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Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1833735
to my daughter ciarra untitled
Please tell me how you can lie about me when you know its not true

I would like to know why do you do the things you do .

I am not the monster you like to make me out to be

If you would stop and take a look then you would see.

How very much I love you with all my heart,

But I guess you dont care how this tears me apart.

To you I am your escape goat for all that has gone wrong or bad

And it makes my heart so very sad.

Does it make you feel better about the person in the mirror that stares back

Or is it because of emotions and warmth you do lack.

I know when you were raised it was with love and with care

Sometimes I look into your eyes and I there is nothing there .

You tell me this and you tell me that and I used to believe all your words

But now I know its all for the birds.

So much of your life your throwing away and it will be gone for good

Time is one thing once gone its gone ,Understood?

Your mother and your children will always love you we will

But its our relationships that you have choosen to just kill.

One day you will find out that life doesnt have any do overs or rewind

It will be to late when you stop running ahead and take a look of who you left behind.

barbara sprouse

12 07 2011

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