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A basic idea that I wish to annihilate. |
}I suppose I could begin with hello. What an obsolete word that is: Hello. A word overused, unbent in it's sad, pathetic form; Handed out to the general public without regard for a single detail. This word: Hello. A cheap, whorish word. But it will do nonetheless. I hate many things. Many of which that are perhaps essential to the common workings of life and without them I would probably die where I stand right now. But just because it is a necessity does not mean that my hate should be rationalized and dimmed. One may look down upon me on my opinions but they are mine nonetheless and anyone attempting to destroy my integrity by saying that my hate for integrity is unjustified is unjustified themselves in their close-mindedness! Why must I be dictated upon, hated because I hate, and even shunned for my hate? Are people so naturally optimistic creatures that they cannot stand a bit more hate? I believe that the liars in this world are to fear, rather than the haters. For liars lie of their hate while watching with their hateful derision at those who hate openly as they smile and pretend at their joy. A very sad way of life indeed. But not all hate is justified like mine. There are clear, definable reasons for my hate, therefore allowing me the privilege of hate. When one hates for no reason, it is, to me at least, a disgusting and useless undertaking. A waste of energy with no purpose, no aim but to spread what already is an infectious disease among the general public, such as I. It is an obvious, rude thing to do, to play and pretend to be like the rest of us, hating but not truly hating, as though our act of hate is being mocked, looked down upon. I hate liars. Liars, however, are nothing compared to my hate of this ideal: Equality. Or more to the point, those that preach equality. What a stupid and unrealistic idea that is, equality. If one were equal, then one would have to stand still for the rest of their lives on concrete with everyone else, never going up the stairs nor descending the sidewalks in order to not be lower than another person when they step upon the roads. But taking into account that the world is made up of atoms, and everything you touch is made of atoms, it's as though the world is only making more clear the absolute impossibility of equality. Where you stand may have a certain amount of atoms upon it, such as 305345004 atoms. However, the person next to you may be standing on about 43251342589 atoms, clearly a larger amount than yours. The universe spits in our face, laughing of our impractical ideas and still we continue to defy it, without realizing that the universe was trying to do us all a favor and save us the time of aimless pursuit. We claim equality but I can find numerous examples of inequality from my experience. For example, we say all human beings are equal. We justify this by saying because we were human, we were born unto the same things, a mouth, a nose, a heart, and whatever else you wish to list of a standard human being. Like I said, standard. It denotes that there are others that fall outside this category. What of paraplegics? What of the maimed in the war, or the mentally deficient in the world? Are they also equal? I will save some time for us all by saying, no, no they are not. What is it about the human creature that gives it such arrogance? You can say that all humans are equal but you are quick to change your nature in front of them. The mentally retarded are given more leeway to make mistakes; The maimed in the war are given an extra effort to not be looked in the eye nor be looked at their deficiencies; The paraplegics are given a good amount more of kindness than the average human being. Why? Because we feel sorry. We are sympathetic. Why? Because we find them pathetic. We fear them, we are afraid of them. Why? Is that not obvious? Because this "human being" is of a "lesser" type than us. They are not "normal." It's a good time to bring up another one of my hates: The people that ask for these "non-normals" to be treated like they were normal. Do they not see that their supposed good-will is harming these people in their struggle to become equal? When one defines a person by their short-comings, all will see the short-comings. Everyone will see that this once human being is now of a lesser breed. It is natural to tease or pick on others. Being rich or poor, popular or nerdy, ugly or beautiful makes no difference. Every single one of us has been ridiculed at one time or another. Why not them? Why not these other "equal" beings? Because we are offended at their inabilities. Our "normal" sensibilities catalyzes our guilt, and we begin to think "oh this, poor person" when if no one even mentions it, no one ever says a thing or changes their regular behavior around them, they might not even notice it? They could go about their lives, being normal like the rest of us. But they aren't. Not to the general public at least. And that is understood. No matter how hypocritical one does not want to be, they must be willing to acknowledge this. Even the non-normals know this. It should not be offensive but accepted. You could fight it, but unless a method to regrow limbs or replace mental damage is produced, there is no way to be assimilated into society without the public becoming aware of your inabilities. Therefore, this idea of equality is broken in this sense. Another sort of equality one may preach is the equality of opportunity. I do not understand how this sort of idea was even assumed. To my eye, it is so obvious that this statement is untrue. Details to support this statement: Birth is a factor. You cannot say that a rich white male living in a mansion in Beverly Hills has the same opportunities as the immigrant Mexican with barely any knowledge of English living in the projects of Sacramento. The idea of job opportunity is refuted. We are born with baggage, whether one accepts it or not. Every person is not born pristine and clear; We carry with us a variety of luggage. Race, family, location, and name. You could name a few more but these are the most prevalent. You have a better chance of getting a job if you were named Michael Smith than if you were named Mozinque Latrisse. I am being stereotypical but the general understanding is assumed. If you are white, you are statistically advantaged in opportunity. The grounds are not equal in any way. Equality in general is foolish, as I've stated before. I hate the very mention of the word. If we were so equal, why is it are we following under the rule of a higher power; Why are we not ruling a country side by side, taking in all opinions rather than the opinions of some self-satisfied, rich public official? The title of official denotes a sense of specialty, a part set away from the rest of us. We are monkeys made to tango in a certain way by the puppeteers, or in this case the government, because they do not find all of us "fit" to learn our own dance. But as I've said, I'm against equality. Inequality is the way, of course. We are born with a certain amount of baggage. A rather remarkably heavy burden. What we choose to do with is up to us. Some may stand upon it, risen a few feet higher than others but not all, as some are born tall and do not need to stand upon a luggage to feel more grown than others. Some are afraid of their baggage, over burdened like camels in the desert, and throw them off, without regard. They do not even care if they are low and filthy; They simply wish to be free. Some are not as foolish as the first three; They may choose to open the luggage and throw out what they need and don't need. They will then carry their slightly less heavy bags with them, not to stand upon them because they do not need to. To bear the burden, they have taken to exercise. They do not need to grow taller because they found something inside their bag worth using to nurture and create shoes with soles that reach the skies. They have tapped into hidden potential, lying somewhere within the dark confines of their baggage, waiting for a chance to be used. These people are looked at with awe and amazement because they have found a way to achieve with what they were born with. Luck is a factor, but hard work is another factor. Inequality is a test. The weak will stumble upon their way, never opening their bags to because they believe what they have will always hold them back. The strong find their bags worthless and are able to achieve because they are blessed with such talent, but are unwilling to try to search for more within them. The truly amazing are the ones who are born from either the weak or the strong and they take the time to open their bags and find what's hidden inside. It is not a burden but a tool that is carried like a torch within their cave-like lives. They will find that there is more to them, that they could do more, be more. They do not need to trip through life without an idea, only following along with the rest of them. They could rise above it all and rise they shall. The very idea of equality is pretentious and disgusting. It holds back the very foundation of advancement and should be let go immediately. Where shall we go if not up? Standing still on able ground that never teeters or totters. What a boring existence. What a boring idea. And if you do not find my hate justified then perhaps I hate you. You do not need agree with me. You simply need to understand this little thing about me. I hate and that's just me. You may not and that's just you. If such a simple concept does not sink in, then I'll hate you. Your ignorance is offensive. That is my justification. |