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Manga/Anime project I've been working on for quite some time. Written in a script format! |
Seijyun Gakuen Episode 1 Beginnings and Endings [The entire story begins with a sweeping aerial shot of Tokyo. It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the city is bustling, and everything is simply perfect. We hear church bells off in the distance. We get a shot of the church from the outside, an aerial view. We are taken inside to see that it is a Western style marriage, in a Christian church. There are many people seated on behalf of the couple, who are currently standing forward, facing the priest. He finishes up his words (which we can just barely make out as “You may now kiss the bride”) and the man turns to the bride. We can see his face clear as day, young with messy black hair that extends just past his eyes. He’s dressed in a black tuxedo, the bride wearing a traditional white Christian dress. Although we can see the GROOM perfectly, the BRIDE however, is entirely hidden in shadows, though we can make out certain features, such as waist long hair. We can see her lips as well.] BRIDE: I’ve been waiting a long time for this. GROOM: So have I. BRIDE: Do you remember the first day we met? GROOM: Like it was only yesterday. BRIDE: You were so sweet. So cute. You spoke so timidly back then. I had to teach you to be more outgoing, to not be so shy, to not be such a crybaby. GROOM: I remember. BRIDE: What I remember most though…was the way you looked at me. It was like you recognized me despite only meeting for the first time. Did you know you loved me, even then? GROOM: No. I didn’t know what love was back then. You taught me that, too. BRIDE: Look around us. Our friends are all here to witness this day. I couldn’t ask for better friends. [A slow sweeping shot shows 10 more shadowed figures, five men standing behind the GROOM and five women standing behind the BRIDE. Their smiles are obvious through the silhouette.] Or a more handsome husband. Of course, we’re not married just yet. So…I want to know. Do you promise to take care of me? To love me? To spend the rest of your life with me? GROOM: Forever. BRIDE: That’s an awfully long time. GROOM: It is. BRIDE: And you’re sure I’m the one? GROOM: It could never have been anyone else. I won’t ever stop loving you for as long as I live. BRIDE: I know you won’t. You’re always sincere. And I must be sincere to you. I promise that I’ll never let you down, to never leave you alone again. I promise that you’ll always be in my thoughts and in my heart. Forever. Now, there’s only one thing left to do. GROOM: I love you. BRIDE: And I love you, too. More than you’ll ever know. GROOM: I promise… [The couple go in to kiss each other, but just as their lips meet the scene cuts to pure blackness. We then see a close up of an eye shoot open.] ???: To love and to cherish…till death do us part… THEME SONG [After the opening, we see a frying pan with eggs cooking on it. The angle turns to a wide angle of a kitchen, a young girl has her back turned to us, fixing something to eat. A young man wearing a suit is sitting at the table, reading the paper and drinking coffee. He has combed back dark brown hair and is unshaven. He has a strong, chiseled jaw and defined, sharp eyes. He appears to be in his late twenties. He lowers the paper and checks his watch. ] YOUNG MAN: Aki, can you see if that lazy ass is awake yet? YOUNG GIRL, AKA AKI: Alright. [AKI walks out of the kitchen and into a living room. It is huge, adorned with a large screen television and several couches and chairs. There is a front door leading outside and a side door leading to the yard and deck. There’s a doorway to the side as well that leads to a long hallway with doors on the sides, and at the end of the hallways, a staircase leading up. The girl has light black hair which goes just beyond her ears and not done in any particular style. Her eyes are similar to the YOUNG MAN’s, sharp and piercing but full of character. She looks to be about 17. She puts one hand to her mouth.] AKI: Keeeee-eeeeen! Come on down before we’re late! VOICE AKA KEN: [from a distance] Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes. [AKI returns to the kitchen and resumes cooking the eggs.] YOUNG MAN: So, are you ready for the big day? AKI: I guess so. It’s not really a big deal or anything. YOUNG MAN: Well, it could be. You’re registering to a new school, things could potentially go awry and lead to problems. You want to make sure it’s done correctly, right? AKI: Of course, but it’s not like it’s up to us. We just have to present our identification and transcripts and they do the rest. We just have to be there, really. You’re worrying about nothing, as usual. YOUNG MAN: Mm. As usual, huh? AKI: Yup. I guess your old age is finally turning you into a real adult, Ryouzu! YOUNG MAN AKA RYOUZU: Laugh while you can, you little brat, and you’ll see who’s walking to school this year. AKI: And if I have to walk to school, then you’ll have to cook for yourself. [The YOUNG MAN, or RYOUZU, slams the newspaper down quickly and leans forward in his seat.] RYOUZU: I don’t need your cooking! I can eat take out for the rest of my life! AKI: Oh really? And where can you easily get those home cooked hotpots that you love so much? RYOUZU: … AKI: I thought as much. RYOUZU: Ugh, fine. Slack off as much as you want about registering for school, see what I care. [A third person walks into the kitchen, buttoning up a school coat.] OTHER BOY: Who’s slacking off now? RYOUZU: Finally. Good morning, sunshine. AKI: Morning, onii-chan. KEN: [Has a pamphlet in his hands, he’s reading it] Morning, Aki. Eggs smell good. AKI: Thanks. They’re ready now, too. [AKI gets out some plates and begins to scoop the food onto the plates.] KEN: Anything good in the paper? RYOUZU: No, just the usual crap. Although apparently there have been some disturbances around the outskirts of the city. A couple of people have reported that they’re been seeing brilliant lights and hearing strange things. KEN: People will say anything to get into the paper these days. RYOUZU: Mm. Do you have all your things in order for today? KEN: Yeah. Did you make sure to find the map so we know where we’re going? RYOUZU: Of course. I have an idea of where it is, but it never hurts to be on the safe side. [AKI serves RYOUZU and places another two plates down. KEN takes a seat beside RYOUZU and takes one of the other plates.] KEN: Ittadakimasu. AKI + RYOUZU: Ittadakimasu. [They begin eating. RYOUZU stops for a moment.] RYOUZU: What about the other two? KEN: They should be ready by the time we leave. I’ll phone them before we leave just to make sure. RYOUZU: Alright. Mm, that reminds me, do you guys have lunch made for today? AKI: No, I didn’t know this was a full day. RYOUZU: Except for the first period being for registration, you have to be there all day. You didn’t know that? AKI: No, how was I supposed to? Yomigetsu didn’t do that on the first day there! RYOUZU: This isn’t like Yomigetsu, this is a very highly praised school. It’s considered the ultimate prep school. AKI: I find that hard to believe. KEN: [Reading from the pamphlet] Seijyun Gakuen has some of the most renowned professors teaching there, not to mention their sports clubs are usually top of their game throughout all of Japan. [Lowers the pamphlet] I hear that there are even some street gangs there as part of the student body. AKI: That’s not something they should be bragging about. KEN: I heard it as a rumor, not a fact from the pamphlet. RYOUZU: You’re both really lucky to be going to this school. Usually they only take students with high marks, but in your cases it was special treatment, so Aki, I want you to be optimistic about this new experience, okay? Don’t go in to it with your usual pessimistic attitude. AKI: I’m not pessimistic! RYOUZU: No? What did you say last year when classes resumed after the break? [Quick cut to a flashback, AKI is hunched over and slowly walking into the courtyard of Yomigetsu High] AKI: I wish this place would burn to the ground… [Cut back to the present] AKI: That wasn’t pessimism, it was wishful thinking. RYOUZU: Seriously though, this is different. This is a great opportunity for both of you, and I don’t think you should waste it. It could change your lives, but you have to put in the extra effort. They expect the best from their students, I’m sure. I’ll be cheering for both of you, so just do your best, okay? AKI: Fine. I can’t guarantee I’ll have fun though. RYOUZU: Just try to enjoy it one day at a time, will you? That goes for you too, Ken. Don’t do anything stupid for at least a week. You said there are some gangs there, I don’t want you getting into any trouble with them. KEN: I’ll try not to. RYOUZU: At least try harder than you did at Yomigetsu, that’s all I’m asking. Thanks for breakfast, Aki. Wonderful as usual. AKI: Thanks. What should we do about lunch? KEN: We could just buy something during the break I guess. AKI: If there’s even anything around there. RYOUZU: I’m sure there’s something nearby you can get. Go gather your things and meet me outside when you’re ready, we should get going if you want to be on time. [RYOUZU gets up and walks into the living room, putting on his shoes and exiting. AKI gets up and brings the plates to the sink. KEN rises as well.] AKI: Ken…Do you think we’ll be alright? KEN: I’m sure we’ll be fine. It’s just a new school. AKI: But it’s a much bigger school, and there are at least four times as many enrolled students. You know what that means. KEN: I know. It’ll be fine. It works to our advantage in nearly the same way. AKI: I hope you’re right. I’ll be outside as well. Lock up when you come out. KEN: Alright. I’m just going to call the others, I’ll be out right away. [Camera follows AKI as she exits the house. RYOUZU is lighting a cigarette and standing next to his car, which is a beautiful model that is obviously very expensive. The house is enormous and has a faded wooden sign over the main door that barely reads “Shiroiwa Dormitories”. On the wall near the mail box it reads “Suzumoto”, their apparent family name. RYOUZU takes a huge drag and slowly exhales the smoke.] AKI: You’re smoking already? RYOUZU: I smoke after every meal, I thought you knew this? AKI: Evidently not. RYOUZU: It helps me digest. Anyway what do you care? AKI: Because it’s bad for you, and you’re my brother! The last thing we need is for you to become bedridden with lung cancer. RYOUZU: Now who’s worrying? [Takes another puff] That’ll never happen and you know it. AKI: Don’t be so sure. RYOUZU: [Pause.] You’re becoming more like mom every day, you know that? AKI: … RYOUZU: She didn’t like smoking either. She used to get angry with dad when he smoked in the house. It was kind of funny to see them fight over it. [The door opens and KEN comes out, shutting the door and locking it. He walks towards the car. RYOUZU notices and unlocks the doors and they all get in, with AKI in the front seat with RYOUZU and KEN in the back.] RYOUZU: So, what am I doing? KEN: We’ll pick up Teru first, and then Ka-chan. RYOUZU: Okay. [RYOUZU starts the car and backs out of their driveway. They drive along, and AKI watches out the window. Shots of the outside of the car as it drives along. Happy music plays.] RYOUZU: I’m not working at all today, so if you guys need a ride home later just give me a call, alright? I’ll come pick you up. KEN: Really? Thanks. RYOUZU: It’s nothing. I have a bunch of running around to do anyway, and I needed the time off. AKI: Are you sure you can take it? Don’t they need you around to know what they’re doing? RYOUZU: They can figure it out. Tanaka-san, he’s my second in command, he knows what’s going on. KEN: I guess they can’t really blame you if anything goes wrong then. RYOUZU: Nope. The blame gets shifted onto Tanaka, but I’d always vouch for him. He’s a hard worker. AKI: Unlike the president. RYOUZU: I work hard! I just need time for myself sometimes! Actually, speaking of which, check it out. [RYOUZU points out the windshield at a large advertisement. It’s an advertisement for a TV station.] Our new promo billboards are going up all over the city. That’s the first one there. AKI: Cool! KEN: Yeah, it’s pretty nice Ryouzu. RYOUZU: Tanaka pretty much designed the thing by himself and then asked me to approve it. I did, of course. I’m glad you like it. Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you, did Teru decide what he wants to do this year? KEN: He hasn’t really said anything definitive yet. It sounds like he’s interested. RYOUZU: Well, make sure he knows that he’s welcome at our place. The school is a long ways from where he lives now, and I’m sure it’s not much fun living by himself so far from all of you. KEN: I will. RYOUZU: What about Kaho? KEN: She probably will. She doesn’t really want to leave her sisters, but it’s better for her to be closer to the school, especially since the bus route isn’t very convenient near her home. RYOUZU: The same goes for her. She’s more than welcome to stay with us for the remainder of her school career. It’s the least we can do. I turn here, right? KEN: Yes. It’s just a few minutes from here. [Camera shows outside of car. It drives on and the scene cuts to show outside an apartment building. Cut to inside where another young man is pacing around on a cell phone. He is wearing glasses and has short, very light grey hair that has two long strands on the sides. He is of a very slender build. He has brilliant blue eyes and a kind face.] YOUNG MAN: They should be here any minute. I don’t know what’s taking them. [He looks out the window down at the street. Nothing.] Probably. I’m sure Ryouzu got lost again. Have you thought about the offer any more? I know, it’s very generous of them. You’ve seen the place, it’s huge. Your parents took us all in though, I mean he obviously feels obligated. I’m sure it’s no big deal. Me? I’m probably going to move in with them. It’s fine here, but I’d rather be able to study with Ken whenever I want to, and there’s the matter of... Precisely. The bus route there is really nice too. You should. You can always visit your family on the weekends, I’m sure Ken will probably go with you, Ka-chan. Yeah, I know, it would be fun to live together again. [Looks out the window again.] Oh, they’re here now. Yeah, they just pulled up. Okay, we’ll be there as soon as we can be. See you in a little while. [He hangs up.] [The YOUNG MAN grabs a schoolbag and his keys, then exits out of his apartment, locking the door behind him. Cut to outside the building. He comes jogging out, waves, and continues to their car. He enters and sits beside KEN in the backseat.] YOUNG MAN: Good morning, everyone. KEN: Morning, Teru. YOUNG MAN AKA TERU: How are you, Aki-chan? AKI: I’m fine. Are you looking forward to today? TERU: Yeah, are you? AKI: Nope. RYOUZU: Aki, don’t be pessimistic, remember? AKI: Ugh. TERU: (Laughs) It’s good to see that you’re as enthusiastic about our new school as you were about the old one. I was just talking to Kaho. RYOUZU: Is she going to be ready when we get there? TERU: Yeah. I asked her what she thought about the whole proposition you’ve offered us, Ryouzu. RYOUZU: Oh? Have you decided? TERU: Yeah. I think I’m going to have to accept. KEN: Awesome! TERU: It’s just way too much of a pain to take the bus from here, and plus it’s not much fun around there anymore. I’m the youngest person in that whole building. Not that there’s anything wrong with living around older people, just that they wouldn’t be able to help me study. AKI: You actually study? I thought you just got A’s automatically. KEN: He does. TERU: [Laughs] Hey, I study. I guess it’s true that I don’t have to study or apply myself as much as some other people do, but I do read all my material and review it. At any rate I could help everyone else study if nothing else. KEN: Sounds good. And we can work on our projects together whenever we want without having to worry about the neighbors or anything like that. TERU: (Laughs again) Don’t worry, you don’t need to entice me anymore, I already decided I’m moving in! RYOUZU: I’m glad you’re taking up the offer. Having that whole place just to the three of us is such a waste. Even with you and Kaho there, there are still going to be quite a few rooms left over. I guess in the worst case scenario I can rent to other students or something. [Cut to outside view of the car as it drives along, with voice overs.] KEN: Did you make sure to grab all of your papers, Teru? TERU: Yes, I double checked just before leaving. I’ve got everything I need. KEN: Good. Now let’s hope that Ka-chan also remembered everything. [Cut again to the inside of another house. There is a girl wearing an old seifukuu school uniform and an apron, though we can only see her back for now. She’s at a counter in the kitchen, humming and preparing something. She has long, bright red hair which goes down to her lower back. An older man wearing glasses with short hair walks into the kitchen, leaning against the wall. He’s wearing a business suit.] MAN: Okay, I’m off to work. Are you getting a ride to school today for registration? GIRL: Yes, Ryouzu is driving everyone today. MAN: Okay. Say “hello” to everyone for me, would you? [The GIRL turns around and smiles, showing her emerald eyes shining brilliantly. She’s absolutely gorgeous.] GIRL: Sure thing, Dad! [The MAN puts on his shoes and opens the door, turning before he leaves.] MAN: Have a good day, Kaho. GIRL, AKA KAHO: Thank you! See you later! [The MAN leaves, shutting the door behind him. The GIRL, KAHO, goes back to what she was doing. After a few more moments of her humming, she finally exclaims:] KAHO: There! [Cut to show 6 box lunches all made and wrapped up.] Now everyone’s got lunch for today! [She steps away from the counter and removes her apron, draping it over the back of a chair. She places the lunches inside two bags so she can carry them and then makes sure she has all of her papers necessary. As she looks over them, she hears a car honking.] KAHO: Oh, they’re here! [She quickly shoves her papers inside her school bag, then grabs the two bags of lunches and hurries to the door, slipping on her shoes.] Bye grampa! I’m leaving for school now! [A voice is heard.] GRAMPA: Have a good day, sweetie! I’ll lock up after you leave! [KAHO exits her house and runs to the car, getting in next to TERU in the back seat.] KAHO: Good morning! KEN: Morning, Ka-chan. What are those? KAHO: Oh, I made lunches for everyone today! AKI: [Turns around from the front seat.] Seriously?!? Oh wow, thanks! I totally forgot to make some today because I didn’t think it was a full day. You’ve saved me! KAHO: It’s a special occasion after all, so I figured why not. Here. [She hands one to everyone.] I made you one too, Ryouzu. For the ride. [She hands one to him as well.] RYOUZU: Oh, thank you! You’re too kind! TERU: It smells great. I’m going to have a hard time waiting until lunch to eat this, I skipped breakfast. KAHO: There’s an extra one here too in case anyone’s still hungry after we eat these. I had leftovers that I didn’t want to save, so I made an extra one. TERU: Could we just split it now? I’m really starving here… KAHO: Sorry, but…you’ll have to wait until lunch time. [TERU hunches over looking completely dismayed. RYOUZU puts the lunch on his seat and pulls the car into drive.] RYOUZU: Let’s get you kids to school before you’re late. [He pulls away from the curb and drives. There is a few moments of silence.] KEN: So, are you ready to start our new school careers? KAHO: Yes, I’m really excited! I hear there are a lot of really great courses being offered there. Stuff that Yomigetsu couldn’t afford. TERU: That’s what I’ve been reading too. It sounds like a real mixed bag, there are great professors and courses, and I hear that sports and music is top notch there too, but at the same time there are rumors that supposedly a lot of delinquents attend the school, some that are even involved with street gangs. KAHO: Really? That should be…interesting. Ken, make sure that you don’t get into trouble right away. RYOUZU: I told him the same thing. KEN: Geez, I didn’t know that I was such a troublemaker in everyone’s eyes. [KAHO and TERU laugh.] TERU: You do have a history for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the right time, I’m still not sure. KAHO: Definitely the wrong time. KEN: Thanks. Really helpful, guys. AKI: [Turns around in her seat again.] So Kaho, have you thought about Ryouzu’s offer? KAHO: About moving in? I’ve given it a lot of thought. I’m still not entirely sure, but I’m leaning towards “yes”. I really don’t want to leave Natsuki and Mihoshi alone, but it’s way too far a trip from my house every day. I’d have to transfer onto three trains just to get there, and busses are a no-go entirely. KEN: Your sisters should be fine though. They’ve got each other to play with, and your grandfather is still there to spend time with them when your mom and dad are too busy. KAHO: Yeah, I know…it’s just that they both look up to me as their role model, I’d feel bad about leaving them when they’re so impressionable. Although… I can always go and visit them on the weekends. TERU: Exactly. You should move in, Kaho, I’ve decided I’m going to. It will be fun to live together again, in our own house with our own rules. KAHO: It really would be…let me give it some more thought, and I’ll give you an answer for sure by the end of the week, okay? RYOUZU: Sounds good. Hey, Aki, can you take a look at the map and let me know where the turn off is? I can’t quite remember. AKI: Sure. [Takes the map from the dashboard and reads it.] It should be coming up. Oh hey look, it’s another one of your billboards. KAHO: Oh, is that a new one? It’s really nice! RYOUZU: Thank you. All I did was approve its design, but I still think it has a really great aesthetic to it. TERU: Indeed. AKI: Oh, it’s actually right here that you want to turn. Right after the billboard. RYOUZU: Thanks. [Cut to outside the car as it makes a hasty right turn. The camera pulls away showing the sky. It then cuts to a large shot of the school. There are tons of students everywhere, show a few freeze frames of various students doing various things, laughing, talking, etc…we go to the front gate where RYOUZU pulls up. Everyone gets out of the car. RYOUZU leans on the hood.] RYOUZU: Wow, this place is massive. AKI: Holy crap…I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many students in uniform at once. TERU: Their uniforms are so much nicer than our old ones, we’re going to stick out for sure. KEN: We’ll only have our old ones for a few days, I’m sure they’ll get some new ones for us once we’re registered and ready to go. KAHO: Come on, let’s get going! I really want to see the interior! RYOUZU: Have fun you guys. Call me if you need a ride home, okay? KEN: Will do. See you later. [RYOUZU gets back into the car and drives off, leaving everyone else standing in front of the gate. There are some professors standing there watching all the students. An elderly man with a kind, gentle face approaches them.] OLDER MAN: Pardon me, are you here to register for classes? AKI: [low] Unfortunately… [KEN smacks her arm lightly.] KAHO: Yes, sir, we are. OLDER MAN: I see. The registration is going on inside of the gymnasium. Would you like me to show you where it is? I understand that our facility can be quite daunting at first glance. KAHO: Thank you very much, but I think we’d like to go on our own, just to get our bearings. OLDER MAN: Courageous! I admire that! My name is Masatoshi Matsumoto. I’m the principal here at Seijyun Gakuen. I hope to see some great work from all of you this year! KAHO: I’m sure you will. OLDER MAN, AKA MATSUMOTO: Excellent, excellent! I hate to rush you, but if you want to find the gymnasium on your own, you’d best hurry! TERU: Thank you. [They all walk into the schoolyard, picking up a faster pace.] KEN: Alright. If this is anything like how Yomigetsu was laid out, then the gym will be out in the back. Want to try there first? AKI: Might as well. [They walk into the front doors and are immediately struck by how nice the school is inside.] KAHO: Oh wow…it’s so beautiful in here. Definitely not like Yomigetsu at all. [KEN is looking around at all the students. He sees a couple of girls look at him and start to giggle as they walk away.] KEN: The students all seem to be in a good mood. I guess they all must like it here. TERU: Let’s keep moving. We should definitely get this over with quickly, just in case there are a lot of new students like us. KEN: Right. [They walk through the entrance down the hall. Again, they all notice various cliques of students, all of which seem to be enjoying themselves. They head out the central annex into the courtyard, which has a beautiful terrace and many trees.] AKI: An actual garden! I don’t believe it! KEN: I’m liking this place more and more by the second. TERU: Ken, check it out. There’s so many pretty girls here…maybe I’ll finally find a girlfriend this year. AKI: Maybe you can find one for Ryouzu too, while you’re looking. [KEN laughs out loud.] KAHO: Hey, there’s another building up ahead, it looks like it could be the gym. Come on. [They continue to walk down the path, at times having to walk around certain groupings of students. More shots of happy looking students who are excitedly talking. KEN smiles. Then he notices that there’s one girl who’s sitting all by herself with her back against one of the trees, hidden in the shade. Unlike the majority of the students there, she looks very sad. KEN lingers on her for a moment, but then catches up to KAHO and the others. They reach the front of the second building. AKI yanks the front door open and they enter. It’s more classes inside.] AKI: Uh oh. This is definitely not the gym. TERU: Crap, now what? Where do you think it could be? KEN: I have no idea. Should we go back to that Matsumoto and ask? KAHO: That might be the best idea right now. [A group of three guys walk by, one of them notices KEN and the others, who all look hopelessly lost and confused.] ???: [addressing his friends] You guys go on ahead, I’ll catch up with you later. [They agree and continue on. He approaches KEN and the others.] Excuse me…[they all look at him.] I don’t mean to be intruding, but are you guys new to the school? Sorry, I just noticed your uniforms… [Standing in front of them is a young man, about their own age. He has an athletic build and it’s clear that he’s a track runner. He has hair that is spiked in layers, with one bigger spike than the others at an angle. His hair is a medium brown color. He has a confidant, cool air about him.] TERU: Uh…yeah. Actually, we’re trying to register but we can’t find the gym. ???: Hey don’t worry about it, it’s not in the usual places like most schools. I’ll take you there. The name’s Kyosuke Mitobuchi, but everyone calls me “Ban”. There’s about a dozen other Kyosuke’s here, so it makes things easier for me. KAHO: Nice to meet you! I’m Kaho Hizuki. TERU: Teru Kazama, nice to meet you, Ban. KEN: My name’s Kentsuru Suzumoto, but most people call me Ken. This is my little [she whacks him] sorry, younger sister, Aki. AKI: Yo. BAN: Great to meet you all! Follow me, I’ll take you to the gym right away. [They exit the second building, walking back through the courtyard. KEN notices that the SAD GIRL he saw earlier is gone now. He quickly shrugs it off and continues along with the others.] KAHO: How come all these students are hanging around? Aren’t there classes today? BAN: Actually, no. On the first day, the teachers all hold a class, but you don’t have to attend. It’s only if you want to get to know them first and hear about what they’ve got planned for the semester. It’s totally optional, so most of the students just hang out with their friends on this day and check out what kinds of classes they’re going to be in. That’s where I was when I saw you guys, I had just finished checking my classes and was on my way to go lounge around on the roof. KEN: We certainly appreciate you taking the time to show us to the gym. BAN: It’s no trouble at all. [Thinking for a moment] Actually…If you guys have got time, I can give you a tour of the whole school after you register. I’ve got nothing better to do, and it would help you out before classes actually start tomorrow morning. KAHO: That would be awesome! BAN: Cool, then I’ll do just that. [They enter the main building once again and BAN takes them down the hall and to the right, down the staircase to the basement. They walk down another hall to the end, where there is a large set of double doors propped open. The gymnasium is located there.] BAN: It’s kind of a strange place for a gym to be, but here it is. You guys are in luck, it looks like all the lines have died down for now. I’ll wait out here for you while you get set up. TERU: Thanks again! AKI: *sigh* Do I really have to do this? KEN: Come on, Aki. You can’t back out of this one. [KEN pushes her in. He walks up to one of the tables with AKI. There is a YOUNG WOMAN working behind the table. She smiles at them.] YOUNG WOMAN: Good morning! Are you here to register for classes? KEN: Good morning. Yes, we’d like to register. We’ll both be new students to the school this year. YOUNG WOMAN: We’re glad to have you here at Seijyun! May I see your identification please? KEN: Sure. Aki, get your papers out, too. YOUNG WOMAN: Is she your sister? AKI: Yes, I am. YOUNG WOMAN: I can get you both set up at once. [KEN and AKI hand her their papers.] Oh, you’re from Yomigetsu? It’s a shame about the fire, huh? Now a lot of students will be looking for new schools to attend. KEN: …Yeah, it’s a shame. We attended that school our whole lives until this summer when it burnt down. Faulty wiring or something, I heard. YOUNG WOMAN: At least no one was hurt or worse in the fire. Kentsuru and Aki Suzumoto, huh? While I do this, you can go over there to get measured for your new school uniforms. [She points off to the distance.] Just come back once you’re finished there and I should be done setting you up. KEN: Thanks. [KEN and AKI walk over to the measuring booth, where they’re taken behind curtains to be measured. TERU exits from one of the other ones, and KAHO is taken into the same one after. It cuts to BAN, who is checking his mail on his phone. He opens one message, it reads “Heads up Ban, The Purple Vixen’s roaming around with her goons…this year’s going to suck. Again”. BAN grimaces slightly and deletes the message. He continues checking his mail. Cut back to the inside of the gym. KEN and AKI come out of the measuring booths and go back to the table. The YOUNG WOMAN hands them all of their things.] YOUNG WOMAN: You’re all registered and ready to go. Welcome to Seijyun Gakuen! AKI: [Unenthused] It’s a pleasure. KEN: Thank you. [KEN and AKI leave the room, meeting with BAN outside of the gym’s doors.] BAN: So, how’d it go? KEN: Good. We’re all registered, and they took our measurements for our new school outfits. BAN: Awesome. They’re really quick about getting the uniforms, you’ll probably have them within a couple of days. [KAHO and TERU come out of the gym and regroup with the others.] KEN: All done? KAHO: Yeah. I couldn’t find one of my transcripts, so it took a little while longer. Sorry. BAN: Don’t worry about it. If everyone’s all ready, let’s head to the roof. I can point out some areas of interest from there, maybe even some things to watch out for. KAHO: Let’s go! [BAN leads the others up the stairs to the roof. He pushes the doors open and leads them to one of the corners of the roof. He gets up on the ledge and instructs the others to join him. They grab onto the chain link fence for support and look over the school grounds.] BAN: There’s the courtyard we were in before, and the other building. By the way, that building is where the drama, music, cooking and art classes take place. Basically the more artistic classes are in there whereas the math, physics, all that stuff is in the main building. There’s a cafeteria in that third, smaller building there, but it’s kind of expensive. Good food though. That smaller building is also where the faculty meets. Our outdoor track is behind the Arts building, so if you’re into sports and physical education, you’ll probably be out there a lot. This roof is pretty much free reign, most of the students will come and relax up here, but whatever you do, do not go onto the Arts building’s roof. That’s where the delinquents all hang out when they’re ditching class. Sometimes they’ll come up here and make a scene, but it’s not very often. KEN: That’s right…I’ve heard some things about this school. I don’t mean to insinuate anything if they are just rumors, but I heard that there are gangs here. Is that true? BAN: Ah, so you’ve heard that rumor, huh? KEN: So it is just a rumor then? BAN: Hardly. It’s true. AKI: S-seriously? BAN: Yep. There’s actually quite a few that attend this school. Some are more honorable gangs that are just cliques of friends that are really tight, with the occasional mean streak in certain instances. [He looks side to side and then speaks in a low tone] But we do have one problem gang. Actually, you might have heard of them…Tsuki no Kodomo? KEN: The Children of the Moon? Can’t say that I have. BAN: They’ve been making all sorts of trouble in Roppongi lately, and they usually bum around Shinjuku and Kawasaki too. They fight with other street gangs a lot, and rumor has it that they’ve even taken on Yakuza families. Their leader, as well as a good percentage of the actual members are students here. KAHO: Who’s their leader? BAN: A girl, her name’s Kotsu Kobayashi. She used to be in a Sukeban gang I heard, then started Tsuki no Kodomo once she got strong enough. We’ll most likely see her today when I show you around. They call her the “Purple Vixen”, so if you see a girl with a lip ring, purple eye shadow and purple tips in her hair, that’s Kotsu. She’ll probably also be surrounded by a bunch of tough looking guys. Whatever you do, don’t look her in the eyes, or anyone else that’s hanging around her for that matter. It’ll just be trouble if you do. TERU: Sounds like they’re a real handful. How did they even get accepted into the school? BAN: Some of them were straight edged until they got here, then they were influenced or peer pressured into joining one of the gangs. Some just had a lot of pull; their parents are in powerful positions for example. Others, despite being delinquents, have amazingly high grades.[Notices that the others look a little worried. He rubs his head] You’re right, they are a handful, but for the most part as long as you stay out of their way they’ll leave you alone. There are a few exceptions. They have a few targets they’ll go out of their way to pick on. KAHO: Don’t the teachers do anything about it? BAN: They pretend not to notice what’s going on. They don’t want to get involved because they’re afraid of losing their jobs. They let the gangs do what they want, and they cover up any of the unpleasant details in order to maintain Seijyun’s prestige in the eyes of the public. Politics, that’s all it is. [Rubs his arm] Don’t let that scare you away though. The actual classes and all the student resources here are top notch. It’s unfair that they’re the only blight on our reputation, but that’s the way it is. [After a moment…] Well, let’s get a move on. I’ve got a lot of other places to show you guys before the day’s over. [BAN steps off the ledge and the others follow him back down the stairs into the main annex once again. They hear some commotion down the hall. They all turn to look. There are two bigger guys yelling at a smaller student who is pinned against the wall in fear.] Continued... |