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The Hero's reunite after three long years. |
"Scar tell your friends to stand down your no match for all of us." Scar's adversary demands "No we fight here right now and end this once and for all Alderan." Scar says "Didn't think you had it in you Scar let's go" Alderan says with a smirk on the side of his face As Scar and Alderan charged in a bright light enveloped both of them and they dissappeared. The thief from the prison made his way through and challenged Jewel to a fight to the death for the title of world's greatest thief Jewel was about to throw a shuriken but the thief and Jewel both was eveloped in a mysterious light. Dante and Sara was left to fend for themselves when Ryu the Spirit Monarch came down and enveloped Sara in that mysterious light. Ryu clapped his hand and a golden sword appeared and he charged for the demons striking at them all and killing mercilessly. And told the thugs to go or face his wrath. Scar and Alderan were teleported to an arena like location where they continued there fight. Scar punched him square in the face flying into a magical barrier. Then Alderan came at Scar with a punch to the gut then hit Scar with both together into a fist sending him flying into the barrier. Then Ryu appeared in front of them telling them this is a training arena and they will be training for three years. "How will we eat?" Scars asks "This is my Realm I am granting you the ability to not eat." Ryu explains "You die you will be revived." Ryu disappeared leaving them to fight, after Ryu left Alderan punched Scar in the face with his gauntlet knocking him in the barrier again. Jewel and the thief appeared in a similar arena with a shuriken flying at the thief striking him down in one hit. Jewel turns around wondering where she is trying to figure out what this place is. The thief was being revived without Jewel realizing he gets up and throws the same shuriken back at her putting her on the brink of life and death. "The name's Erim." Then pulls a dagger out and goes to slit her throat only to be stopped by Ryu. Ryu tells them this is a training arena used to train the Chosen Ones and death is inevtible. To prove that theory Erim took his dagger and stabbed Jewel in the face knocking her on the ground watching being revived. When they went to look at Ryu he was gone. Sara appeared back in Chamon's Mansion with Chamon meditating in the center of a huge room with sleeping dragon's around the room. Without moving or looking Chamon tell's Sara he is to train her for three years. Sara pulls her staff out ready to cast a spell, Chamon pulls his staff up and points it at a dragon and casts a purple blueish orb at it. "You will fight that dragon Sara, you kill it I move you up to a stronger dragon until we fight." Chamon says while meditating "How are you here I thought you were in jail?" Sara questions "Ryu himself came to me and say to train you for three years and i'll have what i've been seeking." Chamon answers Sara casts a combination fire and lightning spell and kills the dragon. Chamon points his staff and awaken's a reddish blue dragon for Sara to fight. The dragon used its fire breath and Sara used a basic shield spell resulting in a severe burn on her arm. Sara then backed up and raised her staff and cast a frost spell with the dragon used its fire breath again and stopped the frost spell. Sara then ran up under the dragon and used a fire spell on its stomach resulting in its death. Ryu took Dante to the Spirit Realm to train him to be a stronger Monarch of the Earth. Ryu took the time to explain what are the duties of a Monarch of each Realm are. Then Ryu made Dante a challenge is if he can bring him down on one knee he'll teach him a power that Guru can't teach. After the Three years of Training Scar and Alderan grew bigger fighting nonstop for the entire three years seeking strength to protect their friends. Jewel and Erim became more faster and agile than before and much more of a marksman. Chamon taught Sara a spell to transform into a Dragon when she needs to in emergencies. Ryu taught Dante how to manipulate the Earth around him to protect and to attack. Back in Kedalvasser Scar walked into his Tavern with no one recognizing him after a few hours of drinking. Sara walked in wearing shorter robe with pink and purple flowers showing more cleavage walking in seeing a big muscular guy wearing a familiar gauntlet. After looking for what seemed like five minutes she went to walk over to him. When someguy ran in front of you with a sword drawn before she could do anything Scar turned around revealing a rough beard and a scar over his nose and left eye. The guy hit Scar right in the shoulder without him feeling nothing Scar punched him so hard knocking out into the street. Where Jewel was starting to walkthrough the door wearing a much more tighter outfit with a robe over top revealing a dagger. After everybody met they wondered where Dante could have been, they couldn't wait so they decided to go to the Cave of Aging. When they got to the town gate boulders were hurled right for Scar with him knocking them to the side. And smaller sharper rocks going toward Jewel with her dodging every piece of rock, Sara been attacked by a paralysis spell. Inside of one of the boulders a guy stepped out wearing a green and red coat and wearingblack boot with black and red tunic and black pants with a huge razor sharped bastard sword. "How is my friends been doing in these last three years?" Dante asked with a sly smile "Who are you?" Sara asked dumbfounded (Dante falls face first)"How do you not know who I am Sara?" Dante asked still laying on the ground "Well I definately got stronger I can take whatever comes toward me." Scar says laughingly "Well let's go shall we?" Dante asks "You guys still have the Artifacts right?" "Yes" Scar says while pulling the Earth Artifact out "Yes" Sara says while pulling the Spirit Artifact out "Yeah"Jewel says while pulling the Demon Artifact out "Good let's keep going." Dante said While on their walk to the cave they had to stop and make camp. While everybody sat and told how they trained and how much stronger they have become. A Demon portal opened up Scar stood up and told everyone to sit down he had this. Scar charged with a power punch creating an opening in the middle of the horde. Scar charged toward the head Demon taking a beating from the smaller Demons and grabbed the head Demon and slammed him on the ground. Before hitting the ground the Demon horde had dissappeared leaving behind a human like Demon much bigger than Scar with full body armor without the helmet and with a much bigger sword than Dante. The Human-Demon had pointed ears and black ponytail with a goatee and three scars on his right cheek. As he started to come to he saw Dante and the group and backed up and drew his sword. Dante went to touch his sword when he charged in with his sword coming straight for Dante's neck. "Are you Dante?" The Demon said "Yeah, why do you ask?" Dante replied in a rough voice "My lord has been looking for you for quite some time." He said as he put his sword away They continued to the Cave of Aging only to be confronted by Ryu. Ryu stood with his golden sword drawn awaiting the Human-Demon. "Why are you here demon you know the pact we Guardians put together." Ryu said with his sword in the ground "Yeah, I know of The Guardian Pact it says a Demon is protected in front of a Guardian unless they don't deem them worthy." The Demon said Ryu grabbed his sword and dissappeared as if telling Dante something, when Ryu was gone the demon introduced himself as the Demon General. "The name's General Brago I have been serving my lord for as long as I can remember." Brago said "Well it's nice to have you on our side Brago." Dante said "It's General Brago to you only my lord calls me that." Brago said reaching for his sword Scar stood there sizing the Demon General up seeing if he is as strong as he thinks.The Demon made a move toward Scar, before Scar knew what happened Jewel jumped in between the two blocking the Demon's attack. Scar then tried to grasp what happened, but Jewel motioned for Scar to leave. Scar walked back to Dante just enjoying the fight, Jewel used her dagger she used to stop the sword and launched it into the air. Jewel moved around behind Brago and stabbed him with her dagger coated in a deadly venom. She stood watching him paralyzed on the ground she then walked to him and held out a vial with a blue liquid in it. "This is the only antidote in the entire Realm, you want it tell us who sent you?" Jewel said with a sly smile "I'd rather die than give my lord up." Brago replied "That will happen the poison will eventually make its way to your heart and kill you." Jewel said still with the smile "You meet my lord soon enough, but I will not say another word." Brago said "Ok Jewel give him the antidote." Dante said "What antidote this is just water." Jewel said cleverly "He'll be fine in a few minutes." After waiting for the paralysis to wear off the group tried to go through the Portal only to be shocked. Then the Demon stood up grabbing for his sword and ran toward the portal and stabbed it in depleting the barrier. "The Portal is now stable enough to take us to the Demon Realm." Brago said "Good, now let's go so we can stop my brother." Dante said As everyone stepped inside the portal to be eveloped in a dark cloud they soon saw a battle. There on one side they saw Demons about the size of Brago fighting giant warriors twice the size and speed of any of the demons fighting. Brago explained "The war is going badly for us since Jason brought forth his Infinite Army." "Take us to your leader." Dante said To Be Continued.... |