so they sit down sipping there energy giving elixir and contemplate there thoughts to each other and is it our own miss perception internal imagery encaptulate last sights of vision to false truth in turn false hope at being resurrected to freedom and this is beyond our usuall thoughts ressurention is hope perceived as a positive vision weather true or not it’s hope and that all a man needs they decide they decide to emit a glow of hope and freedom invigorating souls on the same path to plentiful growth and sanctuary in mind, they chew there steaks and eat there spuds and they hand Mr ginger cat a couple of coins for his great saintly selfless charity and tell him they’ll be back and he tells them be sure to do that and they head off into the streets. |