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by fletch
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1856221
Like a Blue Rose, Story of homosexuality gay boys in high school
Like a Blue Rose…..

Chapter 1

    The art room was rather large for such a small school... it was vary bright and spacious, a vary happy feel to it with the sun shining through the large windows on the east side of the room. On the south end were the sinks and paints with the door at the west end of that wall, That door was probably the most memorable thing about the room. It was an elongate bright and happy blue with a snow wight Wolfe head painted on it. The wall facing those big windows ha chalk bored going all along it with doodles all over it. and the remaining wall was cabinets of art's supplies off all kinds. The room was set up with five groups of five desks, so not all groups of desks were filled. Some had three, others had the five and some ha two. I was with two other people sitting so that the chalk bored was at my back and a wall was to right, My friend at my left.

    Know this friend is incredibly hard to describe. She is so unique with her own style... Her hair is thick, dark black and curly to about her shoulder blades, but it dose not puff out words much. vary pale with red lips and brown eye's. her shirt was a black V-neck with a wight blouse underneath, and a small belt looking thing around each of her upper arms. Her pants were also black and torn every wear there was almost nothing left to these things, but underneath was another pair of pants which were white. hanging from the pants was a pair of handcuffs and a pair of thin strapped suspenders that hung at her sides.

"So what are you doing for your finale project?" Her voice startled me, I was so out of it lately, sleeping had become quit a challenge resonantly.

"I'm doing it on child abuse... more on fathers towards son's" This is what I did on all assignments and projects I possibly could, ever sines the abuse I had resonantly gone through and got out of, I've always felt the need to promote some kind of awareness on some kind of level no matter how small. "What about you?"

"I'm thinking of doing Woman's rights." She responded emideatly, and I was not surprised. She was so into humane rights and war's and stuff anything the had to do with being treated unfairly and she had something to say about it.

"That's cool, so How are you and John doing?" I always asked about her and her boyfriend, at least ones a day. I loved hearing about it. It always made me think of the one thing I was so sure I was never going to be able to have... I hated myself for being into guy's.

Chapter 2

As we continued sketching for our final art project and taking down notes on anything that came to mind that was relevant to the topics we had chosen, I listened to how her and her boyfriend had gone on their first night out, how he had bought her a bouquet of flowers, and the whole shebang. I envied her so much, and she must have noticed... because her next words threw me right off. I was so lost and confused when she said it.

  "You know, I know a boy that comes to this school that is into guys, I should totally hook you up." She said it like there was nothing wrong with, what I loved about her the most. She could not care less about sexual orientation, or anything else for that matter; so long as you were not rude, she liked you.

  The information kind of took a bit of time to process, it was so unexpected and out of the blue, really. I was not sure what to say, and my mind started to go into overdrive. What was he like? What did he look like? Was he ready to come out? Was he older or younger? How old was he? What colour were his eyes, was he short or tall, what kind of food and music did he like, where did he live, what classes did he have, did he like flowers, chocolates, dogs, cats? Did he have allergies? I started to think of the most ridicules questions that I now wanted answers to.

    "Really?" I was a little louder than I had wanted to be, so I looked around the room to see what everyone was doing, and luckily no one was paying any attention to us. "Well... how old is he?" I asked, first holding everything else back until I at least knew his age. I remembered our other friend sitting with us who did not know about me. She was listening to music while she drew a logo from the Beatles on a giant bristle board. I figured that after we got through the age thing, we would probably take the conversation to paper, so that I would feel more comfortable talking about it.

    "I'm not really sure, to be honest."

    "Seriously... Well then, what grade is he in?"

    "I'm not sure of that, either..."

    "... Then how on earth do you know him? Are you sure he's real?"

    "Through my sister, and he is very real."

    "Well then, what grade is your sister in, and how old is she?"

    "I'm not really sure."

    "...You don't know how old your own sister is... seriously? You can be such an air head sometimes..." 

    "Oh, shush, you. Well, he is younger than us... but not by much. I'm on the same bus as him, so I can find out the details." And with that the bell rang, ending the conversation as well as the class.

Chapter 3

The night I found out about this boy was one of the worst and best of my life. It was one of the worst because I got like no sleep AT ALL, all I could think about was the boy... and then I realized that I don't even know his name. In reality I new absolutely nothing about this person... so why was I going head over heels for him? Was the possibility of a relationship alone enough for me to be going so happy go lucky? good lord I had not realized how bubbly I have been sines I found out about him. I must have driven people crazy... I'm normally calm and collective, well that's what it looks like really. But I just keep everything to myself and don't bother arguing anything.

    I toss and turned for a little wile longer in my small twin sized bed. But in the end I had to get up and do something, I turned on the light and sat at my desk. My room was a fare size but the bulky furniture made it look smaller, or more the amount of it. The floor was this gross white kitchen looking tile which had chips missing from most of the tiles, the shape of the room is simple yet complicating to describe... the room is a rectangular shape, but there is a close it that sticks out and inter ups the rectangle. So when you walk in the first thing in front of you is a wall which is part of the closet on you right is another wall, and on the left there is a night stand with a small two shelf book shelf. So there is only enough room to walk further in, ones the night stand is directly behind you there is a white framed tower looking thing with four drawers which are transparent revealing a bunch of art supply's and more books. to your left on the furthest wall is a big window which as two sets of curtains, one is a pale green with shapes in darker greens in a few pleases here and there. the other is white in a sines transparent as it is one of those ones that has holes every wear through it?  from that wall my small bed is on the left and my dresser on the right and desk pressed right against it, which I was sitting at.

    I decided I was going to finish up one of my art projects for my final portfolio which was worth thirty present of my final mark.  It was not vary hard at, but it definitely was going to take some time to do. Had to create five works of art based on topic, in my case child abuse, and then right up a written reflection for each and at the end of the year present them as though we were trying to get into an art program. I was so glad that it was just going to be a one on one presentation, I am horrible with presenting in front of peers. I never feel like I am being taken seriously and then I start to panic and then sweat which just cause more panic and it just gos on into a never ending cycle of me babbling and stuttering in front of the class.

    God I could not wait till the next day... Art first thing in the morning I could finely find out about him...

    I fell asleep finely, pencil in hand...

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