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by clypso
Rated: · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1850129
A Story of Three 15 Year old's boys Life's that are changed forever! ( NOT COMPLETED)

Chapter 1. I'm Drawn to it

(fades in)(15 year old Boys are walking) (there names of Verloren parum voulntas)

Ver-I'm hungry lets get some ice cream!

Par- Sounds good.

Vou- You have any extra money on you i did not bring any.

Ver- Im always going to be buying your ice cream for you arnt i.


(at ice cream parlor)

Ver-Where should we go to eat this.

Vou-How about the tree house ?

Ver- The tree house wow its been years since we been there.

Par- Probably a homeless person in it!

All- ha ha ha!


All- ha ha ha!

(at the woods) Par- This place gives the creeps it all different Feeling sickly Dead even.

Vou- Same.... something is different its Erie.

Ver- Stop do you hear that?

Vou- hear what?

(Ver runs off into the dark woods dropping his ice cream)

Vou- verloren comeback!

(Vou and Par run after him)

Parum- where did he go?

Vou-look their he is!

(a few minutes of running later)

Vou- verloren where are you this is not funny!

Par- do you feel that it feels like it coming from over there!

(they walk around a rock to see ver staring at this dark orb floating in midair)

Vou- verloren stop!

Ver- But its calling me.(reaches hand out)

Vou- No! (runs towards ver and grabs him at the same time and a flash of black)

(Ver wakes up) Ver-what.....where am i ? (He looks around to realize hes in a feild in the middle of no where and then sees vou on the ground)

Ver- Vou wake up vou are okay ...... Vou get up! (stands vou up and starts to carry him)

Ver- Were going to find out where we are and get you help! (walks for around an hour and is in a forest)

Ver- Come on show me any sign of life fine i need to take a rest. (lays down and closes eyes and dreams a darkness then a mans voice is heard and says awaken he wakes up with cold sweat and heavy breathing to realize its night)

Ver- Come on lets get going. (picks up vou and walks away) (later that night still walking with vou gets out of the forest and is in a canyon then he starts grabing his head seeing flashing moments of him about too touch the darkness orb and sees himself touch it then passes out)

(Ver wakes up too see parum face) Ver- thank god it was only a dream!

Par- I wish it was!

Ver- What?( looks up too realize he is in the outskirts of town out of the canyon in mid day)

Ver- What how did i..?

Par- Where are we?

Ver- I don't know!

Par-Why wont vou wake up what happened to you two?

Ver- I don't know! (starts grabbing head screaming ) ( creatures pop out of the ground)

Par- Ah what are those!( light flashes in par and ver hands and a Strange metal mishaped sword with no sharp edged looking weapons appear in their hands)

Ver- What the hell are these?

Par- Those things are attacking us ah! (in a split second their gone only thing there is vou weapon drawn the same type of weapon as theirs)

Vou- Where are we and what are these things?

Ver- Beats the hell out of me!

Vou- how long have i been out?

Ver- over a day now!

Vou- No wonder i feel like crap.

Telas-Hello were did you get those weapons of yours? (smirks)

Ver-We don't know... who are you?

Telas- Me well im telas!

Vou- I'm voulntas this is Verloren and that's Parum who are you?

Telas- None of your concern but you three have to come with me!

Ver- Over are dead bodies were not going with you unless you tell us why!

Telas- Don't be difficult you three because IL get physical if i have too!

Ver- Were not coming with you and that's final!

Telas- Fine make it hard ( two wind and fire wheels appear in his hands) Telas- last chance!

(the three look in awe but their weapons appear in hand) Ver-No!

Telas- humph...fine. ( lunges towards them about to strike but they dodge parum strikes but telas blocked) telas- is that the best you got!
( telas hits parum up in the air then slashes and it throws parum into a wall ver and vou look at each other and run towards him and they attack as fast as they can and as hard as they can but he dodges each attemt and slashes and hits ver in the face leaving a huge gash knocking him too the ground wile telas throws his wheel and vou deflects it off his weapon and charges at telas but gets a other wheel throw at him knocking him down then ver attacks telas getting a hit on him that sends him flying back but telas lands on his feet)

Telas- Now you made me mad auh!!! ( slashes verloren tons of times the delivers a finishing blow to him)

Ver- uh! (falls down)

Telas- Great now i have to drag these 3 to HQ!
© Copyright 2012 clypso (clypso2012 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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