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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1852014
A young Sorceress is told she must save the world from all evil.
Chapter Two – Memories

Kaya and Nynavae rode for five hours before stopping. It was a gassy field, much like everything else in this part of the country. There was a single tree full of life standing in the middle. When Kaya saw it, she knew it had to be a sign to sit and rest. “Need a break, girl?” Kaya asked before hopping off.  Nynavae gave a neigh. “Yeh me too.” She took out some carrots from her knapsack. She fed a couple to the horse before sitting down to lean up against the tree. She snacked on the carrots before suddenly falling into sleep.

In her dream, she found herself in what seemed to be a castle hallway. Everything was dark and eerie. A lady dressed in black suddenly stepped out of the shadows before her. “So you think you can defeat me now don’t you?”

Kaya then recognized her as the sorceress. For a moment, she became frightened, but then remembered it was a dream. “Yes. I believe I can. And I will.” Her voice was full of bravery. 

“You are a fool, Kaya!” The sorceress laughed. “You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. My followers will rip you to shreds before you set foot in front of me.”

“You are right, sorceress.” Kaya said. “I am a fool and I don’t know what lays ahead for me. But whatever perils I may overcome will be nothing compared to killing you. You killed my family and my whole town. Not to mention what your family has done since the beginnings of time. You should be the one in fear now. I do not fear your followers. I will get passed them in a breeze.”

“It seems you have wizened up a bit.” She laughed. “Good. In this state it will be more fun to fight and kill you when you arrive here. If my followers do not get to you first.”

“Kaya.” Kaya heard an echo of her name in her ears. It sounded vaguely like Dimitri. She then opened her eyes to find Dimitri with her hand on Kaya’s cheek. Dimitri was staring back at her. Her worried eyes then changed to relief. “Kaya, my dear. You aren’t on this mission to sleep.” She smiled.

Kaya looked around. She realized that night had already fallen. “What’s going on?” She asked slightly confused by the anger she was feeling inside. It took a moment for the dream to process.

“The Sorceress is trying to put you under a spell.” She looked up behind Kaya.

Kaya turned around and found herself leaning against a different tree from what she had first seen. The other one was fresh and lively. This one was dying. Its branches were bare with no leaves. The bark was old and pealing off. She quickly stood up from it and backed away. She looked to the sky to find the moon. It hadn’t been night for too long, but she had been sleeping since noon. ”Thank you for awakening me then.” Kaya sighed. She looked back to Dimitri, but she had already disappeared.  Kaya smiled and shook her head. “You enjoy doing that too much.” She said to the sky. She then looked around for Nynavae. When the horse wasn’t in sight, she gave a short whistle. Kaya expected Nynavae to come galloping in her direction, but there was no sign. She gave another whistle, and Nynavae still hadn’t come. “Nynavae!!” She called out. Worry set in the pit of her stomach. “Nynavae!!” She called out again. But the horse still never came. A tear ran down Kaya’s cheek. “No no no no. Not now!” She yelled out. “You had to take away my horse, sorceress?? You stooped down that low??!? It may have slowed me, but I am still going to kill you!” She cried out. “I swear if you or your little minions do anything to hurt her, you will regret the day you’ve been born.” She spotted her knapsack out the ground, and hastily picked it up. She took out the map that her uncle had given her. There was a town five miles from where she stood.

An hour and a half later, she reached the town entrance. She spotted a sign much like the one in her hometown, but this one said in blue letters, “Welcome to Veratty.” Kaya wanted to keep traveling, but wasn’t sure the safety of the night. Someone was out there who had taken Nynavae. She didn’t know who or what, and would rather fight in daylight then under the night darkness. The town was too small to have an inn. She took out the map again and unfolded it. She turned it around to find the town name, and two names next to it written by her uncle; Joel and Gretchen Mahr. She folded up the map and put it back her knapsack. She looked all around the town. It was similar to her own. Markets on either side leading up to a small hill that contained cabins. “This should be fun.” She said to herself. She looked all around for any sign of anything being open. Nothing. After walking through the whole town, she decided she would have better luck at the cabins. She came to the first one she saw with candle light through the window. She knocked lightly at the door. A few moments later, it opened revealing an elderly lady with a book in her hand.

“Can I help you?” The lady asked.

“Hello.” Kaya smiled. “Do you know where Joel and Gretchen Mahr live?”

The lady smiled back, and pointed just a bit up the hill. “Right up there, my dear.” She said.

Kaya’s eyes followed in the direction her finger was pointing. It was another small cabin. There was a light shining in the window, and smoke coming out of the chimney. She turned back to the lady. “Thank you so very much.” She said.

“Any time, dear.” She said and closed the door.

Kaya then nervously walked up the hill to the house. She knocked lightly at the door. A moment later it opened. A man stood there. He seemed to be about her uncle’s age and build. His face was thinner though, and he had no beard, just a black mustache. Gray hairs were forming on it and his long shoulder length hair. “Hello.” He smiled. His eyes seemed so caring. She read his energy which was much more caring than his eyes could ever show.

Kaya smiled back. “Hello.” She said. She then worried how she was going to explain herself. She came up with the quickest explanation possible. “I’m on a long travel right now.” She said. “My uncle gave me your names, and I truly don’t mean to impose.”

The man took a close look at her. Within a moment, his eyes and smile grew. “Well I’ll be!” He clutched his hand to his heart.  “You are Richard’s niece are you not?”

Kaya laughed. “Yes I am. How did you know?”

“I’d recognize that face anywhere.” He laughed. “Come on in. Come on in.” He motioned to her, and she stepped nervously in the door. She didn’t know why she was so hesitant. She never liked to impose on anyone; mostly why she slept under trees whenever she was away from home.  “Gretchen!” He called out of the small corridor.

“Who was at the door?” She appeared from the left. She seemed to be cooking for an apron was worn around her thin waist. She had long blonde hair. She too had the same caring eyes and energy. “Oh. I’m sorry. I did not know we had company. Hello there.” She smiled. “I’m Gretchen.” She held out her hand to shake.

Kaya took it. “Hello.” She smiled back. “I’m Kaya.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Kaya.” She said.

“Likewise.” Kaya then lost her nervousness. These people were too comforting to worry.

“Actually, we’ve met her before.” Joel came around from behind Kaya and stood next to his wife.

“You have?” Kaya asked. Gretchen too looked to Joel inquisitively. 

“Yes when you were younger.” Joel said. “We came by your house to visit your family many times. You were slightly younger then.” He laughed. “I think you just learned to walk.”

“Kaya!” Gretchen immediately exclaimed. “Little Kaya? Robert’s Kaya? The one that-”

Joel nodded. “Yes. This would be her.”

“Oh heavens me!” Gretchen covered her mouth, and laughed. “I can not believe it.”

“Wait.” Kaya held up her hand, trying to sink everything in. “You knew my father? My family?”   

Joel smiled. “Your father was almost my little brother. Your uncle was my best friend growing up. I knew your family very well.” He said. 

Kaya was fascinated with the history between them. “Wow. That’s.. that’s extremely wonderful to hear.” She said. She felt her eyes glaze over. She barely remembered her past with her family. But what she does remember was the feeling love between all of them. To think that these people had a part in this love was something that was beyond trying to fathom.

“We were just about to have make some dinner. Would you like some?” Gretchen asked.

“That would be fantastic.” Kaya said. She felt so connected to this couple.

They led her around the corridor to small kitchen, where a fireplace was cooking a pot and a table was in the middle. “What brings you all the way up in this country?” Gretchen asked while bringing out some plates from the cupboard by the head of the table towards the back wall. 

Joel held out a chair for Kaya, and she sat down with appreciation. Joel then sat down next to her. “Well, I decided to do some traveling. My uncle gave me your names. I don’t mean to barge in here like this. Or to impose.”

“Nonsense, dear.” Gretchen put a plate of stew in front of her and Joel.

“You are welcome here anytime you wish for as long as you wish.” Joel said. “You are basically family.”

Kaya smiled. “Thank you.” She said. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

Gretchen handed them all spoons and they sat down across from them to eat. “This is marvelous.” Kaya said. “It’s been so long since I’ve had a home cooked meal.”

Gretchen laughed. “I thank you.” She said. “I thought your uncle was an excellent cook.”

“Oh! Oh he is. He very much is.” Kaya was caught off guard. “I do a lot of traveling, and I’m rarely home to experience it.” She didn’t know how open they were if she spoke of her magics. She decided to keep it quiet for now.

Joel suddenly broke out in coughs. Gretchen immediately stood up from her seat and ran across the table. She took her husbands hand and with her other one, she rubbed his back while he coughed and wheezed. The energy Kaya felt vibrating off of them was one of desperation and worry. Gretchen turned to her. “Kaya dear. In that cabinet there’s a bottle of medicine, can you get it for me?” She pointed to the cupboard where Gretchen took the dishes.

“Of course.” Kaya stood up and ran to the cabinet. She opened it finding the medicine bottle right in front of her. It was tiny, almost as tall as her thumb and as wide as a carrot. She then ran back to the couple. Gretchen gave her a thankful look. She took it from her and put it to her husband’s lips. He then tilted his head back and took a small swallow. Almost immediately, the coughing and wheezing stopped. Joel sat there trying to maintain his breaths.

Gretchen kissed him on the forehead. “Are you alright.” She asked with worry. He then nodded. “I think you should lie down for the night.” She said.

Joel shook his head. “No. I’m fine.” His voice was slightly cracking. His eyes stared off into the air as his composure slowly returned to normal.

“Are you sure?” Gretchen asked.

He then looked up to her and smiled. He squeezed her hand. “Yes. I’m sure.” They kissed each other and turned to Kaya. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” He said.

“It’s fine.” Kaya held up her hands in defense. “Just as long as you are alright now.” She said. She felt his energy again. It was slightly weaker than when she first encountered him.

“I suppose you’re wondering what happened.” Joel said.

“No.” Kaya shook her head. “It’s alright you don’t have to explain. I’ve seen it before.” She sighed. Joel had the illness. He was dying. She mentally kicked herself for not picking up on it when he opened the door. She felt his energy again, and estimated that if it continues to weaken at this rate, he will only have six months to live. She hesitated for a moment before deciding to speak. “I can heal you.” She swallowed. “If you trust me to. I’ve done it many times before.”

“You’re a healer?” Gretchen asked. “You’re one of them?” Her energy was unreadable at that point. She was too confused. Kaya didn’t know if Gretchen trusted her, or if she was about kick Kaya out of the house.

Kaya nodded. “Yes I suppose you can call me a healer.” She sighed, then came clean. “I’m a sorceress.” She said. “A good sorceress.” She corrected herself. “And I can heal you if you wish me to.”

A smile appeared on Joel’s face. “I knew there was something about you.” He laughed. “Even when you were a small child. You’re father knew it too.”

Kaya smiled as well. “Would you let me heal you then?” She asked.

“The severity of the illness is far too much right now.” Joel said. “I don’t want to weaken you.”

Kaya shook her head surprised at his knowledge of healing and sorcery. “No. Whatever weakness happens to me, it’s only temporary. It would be my honor to take the illness out of you. I wouldn’t even think of not doing so.”

“Are you absolutely sure?” Gretchen asked.

Kaya laughed then gave a nod. “Yes.”

“Then we can’t thank you enough.” Gretchen said. Her energy was now very vibrant and joyful.

         “Don’t thank me.” Kaya smiled. “I only use what is already there. Come.” She held out her hand to Joel. “We need you lying down.” She said.  Joel took her hand, and stood up from his seat. He led her to out the kitchen, passed the corridor, through the living area to a small bedroom that belonged to both he and Gretchen. He then laid down on his bed. Kaya took out the crystals from her knapsack and placed them all around the bed much like she did for the girl’s father at home. She turned to Gretchen behind her. “You can’t come pass the crystal barrier until everything is completed. I wish you could, trust me. But we don’t want anything to be passed to you.”

“It’s alright.” Gretchen said. A tear fell from her right eye.

Kaya turned back to Joel. “When did you become sick?” She asked.

“About a year ago.” He said.

Kaya blinked as her heart skipped a beat. “What? Are you sure?” She asked.

“Yes. Why?” He lifted his head up to see her worried face. “Is everything alright?”

Kaya immediately realized she had them panicking. “Yes. Of course. I’m sorry.” She really does watch me. Kaya thought. She knows my every move. She knows everywhere I am going to go. Kaya then shook her thoughts out of her head. “Everything’s fine. You don’t need to worry one bit.” She smiled. Joel then laid his head back down. Kaya started by waving her hands slowly above Joel’s face. “I need you to close your eyes, and just relax.” She said. Joel did what he was told, and Kaya began to chant softly until he fell into a deep sleep. She then put the palm of her hand on his forehead. With her other hand she held it above different strategic places of his body. Gretchen watched in the doorway as a dark vaporous light came up out of him, passed though Kaya, and went into each of the crystals. Kaya kept chanting louder and faster with every second. Pretty soon a white light just exploded from Joel’s body illuminating the whole room and almost blinding Gretchen. As the light faded, the room became normal again, Kaya stopped her chanting and took her hand back from Joel’s forehead.  Joel slowly opened his eyes. “Hello.” Kaya smiled down on him. “How are you feeling?”

Joel took a moment to think, then smiled. “I feel great.” He said.

Kaya turned back to Gretchen. “You can come in the barrier now. It’s down.”  Gretchen then did so. She sat at the edge of Joel’s bed and took her husband’s hand. They just smiled at each other. Kaya turned to Joel. She felt herself start to waver with weakness, but continued any way. “You need to stay non active for a day or two.” She said. “Just until you get all your strength back.”

“I will I promise.” Joel said.

Kaya smiled down on him. She then began to waver more. She felt her eyes role back in her head. The next thing she knew, all she saw was darkness.

She found herself in the same castle hallway. The Sorceress still stood in front of her. “I told you, you were a fool, Kaya.” She laughed.

“And I told you that I agreed.” Kaya retorted. “How do you know where my path lies? And where have you taken Nynavae?”

The sorceress laughed again. “You don’t seem to understand the concept that my eyes are always watching you. There are more than just two eyes, my dear.”

“Don’t you ever call me that again!” Kaya yelled. “You have no right to.”

The sorceress laughed again. The room began to fade, and an open field lay before her. “Kaya!!” She heard a woman’s voice call her from behind. She turned around and saw her much younger self run towards a small cabin. She recognized it instantly. It was her old home. She followed her child-like self until she saw her run into the arms of a woman. She was very tall and thin. Her brown hair was tied up in a bun. Her eyes looked to the girl with much love.

“Momma.” Kaya spoke out loud. She felt her eyes glaze over.

“Momma! Momma!” Her younger self cried out in joy. She had to be at least three, maybe four years old theree.

Kaya covered her mouth. Was this a memory? Or a trick of the sorceress? “Come, my darling. We must wash you up for lunch.” Her mother smiled down on her.

“Momma. Why are you sad?” Little Kaya looked up to her mother.

Her mother laughed. “How do you know I’m sad?” She asked. She then sat herself on the ground and let the little girl sit on her lap.

Little Kaya shrugged. “I dunno.” She said. “I can feel it in my heart.”

Kaya’s heart skipped a beat. She really did have the gift when she was younger. Kaya’s mother kept smiling, and a few tears fell from her eyes. “Well, my darling.. I’m sad because we don’t have much more time together.”

“What do you mean?” Little Kaya asked. What did she mean? Kaya wondered. How did her mother know?

Her mother put a strand of hair behind the girl’s ear and gave her caring eyes. “You are very special, my darling. You are destined for wonderful things.” She then looked up the older Kaya and looked in her eyes. “You really are, my darling. And you mustn’t fear anyone that stands in your way. Because you are so much stronger then them.” The older Kaya then began to cry. “Promise me.” She said. Kaya then nodded, and her mother looked back down at the little girl.

“I promise, Momma. I won’t be afraid of anything.” Little Kaya said with such bravery in her voice.

Her mother laughed, and kissed the girl on her forehead. “Remember that you said this. Because I will find some way of reminding you.” She poked the girl’s nose, and the girl laughed. “Come on. Let’s get you washed up for lunch.” She said. She stood up from the ground, and picked the girl up in her arms. Her mother took one last look at the older Kaya. She smiled and waited for Kaya to smile back before turning around to the cabin. How did her mother know? Did she have the Gift too? But I guess that didn’t matter. She felt so comforted.

The memory faded into a place of white misty light. Dimitri stepped out in front of her, and shook her head. “What did I tell you about sleeping?” She said with an amusing scolding voice.

“I’m sorry.” Kaya said softly. Her mind was still lost in that memory. “I couldn’t help but heal him. I didn’t know it would weaken me so much. It’s the sorceress’ doing again.” Kaya said.

“Yes I know.”

“She knows every move I am going to make. How can I avoid this? Is there any kind of spell?”

Dimitri laughed. “Haven’t I taught you anything, child? Yes there is a spell. A simple one indeed. But you must think of it on your own. I cannot tell you everything you need to do. I’m just here to guide you along so you do it right.”

“Well that’s comforting.” Kaya said.

Dimitri laughed again. “Hold your tongue. I don’t have to guide you, you know. I can sit back and watch you squirm with confusion. It might be entertaining.”

Kaya laughed as well. “Alright I get it.”

“Good. Now wake up. Say goodbye to these nice people and get on your way. You are only a hundred miles away from home. And it’s the third day.”

“Third day?” Kaya blinked. “What?”

“Yes sleep can make time go by faster than what it truly is.” Dimitri smiled. “Take care of yourself. I can’t get you out of every mess that you put yourself in. You must learn to do that on your own.”

“I know. All I wanted to do was heal him though. I couldn’t let him die.”

“I know that Kaya, and that is what makes you who you are. I’m just warning you for the future. You have a ways to go yet, and many more opportunities to get into trouble.” She waved her hand over Kaya. The misty whiteness disappeared, and everything was dark. She felt herself lying down. Somebody was dabbing her forehead with a cool wet rag. Her head felt like a hundred pounds had just been added to it. She began to open her eyes, but the light gave a twinge of pain in her head adding to what was already there. 

“Joel.” She heard Gretchen whisper. “She’s waking.” Kaya then bravely opened her eyes. At first, it was excruciating, but it only lasted for a half a second. She looked to Gretchen who was smiling down on her. “Are you alright, my dear?” She asked.

Kaya nodded, but couldn’t get herself to speak. She still felt weakened. Joel walked in the room. “Hello there, stranger. Have you had a nice nap?” He asked.

Kaya laughed. “It was a lovely nap indeed.” She said with her weak cracking voice. Her tone changed to seriousness. “Are you feeling better?” She asked him.

Joel smiled at her. “More than you can imagine.” He then walked toward her, and took her hand. “You had us worried.” He said.

Kaya laughed. “No need. I told you the weakness would only be temporary.” She took a breath. “Thank you though.”

“You saved my life, Kaya.” He said. “I should be the one head over heals thanking you. I don’t know how I am able to repay you.”

Kaya smiled. She now felt strong enough to sit up in the bed. She held Joel’s hand in both of hers. “Listen to me.” She said. “You need never to repay me, or thank me for anything. Your health and happiness is a gift unto itself. Nothing can top that.”

Joel laughed. “You are one of a kind.” He said.

Kaya shook her head, and laughed. “No. I’m just Kaya.” She then took a deep breath. She looked back and forth from Joel to Gretchen. “I wish I can stay longer.” She said. “I truly do, but unfortunately I cannot.”

“We understand.” Gretchen answered. “Your friend came to us, and told us what you must do. Are you well enough to travel?”

Kaya gave her an inquisitive look. “Yes. I’m well. Friend?”

Joel laughed. “Yes she startled us out of our wits popping in here. She told us not to worry about you, and you will wake shortly. Unique lady. Must have been even more so in life.” Joel and Gretchen exchanged humorous glances.

Kaya couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh! Dimitri. Yes no one can ever match her personality.” She said. “So you know about the sorceress?”

They both nodded. “Yes.” Joel said. “And if anyone can kill her you can.” He said. “It was your calling.”

Kaya stood up from the bed and gave Joel a hug. “You’re encouraging words mean so much.” She said. She spotted her knapsack next to the bed, and took it up. “I really do not wish to leave you two.” She sighed.

“Just promise us you will come back.” Gretchen said.

“Most definitely!” Kaya exclaimed, hugging her.

“I made some chicken last night for dinner. You’re welcome to take it for the trip.” Gretchen said again.

Kaya smiled. “Thank you.” They all walked out into the living area. Kaya realized she was in a bedroom beside the Gretchen and Joel’s.  She followed the couple into the kitchen. Gretchen covered the fried chicken with a cloth. She handed it to Kaya, and Kaya put it in her knapsack.

Next to where the chicken was lying, was a couple water containers. “I filled these up for you.” Gretchen handed them to her.

Kaya also put them in her knapsack. “Thank you.” She said again.

“You be careful out there.” Joel said.

“I will.” Kaya nodded. She began to feel more and more hesitant to leave. She wanted to stay longer with the couple. She wanted to get to know them better. She took a deep breathe. “I will stop by here on my way back.” She said.

They exchanged one last set of hugs, and goodbyes, then Kaya went out the door to continue her quest.

© Copyright 2012 Mel Cat (melm27cat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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