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A boy that struggles with life, might find the love hes always been looking for |
INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL-MORNING (NARRATOR, BRENT, JACK, MRS.SCARLETT) (The scene opens with the camera over BRENT.) NARRATOR (V.O) Have you ever wondered what it would be like to die? Have you ever wanted to shoot the gun, pull the trigger, curious about the pain? I have, but that’s not the only reason I shot the gun. Many factors played a role in my attempt at suicide. My parents are rich, and I’m popular. People ask themselves, why would the captain of the football team kill himself? My answer to that is I’m more troubled than people see me as. About a month ago, I shot myself in the chest in my room. Why not in the head, you ask? I wanted to suffer, to feel the blood drain from my body. My parents were at work, and I thought that would be the perfect time. Nobody would be there to save me. However, one minor detail changed the whole course of my life. I forgot about our house cleaner, Ms.Murllo that one mistake is the reason I am still alive today. JACK (Standing at the door and unlocking it.) Brent, time for therapy. (BRENT gets up and follows JACK down the hall.) NARRATOR (V.O) After my suicide attempt a month ago, I’ve been placed in Spring Hill Mental Hospital. I’ve been here for about three weeks. Jack is a member of the staff here. He takes me to and from therapy, group, and lunch. That’s the only time I have out of my room. (JACK leads him to MRS. Scarlett’s office and closes the door behind him. BRENT sits down and looks at the floor.) MRS.SCARLETT (Energetic.) So, how have you been? BRENT (Sarcastically.) As good as anyone can be in a prison. MRS.SCARLETT Brent you will adjust soon. You only had been here for three weeks. BRENT (Rolls eyes.) MRS.SCARLETT Therefore, I thought we would talk about why you tried to kill yourself. BRENT Sigh…I already told you why. MRS.SCARLETT Yes, but I believe there is more to it that what you say. NARRATOR (V.O) Mrs. Scarlett is good. There is way more to why I tried to kill myself than just being stressed about football season and schoolwork. My parents play a huge roll in my wanting to be dead. BRENT Sig, you’re very smart, you know that? MRS.SCARLETT Thank you Brent. But back to the issue. I need to know why you tried to kill yourself. The only way for you to get better is to open up to me, let me inside your head. BRENT You really want inside my head? (MRS.SCARLETT nods.) Okay, well everyday I think about how I tried to kill myself. Ha, and every day I yell at myself because I wasn’t successful. It’s like in football, when I throw a pass and the ball gets intercepted, my parents would cuss me out for not doing it right. That’s what I do. MRS.SCARLETT And why do you feel like you need to be yelled at? BRENT (Lowers his voice) Because I’m still alive. (MRS.SCARLETT shakes her head in disapproval) MRS.SCARLETT Okay, well that’s all for today JACK! (JACK takes BRENT back to his room, while taking a glimpse of another patient going getting in trouble.) INT. BRENT’S HOSPITAL ROOM NARRATOR One thing about this place that I actually like is we get to wear our own cloths. No white outfits classifying us as psycho. (BRENT GETS UP AND WALKS TOWARD THE WINDOW) This is a prison to me. It will never be home to any of us. I’m waiting for the day that I can be set free. But does anyone forget hell? I won’t, because I live in it. INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, THE GROUP ROOM- THE NEXT MORNING (BRENT and other people are seen sitting in a circle in the middle of the room.) NARRATOR I’ve learned some things from being in a mental hospital; killing yourself doesn’t make you crazy, living dose. Living my days out her in Spring Hill Mental Hospital have made me crazy. Looking at the same walls, staying in the same small room for hours upon hours makes me want to rip my hair out. MR.CORPS Brent, why don’t you welcome our newest group member, Victory Johnson? BRENT (Thinking.) So that’s her name. (Normal voice.) Welcome to hell Victory. VICTORY (Lift hears head and smiles.) NARRATOR Right then, that’s when my heart stops beating, as if I intended it to when I shot the gun, I can’t breathe. Hear eyes are a moss green and her lips are plump and pink. She had high cheekbones and an all-together perfect face. But it’s when she speak, her word kill me. VICTORY Ha, I guess this is what I get for wanting to die. NARRATOR Her voice is sweet like honey, her word cutting me with a knife. It feels like I’ve been stabbed the heart. I’ve never felt like this before. What’s wrong with me? She offers a sly smile and I melt. MR.CORPS Okay, that’s enough. Victory why don’t tell the group why you’re here. VICTORY Well, I tried to kill myself. I downed a bottle of my mom’s ox cotton. I was too scared to stab myself or shoot myself. I wanted just to pass out and die that way. My mom came home early from work. It was my birthday and she wanted to spend the day with me. I wish I could see the look on her face when she found me on the floor of the bathroom. MR.CORPS Okay good. You’re opening up to us that are a start (writes something on his clipboard.) Brent why don’t you tell victory what brought you here. BRENT Why not? So I shot myself in the chest. I was in my room and my parents were at work. I thought I was for sure going to die, but then our house cleaner found me. Guess I didn’t think it though enough. (Shrugs shoulders.) MR.CORPS Well that’s all for today. Jack and May will escort you back to your rooms. (Stands up and walks out the room.) (Brent walks over to victory.) BRENT I’m Brent Skies. VICTORY Victory Johnson, but you already know that. (Smiles.) JACK Come on you two. VICTORY So you shot yourself, you must have a pretty bad ass scar. BRENT (Smirks and lifts up his shirt and reach the end of the hall were boy’s and girl’s rooms split.) VICTORY We’ll see you later psycho. JACK Come on lover boy, let’s go. (Grabs BRENT’S arm pulling him towards his room.) BRENT Lover boy, I’m so not in love with her. JACK Have you seen the way you look at her? BRENT Dude, she hot. JACK Suit yourself. (Unlocks BRENT’S door and lock the door behind BRENT.) (BRENT lies back on his bed crossing his arms and stares at the ceiling and think.) NARRATOR (V.O) There’s no way at all I could love victory, I just meet her. I mean, how could I fall in love with a freak that tried to kill themselves? I don’t even love myself. What the hell is wrong with me? Yesterday in-group, victory had made my heart beating. Unfortunately, I was still alive though. But after seeing her perfect and beautiful face, I can’t stop thinking about her. She’s the reason I wake up in the morning. There’s n o way that I’m in love with her. I’m a ladies’ man, the perfect stud. I hit on girls not fall for them! INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, BRETT’S ROOM- THE NEXT MORNING JACK (Opens BRENT’S door, noticing him pacing the floor talking to himself.) BRENT (Pacing the floor.) What the hell is wrong with me? Yesterday in-group, victory had made my heart stop beating. Unfortunately, I was still alive though. But after seeing her perfect and beautiful face, I can’t stop thinking about her! She’s the reason I wake up in the morning… there… is no way that imp in love with her…. JACK (Coughs.) BRENT (Turns around noticing BRENT.) JACK What’s wrong lover boy? BRENT (Following JACK out the door.) I DON’T LOVE HER! JACK (Laughs.) INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, CAFETERIA- MORNING (JACK chuckles and starts to walk away, BRENT roll his eyes and grab a try and heads toward the line. He notices VICTORY sitting by herself in the back of the cafeteria.) BRENT (Under his breath.) Perfect. (Walks towards VICTORY.) I’ve sat alone by myself plenty of times. It just adds to the crazy. (Smiles and sits down.) VICTORY Hey psycho. (Smiles back.) BRENT I have a name you know. VICTORY I know, but I like giving people nicknames. BRENT (Eating his food) What do you have in mind? VICTORY Hmmm… how about freak? BRENT (Laughs) that suits me well. (Both laugh) VICTORY Brent, why did you do it? BRENT You called me Brent. VICTORY Yea, I did... (Smiles.) So, why’d you do it? Why did you shoot yourself? NARRATOR (V.O) I’ve never told anyone the reason. I hadn’t even told Mrs. Scarlett the truth. BRENT No reason. (VICTORY touches Brent’s hand.) VICTORY You can tell me. NARRATOR (V.O) I want to tell someone. But I barely know Victory. BRENT (Pulls his hand away and stands up.) You’re wrong, I can’t tell anyone. IT’S NOT AS IF YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND ANYWAY! (Walks away, catches a glimpse of VICTORY, and walks back towards her.) Sigh... Victory, I really am sorry. I just don’t like talking about it, okay? VICTORY (Looks up.) Okay… BRENT Hey, you want to hear about this crazy chick? Just last week she tried to strangle herself with her pillow, so they put her in a straight jacket for a week. VICTORY Whoa,… she must be crazy... (BRENT nods.) Tell me more! NARRATOR (V.O) Victory makes me happy, she makes me smile. She hot and nice to talk to. Maybe once we get out of here we can hook up. But that far as ill go... I don’t want to hurt her. INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, MRS.SCARLETT’S OFFICE- AFTERNOON NARRATOR (V.O) Memories stay with you, good or bad. Sometimes you wish you could erase the bad memories, forget them all. But then again, they are the only things linking you to the hatred and anger you feel. If the bad memories, forget them all together. But then again, they are the only things linking you to the hatred and anger you feel. If the bad memories about a person were erased, you would forget why you tried to kill yourself. It’s been two weeks since I first met victory. We talk a lot. She hasn’t asked all the things that one more thing about why I tried to kill myself, which is good. Nobody knows why, my mom might…but I don’t want to talk to her. I don’t hate her, but I haven’t forgiven her. She was a victim too, but she was someone who could have helped me and she didn’t. Victory is a great person. She listens to me even when I ramble on and make no sense. And for the very first time in my life, I’m actually….happy. BRENT (Enters MRS.SCARLETT’S office.) MRS.SCARLETT Hello Brent. How are you today? BRENT (With attitude.) I don’t know. MRS.SCARLETT That’s good. BRENT Yeah, but I’m a sick person. Why do I fell happy? MRS.SCARLETT PAUSE In what way are you sick, Brent? BRENT (Smiles.) I’m surprised You don’t know why, Mrs. Scarlett. MRS.SCARLETT (Shakes her head.) I’m sorry Brent but I don’t know. I think you are healing and getting better. I never thought you were sick. BRENT Maybe that’s one of your defects Kathy. (Leans toward MRS.SCARLETT staring into her eyes) You’re a good therapist, but you can’t get into my mind. You can’t see all the things that made me sick. I’m a very sick person, you see. I tried to kill myself; I would give up anything to die. Every day I look around me, thinking about what I could use to ensure my next death. (MRS.SCARLETT backs away little bit) I ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT KILLING MY DAD ONCE! Almost…went though it… until my mom walked into the living room…. SHE TOOK ME IN MY ROOM AND TALKED ME OUT OF IT! I was even. She thinks… I’m going to hurt her, try to kill her too. I wouldn’t do that. MRS.SCARLETT (Coughs.) Brent can you please sit back in your chair? BRENT (Sits in chair and laughs hysterically.) MRS.SCARLETT Thank you. So Brent, why did you try to kill your father? (Brent stares at her... causing him to have a flash back.) FLASHBACK INT. BRENT’S PLAYROOM (SEVEN YEARS OLD) EVENING (BRENT is seen playing with his dinosaurs.) NARRATOR (V.O) I hear my parents yelling. My dad is screaming at My mom, saying something I can’t quite understand. I hear something break and my mom scream in pain. I’m scared now, don’t know what to do. I open my door and look down the hall into the living room. I see my mom lying on the floor with blood gushing from her nose. The coffee table lay broken beside her. I run to her in panic, screaming her name. BRENT’S FATHER DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH HER! (BRENT starts crying) IF YOU TAKE ONE STEP TOWARDS HER ILL BEAT YOU TOO. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? (Brent shakes his head and he smacks him across the face) SPEAK BOY! YOU AREN’T STUPIED, ARE YOU? BRENT No sir, I’m not. BREN’T FATHER Good, now tell me you understand. BRENT I understand sir. (BRENT’S FATHER walks over to his mom smiling and kneels besides her. He strokes her hair gently.) BRENT Maybe if you weren’t such a whore (< can I use that??) Cindy, we could make this work. Maybe if you would close your legs we would have such a screw up. FLASHBACK ENDS INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, MRS.SCARLETT’S OFFICE- AFTERNOON MRS.SCARLETT Brent? Brent, can you hear me? (JACK and MRS.SCARLETT are staring at BRENT.) BRENT (Whispers.) I-I’m sorry… MRS.SCARLETT Brent, what happened? Why were you screaming? BRENT He-he was beating her. She was bleeding and he wouldn’t let me save her. I couldn’t save her. (Starts to cry.) MRS.SCARLETT (Whispers to JACK) I think he needs to go back to his room. He needs rest. (Walks over to BRENT and hugs him.) BRENT No, I object. (Pulls away from MRS.SCARLETT) I can’t go back to that room. I need to see Victory. JACK I think he needs to see her. MRS.SCARLETT Okay Brent, you can see Victory but only for a little bit. (BRENT stands up and JACK leads him down the hall. They enter REC room. The REC room is filled with a couch, chairs, a pool table and a T.V.) INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, REC ROOM- AFTERNOON JACK Sit here I’ll tell May to get Victory (Walks out room.) BRENT (Stares around the room, his hands are shaking and tears are still coming from his eyes.) NARRATOR (V.O.) That day after my father left, I called my grandma. She came over and took my mom to the hospital. Her nose was broken and she had two broken ribs. She still never left him. VICTORY Brent? BRENT (Stands up and wraps his arms around VICTORY.) VICTORY Brent, what’s wrong? (BRENT lets go and takes VICTORY to the couch still crying.) BRENT J-Just hold me. Make me forget. (VICTORY hugs him.) VICTORY You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to….. But I’m a good listener. BRENT (Let’s go and kisses VICTORY.) (Under his breath.) I’m…sorry. (Walks away.) VICTORY BRENT! WAIT! (Runs to him and she kisses him back and BRENT pulls away.) BRENT Victory…I can’t…. VICTORY Why not? You just kissed me. (BRENT RUNS TO HIS ROOM.) INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, BRENT’S ROOM – NIGHTTIME NARRATOR (V.O.) when I was little, I used to look up at the bright moon when I couldn’t sleep. I would ask my mom, could we go there someday? She said that it was hard to get to the moon, and we could only do it during our dreams. I had told her I wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. That I wanted to go to the moon and get away from here, because this place was scary. The place I was talking about was my life. INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, THE GROUP ROOM- THE NEXT MORNING MR.CORPS Okay, so today I want everybody to share one thing about him or her that we don’t already know. What are your hobbies, favorite band, something like that? Victory why don’t you start us off. VICTORY I was a cheerleader before I came here. The popular girl in school, someone everybody loved. I didn’t have many true friends that I could talk to. But whatever I started to like someone, they would push me away. MR.CORPS Brent do you have something to say? BRENT Um…. Yeah. I uh.., was on the football and basketball team. I was popular as well. I had tons of friends. We would hang out, go to parties. I would have a different girl each day of the week, hooking up with the left and right. But when one got to close, I would push them away. I was always afraid of getting hurt. I mean, my mother hurt me, why should anyone else? (Looks a victory then looks to the floor.) MR.CORPS And how did your mother hurt you, Brent? BRENT She... just did. MR.CORPS She must have hurt you bad not to trust another girl. BRENT (Crosses and leans back in his chair.) Yeah. But it doesn’t matter, it’s over now. MR.CORPS Brent, you can talk to us were your friends. BRENT None of you are my friends. YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT I WEN THOUGH! My mom claimed to care about me. BUT SHE NEVER ONCE STOP HIM AS HE HIT ME. Or beat me with his belt. She NEVER did she once cared, so why should anyone else? (Starts crying and glances at VICTORY. He looks away and runs to MRS.SCARLETT office.) INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, MRS.SCARLETT’S OFFICE- MORNING (BRENT burst into the door. Hugging MRS. SCARLETT.) MRS. SCARLETT Brent, it’s ok. Here sit down… BRENT (Sits down)… my dad... used to beat my mom and me. He would often return home drunk and take out all his rage on us. One time he took a baseball bat and hit me with it. He didn’t stop until my back bled. (Crying heavily) he stabbed my mom when I was ten. Stabbed her right in the stomach. My grandma took her to the emergency room and she told the doctor she ran into the edge of the counter. He didn’t believe her, but what could he do? MRS. SCARLETT Oh...my. BRENT He’s why I shot myself. The day before I did it, he almost killed my mother. When I came home from school, she was lying on the floor with blood coming from her head. He had hit her with a pan because she didn’t have something ready for him to eat. MRS. SCARLETT Do... you want to talk about it. BRENT Yeah, I think I’m ready… After my dad would beat me, he would come to my room. He would tell me his reasoning for hitting me. It was always something like he just got mad and he was sorry or he had a rough day at work and had to take it out on somebody. He told me to grow up and take it like a man or else I would be a pansy. NARRATOR (V.O) Everyone has a reason for something. It doesn’t matter what it is, it’s just a masked excuse given to hide the lies they say. They want you to think they are perfect. When the truth is…..nobody can be perfect until you admit you are imperfect. INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, VISITING HOURS- NIGHT NARRATOR (V.O.) Family, what does it mean? Is it the people who care and love you? Who would never harm you, and take care of you? To me families are people who happen to share your blood. I don’t give a damn about them and they don’t give a damn about me. Family is just a word, not a meaning. It’s been two weeks since I let Victory in. I haven’t been any happier; she makes me smile and laugh. I’m trying to get better for her. Today marks the day that I’ve been in this prison for two months. It’s visitor’s day, the day when every inmate’s parents or “loved one” come to visit. I doubt anyone will come for me, and I’m fine with that. I open my drawer and grab a blue a blue polo, slipping it over my head. I grab my best pair of jeans and slide them over my black boxer. Mrs. Scarlett said I should dress up. I did want to argue, although I knew no one would come. JACK (Knocks on the door) Time to go Brent. (BRENT follows JACK) Ready to see your parents? BRENT Like they’re going to show up. (BRENT spots VICTORY and slowly walks towards her. JACK stops him) JACK That’s her family, you can’t interrupt them. BRENT Do you see the way that sick badsterd is looking at her? JACK Here’s your family NARRATOR (V.O.) I look at the doorway, standing there is mom, her blonde hair flowing past her shoulder. My eyes tear up. I’m happy to see her. But then he steps next to her. His eyes are dark and his hair is messy. He looks like he just came from work. The tears dry and my anger replace them. She spots me. I want to run away but it’s too late. She approaches. BRENT’S MOTHER BRENT! (Hugs BRENT and begins to cry) BRENT’S FATHER My boy. BRENT (Sneers at BRENT’S FATHER) I’m not you boy. We just share the same blood. MOM BRENT! Don’t talk to your father like that! (Looking innocent) BRENT What do you mean? This sick bantered almost killed you once! OR DID YOU FORGET? DAD (Steps between BRENT and MOM) DON’T TALK TO YOUR MOM LIKE THAT! This is not the time for family issues. BRENT (Laughs) issues? Ha, YOU’RE NO FAMILY OF MINE! I wish I would have killed you when I the chance! Or at least KILLED MYSELF SO I WOULD HAVE TO WATCH YOU STOP ALL OVER MY MOM LIKE YOU OWN HER! DAD (Starts to get angry, rears his hand back, and smacks BRENT in the face) BRENT (VICTORY runs towards BRENT. BRENT falls to the floor and says under his breath) VICTORY GET AWAY! VICTORY BRENT ARE YOU OK! BRENT VICTORY GET AWAY! (VICTORY gets away) Not this time (gets up and punches his dad in the nose) (DAD falls to the floor holding is nose that appears to be bleeding. BRENT tries to get another hit, but JACK runs over, grabs BRENT’s arms, and puts them behind BRENTS back. MRS.SCARLETT runs over.) MRS.SCARLETT BRENT! What did you do? (Runs over to help DAD up.) BRENT (Pulls away from jack and storms off to the bathroom and throws up. Then looks up at the mirror. He hears a toilet flush and his group friend CONNER walks out and washes his hands. He looks at BRENT) BOY Aye, man you need some help. BRENT (Confused) what do you mean? (CONNER takes out a small clear baggy with a white substance in side.) CONNER Here, man BRENT WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? CONNER Cocaine man... helps so much. HEY! After this, you don’t need those depression pills anymore. (Brent’s stares at him for a while) BRENT Are you stupid? If you get caught with that your dead. CONNER Man, pshh... that’s why you don’t get caught. (BRENT takes the baggy and goes to the stall) ACT ONE ENDS ACT TWO INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, CAFETERIA- NIGHT NARRATOR (V.O.) I’m not perfect. I will never be perfect. However, society expects me to be. They expect me to make the right decisions, a wrong one… never in my mind. People know that no one is perfect, but they always expect us to be. VICTORY (Whispers) Brent? BRENT Huh? NARRATOR (V.O.) I hadn’t realized I was staring at her until now. Her cheeks are a shade of pink as a smile appears on my face overcomes my expressions. We are sitting in-group and MR.CORPS is babbling on. (There is a knock on the door) JACK Sorry for the interruption, Mr. Corps. But Mrs. Scarlett would like to see Brent. MR.CORPS Okay, Brent off you go. (Brent gets up and walks with JACK to MR.SCARLETT’S office) INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, MRS.SCARLETT’S OFFICE- NIGHT (BRENT sits down) BRENT What is up? MRS.SCARLETT Brent, you have been doing very well while in here. Excluding the fight tonight. BRENT I know shocked me to. MRS.SCARLETT You have been in here for six months now. It won’t be long until you’re released. I think you should get a familiarity with the outside world. Every Wednesday and Friday, two staff members take a hand full of patients into the city. Sometimes you go to the mall, see a movie or maybe even to the zoo. This helps you get used to world before you back in it. BRENT (Shocked.) THAT’S GREAT! MRS.SCARLETT Yes, it is, and I’m glad you’re excited about it. The first time you go is next Wednesday. BRENT Thanks Mrs. Scarlett (walks out of her office and sit back down next to VICTORY in the group room. INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, GROUP ROOM- NIGHT BRENT (Whispers to VICTORY) Guess what? VICTORY (Whispers) what. BRENT Every Wednesdays and Friday, I get to leave this place and go to the movies or something. VICTORY Brent! That is great! BRENT I know. (Smiles) (MR.CORPS ends his discussion. In addition, VICTORY and BRENT stand up and starts to walks back to their rooms.) VICTORY Do I get to see you once were out of this hell? (Both stops walking.) Brent, I love you. BRENT (Stares at VICTORY) NARRIRATOR She loves me? How can that be? My mother never loves me fully and my father, well he never loved me period. How can this be? I’m not perfect and I will never will be. That’s the reason I simply walk away from Victory Johnson. I will never be perfect enough to love her back the way she deserves to be loved. SCENE 0_ ENDS SCENE 0_ NARRIRATOR (V.O.) Everybody talks about love. They say it’s the best feeling in the world, that it makes you happy and it beats all odds. But is it possible for a girl to fall in love with the wrong boy? That’s what happened to Victory. She fell in love with me, the wrong boy. I’m nowhere near good enough for her, and I never will be. I stare at the ceiling, my eyes heavy. I am unable to sleep. She’s all I can think about, even though I want so bad to forget her. (BRENT throws pillow at the wall) BRENT AH! HOW CAN LOVE HURT SO BAD? (There is a knock at the door and VICTORY enters quickly) VICTORY Brent! We... need to talk... BRENT (Whispers) Victory… (They both hug) You are not supposed to be out of your room, let alone mine… (VICTORY starts to leave) WAIT!.. I… VICTORY Okay, what do you want Brent? (BRENT runs up to her and kisses her) NARRARTOR (V.O) Victory is beautiful and wondrous. She is different from any other girl. She’s not just hit and run anymore. I’m here to stay with her forever END OF SCENE 1 SCENE 2 NARRTOR Color, I cannot believe it color. Ever since I met Victory, I no longer see the black and white. My life is no longer laced in grey, but replaced by bright shades of yellow. She makes me smile and laugh. Before, all I wanted to do was escape this cold world. But now all I want to do is be with her. I sit on my bed, staring out the barred window. (There is a knock on the door) JACK Come on kid, Wednesday! Group time INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, GROUP ROOM- MORNING MAY Now, before we go I want to address some rules we have here. You all have to have a buddy. No one is allowed to go to the bathroom or anywhere without a buddy. Or Jack or me. Secondly, you must stick with the group when we enter and exit the theater and van. No wonder off. Lastly, no one will be allowed to bring anything to the hospital. Do I make myself clear? (All the kids nod and follow MAY and JACK out the hospital building) NARRATOR (V.O) People say that when you start to hear voices your crazy. I don’t think that’s entirely true. Maybe the voices they hear are their own conscience getting mixed in with voices of their peers. Maybe it’s just voices they make up. Maybe society is wrong, and they aren’t. However, I do know that when you start to hear those voices, you will do anything and everything to make them stop shouting. INT. LOCAL THEATER – MORNING MAY (Taking the kids out the van) Come on people, we don’t have all day. Let’s go. JACK Is everyone ready? (The kids nod) ALL RIGHT LET’S GO! (Walks over and buy’s a ticket for each kid. In addition, himself and MAY. Then heads the kids in to the Theater) MAY Stay in this row. BRENT (Grabs VICTORY’S hand.) Finally, i get to take you out on a date. VICTORY (Smiles) Yeah, I’m glad we were able to get you out of that place. (Stares at her for a moment then sits down. The lights go off and the movie starts.) BRENT (Look’s at VICTORY then starts to hear voices) No… (Under his breath) Nonononono… NARRATOR (V.O) At first, they were soft. Barley a whisper. I blow it off, as it is just someone talking in the row below me. But... then they begin to get louder until there screaming at me. There are shouting, pleading me to bleed. I close my eyes and mentally shake myself. Trying to lodge them out of my head. That only makes them worse. My hands shake as I grip the armrest beside me and I began to sweat. VICTORY Brent, are you okay? BRENT (Looks at her and relishes his grip.) Yeah I’m fine, I just need to go to the bathroom, that’s all. (Stands up) Conner come on buddy bathroom break CONNER Hurry up the show’s about to start. BRENT Like you really want to watch that chick flick. (Enter the bathroom) CONNER (Flushes) BRENT (Flushes) CONNER No but it’s better than being in here. BRENT Then go back CONNER I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself. (Walks out bathroom) BRENT (Looks in the mirror and splashes water on his face) What the hell is wrong with me? VOICE Just a little blood. It won’t hurt, promise. BRENT UGH! STOP! (Punches wall) VOICE Just one little cut. It will feel so good. BRENT (Under his breath) Cut. It wants me to cut myself. I had heard about it people at school doing it, but never actually thought about it. I heard it helps. That I actually feels good. Maybe I should try it. (Shouts) WHAT AM I SAYING?! I can’t do something stupid like that. VOICE Yes, you can. BRENT Why do you want me to? VOICE Because, it will help you forget the things your father did to you. NARRATOR (V.O) I stop and stare blankly, It will help me forget what my father did to me. I had tried my whole life to forget the horrible images that were lodge in my Brain, never moving. At night, they replay repeatedly, with the occasional exception of Victory appearing. (BRENT stands up and walks towards the paper towel dispenser. He takes a piece of the blade that cuts the paper. BRENT bends the metal until it breaks in half. Looks in mirror. ) BRENT What am I doing…? (Cuts arm. Takes paper towels. Wraps blade into paper towel and puts in pocket. Takes another paper towel and stops the bleeding. Cleans up and walks out the bathroom.) VICTORY (Notice BRENT coming her way) Are you okay? BRENT (Sits down) yeah, I’m fine. VICTORY (Worried) Okay, BRENT Don’t worry about me. As long as I have you, I will be just fine. VICTORY (Smiles) I love you BRENT I love you too. (Both kiss briefly) NARRATOR(V.O) What I did moments ago was still lingering in the back of my mind. I can feel the scar burning as pulled away. My secrets are hidden under the sleeve of a sweatshirt. SCENE 2 ends SCENE 3 INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, - ONE MONTH LATER, BRENT’S ROOM NARRATOR(V.O) People always keep secrets, whether they promise not to or not. The people you love the most, the ones that you should share everything with, hide the most shocking secrets. Victory is hiding a secret, I can feel it. She barely talks to me anymore and won’t let me put my hand around her waist touch her the slightest. I can’t tell what it is, but I know it’s something. BRENT (Hears scream, voices, and sits up. JACK is seen at BRENT’S room window.) JACK Brent… come its Victory. BRENT (Jumps up and follows him to the girl’s bathroom. JACK stops him.) No! Wait VICTORY is in there and she needs me. WHATS WRONG WITH HER?! (VICTORY is lying on the bathroom floor passed out with vomit around her) JACK She fainted, I just need to make sure if Miss. May will let you in. BRENT (Ignores him and walks into the bathroom, and notices VICTORY was crying holds her.) Victory, talk to me. What’s wrong? What happened? VICTORY I-I’m sorry Brent…. (Burry’s her face in BRENT’s chest) MAY I’ll go get a blanket. (Leaves room) BRENT Victory…what’s wrong? VICTORY I-I want to tell you but… BRENT But what? VICTORY But, I can’t. BRENT Victory, I love you. You can trust me. VICTORY (Shakes head) I can’t...I just can’t… (Chants it over and over in whispers) BRENT (Stands up and starts to walk away) VICTORY BRENT! (BRENT looks at her) Where are you going? BRENT Victory, if you can’t trust me with your own secrets, I can’t stay here to hold you. I can’t comfort you when I don’t know what it is you hide from. I’m sorry, but I just can’t. VICTORY Brent...I’m pregnant…. BRENT (Stares at VICTORY and starts to cry.) VICTORY A-aren’t you going to say anything?) BRENT Victory…I-I don’t know what to say. (Walks to VICTORY and sit next to her.) VICTORY Neither do II Brent… I wasn’t going to tell you... I-I didn’t want to ruin your life. BRENT Why would it ruin my life? VICTORY Because you life is already crazy and you don’t want to mess it up by throwing a baby in there. BRENT (Smiles) my life is already messed up. You can only make it better. VICTORY So... you not mad? BRENT NO! Of course not. Sure, I’m not ready to have a baby. And I’m pretty messed up…a baby doesn’t need to be around me. But I won’t take back what created that baby. (VICTORY SMILES) NARRARATOR (V.O) I am going to be a father. Poor baby, we can’t pick our parents. I feel bad if it got stuck with a failure as a father. And had to be conceived in a mental hospital. If I had killed myself like planed, I wouldn’t have made a mistake of conceiving a child. SCENE 3 ends SCENE 4 NARRATOR (V.O) Father… now that’s something I’ve never know the definition of. What exactly is a father? What do they do for their children, love ones? What makes a good father? I never really had a father. Sure, “That man” claimed he was, but all he was to me was a sperm donator. He was never there for me, never cared about me. He couldn’t even love my mom and me right. He was a failure, and now I’m in his position. I am going to be a father, but unlike him, I swear on everything, I will be a good father. INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, MRS.SCARLETT’S OFFICE- MORNING MRS.SCARLETT Brent? What is on your mind? BRENT Stuff… MRS.SCARLETT Brent, we been over this. You can talk to me. You know. (Starts tapping her pen on her desk) BRENT (Irritated) My father was never a good father. MRS.SCARLETT How so? BRENT He was a failure. He couldn’t even love my mom and me right. But I’m going to be a great father. I’m going to love my kid with every bone in my body. I will never ignore them, or never hit him. MRS.SCARLETT I know you won’t Brent. You will make a great father. You are a good boy. (BRENT stares at MRS.SCARLETT and the words “you are a good boy” repeat in his head.) BRENT (Angrily) H-how could you say that…? MRS.SCARLETT Say what? BRENT (screaming) SAY IM A GOOD BOY. HOW COULD YOU SAY IM A GOOD BOY? MR.SCARLETT (Scared, she rolls her chair back a little) Because, I know you are. BRENT (Slams desk with a smile) NO, KATHY I AM NOT! You really don’t get it do you? I am not a good boy. Good boys don’t try to kill themselves. Good boys don’t get there girl friend knocked up. Good boys aren’t crazy. (MRS.SCARLETT backs up a little bit more.) (Starts to walk out) You shouldn’t be scared Kathy, after all I am a good boy. (He storms down the hall and JACK STOPS HIM.) JACK She didn’t say the session was over. BRENT I did, after all I am the patient. (Walks back to his room and grab his razor and the bloody shirt from his drawer. He places the blade on his arm and cuts all the way to the crook of his elbow. He soon realizes that JACK and MRS.SCARLETT are standing on the opposite sides of him) MR.SCARLETT Brent… did you do that? BRENT NO! I didn’t. MRS.SCARLETT Brent, just tell me the truth... BRENT Mrs. Scarlett I didn’t do it purposefully. In the cafeteria, I bumped into the edge of one of the tables. I cut my arm bad as you can see. (Looks at JACK) Jack you believe me right? You know that I would never lie. JACK (Pause) Sigh… he wouldn’t lie. I know Brent since he got here six months ago... MRS.SCARLETT Okay... sound logical… well it’s time for group therapy, Jack will take you there. (Exit) JACK (stops brent from walking) you made that cut on your arm. BRENT But you told Mrs.Scarlett… JACK I told her that I know Brent, and he would never lie. You are not Brent. (both exit room) NARRATOR (V.O) You are not Brent. How am I not Brent? That is my birth name given to me. That is what I am called, that is who I have always been. So why dose Jack say I am not Brent? INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, GROUP ROOM- MORNING (BRENT enters the room and sits next to VICTORY) MR.CORPS Since all of you are getting discharged soon, I though we could go over what you plans are when you get out. Brent? BRENT I am Brent Lucas Skyes. I always have been. I am a psychopath, a crazy person. I tried to kill myself once and ended up here in hell. I started cutting myself to ease the pain and to stop the horrifying memories of my “so-called” father left me with. that is who I am, that is who I will always be. MR.CORPS Brent? Thank you for the story, now would you like to share your plans? BRENT I guess. (Looks at VICTORY) I plan on raising a child. I plan on having a family and being a an amazing father to my child. (Everyone stares a BRENT in shock) NARRARATOR (V.O) Right then, looking upon their shocked faces, I knew what Jack meant. I am not Brent anymore. The me I used to be didn’t care what other people thought. I gave them me, and if they didn’t like it oh well. But this Brent... the one I am now, is liar and a manipulator. I have learned to lie and hide things, even though I was so good at it before. This Brent that I am now is my Father. SCENCE 4 ends SCENE 5 NARARTOR (V.O) Death is a promise, but your life is a lie. My life is a lie. Everything I once knew... a lie. My whole life I have tried to be better, tried to succeed, some something my father never did. I was a football star. Now I am my father. INT. SPRING HILL MENTAL HOSPITAL, GROUP ROOM- MORNING VICTORY (Whispers) Brent, Brent. MR.CORPS Brent? Are you ok? BRENT I-I ….C-Can I step out for a moment? MR.CORPS Sure, but stay in the hallway BRENT (Stands up and walks out, and notices VICTORY is behind him) VICTORY Brent? Are you okay? BRENT No, I’m not. Victory….I…I’m just like my father. VICTORY No, you are not Brent. You are nothing like him. BRENT I’m not like him Victory. REALLY? You don’t even know him, so how could you say that? (screaming) HE WAS A MONSTER AN SO AM I! (Grabs VICTORY’S face) look at me Victory; I’m not the same person I was when we first met. I’m a LIAR, AND A MANIPULATOR! I can make you think things you would never believe to be true. (VICTORY steps back, frightened) BRENT (screaming) SEE WHAT I MEAN! You’re scared of me. VICTORY Brent… I’m not scared of you…. BRENT OH REALLY VICTORY? (Raises his fist toward VICTORY) Now are you scared? VICTORY (Starts fall to the floor crying) Brent… stops! DON’T DO THIS! NARRARATOR (V.O) My eyes widen. What have I done? I love Victory with every bone in my body, with every fiber of my being. How could I do this to someone I love? (BRENT starts crying and runs to his room) I hurry over to my dresser and pull out my blade, this time leaving the bloodstained rag behind. I won’t need it again. (BRENT looks at the silver blade) BRENT (Under his breath) I’m so sorry Victory; I won’t ever hurt you again. NARRATOR (V.O) Slowly I raise the blade to my neck and make one deep cut ear to ear. I fall to the ground, blood flowing from the gash in my neck. My eyes begin to close, darkness enclosing me. This is what I deserve. This is how I should die. ACT 2 ENDS |