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Rated: 13+ · Other · How-To/Advice · #1848098
A guide to hopefully help you not die in the apocalypse
  Part One: Prepare
If you're going to survive the apocalypse for the long term, then you're going to want to stock up on food, water, entertainment, and weapons/ammunition. For food, only canned goods will do because they don't spoil very quickly, as for water, bottled water is best but if you don't have any just fill up the sinks and bathtubs with water. Let the water sit out and the chemicals, etc. will have left the water. Entertainment can be many different things, be it a deck of cards a board game or a book, take your pick as electricity will probably be out so say goodbye to videogames and stuff when that happens. Me I'm bringing mine just incase I can get a generator working, which brings me to something else. If you have one, great, if you don't well buy one if you're starting to prepare early.

  Part Two: Know The Situation
Some believe that they will be what Max Brooks has envisioned them to be. Others believe that they are the kind from Left 4 Dead or any other zombie video game. Some believe that they're going to be Voodoo or actual undead zombies. What ever they are, you have to know what you are dealing with. A shot to the head is the best way to just be sure but if you feel it's safe, experiment a bit and see what other weaknesses they have (WARNING: Trying to do this is not the best idea as it can get you killed but it's your life not mine). Also you need to figure out if electricity has gone out, how far into chaos the cities are and how fast it's spreading. If it hasn't hit your town yet but you hear reports on people eating other people, then that's a clue, keep note of it.

  Part Three: Groups
Having teammates can really increase your odds of survival... Or it can get you killed. If it's family then be all: You guys! I think I need to be leader because of my experience from this handy dandy internet book! (You can print it if you want I don't mind). But if dealing with strangers and aquaintences, you need to choose who you bring carefully.
                                THIS IS MY LIST OF PERSONALITIES!!
The Crazy Leader: Manipulative, throws team members that would be a bother to help away, dissaproves of democratic rule making.
The Materialist: Cares most about material possessions, will risk team's lives over her cellphone
The Bully: Hates people he or she sees as weak because of own insecurity, will only risk the lives of the one's branded "Weak"
The Nerd: Usually awkward in social situations but put up a problem and leave him to his devices and he usually finds an answer. Handles better with tech, maths, and other academic problems
The Gun freak: Can be useful if not also fitting into one of the other categories but is usless when there is no ammo.
The Comedian: Tries to lighten up the situation with humor. Can be great survivors but sometimes go a little far. Good at making puns when doing something
You get the point, you have to balance personalities to where the whole team can get along, and function correctly.
Body types. The reason this is in the groups section is because you don't want a team full of fat people that can barely pick up their legs.(No offense if you are that fat) Fat people won't survive. If you find a fat person and he's like a doctor (Which would be weird), Mechanic,or some other stay at the base job, you can keep him at base but no fat people going on food hunts, it just doesn't work. You can base people into 3 base weight types, then each into another 3. The Three are Skinny, Fat and Buff. The three for skinny are slim, skinny, and unhealthy. you can usually decipher these kinds of things. The fat group is chubby, fat, and ungodly. The three for buff are toned, buff, and bulky.
  Part Four: Weapons
Well as any survivalist knows, weapons are important for the survival of all things. People just got the short end of the stick, with our soft squishy bodies and no natural weapons, but because of that, we have an even greater weapon: Our brain. Even an idiot can boast the ability of using tools. Let's see a bear hold a rifle. They can't. Same with the undead. They too lack the ability of thought, they only have instinct. If they have more than just instinct then they are not technically a zombie, more like a mutant or something, we're going by technical meaning of zombies in this guide. With our advanced mental capability, we have formed many a weapon for many kinds of combat. We have blades, rifles, handguns, shotguns, blunt weapons, fist weapons, pole weapons, and many other kinds of weapons, which are more effective than natural weapons animals get.
Types of weapons:
Rifle: The rifle is a very good choice. Accurate and powerful. For long distance I'd prefer bolt-action for it less likely to jam, but semi-auto for closer because of the faster rate of fire. A high-powered sniper would be nice, but be for real, are you going to be running around with a sniper like on COD? No, that is a very bad idea, military sniper rifles are very bulky guns that kick very hard. Leave those for the experts.
Fully automatic guns: The Sub-machine gun is a very bad choice, as well as a fully automatic assault rifle. The reason being that they are hard to actually find, they waste ammo, and they jam quite frequently compared to the semi-automatic rifles. Overall no advantages.
Handguns: Lightweight, accurate with training, and ammo is easier to come by than a rifle cartridge. Rate of fire is also raised by dual weilding, but accuracy is lowered.  These are pros. The cons are that that a rifle is more accurate, more powerful, more long distance, and easier to aim in general. Handguns can come in a variety of types. Revolvers have 5-6 shots, so use them sparingly, pistols have a larger capacity but jam more frequently from my experience. All in all keep one on you as a side-arm
Blades: Very nice choice of a side-arm. I'd suggest not going out and slicing zombies up with the katana you bought from some stand. That thing is most likely junk. Same with the knight swords and star trek blades I keep seeing. If you buy, do your research. Knives are easily carried, and easily used. Downside is their reach. Blades such as machetes and good swords are better. Downside to that is that they are harder to carry around, need more room to swing, and you'd need training to use a sword. Axes are horrible, in my opinion. Slow to swing, heavy, just not optimal. If that's all you can use then by all means don't go punching them with your bare hands. Hatches are very useful. Lightweight, use the blunt end to crush skulls, sharp end for breaking down doors, etc.
Blunt A blunt weapon is like a baseball bat, peice of pipe, anything that inflict damage with a blunt end. Clubs such as baseball bats, actual clubs, etc. are very good They crush the recipent's skull, in this case a zombie. A bo staff is also in this category, but without proper training, a baseball bat would be more effective in reality. You also can't go wrong with a crowbar. They aren't the lightest things around, being solid metal and all, but they are very useful. I'd keep one around just for all of the uses you can get. Hammers also fall into this category and no sledge hammer. Most people think that busting skulls with a sledge would be fun, but that's just a bad choice. A sledge hammer is a heavy block of steel with a long handle. Hard to swing, hard to recover from a swing, leaves yourself open, etc, etc. A carpenter's hammer is a good weapon if that's all you can get. You can smash skulls, penetrate with the nail removing side, and nail things together if the situation calls for it. I would upgrade to something better pronto, because it has a horrible reach. Other than that, no real problems.
Spear These are man's first weapons, alongside throwing rocks and swinging clubs. With skill, they can be used to kill a water buffalo, and those things barely die when shot. They can be thrown, thrusted and swung. Throwing is ok if you have more than one but if not, then keep it in your hands. Thrusting is by far the easiest way to kill with a spear. It takes no real skill. Swinging a spear is a different rodeo. To swing effectively, you would need to twirl and twist, which would give you chances of cutting yourself if you didn't know what you were doing. Which most of you probably don't.
Bows This is my most recommended weapon if you can grasp it. You can take enemies out from a distance, it has no bang like a gun, great accuracy, you can retrieve arrows from corpses, and again silent. Humans are prey when this happens and a good strategy for prey is silence. That's why rabbits don't make much noise. If they barked or howled, they'd be found quickly. Predators are also silent, if you want to go all ranbo when this happens (I recommend refraining from doing that)
                                                                                  To Be Continued
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