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Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Short Story · Adult · #1851592
a dance between cat and mouse inspired by a friend
She knew the game had begun before it had started, the long driveway only added to her anst, her uneasy growing as the single light turned on by the porch its dim glow seeming almost ominous to her approch. Gloved fingers cluched the wheel tightly as she turned off the engine of her car closing her eyes with a deep breath. She could still back out, tell him some excuse, appologise, he would understand and she could make it up to him another day. And yet something drove her onward fingers fumbling with the door of her car as the thin woman steped from it slowly pulling her jacket tighter around her thin frame. He had said bring nothing but herself that everything would be provided for her “weekend” yet a shiver ran down her spine the same.

The wooden boards creaked under her soft steps as she breathed deeply, as if looking for some currage burried deep within. She could feel his eyes upon her. Watching, waiting to see if she would play along or if she would turn and run away. Eyes opened slowly as a flicker of metal by the doorhandle caught her eye fingers toying just before the ancient key hanging there waiting for her to touch it. Its call was to great, slender fingers wraping around its metal body giving a small tug on the string causing the door to open.

She smiles softly as if she expected more, the trap waiting, she could still turn back, her mind screamed at her to get back in her car and drive home forget about him yet something urged her onward. She knew when she steped past the threashold there would be little going back, fingers pushing the door shut as if fearing to wake someone from slumber. Candles flickered in the darkness, set in corners, on counters, their flames grasping at life shadows moving, growing, flickering as she steped though the house following the string in her hand. The echo of her boots on the wooden floor seemed to pound at her ears as her heart sat in the back of her thoat.

Smells toyed with her sences, rosemerry, lavinder, the smell of ceddar wood burning in a fireplace not so far away. A smile apeared upon her lips as the string wraped around another doorhandle, a door she had known well and yet now it almost frightened her to see what lay beyond. An empty room fire flickering in a fire place caused her to relax some a single note resting on the floor with her name, the paper calling to her a draw she knew she could not resist.

She crouched down before it heels together knowing what it was before eyes met the paper instructions simple ment to be followed. She rose slowly walking around the empty room as if toying with him removing her jacket and folding it before placing it in the corner of the room. The key sitting atop it, the singal of her allowing the game to continue control being passed from the hunted to the hunter once more.

Water poured along her slender body breathing deeply as the candle light flickered in the steam. It was the best part of the game, a dance she had done before as hands wandered with soap along her body. She could imagine him not so far away, plotting, his breath on her neck even though she was alone. It was the waiting that caused her to tremble, the build up, the idea of him running the show that caused her to smile to shiver to allow this to happen. Eyes would open slowly as she steped from the shower drying herself off and spying what was left for her.

He was sneaky.

She smiled shyly seeing her clothing gone something red sitting neatly where her own had been as if the ghosts desided to change the game. She should have listened to him dressing slowly in the silken gown going to about mid thigh a single strip of black silk sat on the sink something to be used soon.

Bare feet padded softly on the hard wood floor warm of the shower and the air almost causing her to dance floating in an out of her dreams as she returned to the room a single hand trailing along the wall wondering when she could do this again. The fire had died down, its warm embers glowed softly letting the world darken more as she closed the door. His request had been made yet she did not desire to comply just yet. He had been here.. her coat gone yet the key remained a symbol to him hanging from a string by the fire place begging once more to find her hand.

She shivered as she walked to the window fingers toying above the candle as eyes went to the cealing as if looking for him, the red dress flowing about the top of her legs as she moved hanging from two simple straps on her shoulders. The ribbon held her hair up high on her head almost comforting to her though she knew he would be hear soon, and that alone caused her to stall. She found the key once more letting it dance in her hand as she sighed softly moving to the center of the room eyes closing as she breathed deeply once more how far would he go… how far would she allow as she sunk to her knees, curling her toes beneith her as she tried to fix her dress smiling at the colour.. his favorite.

She knew he would be around shortly the final instruction had told her this as she closed her eyes not a sound uttered as she sat in the darkness. Moments passed like hours as she shivered wondering when he would strike waiting for his touch, the thought of him made her tremble slightly as her mind and thoughts wandered drawing her deeper into her own fantasy’s, she almost did not hear the door close softly the touch on her shoulder, his rough fingers along her back and shoulder. She felt warmth in his touch, strong hands weathered with time and work felt soft as they toyed along her cheek softly his touch guiding her to stand where she was. Her head tilted to the side as she felt his kiss on her neck gentle, needing, as if waiting for the word that remained unspoken as a hand trailed along her slender form.

She felt delicate in his hand tender, needing as much as his own as a smile apeared upon his lips a hand grasping her own along her hips as he felt the key, would she let go this time, his mind swirled around as his other curled about her body, drawing her close to him. He could smell the sent of soap still fresh on her skin cuping her chin from behind tilting her head up slightly. And then he felt it. The key had sliped,.. fallen from one hand to the next.

He did not let the choice linger, hand brushing against her cheek as he gave her own hand a gentle squeeze as if to say she made the right choice, yet no words were needed. Slowly her hair unraveled to his touch, the silken ribbon caressed her neck and cheek wraped around worn knuckles. He almost had to check, his grin widening seeing his request had been followed the silk wraping around her head sending her into darkness. He could feel her fingers along his waist, toying with the edge of his shirt as he pulled back from her not letting go of her hand until the last moment allowing her to linger in the darkness.
She could feel him circle like a hunter would his pray, the hair on the back of her neck tingling mind screaming about her choice. The key had been passed, and now he was in control until he desided to allow her to escape. She bit the bottom lip listening for nothing, his steps made no noise in the darkness yet she craved his touch now more then ever, needing it to see. It was part of the game, part of the dance as she gasped softly feeling his hand upon her hip his breath return to her neck. His whisper spoke nothing as she seemed to relax, hands touching his beard running along his cheek until it met his own had taking hold as fingers interlaced drawing along her body across her stomach, his teeth nipping at her ear. She started losing herself in his touch, feeling his kiss along her cheek. She felt his hand draw herown behind her as she felt his fingrs toy across her neck his arm laying between her breasts pulling her closer to him as if the two were to be one.


It caused her to shiver the pull on one wrist srounded by unyeildig metal touching bare skin. She smiled softly kissing his hand as it cupped her cheek trailing along her body his kiss trailing along her arm as he drew it back.


She gave a gentle struggle, the ratchet of the second cuff made her heart almost skip a beat Yet his touch brought her back to earth, caressing her cheek turning her slowly to face him. She could feel his eyes linger on her chest, watching it rise and fall. The touch of his fingers along her chin, tilting her head up to meet his breath. It was if the world stood still for a moment, the pair frozen in time, his lips hovering over her own, both lusting for the other.
Yet the game must continue…

Lips met as he drew her into a passionate kiss drinking in her breath as he felt her step forward his hand pulling at her hips pressing them against his own as he teased along her neck, feeling the warmth of her body, bearly touching it at points allowing her flesh to extend forever a hand sliping as the straps of her dress fell so easly down her arms hanging at the waist. She shivered standing near naked before him, as his touch pulled away once more leaving her alone in the darkness

He watched her muscles twich as she pulled her legs together, watching her pale flesh blush at the cheeks reading her body as if it was his favored book his steps moving along the floor to where he disapeared to once again behind her. She mewed softly as he tilted her head back with just a touch of the hand, kissing her lips once more as a cloth rope ran along her bare neck trailing along her chest. He could see her arousal, he could feel the fear of letting go, the need and desire to do so.

Fingers worked silently, as she felt the rub of rope upon bare skin, a soft sigh escaping lips as she felt the gentle strain in her shoulders elbows pulled together just barely touching passing along her shoulder to hold it in place. He loved the site of this, a soft moan telling him when to top, a touch along her flesh as he walked around her kissing her breast. He could feel her breath on his ear, the nip reminding him something as he kissed up her chest, suckling upon her neck as he felt her blonde tresses curl in his fingers.


The cuffs fell free a smile apearing upon her lips as he kissed her once more the trap set up much earlier then this as two loops passed over her hands the soft cloth of pulling tightly traping them together. He had known she did not like the metal, it was harsh, cold, impersonal… this was his surprise to her. Something form fitting, something more. He could tell how she responded, the struggle as the rest of the dress curled up around her feet, the pull of rope between her legs toying with her even now as he tied it off around her waist. The look of surprise upon her lips the small curl of her lips as the rope toyed with her neithers fingers hooking into the waist rope as he walked around.

His voice was soft against her ear, nuzzled close as he brushed hair out of the way kissing the lobe gently. She could feel his own arousal fingers touching his waist as his hand ran along her neck teasing at her side as it came up to cup her breast. “easy my pet….. the night is still young…and the game is only beginning…”

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1851592-The-game