Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1844720-EDENLAND---Two
by Jaiam
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1844720
A story of hope from Edenland!
Digital Image of Jesus and Mary


Adam, we had everything we needed!

Now, we must forfeit all of it
Because a serpent said
We could be gods, if we’d
But taste of fruit forbidden
And betray the King of Heaven.

Why would lips which spat
Such venom, ever tell us anything
That did not lead to death and yet,
How willingly we heeded every word and
Now must eat that bitter fruit we’ve earned.
And depart forever from Edenland.

Still, in this most desperate hour
Heaven offers comfort to us.
And the Angel who sends us forth
Says as we depart, that all is not yet lost.
That child of our line and of our Lord,
Shall offer up HIS life - as a holy sacrifice.

Reuniting the Celestial
With repentant sons and daughters.
And striking down our common foe
With a heal as hard as stone.

And fixing what we have
Broken, until all is as it was
In the beginning, when
First GOD made the world.

I think HE must have always known
We could never win this fight alone.
For even now our hearts are proud and vain.
And like the enemy, still they long for
What can be ours - no longer.

And though deeply do I regret what we have done,
Always shall I miss and wish for Edenland.

These are thoughts and desires to
Great to fully understand.
But they give me strength to leave
Paradise behind and let plans holy and
Divine, begin the restoration of all things,

Until all is like Edenland again!

© Copyright 2012 Jaiam (cath4x3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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