Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1849381-Purity
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #1849381
Another thought-provoking poem about what happens when life catches up with you.
Pure. Its a pretty sounding word

What do you think of when you hear it? (Don't worry, I won't think you're absurd)

Do you think of angels? Majestic with their 20 foot wings?

Or snow, icy glacier lakes, those kinds of things?

Or maybe a person, so pleasant and kind?

Is polite and seems to have nothing unclean or troubling on their mind?

They may have eyes like a clear ocean, eyelashes curled

That glitter in the light, reflecting the world

They may have flowing, blonde hair that shines in the light

Skin like delicate porcelain, easily seen at night

How do you think their thoughts are spun?

You never know, thoughts often have the power to stun

Its very intricate, the way I speak, I know

But the mind of the pure has a lot to show

For the world today isn't very kind

And if you're not careful, you'll soon find

That your soul has been corrupted, beginning to unravel

And sooner than later, you'll be face first in the gravel

Alone and unclean, theres no chance for you

To be honest, really, theres not much you can do

Now, the ones I spoke of before? Now those are tough guys!

Stumbling not from the right path, nor averting their eyes

They have few regrets, for they haven't seen or done much

For they shield themselves from the world, seem unexposed and such

Though you may live a life of material and pride

They live a life of peace and forgiveness, casting no one aside

You can criticize their way of daily life and look down on them

I mean, who wouldn't want to live your lifestyle of mayhem?

You're the better one, there is obviously no contest

For you live the guiltless life, that makes you the best

But when the time comes, and He counts up your sin

Will you be going through the gates, or be on the outside looking in?
© Copyright 2012 Sunray02 (sunray02 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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