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A young man and his girlfriend getting ready to have intercourse for the first time |
![]() ![]() The Diatribe There’s a whole lot unsaid between us Certainly plenty you don’t want to talk about. How far down the food chain did you come? Before you settled on me? Such a hateful look, must have hit a raw nerve. We don’t have to dance the Kabooky today... We can take our usual Sunday drive And find some secluded spot I’ll suck you off and you can give me the usual. That’s how it works isn’t it? Between you and me? Heavens forbid I should poke you with my wanger Saving that, you keep telling me… for my husband. I’ll believe it when the geese fly South in April “You a virgin?” that’s a laugh…”You think I’m stupid?” Maybe you still have your cherry, but virgin? Get real! You’re afraid that I'll get away if you don't start putting out, Like all your other preppy boyfriends…with a future, those fine clothes and driving yuppie new cars. Who float in and out of your life, an endless stream Here today gone tomorrow. Vanishing in a screech of Empty promises, burning rubber and tire smoke…” What a scowl. “Go ahead and say it, Sweetheart... Tell me to take you home….say “Fuck you… anything.” Instead of just sitting there staring vacantly into space. Why you feel the need to hang with a low life like me is a question I’ve been asking myself for a long time? I know who I am, what I look like, and where the world has decided to poke my ragged ass in the pecking order. You could do better Honey…I’m giving you a last chance Tell me it’s over so I can turn around and take you home.” “If you don’t say something, we’re going to a motel… One off the interstate, where they don’t ask questions. Fill out the form, pay with a credit card and pick up the key.” Not even a rise, I expected at least a flash of anxiety Nada…. Just that scowl and mute look of hostility. You’re worried I’m about to dump you, n’est pas? Is that when you decided we were serious enough? When you figured it was time to take the big step? Straddle the rod, bake the salami, and take it in the twot?” I see fire in your eyes…Go ahead, tell me to turn around. Consider this a test of your dignity, and self-esteem. “All you have to say is… “Take me home you sorry motherfucker…” And I’ll turn the sled faster than you can say “Jack Robinson.” Back to your gated subdivision and bid your skanky ass adieu. Won’t your parents be relieved how you finally came to your senses?” Aren’t going to bite, are you? “When I didn’t call, you panicked. That’s the truth, isn’t it? Even though you don’t want to admit it, that seedy mind of yours clutched… that inner voice said, “Oh Shit!” So today you call and tell me you’re ready to tango… fancy that Spread your legs and take the dick, like a final testimony of love… Telling me you’re through equivocating, that I finally wore you down And I can just go ahead poke it in and have my way with you. What did you expect me to say, “How sweet…. What an honor?” So today, unless you tell me otherwise, we’ll do the deflowering ritual. Get it over with and behind us….so it’s done and there’s no undoing it. Then I can screw you anytime I want, as long as I use a condom. Now what would Father Benedict say to that…Imagine using a rubber. Actually he gets it. You and I don’t but he does. From his viewpoint, Sex isn’t a recreational sport, serving amusement on the whim of pleasure, An “Oh Yeah,” to round out the date with some squeeze and please. It’s really serious, like buying a truck. A contract entered in the flesh. It reads, “We fuck, you get pregnant and I hang around to raise the kids.” Take it to the bank Sugar, Once I pack your pee-hole, I’m stuck with you. There’s no turning back and you know it. That’s why you’re here. Isn’t it? You know that after pussy skinning my lizard, I’m not going anywhere. Is that why you just sit there with that shit eating look, not saying a word…? Are you having second thoughts or is your mind so set in cement That nothing I can say or do is every going to change it? Stubborn Bitch.? Have you considered how this simple act of intercourse will change our lives? What the sting of my pecker connotes as you cry out “That smarts!” “Innocence,” now there’s a word we should have looked up in the dictionary. Like me sucking your “You Know What" is innocent, and you cheering me on. Like you puffing on my pecker, looking up with those big brown eyes, is chaste. You’re nothing but a hot to trot slut and I’m just a pussy whipped penguin. INNOCENCE is the wrong word….PERVERSE is a more accurate description. PERVERSITY puts the whole sordid act of what we’re doing in a nutshell. You sucking and shucking on my Johnson like some porn movie blow queen… JEEZE! Don’t tell me that God thinks our back seat antics are acceptable. That these are mere acts of endearment like French kissing and finger fucking. A progression that follows once the windows fog up, and passions heat up. Chowing down on each other, doing that nasty cunnilingus thing? Maybe servicing your pee hole is analogous to sprinkling it with Holy Water. Like angles will start singing when I stuff that little muff with my boner. I guess tongue sexing and licking the bud are the more politically correct Than doing it the old fashioned way like Grandma and Grandpa did. That’s something we’re about to find out. Which is the more obscene? We’ll know for sure when we ice the cake and celebrate the Last Hurrah…. I knew you were Catholic but I never imagined all the work-a-arounds. When it comes to evading the dogma you make the Amish look like slackers. Stubborn bitch…Go ahead sneer at me , set your jaw and sully up. You could be saying, “Please…Honey, don’t make me do this…” Why am I the one making decisions and trying to explain everything? A woman is supposed to have the final say in these matters. “Don’t be shy…You can chime in My Dear, anytime you want.” “Cat got your tongue….? I’m not even sure you like me, for Christ’s sake… That perhaps I was second best or even lower on the totem pole… That with time growing short and the window of opportunity closing You felt it prudent to act before life passed you by altogether.” “Is that why you always close your eyes when I suck you off? Are you pretending it’s somebody else, plucking your heart strings? Is it some memory guiding my cheeks into that tangle of pubic hair… Is that behind your eyes glazing and that wistful Mona Lisa smile? I’d bet my ass on it…. and see the winnings safe in the bank… As my tongue sexes in and out, you’re imagining somebody else. Aren’t you… How do you think I feel, watching you replay the highlight reel? Flipping back through the pages of your High School Yearbook. Vicariously remembering your times with Jody... such tender moments… Heart pounding, breasts heaving… getting it on with the tin man? Can’t get him out of your mind, can you? I see his imprint like a brand, Some invisible tattoo, animated with wishful thinking, aglow in your eyes. In those dark mirrors of recollection I see his visage staring back at me. And where am I on the sordid replay. Spliced in somewhere near the end ? Caught in an audio of moans and groans on a video of steamy recollections… Give me a break Honey. Blink those almond eyes and share some face time with your working stiff…”HOHUM” boyfriend who has you all lathered up… How about sharing some of that bliss as I snorkel the Here and Now. "Huh? I'm down here Honey…smelling the fish… making you resonate sweetheart… But please! Before you pop off…just remember to call out my name. It’s important for a guy… that his girlfriend gets that one right. Did your mother warn you about giving away the milk… I bet that was it… Why pay when you can get it for free? That marriage only happens when a man is awash in cum. Would that such convoluted thinking were true. I could wack my pecker and rid myself of all thoughts of you. Cast off the ties that bind and bid adieu to sleepless nights. More than milk it is…Try a glass before bed and see if it helps… No, it’s a compulsion. The cry of a snared sprit caught in a web of DNA… Screaming out in agony across the cosmic threads of eternity… That’s what you are…a black hole sucking my spirit into the vortex. It’s me that tomorrow’s child is after…I know, I’m not much to look at And don’t ask me why the interest in someone so plain and ordinary And don’t be smirking… you’re as clueless about all this as I am… You might have dreamed of that Knight in shining armor but it was me the Dark Whore in your black soul was angling for… From the beginning she had her sights set on Sir Balderdash here. While you looked wistfully at the rebounders who circled the hoop. She was way ahead of you….sniffing about for her real prey. You think she noticed those wimpy pricks who tried drying your tears Fretting about, as they promised to make tomorrow a new beginning? Did you register the falsehood of empty promises as they brayed like beagels? Those in betweener wieners,who barked at opportunity, vying for attention? Ever seen a pack of horney dogs chasing a wild eyed bitch, in heat? They were all pretenders…Hopefuls, and the dark slut bid you run like hell. What your soul mama wanted was the twinkle snot sloshing in my scrotums. She bided her time, letting the blush of romance fade from your cheeks. With patience she waited for the “Once and future” you never even noticed. What were you thinking when you gave me that “who the heck are you," look? "Ugh! What a jerk…” that’s what you thought…but something inside you squinted. Staring first in awe, and then clapping and jumping up and down in delight. As you yawned and considered it another wasted evening, she sighed and in the caverns of your clutch the weird sisters danced around the cauldron. Do you know that she strokes my hair as you heave to the sexing of my mouth? Who do you suppose those whispers emanate from….in the dead of night? Telling you that what the Church drones on about is so much nonsense? Would the alternatives have ever dawned so clear without the videos She played in the wee hours of the morning, making you toss and fret? NO! You would have pushed my lips away in disgust…saying “GROSS…HOLD ”STOP that vulgar nibbling…but you showed no such inclination… Your response was predictable, anticipated, welcomed without a qualm, You settled in like a whore, wallowing in a sea of turgid pleasures. Ours was no love made in heaven… but one arranged elsewhere. Consummated in the back seat, my face smeared with your excitement and you cheered me on… exhorting, PLEASE! PLEASE, knees yawning. Not ordained by God but ad libed by two amateurs, learning on the fly. “Well here we are, after all that has flowed beneath the bridge… Auditioning for a role that neither one could have anticipated. Who are turning from the freeway of romantic dreams and expectations And heading down the off ramp into the real world of the here and now. The light changes we pull into the parking lot of the Wonder Light Motel, about to discover another adventure the future has stuck up her sleeve. The lights are still turned on in the office window, the OPEN sign beckons. In the full light of day you have to look close….the glitter doesn’t do much. We walk into the office and a bell tingles, and a tired clerk appears. I expect him to say, “Newly Weds?” but he’s focused on signing us in. If this is a milestone in our lives, it isn’t being greeted with much hoopla. I guess the The Hully Gully regulars are no strangers to this place. “We didn’t have to go through with this…” you might have offered at any time. Either one us might have stepped back… and decided otherwise But no, we both stood at the precipice like a couple of dumb clucks… Not even holding hands, knowing this is not any Sunday jaunt, That the time of reckoning is at hand. It's nerve wracking. The sheer oppression, like a humid cloud hanging over our heads Fraught with import, filled with foreboding and portent of the future. We avoid eye contact, looking indirectly at one another. Breathing shallow, walking on egg shells, while reality drums her fingers... and righteousness stares back through a fog of indifference.” This is no trellised archway, with garlands of bright flowers and Ivy. It's like walking down an alley into the back door of a kitchen. The clerk hands me the receipt. “Room 236, second floor… up the stairs… Corridor to the left about halfway down.” The lobby smells musty You sigh and pick up your overnight bag and I heft my gym bag. We trudge up the stairs like mounting the gallows… each heavy step trending on our worst fears leading onward towards an uncertain future. Expectations unrealized, unfilled dreams and promises left behind A tangle of compromise, hope in disarray and disrobed expectations. Love, about to be consummated on a squeaky bed, and thread bare sheets. This won’t be so bad,” I offer inserting the card and hearing the latch click. She flashes that plastic smile and says sarcastically, “So much for romance.” A union of convenience…Another hurdle, something to put behind us…, Afterwards time enough to assess the furture through a cold lens of reason. I hold the door and she walks past, an air conditioner yammering on the wall. She goes over and sits on the edge of the bed, staring pensively at the floor. The mattress sags as her hips settle and she begins unbuttoning her blouse. Taking it off she looks up, Bare shoulders etched in the white straps. I walk past and pull the blinds closed. I sit down and take off my shoes. Then stand and unbuckle my trousers, letting them drop to the floor. She unzips her slacks and pulls them down over her knees, stepping out. Is it too late at this point…?Should I say, “This isn’t right? But I don’t.…. I expect her to say ….”Are we really doing this?" but she doesn’t. With a weak smile she inquires... “Are you going to kiss me? I walk over and kneel, kissing her on the forehead. Scooching closer her lips purse and we French kiss… “Undo my bra,” she directs trying to sound in control. For some reason I always stumble and fumble and she waits patiently shaking her head like I’m a klutz. The hasp surrenders its fastener, liberating her bosom.. It sags but not much considering the size. She extends her hands towards me. I reach out and pull the straps off and toss it to the floor. Then she arches up, feet still on the floor. It’s an invitation to take off her panties… With elbows locked, she raises her buttocks. I gather the elastic pulling them down over over her hips. The fabric catches her buttocks before slipping over thighs, and ankles. Her feet wiggle out. This joins the bra on the rug. "This is the part you do so well," She says spreading her legs. I lower my head and give her what she wants… It’s a ritual we share… followed by a blow job when I finish and it’s her turn. She rubs my hair as I spread the petals of her flower And slip my tongue into her vagina. She sighs and presses her woman’s folds Into my mouth and takes hold of my ears. "Hmmmm," she mews, anticipating the familiar surge of desire. "Go slowly," she says softly, "make it memorable. " And for long minutes I do her bidding and listen to the catch of her breath as I hit a sweet spot. Then she arches, groaning and I know it’s time to press hard, Squeeze her hips and bring the moment to closure. This takes longer than anticipated…but at last she comes, Rearing up pulling my face tight into her sneak. In the throes comes the shaking of an orgasmic tremor. A veritable cascade of little seizures like marbles rolling down the stairs. My lips feel the rush and a long simper resonates through her body. I come off, lips wet with the dew, her blossom gaping in full bloom, open, ready and anxious… poised for intercourse. My cheeks are flushed from the squeeze of her legs, And my mouth with the ooze of eager anticipation. I roll atop… Knees pushing her thighs apart. The gate to iniquity yawns and the portal purses eager lips. The smell of musk wafts, and like perfume beckons longingly And from deep within a primitive yearning cries out for surcease. I extend my hard dick, throbbing with anticipation, dripping precum Handing it off to her straining hand and eager fingers. With bold insistence she works the mushroom inside Twisting and turning the shaft to accommodate its girth. It muscles inside, in fits and starts… a wet friction, slipping with invasive delight, haltingly down the corridor of her sex… "Ouch!" She cries suddenly as the bee stings and virtue cries out. Looking down I see blood dripping onto the bed. I hold deciding what to do next, wondering if I should stop. Her body stiffens and trembles when instead I push deeper... until at length my erection fills the chamber of her womb. There it quivers perched at the threshold of her soul. "Take it out….please," she whispers, and I slowly withdraw. Jumping off the bed she holds her vagina and spints to the bathroom. The shower comes on and I join her as the water cascades down washing away the evidence of any lingering doubt. We get dressed and decide to go out for a pizza. It’s a nice interlude, a chance to reflect on what we’ve done. "How does it feel, taking my maiden head?" she asks "Humbling," I answer," though not yet full consumated." "Then let’s go back and finish what we started." Her vagina is red and swollen. She applies some lubricant. I ease her back onto the mattress and she guides it inside. “Feel me knock, knock knocking at the door?” I ask “Be patient now, while I lift the latch. There, come on in.” Her legs spread still wider and I feel the squeeze her sphincter… My phallus strains, searching, extending to the limits of her body She whispers, “Whoosh ..My sprit rushes to your arms…” “Ahhhh," I answer, feeling the succor of her warm cunt. "Let's dance together." Drawing back I poise and then surged forward. She rises up. I pull back and she waits to receive. I thrust deep and she yields… I draw back again and she arches. “Fuck me.” A shameless plea that excites dark sentiments... I drive deep, then again and again, Yes, yes," she answers, Aggressively I respond to her insistent urging. She answers with eager appetite, Adding rhythm to the beat and vigor to the tempo. Oh my goodness gracious, I think in dismay… "Do me," she cries anxiously... I oblige with cruel insistence, and she takes the measure and matches my stroke, accepting the mastery without complaint, and responding with quick study. As our bodies twist and turn, Guiding her hips to the motion of our love making, Thrilling to the sweat of exertions. Flesh slapping to a cacophony of primordial grunts and groans. Primitive utterance exhorting pleas to a frenzy of passion… The music plays and our bodies dance to love's eternal song… Until at last, on the cusp of exhaustion the crescendo comes, In a final throes of passion my cock swells Need trumpets its dominion, as she trembles on the horn, Yoked in the clutch of obscenity...soaking up the man spit that thrashes like a fire hose squirting into her womb... With a final sigh she downs the cup her maternity demands. "Oh my Gawd! She cries in rapture, as her shoulders kip and the last of my issue spurts into her womb. The cup runs over, leaching in rivulets from her vagina, down her thighs, and soaking the sheets and mattress. Later that night, I awaken in her arms. The heat is oppressive and she throws off the covers. "Is the Air conditioner working?" Heat rises from the bed. Phew! I'm burning up," she says. Desire stirs watching the rise and fall of her naked breasts. The smell of our earlier exertions still hangs in the air, mingled in the scent of perfume and dried deodorant. The taste of her lingers on my palate, my manhood stirs The recollection of fevered groans and exhortations flood my awareness... .Stark and vivid recollections. Once more we embrace the yearning flesh, wallow in turgid pleasures... And answer the joyful urgings of shameless desire. Our hips pound eagerly at first and then in more languid slowness. Perky nipples beckon with the promise of tomorrows nurture, And I see the far away look of bedroom eyes, glazed and full of happiness The memory of heaving breasts, frenzied in the wild dance of creation, And moanful pleas summon our spirits, to wallow anew in the flesh, and give life a new beginning. I recall the enthusiasm with which you urged your body, A determined mistress, compelling the wiles of your sex, To deliver on the promises of tomorrow. How you spread your knees, coaxing into the soft folds an erect penis reaching out to the pleading fingers and plaintive cries of our unborn children. How I reveled in the earthy smells, and gloried, in the passion and lust of our intercourse. We thrashed in the throes of compelling desire, and wallowed in the opulence of surging flesh. I thrust rudely into the flower of the woman I love. Lubricious petals blooming in rich and open invitation. Anger fled, frustration vanished as you pleaded… “Give it to me…don't hold back... every drop." "Yes my love," I answered, and meant every word. |