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The prologue and first episode of my fanfic Land Before Time Elemental Warriors. |
Land Before Time: Elemental Warriors Inspired by and slightly based off Dark Side of the World’s Land Before Time: Warriors of the Solar System series Disclaimer: I only own Jordan (Me), Ace (his character and personality) and the Elemental Spirits. Ashter belongs to Bryce. Sonic, Eggman, Chaos Emeralds © SEGA Super Smash Bros cast, Pokémon, Ace (Character Design) © Nintendo Land Before Time © Universal Studios Snake © Konami Ed, Edd n’ Eddy cast © Cartoon Network Godzilla © Toho Kingdom The other human characters own the rights to their own names Set in both first person (My perspective except on Spike’s unlocking) and Third person (when singing or when I’m not there) Prologue “Speaking” Thoughts Attacks Singing and Narrations (Location or Song name - Time or Artist) (Spoken by me in voice-over form) The year is 2010 On December 31, New Year’s Eve a meteor is seen approaching earth It’s been calculated to hit Washington, DC Surprisingly it changes course and begins to head for Lexington, Kentucky Its impact point is the backyard of the Lucas family, my family I, Jordan Lucas, was the only one home when it crashed. (That part is true; I was the only one home at that time) I went outside to investigate when I heard a loud roar as a silver light shot up from the crater In the crater I found a bag and 10 pendants each with a different colored, egg-shaped crystal inside I took the silver one in my hand I then heard a voice from nowhere say “I’ve found you.” Suddenly the crystal began to glow a blinding light I then found myself in a strange place with nothing “I’ve finally found you.” I heard that same voice again. “Dude up here.” I look up and saw something I’d never thought I’d see. A Silver Dragon with white wings. “Hello” I said calmly even though I was a bit nervous. “Hello there Jordan.” “How does this dragon know my name” I thought to myself. “I know a lot about you Wind Warrior.” “Did you just?” “Read your mind? Yes I did. I believe I should introduce myself. The name’s Sky Windwing, the Dragonian spirit of the wind.” “A wind spirit?” “Yes and there is no need to speak, we can communicate through thought.” “Alright, but why did you call me Wind Warrior?” “Because me and the other spirits have chosen you as the one who will search for the others and as my keeper or guardian.” “Being that, you can call on my power to fight the evil that” “Wait a second, what evil?” “Our home was taken over by an evil man named Dr. Robotnic. He captured our people and turned them into his robot slaves We know he will attack your world in search of us.” “Then I will help you.” “Good, to activate my power, touch the crystal and say ‘Elemental Crystal Activate’ and to deactivate it, just say ‘Power Down’.” “Alright, I’ve got it.” “Then I’ll send you back to your world.” That event was 6 months ago (Robotnic’s base – June 5, 2011) (Radical Highway – Sonic Adventure 2 Soundtrack) BOOOM! A figure flies through the wall. The figure is a human about 5’7, he had on a silver spandex-like armor (Power Rangers-like, only cooler) with white boots and shin guards with a silver elemental symbol for wind (Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon) on them and on his chest. On his back, there were two vertical slits. The slits were glowing white energy. His head was covered by a helmet that looked almost exactly like a dragon’s head. In place of where his face would be was a black, one-way/two-way visor (from Halo 3: ODST). On his chest above the symbol was a large silver crystal. In one hand was a two-sided, silver sword and in the other was a small bag. That’s me in my Elemental Warrior form. “Now what Sky?” “Keep running!” “You’re not getting away this time Wind Warrior” a voice said from the ceiling. “Eggman” I said. (Eggman Appears – Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)) A large man of at least 50 years old appears on a strange floating contraption. That’s Dr. Robotnic or as we call him Eggman. He’s the one searching for me, Sky and the crystals. “I believe you have something that’s mine” He said. “As if Egghead, you’re not getting the crystals” I replied. “Then I’ll take them from you.” “Bring it on” I challenged. He pushing a button on his Egg-o-matic and a large tube fell on me. “What the” “It’s time to get rid of you once and for all” “You’re forgetting my abilities again, Doc” My body starts glowing and I throw out one hand. “Air Blast” I shouted. The container shatters as a strong gust of wind erupts from my hand. “Eggbots, attack” Eggman yells. Suddenly I’m surrounded by hundreds of robots. “Oh Crap. Sky” I asked the wind spirit. “I’m on it man” He replied. The wind began to swirl and gather around me when suddenly the entire base started to shake. “Eggman, what did you do” I asked. “I didn’t do anything” he replied looking as confused as me. Suddenly a light filled the room and I blacked out. (Music stops) (Great Valley – Night time) In this particular place a certain group of dinosaurs are about to have their lives changed forever. One of them is a young brontosaurus boy named Littlefoot. He was having trouble sleeping when he heard a loud noise. He looked up and gasped. “Grandma, Grandpa, wake up!” “What is it Littlefoot” his Grandpa asked. “Look up” he replied. They looked up and gasped. In the sky was a strange light falling and crashing somewhere near the Great Wall, the wall that keeps all Sharpteeth (Predators) out. However, before crashing a green and purple light that looked to have come from the larger one stopped and flew off in the distance. “What was that” Littlefoot asked. “We don’t know” both his grandparents replied. (Great Valley Sky - At that time) (Kyuuketsuki – Dance in the Vampire Bund OST) I feel the wind moving by me at a fast speed. “*Groan* What Happened?” “Jordan, Wake Up!!” I heard multiple voices in my head. I open my eyes to see I’m falling. “Jordan” a female voice said “enter your mind quick.” I closed my eyes and felt myself enter my mind. (Astral Plane) I land rather hard on the ground. “What’s the emergency Aurora” I asked. A pink glowing female dragon appears (Aurora Sencescale – aura/psychic spirit) along with a grassy green male (Ginkgo Twigleg – grass spirit) “We feel our keepers but they’re far away from you” Aurora explained. “What about the rest of you” I asked. A fire-red and orange-winged female dragon (Blaze Burnheart – fire spirit), water-blue female (Aqua Clearwater – water spirit), electric-yellow male (Spark Shockclaw – electric spirit), white and light-blue female (Crya Icetail – ice spirit), bronze male (Stone Rockspine – earth spirit), black male (Shadow Darkpoison – darkness spirit), and a gold male (Solar Sunpoint – light spirit) appeared along with Sky. “Our keepers are also nearby, in fact everyone except Aurora and Ginkgo’s are right below us” Solar explained. “Well what do we do about Aurora and Ginkgo” I ask. “Go back in your body, take our crystals out and let us go; we’ll handle the rest” Ginkgo said. “And power down also” Sky said. “Got it” I said. (Great Valley- Night air) I see myself still falling. I reach into the bag and pull out a purple and green crystal. “Be careful” I told them. “You too” They replied. I let them go, they began to float then fly off in different directions at incredible speeds. I remembered Sky telling me to deactivate my armor. “Power down” My body began to glow and my swords disappeared. When it faded my true self was seen. I’m a 17 year-old black male with a neon Sonic the Hedgehog shirt and blue jeans. I had a large green backpack on. A gold ring was on my left hand, a strange gauntlet on my right and Sky’s crystal was around my neck. After my transformation I fell unconscious and into a new life in the Great Valley. (Song ends) End Prologue Note: Each Episode a new Warrior is revealed, a Biography will show up at the end Name: Element: Spirit names: Species: Gender: Age: Crystal color: Elemental Strike aka Finisher normal: Dragon Break aka Spirit form Finisher: Final Smash aka Brawler form Finisher: Weapon: Attacks: Position: Powers (normal and transformed): Gear (Sonic Free Riders): Likes: Dislikes: Instrument: Episode 1 The Keepers are found (Great Valley- the following morning) Littlefoot was looking for his friends to talk about what happened last night. “Littlefoot” a voice came from above. “Hey Petrie” he said looking up. Petrie is a Pteradon or “Flier” “Are the others up yet” Littlefoot asked. “Me think not” Petrie said in his way of speaking. “Let’s check” “Don’t bother” a rather stern voice said. “Me know that voice anywhere” Petrie stated. Out of the nearby bush came Cera. Cera is a Triceratops or Three-horn. “Why don’t we just wait for the others” Cera suggested “We’re already here guys” a voice calls from behind them. Out walks the rest of their gang. Ducky, a Parasaurolophus or Swimmer, rode on the back of her larger, but younger, adopted brother Spike, a Stegasaurus or Spiketail. Also, remember when I said the Great Wall keeps all Sharpteeth out, that’s not entirely true. Chomper the Tyrannosaurus-Rex or Sharptooth and his caretaker Ruby the Oviraptor or Fast Runner were behind them. “Do you guys see what happened last night” Littlefoot asked. “Yeah I think we should take a look. That is what you’re thinking right” Chomper asked. “Yep; All in favor” Littlefoot asked. “Let’s go” They all replied. (Impact site) My body is lying in a crater at least 5 feet deep. (I’ve done this countless times before, so I’m not dead, just unconscious) Ruby appears near my seemingly lifeless body. “Guys, you have to see this” She yelled. The others quickly arrive. “What is this thing” Cera says. “There something else over here” Petrie says flying over another object. They see the bag with the crystals spilled out. “We’ve finally found you” voices said from nowhere. “What was that” Ducky asked. The crystals began to shine and the gang is knocked out. (Astral Plane) Littlefoot and his friends all wake up at the same time. “Where are we” Littlefoot asked. A strong wind begins blowing. “It’s about time you woke up” a voice said as if from the wind. “Who are you? And where are you” Cera asked. “Why don’t you try looking up” The voice said again this time coming from above them. (Toa no Shinjitsu – Dragonaut: the Resonance soundtrack) They looked up and saw a creature they had never seen before; A Human; Me. “Hey there” I said in a rather cheery voice as I landed. They just stand there shocked to see something that wouldn’t exist for a hundred million years. Littlefoot was the first to find his voice. “H-hello” He said timidly. “There’s no need to be afraid, I won’t hurt you” I said trying to reassure them. “Just who and what are you” Cera said crossly with a slight amount of fear. “The name’s Jordan. And as for what I am; I’m a human.” “What’s a human” Ducky asked. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” I smugly but seriously replied. “Try us” Cera challenged. “*Sigh* Alright and this will also answer the question of where I came from. I’m from the future” I said. They look at each other then burst out laughing. “How expected” I thought to the spirits as I waited for them to stop. “You realize that I’m not joking and that you haven’t introduced yourselves” I said tapping my foot impatiently. “Oh, right I’m Littlefoot and I’m a Longneck” Littlefoot said. “I’m Cera, a Three-horn” Cera said. “Me Petrie, Flier” Petrie responded as he flew onto my shoulder. “My name’s Ducky a Swimmer and this is my brother Spike, a Spiketail. He doesn’t talk though” Ducky said hugging Spike’s neck. “I’m Chomper. I’m a Sharptooth. And by the way, are you like me” Chomper asked curiously. “If you mean if I eat meat yes, but we humans also eat plants” I answered. “Then you are like me. My name’s Ruby and I’m a Fast Runner” Ruby replied. “It’s nice to meet you all. Now, I’m positive you’re all wondering where we are, right” I asked. “Yeah” they said. “We call this place the astral plane.” “Who’s we” Chomper asked. “Oh right. Did you hear voices say ‘We’ve finally found you’” I asked expectedly. “Yep, but who were they” Ducky asked. “Well ummm, Guys, you can come out now” I thought to the spirits. “Well” Cera said impatiently. “Three, two, one” I counted. “ROAAAAAAAAAAR” “SHARPTOOTH!!!” the kids screamed. “Stop screaming guys” I told them. “Why” Petrie asked. “Because we won’t hurt you” Aqua thought/said in a soothing voice. “Who was that” Chomper asked. “Look up” I said. They did and gasped. “Don’t worry they won’t hurt you, I promise” I assured them as the spirits landed hard and roared again. (Music Ends) “I’d like you to meet the Elemental Spirits and also look on your necks.” They look and see the elemental crystals. “What are these” Littlefoot asked. I explained about the crystals and everything that happened up until them finding me. “And then I sent myself here to the astral plane” I said finishing my tale. “Uhh, how long have we been here” Ducky asked worried. “Don’t worry little ones” Aqua said nuzzling her keeper (Ducky) making her giggle. “Jordan can make time here nonexistent, so it will only be like a second has passed in reality.” “Speaking of which, why don’t we continue this conversation in the real world” I asked. “Okay” Everyone including the spirits said. (Great Valley - Impact Site) (A new Journey – Sonic Unleashed Soundtrack) I woke up to find the kids were still out cold. “How long will they be out” I asked. “They should awake any moment” Sky said as he and the others appeared. Okay pause. I should probably explain that the spirits can take physical forms. Sky can look either like the dragon he is (full grown or teenager (Like Dawn of the Dragon Spyro and can still fly with me in his claws)) or as a white, human teenager, my age with silver and white clothing (Normally a silver jacket and white t-shirt with an egg for the logo), hair and eyes. Aqua took the form of a blue Swimmer like Ducky, Blaze took the form of a red and orange Threehorn, Solar took the form of a gold Longneck, Shadow a black Sharptooth, Stone a bronze Spiketail, Spark a yellow Flier, and Crya a white and light-blue Fast runner, all looking the kids’ sizes and ages, but can also change into dragons and adult dinos. “Uhhh, what happened” Chomper said waking up. “Again, it’s about time you guys woke up” Sky said. “Sky” they asked. “In the flesh” he said proudly “everyone alright?” “Yes” everyone said. “Good, now let’s get out of here. But first, Sky let’s do it” I said. “Got it” Sky said as his body began to glow. His body dissolved into the crystal. “Elemental Crystal Activate!” I yelled so loud I was positive everyone in the Great Valley heard me. The crystal glowed and the wind around me turned into a small tornado with me at the center. When the wind stopped and the light dimmed, the kids looked and gasped as my armor was on. “The air around him blows free, Silver Wind Elemental.” I said pulling out my swords and swinging them around as I had many times before. “Heroes of Nature, Elemental Warriors!” I said as I put the swords together and swung it around. And that was the first time I activated my powers in the Valley. End Episode 1 Elemental Warrior Bio Name: Jordan Lucas Element: Wind Spirit names: Sky Windwing, Sonic Hedgehog and Godzilla Species: Human (Two-legs) Gender: Male Age: 17 (in human years) (lost count of actual years after the first 10 million) Crystal color: Silver Elemental Strike: Tempest Slash Dragon Break: Cyclone Slam Final Smash: Super Sonic, Darkspine Sonic and Excalibur Sonic (I am the only one with more than one final smash) Weapon: Twin Wind Swords (can combine into a two-handed, double-sided sword) Attacks: Air Blast, Dual Air Blast, Breath Steal (normally used to knock opponent out but can be deadly if provoked), Air sphere, Mist, Wind Shield, Tornado Spin, Air Slash, Gust, Air Step, Spirit Strike (Sonic (explained next episode), Godzilla (will be explained in later episode) and Sky (Spirit form) appear to momentarily assist me) (only works in normal form), Judgment (learned from Arceus (explained in later episode) Position: Second in Command, Seeker, leader in battle (until Littlefoot takes charge), Tactics expert Powers (normal and transformed): Flight, wind control, cloud-walking, super speed, wind clone, voice changing (can sound like other people regardless of gender. Can also allow me to speak multiple languages at the same time) (commonly used in singing or world speeches), levitation, teleporting, wind sight (uses wind to see far distances), thought projection (all of the other keepers can do it as well), Spirit forming (Sky doesn’t know about this) (I will be teach the others how to do this), ears to the wind (allows me to hear multiple languages at once), many others Gear (Sonic Free Riders): Wind Lance Likes: occasional solitude, high places, music, family, windy days (When powers are strongest), flying, talking with the spirits, running, using powers to free-run, singing, Chili dogs (you’ll see part of the reason next episode), sparring, training, story-telling, swimming (turning into a water-type Pokémon (including Manaphy, Kyogre or Phoine), has on Splash Plate or in Swimmer form since I can’t swim and I like being in water), giving advise (I’m actually quite wise for someone my age), video games, Dislikes: Eggman, Those who would do harm to my family, those who would hurt me or my friends, air pollution, fighting (verbal) with friends/family, sometimes standing still (unless singing/playing music), at times the ground and water, losing friends, having to break up fights, humans who destroy the environment, the military (trying to make me fight their battles), those who try to separate me and Ace, those who try to keep me and Cera separate (Spoiler Alert), being falsely accused Instrument: air instruments (I’m the only one who isn’t limited to one instrument) and lead male singer |