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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1853028
Chapter 1 of my novel, E.L.F.S. Ren Ebishikawa enters and freshman year begins.
E.L.F.S. Chapter 1: A Change For the Better

Yuei Tarada woke up early in the morning when her alarm clock went off, ready and excited to be starting her new life in a new school. She is an enrolled freshman in Sarashi High School, and the best part was that not only was this a brand new beginning for her, but she would also be attending with her best friend forever, Meiko Harada. She got dressed as fast as she could, got dressed into her brand new uniform, ate a quick breakfast, said good bye to her mother, and went next door to get Meiko so that they could go to school together.

Yuei and her mother were struggling to just get by after her father up and left them, so they had to take out a loan just to get her into school, but her mom said that he education was well worth the trouble. On top of that Yuei was overweight, so that really didn't do anything better on her self-esteem, but she really believed that things would change for the better now that she was in high school. She had no idea just how right she was.

She rang the doorbell and smiled when she saw Meiko's face at the door, already wearing her own uniform and ready to go.

“Hello Meiko. Ready to go?” Her friend nodded and gave her a quick hug before they started on their way. Both girls had black hair, but Yuei's was much longer then her friends, and Yuei had green eyes whereas her friend had baby blue ones. As they walked a sudden thought crossed Yuei's mind as she turned to look at her friend.

“Hey Meiko can you promise me something? Can we just forget about everything that happened in the past and start over now that we're students in high school? I mean this is like starting all over and turning over a brand new leaf. On top of that Ruki and her Bitch Squad wouldn't step foot into Sarashi. It's too much of a cheap low ranked school for them. They can't make our high school life a living hell. They will most likely be attending the expensive Akai High Private Academy.” Meiko nodded. “I completely agree with you on that one. A new school means a brand new life. Plus this school has really cute boys.”

“No not boys Meiko. Men. Two entirely different species.”

“Oh that is so very true.” Both girls laughed but the smile wiped right off their faces when they realized that they had been dead wrong about Ruki and her Squad being in their school because there they were, each with the same exact sneer on their faces.

“Well well well...look what the cat dragged in girls. It's Meiko and her overweight excuse for a woman.”

Ruki Mikki's radiant long blonde hair down to her waist illuminated the doorway, straight as a perfect line of symmetry. Her rather medium-sized figure blocked the way in, right along with her abnormally large breasts. On each side of her were each member of her Bitch Squad before mentioned, Mimi Yakuza, and Ino Marimi, who followed their leader like a loyal pup to their mother. Most blondes are rather intelligent, but Riku didn't have a clue about reality.

“I'm rather surprised to see you here Yuei considering that your family can't afford it.” Yuei clenched her fists, getting ready to beat the hell out of her rich ass, but she held back because she didn't want to go to detention on her first day of school.

“So Ruki what are you doing here? Mommy and Daddy won't pay for you to go to Akai?”

“I really wanted to attend because they let this really hot guy in this year despite the school being an all girls school because he's friends with the family that owns it, but I can't because Mommy owes Mr. Scary Lawyer a lot of money.”

“In other words your mom has a debt to pay.”

“What's a debt?” She looked at them confusingly.

Yuei and Meiko just rolled their eyes. “Nevermind Ruki.”

She shrugged her shoulders before opening her big mouth again. “Anyways since The Great Ruki Mikki has entered Sarashi High I have the right to-”

“The right to remain a dumbass?” Mimi and Ino laughed at Yuei's joke only to be glared at by their leader. Yuei and Meiko pushed their way into the classroom, only to have Ruki talk some more shit behind them.

“No Fat One. The right to make some rules. Rule one is I am the most popular girl in school. Rule number two is that all hot men here belong to me. Rule number three is-”

“Rule number three is to stay out of the fucking doorway.” Ruki yelped before turning around to the voice that had came from behind her. Standing there was an older teenaged man, a little taller then Ruki, with short spiky black hair with bangs covering his left eye. Among the bangs were gray highlights, and the one eye that was showing through his bangs was a very light blue color, almost transparent. This one eye was currently staring at Ruki with much disgust and annoyance. He wore the all black school uniform along with all the other students at Sarashi High School, but he had his jacket sleeves rolled up showing his really nice arms wrapped in white bandages with black leather belts. His arms weren't injured, but the bandages still made a rather interesting fashion statement. All in all he was a complete goth but he was still hot and sexy.

He didn't stop staring at her until Ruki finally spoke. “Well hello there cuteness! My name is Ruki Mikki and my friends are-”

I really don't care who you are. Just get the hell out of my way.” He seemed pretty normal by the looks of him, but something just didn't feel right to Yuei, and it wasn't his vulgar language because he was used to people talking that way. Finally Ruki realized that he couldn't be so easily won over, so she stepped aside to allow him into the classroom. When he walked past her Yuei finally figured out what was so different about this man. It was his ears. His ears were pointed like an elf out of a fairytale, and even though she believed in such things she had no idea they were anything like him. Just then a woman in her mid-thirties walked into the room.

“All right class everyone take your seats. We have a few new students with us this year, so why don't we let them introduce themselves? All freshman up front!” Right then and there Yuei noticed one of two things about her new homeroom teacher, Ms. Hibiki. One she smokes too much crack, or two she just really likes to yell a lot. She stood up front and began to introduce herself.

“Hello everyone my name is Yuei Tarada, and this is my best friend since Pre-K, Meiko Harada, and we were both born here in Tokyo, Japan. We are also both fourteen years old. My mother, who is my only family, is very poor, and has been struggling with money and life. When I'm able I hope to help her out of her situation by getting a job. My hobbies include reading fiction novels about vampires, spirits, and my personal favorite, elves. This just might be my own personal opinion, but I believe that these mythical creatures to be real here in our world.”

Then to Yuei's own surprise the goth boy with the pointy ears that had been quite bored when class first started with his feet propped up on the desk in front of him threw his feet down, and instantly leaned towards the front of the class now with his full attention as though someone was telling an interesting joke. This proved Yuei right that he was indeed an elf. Now she had seen it all.

“That's it. I'm finished.”

“Alright! Next is Meiko Harada! Let's get this show on the road!”

“Hello everyone. My name is Meiko Harada, and my hobbies include playing the flute and writing poetry, and I'm really glad to be here at Sarashi High.”

“Yeah yeah whatever!” Ruki rudely pushed Meiko out of the way ,causing her to fall flat on her face on the floor. The elf boy clenched his fists and gritted his teeth angrily at her.

“My name is Ruki Mikki and I'm filthy rich and beautiful! I will also be-”

Just because you're rich doesn't mean that you can treat people that are beneath you like shit! Now get your ass down there and help her off the damn floor!”

“Humph! You're not the boss of me Pretty Boy! You must be pretty rich yourself considering that you're wearing pure genuine leather belts on both of yours arms. Ms. Hibiki tell him that he's not allowed to talk to me that way.”

Ms. Hibiki shook her head no. “I'm sorry but not only were you being disrespectful to a fellow classmate, but Ren here as detention immunity.”

Her and everyone else looked completely confused by that statement. “What do you mean he has detention immunity?”

“Ren Ebishikawa is the director of the secret police task force known as Section: III, aka E.L.F.S Without Ren the whole entire police force of Tokyo would be in shambles right now. He takes care off all the cases that the police can't handle. If you don't obey his orders he can arrest you. Now get down there and help her up before I give you detention.”

She grumbled under her breath as she leaned down to help Meiko back to her feet before Ruki continued her introduction while Ren was still standing up.

“I will also be the most popular girl in this school, and one day I shall make Ren Ebishikawa mine. Okay now I'm done.”

Ren rolled his eyes before speaking up again. “There are just to slight things wrong with your thesis Sweetness.”

“What is wrong with it Pretty Boy?”

“It will be a cold day in hell before I ever become your girlfriend and on top of it all this is my fucking school, and I won't allow you to rule it alongside me. I won't share that spot with just anyone. If I were you and your little bitches I'd take my seat and let the teacher do her thing. Damn....I'm going to need a smoke during my next break...such an annoying little bitch...” After he was through talking he turned back around and got back into his seat once again completely bored with his feet on the desk.

The three popular girls sat down in a few of the empty seats. Ruki had tried sitting down next to Ren but he placed his feet in that empty seat and told her to move on along. Meiko sat next to a boy she thought she was cute named Karkuno Harashi, who was a decent looking boy with short brown hair and emerald green eyes. Yuei wasn't going to try her luck with sitting next to Ren but when she walked past him he grabbed her by the seat and sat her down next to him, again much to her surprise. He didn't look at her at first though even though she looked at him, but eventually he turned to look at her and actually smiled at her, his first smile since he walked into the school building. His one smile was so beautiful and radiant as the sunset to her that she couldn't help but to smile back.

Through the rest of the class Yuei could feel him staring at her as though she was more interesting then the lesson being taught, but she really didn't mind. This was the very first time that a man ever paid this much attention to her and it made her feel special for once in her life.


Soon it was lunch time and Yuei and Meiko grabbed a seat by themselves, but soon after that Ren walked over. Meiko gave Yuei a sly grin before excusing herself somewhere else, allowing Ren to take her seat instead.

“Well I suppose I'll just leave the two of you alone now.”

“Meiko wait!”

“Bye!” She giggled as she skipped off to sit next to Karkuno instead to get to know him better. At first neither Meiko nor Ren said anything at first, but then Ren broke the ice. “I can help you with your problem.”

“What problem?”

“Don't play coy with me. I'm talking about your weight problem and your mom struggling to get by on hardly anything at all.” For a minute Yuei was getting ready to yell at him for mentioning her weight problem, but she didn't knowing that that was what he was talking about to begin with, and she herself knew it was a big problem.

“Yeah right Hot Shot...I've been on diet after diet and none of them worked.”

“Well what if I told you that the kind of diet that I had in mind only involved taking two pills before you go to bed tonight and in the morning you look as hot as Hakufu Sonsaku from Ikki Tousen?”

“I'd say you're full of shit.”

“Look me in the eyes and tell me that I'm lying...” She looked him deep into his eyes and could tell that he was being dead serious but...could such an easy solution to her problem even exist?

“What's the catch? There's always gotta be a catch of some kind.” Ren smiled for the second time that day. “You have to join E.L.F.S As my Field Agent, and you can't tell anyone that I'm an elf, or tell anyone what goes on behind the scenes. We're a secret agency for a reason...but then again most of the things no one would really believe anyways even if you did tell them.”

“Well what exactly does E.L.F.S stand for and what exactly does the agency do?”

“It stands for Ebishikawa's League of Fighting Supernaturalists. What we do is take the cases that the regular police force can't handle. A vast majority of the time the cases deal with, no surprise here, the supernatural. I being Ren Ebishikawa am the Director and the one in charge of the secret agency. I'm also an elf prince from another dimension known as Leolion. Leolion is more or less an alternate world opposite of Earth.”

“I see. So you're pretty much an elf royal stuck on Earth running an agency that gets rid of the paranormal?”

“First of all I'm not stuck here. My father sent me here for...personal reasons. Secondly we don't 'get rid' of the paranormal. We help them find peace so that they can either go on to the next life or go back to where they came from. Sometimes we even get demons from Hell up here. We only resort to murder if it's the only option available. So...what do you say Yuei? Are you in or out?”

Yuei thought long and hard about it. Not only would the money help out st home, but it would be fun watching Ruki's expression after she lost all that weight, but it all seemed too good to be true, but like everything else that has happened to her she learned that if it seems too good to be true then most likely is too good to be true.

“Let me see the pills first to make sure that you're not pulling my leg.” Ren rummaged through his bag before he took out a contract for her to sign and took out a vial with two red pills inside of it. “Here they are but you don't get to touch them until you sign this contract first.”

She had to do it. There weren't any other solutions to her problems, and if the pills turned out to be a fraud at least she would have a high paying job to fall back on. She took out a pen and signed her name on the line by the 'X', offically making her a member of E.L.F.S.

The moment she signed Ren handed her the vial with a smirk on his face. “Remember to only take these pills right before you go to bed tonight, or else they're not going to work. There's one more thing that I should mention about your paychecks. I don't pay my employees with just normal Earth cash. I pay them pure gold bars straight from Leolion, which are just as valuable as gold bars here on Earth. Take that and try to shove it in your wallet.”

When gold bars were mentioned Yuei fainted on the spot from shock, and was certain that her mom would do the exact same thing when he explained things to her at home. It had to be some kind of a record though...being poor one moment and then becoming filthy rich in just a matter of minutes.

Later that day at home like before guessed her mom did faint when she too got to the gold bars part. Once she came too again after having water splashed on her she smiled warmly at her daughter.

“I'm so very proud of you dear. When do you begin?”

“I start tomorrow after school. Ren's going to be giving me a tour of the Headquarters, and we both get to move in with him and the rest of the crew. Thank you for dinner mother. I'm going to do the dishes and head off to bed.”

After she got ready for bed she looked over at the spare school uniform, and she was too excited to really think about why a man had girl clothes lying around to begin with because she couldn't believe that by morning she'd be able to fit it. After she placed the pills in her mouth she grabbed a bottle of water before smirking into her bedroom mirror.

“Bottoms up!”
© Copyright 2012 Yami Enzeru (yamienzeru88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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