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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1845552
Wolfram and Elizabeth end up having dreams and they others leave to save them.
Disclaimer: I do not own KKM though they spend their time in my dreams.

Note: I do enjoy reading your reviews and I hope you guys love reading the story that I have made just for you guys. Please enjoy and R&R.

Chapter Eight

“Eve, come out.” Theonius frowns as he paces in front of the throne. Eve pops up before him and kneels.

“Hai, Heika?” She asked making sure that she didn’t show emotions.

“We will begin in two weeks time on impregnating the beauties. So make sure that you do the ceremonies.” He exclaimed as he raised his silver head up. “It is time for me to show that I am the most powerful Demon King. Not that impudent brat Shibuya Yuuri.” He grumbles as he pouts.

“Hai, Heika.” She says trying even harder now that she was angry.

“You may leave so that they can have the treatment started.”

“Hai.” Thankfully he dismissed her because she lost control of her emotions and they began showing on her face. She disappeared to go to the doppelgangers.


“Okay, everyone are you all ready?” Yuuri asked as he walked amongst all that is joining him on this quest. Gwendal sat on his horse watching the Maou’s every moment. Gunter sat on his horse fiddling with his uniform trying not to look at Yuuri while his face blushed from the previous encounter. Yozak lurked in the shadow’s keeping his eye on the group but often do you see his eyes stray to Conrad for long periods. Conrad is still fixing the girth of the saddle.

“Okay, we are ready.” Cheri said as her and Gisela both leads their horse’s to the group. “Heika, where is Ao? Don’t tell me he is sick now, is he?”

“No he will be staying. I will be flying on Pochi’s back.” He turns to Anissina with a stern look on his face. “I will leave the castle in your hand’s, Lady Anissina. Please note that I will not approve of your crazy inventions to be strewn through out the castle. So if you want to fiddle with them do so in your laboratory. Got it?”

“Hai, Heika.” She answered with a frown on her face. Yuuri grabbed hold of the leather straps hanging down from the saddle on top of the dragon.

“Okay let’s leave.” Pochi fanned out his wings and took off.


“When do you think they will arrive to rescue us, Wolfram?” Elizabeth asked as she stood by the window staring out at the lush green forest that never stayed quiet either night or day. She placed her hand on her belly and smiled a sad smile as she looked outside the window.

“I have no idea, Elizabeth.” Wolfram answered while she sat at the vanity brushing her long blonde hair. “I don’t know if I can get used to this long hair.” She caught the brush in her hair when it snagged. She winced. Elizabeth laughed and walked slowly behind her and removed the brush.

“It takes patience when you want to look your best.” She said as she started to slowly run a brush through Wolfram’s hair. “When all of this is through why don’t you try getting Yuuri to help so you both can spend quality time together? That is what me and Enerund did and we enjoyed it.” When she stopped speaking Wolfram looked up into her eyes and saw tears running down her soft cheeks.

“By the way, Elizabeth. When did you meet Enerund? I know I remember him from when we were growing up. His mother kept on bringing him over to play while hahaue was Maou so that she could befriend her. When that didn’t work she stopped coming by with him.” Wolfram stopped when she saw Elizabeth smile.

“The reason why is because of his father. You see Enerund’s father was the previous duke and he was a gentleman that lived close to my parent’s estate. His father and mother was not on good terms considering that she was using Enerund as a tool to get close to the Maou your mother. He found out, declared her unfit and banished her. Enerund and me started playing together when we, you and I were separated. He did talk about you and him playing with Conrad. He left to go and find his mother and for years I was alone with just servants and Uncle Raven to talk to.” She shrugged her shoulders while she brushed Wolfram’s hair. “Uncle Raven told me I would be fine someday when I find a man to love. And since I remember you proposing to me when we were young you were all I thought about or so I thought. My dreams were filled with someone else but my brain I guess decided to put your face there so I thought it was you that I loved.” The corner of her mouth quirked. “You know something?” Wolfram raised her eyebrows. “It all seems kind of weird now. I see it plain as day now. And though I won’t see his face again I am glad that I learned before he died. But in a way I wish I didn’t because then he would still be alive.” Wolfram stood up quickly and turned around to smack Elizabeth’s right cheek.

“Don’t ever regret being in love.” She said with an emotion filled voice. She opened her emerald eyes that were filled with tears to pin Elizabeth with them. “I just recently found out that Yuuri may have loved me since we first met but not realizing it because of what people taught him in that twisted world.” Wolfram’s eyes closed followed by a waterfall of tears. “I feel fortunate that Yuuri realized before the whole thing turned taboo. And now we’ll have a family.” She said as she put a hand on her belly.

“Yes family is a wonderful thing to have.” Eve’s voice echoed. They turned and saw nothing. “Don’t worry, precious ones. I’m down here.” They see a black cat walking toward them. “I had to create another transfiguration since the fool decided to have me do the tests and ceremonies on you.” The heard the sarcasm in her voice. “So I’m with your doppelgangers. I just came to let you know that everyone is on the move.” Both of the women stared at the cat with wide eyes. “The Maou and his regiment are on their way here. Now let’s hope the king is a really big fool to not notice since the Maou is using powerful magic on his way here.”

“What?” Wolfram stood up. “But won’t that drain him?”

“No, Wolfram. He is actually a lot more powerful than you think. He also has the elementals power with him. And with them by his side he is powerful. Let’s just hope that this all works. In the meantime girls why don’t you rest till morning? I have a feeling if you don’t something will go wrong.” The apparition disappeared.

“That does sound good.” Wolfram said with a yawn. Elizabeth smiled and lay down on her bed.

“Good night, Wolfram.” She said as she stared out the window.

“Good night, Elizabeth.” Wolfram plopped down on the bed and fell right to sleep.


“Okay, this is where we rest.” Yuuri said as they stopped in a clearing. Pochi lay down to watch the Maou set about getting food for everyone. Nova popped up besides him.

“It would be quicker if everyone was flying there.” Nova said as Yuuri walked past him. Grava popped up too. She smacked him aside the head.

“You moron. There are too many people and we can only carry one at a time. Even Pochi here can take only three. Sheesh I swear you have no sense at all.” She said as she crossed her arms angrily.

“Now, now, there is no need for violence and name calling.” Aqua calmly appeared in between the two just as Nova was about to push her.

“You two stop it now!” Yuuri said sternly as he just finished handing out some dried meat, cheese and bread to everyone. He walks over to the three. The other elementals appear behind him. “Now go and eat and stop all this pointless bickering.” You could hear some laughter and blushes popped up on Grava and Nova’s cheeks. They took the food from Yuuri and sat on separate sides of Pochi. Yuuri grinned then shook his head. Light laughed and floated up to sit on top of Pochi’s back. “Okay. As soon as we get done eating we will depart. No more arguments.” He walked off with his food and sat down by the river to eat. As he relaxed two water dragons appeared and weave around Yuuri as he ate.


Wolfram’s dreams were neither quite peaceful nor nightmarish. She turned her head from side to side. She was thrown into a different land. She sat there looking around at the grass, flowers and trees that flourished all over. She felt something touch her shoulder. She turned her head and stared at the fairy on her shoulder.

“I thought that fairy’s don’t exist.” She said in a whisper.

“Well, young one, that is because we aren’t in your dimension.” Said the fairy that smiled kindly to her.

“And why am I here?” She asked with her brows furrowed.

“I am here but not you, my lady. I am just giving you some strength for the babe with in your womb.” The fairy gently touched her cheek. “Your child will be a great one.” The fairy flew off and grabbed a bloom filled with the precious life elixir. “Your love for Yuuri is very powerful as is his for you. Drink this and it will give you the power to carry this child.” Wolfram opened her lips and the fairy poured it down her throat.

“I want the strength so that I can be with my hearts desires.” She said whispering. Then Wolfram’s sleeping form rested as it glowed. Eve sees this and smiles.

“She has the fairy’s blessing. She will live.” She turned and looked at the woman in the other bed. The woman is moaning in her sleep. Eve frown’s. “Unfortunately this one was too late to get the blessing.” Eve disappears with one single tear rolling down her cheek.

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