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After all the feed back I took in to consideration all of the advice and revised it. Enjoy |
I looked over my term paper for the thousandth time, hoping it would meet his standards and catch his attention. Just thinking of him made a heat low inside me rise up. Professor Blake was my fantasy. He exuded a sensual air when he spoke and when I met those eyes; I could feel them baring in to my soul, and finding my deepest secrets. He is my Psychology professor but he looked more like he belonged in a really good porno. At least in my mind he was the star in my porno. I slaved over my work for months now. Ever since I first stepped in to his class. I worked so hard; hoping against hope that he would take notice to me. Every time he called my name; I felt my heart jump in to my throat. I became his star student in that short time. I never passed up an opportunity to be close to him. Even if I knew the material well, I would still as for his extra help; just to be near him. Just to hear his sultry voice whisper in to my ear. I sat in my chair and played back the last minutes of the class in my mind. Just before walking out of his class, he called me to his desk. He was bent over it, reading through pages. His hair fell to cover his eyes. He smiled to me and asked me to meet with him this evening. He wanted me to come to his office to speak in private about a scholarship award he thought I was perfect for. I nearly melted on the spot. Even now, I don't know what held me up through that short conversation. I walked through the rest of the day lost in a daze of a school girl's fantasy. I looked over at my closet and started shifting through the hangers to find something perfect to wear for the meeting. Something special to catch his eyes but doesn't give him the wrong idea of me. I wanted to look decent but still ignite a little heat under his collar. I pulled out a thin white summer dress with a red rose stitched in to the side. I hung it on my door and started to undress. I looked over to the bathroom and decided to jump in the shower. I had to make sure everything was perfect. *** I sat at my desk, sipping at my brandy glass. I stared out the window and thought back on Gabriella. I enjoyed her enthusiasm in the classroom but my mind never stopped there. Her alabaster skin gleaming in the fluorescent lights. It always called to me, tempting me to touch. She was temptation wrapped in a veil of innocence. Her green eyes sparkled with youthful desires that I have yet to conquer. Her dark hair, soft and silky, falling just over her shoulders as she bent over her desk, working that brilliant mind. My eyes have dared, many a time, to fall lower. Following the line of her soft neck and plunge in to the valley of her supple breasts that filled her sweaters. The thoughts lingering on her curves just made me grow firm against my slacks. I watched out the window, almost anxious to see her walking up the campus walkway. I've noticed her many times, her eyes passing over me in secret. I couldn't help but smile. She inspired something in me. Something I could pay very dearly for. I would pay very dearly just to feel it. Passion. She inspired a burning passion that would damn me. I wasn't that much older than she is. She is a supple and vibrant eighteen; and I am just hitting my late twenties. Tonight would be the night. The brandy gave me the spine to push this forward. To take this leap. Tonight I would sate my passions, and hopefully conquer her's as well. *** I stepped out the shower and started to dry myself off. I let my hair fall from its clip down my back. I slipped on a white bra and a pair of sheer white lace underwear. I rubbed lotion over every inch of my skin before slipping in to the flimsy dress. I sat down and began to brush my dark hair. My bangs fell neatly just above my eyes. I tied a white ribbon and let the bow fall on the center of my head. My hair was long enough to cover my back and rest on my hips. I looked on my desk and then at the mirror. I lined my eyes with a black eyeliner pencil and added some mascara. My skin was fair and just looked lighter now. My green eyes flared to life against the black. I applied some blush to my cheeks and some light red lipstick. I slipped on a pair of black ballerina flats and stood up. I looked myself over in the mirror before gathering up my things and heading out the door. I slipped on my coat and buttoned it up before I left the building and headed across campus to his office. It was a brisk walk. The fall air was cool against my naked legs. I held my coat closed and walked as fast as i could. I was so nervous. I was shaking the whole way there. I couldn't keep my heart from thundering in my chest. I finally came to the building and headed inside. This was my first time here. As I walked in I looked around. I stopped a passing professor and asked her for directions.She pointed me down a long hallway and around the corner. I thanked her quickly and started walking. I stopped after I turned the corner and saw his door at the end of the hall. There was a dim light behind the blurred glass. I walked towards it slowly; fighting the urge to turn and run away. I slipped off my jacket and draped it over my arm. I held it close to my chest hoping it would hide my pounding heart. I came to the thick mahogany door. My hand shook as I knocked lightly. I heard some stirrings from inside before the door opened. He stood there in front of me, his dark chestnut brown hair was coming loose from its ponytail. His white button down shirt was unbuttoned at the top. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his forearms. He smiled and I could smell the brandy on his lips. He invited me inside. He took my coat and bag to hang it on the coat rack. He showed me to a seat near his desk. I sat there trying to figure out what to say. "Thank you for coming. I was starting to worry that you might have forgotten." "No, Of course not. I was just working on the term paper that is due this week." I said squirming in the leather arm chair. He stood in front of me, his hands tucked in to the pockets of his perfectly creased black slacks. The air was filled with the scent of his cologne. It was an intoxicating aroma that made me dizzy. "I've noticed your hard work in class and I must say you show a lot of promise in this course." He said leaning against the desk. All I could do was smile and blush. I didn't trust my voice at all in this instant. "You are one of my brightest students and when I saw this scholarship, I knew it was perfect for you." He said taking his cup in his hand and sipping at it. "Thank you. I really do appreciate your words. To be honest I wouldn't be doing so well without your help." I said standing up abruptly. My elbow knocked his glass out of his hand and it spilled all over his shirt and my dress. I felt my cheeks grow hot as I fumbled with the glass. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. It was an accident." I stammered putting the glass down on the desk. He laughed and took some napkins out of his pockets. He started wiping at his shirt when I noticed his eyes falling on me again. "It's fine, I have plenty more shirts like this. But I think I ruined your lovely dress." I looked down and realized now that he could see right through the fabric. "Oh my god! This is so embarrassing!" I said trying to cover myself up with my arms. "Don't." He whispered. His voice took on a deeper tone and I could feel it like imaginary fingers running over my skin. I shuddered at the sensation and looked in to his dark brown eyes, lost in a trance. He started to unbutton his white shirt to expose his naked chest. He pulled his shirt out of his waistband and pulled me to him. I felt his warm skin against my chest. His fingers pressed in to my arms and I looked up at him. I couldn't keep myself from shaking in his arms. He smiled sweetly and pressed his soft lips to mine. I felt my body relax in to his arms and in to the kiss. It was everything I had ever imagined it would be. His lips were hungry and dominating. His tongue slipped between my parted lips and danced with mine. When he finally pulled away, I was left breathless and shaking. I stepped away from him and all he did was smile. He turned away from me and cleared off his desk. He took me in his arms again and had me pressed against the desk. He pulled my ruined dress over my head and tossed it to the other side of the room. I stood before him, bare and shaking. "I always thought you were beautiful, but now I see I've underestimated how beautiful you really are." He whispered as he caressed my arms, and his eyes passed over me from head to toe. He pushed me to sit on top of the desk. He pushed me to lie back while he parted my legs. I felt the cold against my bare bottom. I felt his heavy breath against the slick lips between my legs. I felt the tip of his tongue penetrate those lips. I gasped, resting my hands on my stomach. I heard him chuckle quietly before his tongue danced against my sex. The fire erupted inside of me, consuming me in its flames. I gasped and moaned from each tantalizing sensation washing over me. I felt my passion erupt and spill over his tongue. He stood up and wiped at his chin. I was still lost in a haze when I felt his hand pulling me up from the desk. He took me in his arms and pressed his lips against mine. "We can stop if you want to." He whispered against my lips. I was drunk off yet another breathtaking kiss. I shook my head. "No, don't stop." I pleaded. He unclasped my bra. He pulled it off and let my full breasts hang there naked before him. He turned us around, so he could lean against the desk. I saw him firm and pressing against his pants. He undid the button and let his slacks fall around his shoes. He pulled his already throbbing member from his dark blue boxers. I knelt down before it and took him in my hand. I stroked and caressed it to hear him groan. I wrapped my lips around it and felt his throbbing pulse against my tongue. He groaned while I suckled him in my mouth, his fingers combing through my hair. He groaned and panted until I felt he might spill in my mouth. He pulled me up and bent me over the desk. I felt that wet throbbing member push in to me, ripping a scream from my throat. His hand came around over my mouth to muffle my screams as he thrust in to me with reckless abandon. His other hand cupped my breast as I cried out against his hand. My legs buckled, my skin was on fire. This was what I dreamed about late at night, alone in my bed. He pulled out of me abruptly. I almost fell to the floor when he turned me around and pushed me to lie on the cold desk. He pulled my legs apart and pushed inside of me. My back arched, he pulled me in to his thrusts, meeting his hips. His hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing it lightly. The fire inside of me threatened to explode. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I felt the climax rip through me. I bucked and writhed against him. He pulled out of me and I felt his seed spill out on to the desk. I looked up at him. His dark hair was messy and disheveled. His skin glistened with sweat. This was everything I thought it would be and more. He leaned over the desk and pressed his lips on mine, soft this time. "That was amazing, Gabriella." He whispered helping me to my feet. I nodded and couldn't help a giggle escape me. He stood there, holding me against him. "It was everything I hoped it would be, Professor Blake." I said against his chest. "Please call me Richard." He whispered holding me to him. |