Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1833254-Scattered-Hats-and-Broken-Hearts
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1833254
An innate understanding as to why certain relationships are doomed to fail...
So many hats we wear
To get us through our days;
Our countless personalities
Persuading power plays
With friend and foe and kin
And those of every sort.
We recognize who we should be
And meld – transform - contort.

Innately in the self
Lie reasons for our views;
And if they’re not distinguished right
The mind distorts and skews.
Thus, hats bunch in a mess;
They fall in disarray.
Our many personalities
Become confused - and fray.

The mind then bolts and runs;
Chaotic thoughts ensue.
Our brains go into overdrive!
Jump off the tracks – askew.
And then we’re trapped within;
Alone with twisted stance.
A whirling dervish hurricane!
Exploding at a glance.

And soon the fights begin
as hats no longer fit.
Relationships held dear and prized
are doomed to take a hit.
The ones loved most are mugged
with random, ugly threats.
Intimidation – underscored!
No pause and no regrets.

Crushed hearts and damaged souls
Belie the ones held dear.
They’re left confused and hurt and shocked
With lines drawn ever clear.
They balk and slip away
(The cherished ones of old)
They find there is no comfort left -
No trust to bind and hold.

The end is dark and dank;
Black shadows veil the light. 
They cast a sadness that surround
Relationships, once bright.
And so the hats remain
Entangled, every one –
While life plays out in sickness, rapt
Unraveled and undone.

© Copyright 2011 Robin:TheRhymeMaven (tikkunolam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1833254-Scattered-Hats-and-Broken-Hearts