Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1837737-The-Rose-Dress
by pOntif
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1837737
A man wonders why his wife was killed for a dress
Reigngan dragged his dead wife's dress through the snow the dress was still embroidered with the hard roses when he took it off of his wife but now they were strewn around him lost as he was drained of strength by the sheer cold. Reigngan paused and collected the roses because they were too special to him to just leave in the snow and with a heavy, sad sigh continued out of the villiage that had been his home for so many years and as he walked he reflected on what had just happenned it had all happenned so fast that he barely chomprehended the situation he could remember a large dinner and mead by the jugful, they were celebrating their anniversary and his wife was wearing the dress he had gotten her as he proposed with the ring of gold and sapphire wrapped inside it was so romantic so, perfect, then all of a sudden an arrow flew through the air as two men burst through the door shouting "The dress or thou death be upon thee!" which was odd since old hrongar hadn't been spoken for two thousand years and there was an old tone in his voice almost like the felt beards who had dwindled to a handful and spoke with such an odd accent that no-one had spoken with since Sragtahr had been developed into a mountain by Srongar the great god of land. He was straying from his memory letting facts get in his way as they always did clouding his judgement and delaying his reflexes. Suddenly he remembered everything the arrow in his wife's throat, the loose clips and how he grabbed the dress and ran out of the village and into the cold. As Reigngan withdrew from his sad memory he saw a house through the blinding storm, upon reaching it he began hammerring on the door "Let me in!" he screamed at the door as he stopped to catch his breath the door sheepishly opened and the warmth of a fire wrapped him i a sense of joy and home, he was about to walk in when he noticed a small lady standing at the door "What is this racket all about?" she asked in a surprisingly deep voice. In a cold stutter Reigngan responded "I.I.I've b.been hiking in the snow for hours and my wife's dead and I have no money please can I stay the night.". The lady smiled and said "Aye I've been in the same situation as you before built this thing from the ground up, you're welcome to stay as long as you like." with a joyful look in his eye and a smile on his face Reigngan entered the house and helped himself to the roast duck on the table and after washing it down with a glass of mead Reigngan recounted his story to the woman who explained her name was Slyvana and the circumstances under which she had built the home Reigngan had found a place to stay that was warm and he was happy for that but he was still confused as to why the men had killed for the dress then he thought purposefully about facts and thought books might help and asked Sylvana if she had any books available to read and she told him that she only had two books one on embroidery and one on cooking, to this Reigngan thought and asked if he could see the book on embroidery in a near desperate hope that he could find something worthwhile. Hours passed then he saw something that caught his eye a large image of a rose almost identical to the ones on his dead wife's dress hastily he read the chapter and he saw his wife's dress and he was astounded to see that the dress was one of a kind and extremely valuable but the dress was stolen two centuries ago and has been missing ever since. Reigngan held the dress and roses in his hand almost in awe at the realisation that the heavy glass roses that were so carefully sown onto the dress were actually rubies and royal rubies at that Reigngan smiled knowing that aslong as he could get rid of the dress everything was going to be alright.
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