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This is the first scene, first draft. |
ACT I Scene 1 LEIGH and FRANKIE sit at a table in a nice restaurant. They are halfway through their meals. They are dressed for an occasion, their anniversary. Their clothes suggest that they don't have much money, but can make do in a pinch. Upstage right a flight of stairs coming down. Upstage left is a host stand, currently unoccupied. A single light hangs over the table down center. The lighting is low and intimate. There is a similar light hanging over the host stand, as well as around the stairs. Music of a single acoustic guitar is heard, either recorded or live. The back wall is a beautiful old brick. LEIGH a tall 20 something. She wears a simple white maxi dress. white pumps. a denim jacket sits on the back of her chair. she holds a black purse in her lap. She has a nervous habit of running her hand through her hair. FRANKIE sits across the table from LEIGH. He is well built and very hungry. He wears a white collared shirt with bluish-grayish sweater, and nice black slacks. He wears black shoes. LEIGH and FRANKIE flirt across the table at each other. Much eye contact and blushing and adorable couple-like behavior. LEIGH So are you going to have time over Thanksgiving to see my family? FRANKIE Umm... I don't know. We just had a unit test today... so I think I might be studying for the next test over break. LEIGH Well, just keep me updated... I love you, baby. FRANKIE I love you too, hun... Happy anniversary. LEIGH Ah well, thank you, kind sir. Happy anniversary to you, as well. She sticks out her tongue at him. FRANKIE and LEIGH laugh at their antics. leigh How is your steak? frankie Absolutely delicious! This is the only thing on earth that could keep me here- delaying my time with you tonight! leigh Oh, shut-up! Speaking of tonight, when are we doing presents? frankie Oh, are we doing presents? LEIGH reaches across the table and bats at his hand. leigh Frankie!! frankie (Laughing) I know! I know! We can do presents whenever you want to, babe. leigh Well then, I... I wanna give you mine right now. frankie Oh! Okay. In the middle of dinner? leigh Just let me do it! FRANKIE Okay! leigh Oh, no. Now I'm nervous. frankie Nervous? Just do it! leigh Okay. Okay, here we go. Um. Well. It's something you kinda already have. You just don't know you have it yet! frankie ... What? What is it?? LEIGH Ahh!! She reaches across the table and grabs his hand. Umm... Frankie. I'm kinda pregnant. (Laughs.) I'm gonna have a baby! FRANKIE ... What? leigh You're gonna be a daddy, Frankie! frankie You can't be serious... FRANKIE's face turns away from LEIGH. There is no more eye contact for the rest of the scene. leigh ...I... FRANKIE Shit! What did we do? Haven't you been taking your pill? LEIGH Frankie, I- frankie Shit, Leigh! We have to get rid of it! LEIGH Frankie! FRANKIE Leigh, this is ridiculous. We can't raise a kid! We're still in school! We're not even living together! leigh Frankie James! We can't just get rid of our baby! It is a person with a life and a soul! frankie Well, not yet! Fuck, Leigh! I'll help you pay for it- just don't do this! We can't do this! leigh God, Frankie! (Crying.) I don't believe you! Happy fucking anniversary! She jumps up from the table, knocking over her own chair in her haste. She leaves her jean jacket behind and runs crying up the stairs upstage right. frankie Fuck! HOST enters from downstage right, shooting a warning glance toward FRANKIE, urging him to calm down, and keep the volume sedated. HOST moves to upright chair and then to the host stand, where he stands looking over a schedule on the stand. FRANKIE My life is over... FRANKIE slumps over at the table, clutching a hold of his beer. FRANKIE Shit. FRANKIE slams down the rest of his beer. There is a moment of mental struggle. He throws his beer glass against the back wall where it shatters. HOST looks up, alarmed. FRANKIE angrily throws some money on the table and exits quickly up the stairs upstage right. |