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The story of our D&D adventure. |
Work in progress Prologue This is a story of four random adventurers: A skinny cunning and evil male Halfling Rogue with a thick horseshoe mustache, skin the color of the Deseret’s sand and yellow eyes like those of a cat called Seltyiel. A small tree-loving Gnome female Druid with green silk smooth hair that got to her lower back, a skin white as snow, eyes black as night and green lips that matched her hair, named Lini. A slim, cowardly old female Changeling Witch with hair that became white decades ago, eyes clear and blue like the ocean and lips red as blood called Seoni. And a stout religious-freak, male Dwarf Cleric with walrus mustache, combined with fuzzy side burns, eyes brown as walnut and bronze skin called Harsk. The four adventurers have been together since the day they found themselves stuck together in the city of Whiterun. To leave, they had to take care of the goblins. However, that was long ago and the story begins with the heroes failing to kill the evil dragon Nightshade after a long and hard journey through the old dwarven city of Ironforge. The four heroes barely got away from the dragon's claws and ran all the way to the nearest town called Bleshbridge, in which they had to rest and restock to fight the evil dragon once again. Unfortunately, as good stories usually unwind, something big happened that night, something they weren't expecting at all. After getting back to the Silver Horn tavern from his daily routine of evil deeds out in the city, Seltyiel pondered about the mysterious white clad woman, who had left him bleeding on the rooftops of the city. Meanwhile, his fellow adventurers were downstairs drinking in the tavern. Seltyiel decided to call it day and went to bed. Unfortunately for the four adventurers they were unaware that someone or something was watching them and had big plans for the four adventurers. Chapter 1 When Seltyiel woke up in the morning he found himself tied up in a place he couldn’t make out due to the darkness, but his keen sense of hearing enabled him to feel the breath of three other creatures he couldn’t see. “Who’s there?” he called out hoping to get an answer for his question, but the only sound he got was the sound of a muffled moaning. He knew there was only one thing he could do and it was to try and free himself of the rope that tied him up. He wiggled his body as hard as he could, to free himself and after a period of time that for him looked like eternity he was finally free of the wretched rope that bounded him. After getting up from the ground he quickly searched his scabbard searching for his trusty Kukri Shazzuelurt, which began glowing the moment Seltyiel wrapped his fingers around it, and gave it the mental command. With the light coming from Shazzuelurt Seltyiel could see that he was in a small circular room. Additionally, he was able to see that the other three creatures whose breaths he was hearing were his fellow companions. Seltyiel quickly cut loose the ropes that fastened his fellow companions, who were scattered around the room. After freeing the three other heroes Seltyiel asked “Where are we?” “I have no idea“ Harsk whispered, while signs that he was having a claustrophobic attack started showing on his face. “Seoni, what the hell did you do this time to get us stuck in this damn room?” asked Seltyiel. “It’s not my fault this time, I was with you guys last night.” “Can we stop arguing for a moment? You can keep blaming each other once we get out of here, but in case you haven’t notice yet, Harsk is going to have another attack, so we better get out of here quickly” yelled Lini. After getting yelled at by Lini the four adventurers started searching the mysterious room hoping to find a way out. “Seoni, can you take care of the darkness?” asked Lini. Yes sure just give me a moment to concentrate.” After replying to Lini Seoni started chanting and moving her hands in a circular shape, then after a couple of moments a glowing orb of light appeared in the middle of the room and cast a bright white light all over the room. “Found it!“ yelled Seltyiel, while pointing toward a weird symbol on the wall which resembled a knife on fire. “Have you guys ever seen anything like this before?" asked Lini. "No, but i can’t find any traps connected to It” said Seltyiel. In the moment after Seltyiel finished his sentence, Harsk jumped from the other side of them, knocking Seltyiel out of the way while pressing the knife. “What have you done, fool!” Lini cried out as the room began to spin. “I can’t take it anymore” answered Harsk apologetically. And so the room continued to spin for a long period of time while the heroes were inside of it. When the room stopped spinning, the heroes were scattered all over the room feeling nauseated. The first to stand up was Harsk, who ran straight through the hole that was opened when the room stopped spinning. Second to get up was Seoni, who said “Get up guys! We need to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed.” And so the adventurers ventured outside of the room into the unknown to save Harsk. When the heroes exited the circular room, a loud scream was heard over the area. “What was that?” asked Seoni. ”Judging by that girly scream, I can only guess Harsk has gotten himself into some kind of trouble” replied Lini. “Then I guess we better hurry and get to him” said Seltyiel decisively. After running through a long corridor made of a smooth black stone, which sparkled in the vague light coming from Seoni’s orb, the heroes came to an abrupt end when they saw Harsk swinging on one of four big swinging blades moving in utter sync with each other. After a moment of silent thinking and wondering about the way in which Harsk got himself in such a predicament, Harsk noticed the other three adventurers and yelled at them: “Get...me...out...of…here...I...can’t...hold...much...longer...” as he was swinging in and out of the walls. “Seltyiel, do you see any way to stop the trap?” asked Seoni. “I can see the control box but it’s on the other side of the corridor” replied Seltyiel. “Any ideas?” asked Seoni. “Yes. Just one” Said Lini, as she was pulling her giant war hammer Onglid from its scabbard. "Shuarma!" She yelled as she ran toward the swinging blade Harsk was swinging on. Upon reaching the swinging blade, Lini used all her gnomish might to jump and swing Onglid at the swinging blade pendulum arm shattering it into little chunks of metal. Shattering the pendulum arm made the blade fall to the ground with Harsk on it, landing mere inches from the next swinging blade. "Are you feeling all right?" asked Seoni. "I can't see any blood so I guess I am fine." replied Harsk while trying to keep the vomit inside. "Where am I?" Lini asked unexpectedly. "Zounds! That’s the last thing we need right now" yelled Seoni while looking at Lini's now orange curly hair. "Hi Onglid! How you've been?" questioned Seltyiel. "Fine. I guess. But it has been way too long since the last time I came out. It's not fun being locked away on that god forsaken rock inside of that war hammer! There's not a single soul in there to kill" grumbled Onglid. "So, how did you guys end up in this dungeon? And where's the damn exit?" asked Onglid. ”Well, we have no idea how we ended up stuck here but I sure do you hope that the exit is that way considering that this is the only corridor we were able to find" replied Seltyiel. Suddenly, Lini hair became green and silky smooth again. “Damn that obnoxious pig! Taking control of my body whenever he feels like it!” shouted Lini as hatred begun showing on her face. “You do have to admit he did save our life a couple of times” excused Seltyiel. “Shut up Seltyiel!” grunted Lini. “I am just saying that he is a valuable part of our team” responded Seltyiel. “I said, zip your mouth thickheaded Halfling!” “Fine, fine, but I am just sayin-“started Seltyiel as he was hit in his knee by Lini’s war hammer. "Ouch!" he cried as he collapsed to the ground, “What was that for, wicked woman?” he asked. “What have you just said?” asked Lini. “Nothing” murmured Seltyiel as he was clutching his bleeding knee. “Come on, I’ll help you get up” said Seoni. “Harsk can you take care of my knee?” asked Seltyiel. “Yes sure” replied Harsk, and instantly channeled a bright beam of light from his palm to Seltyiel’s bleeding knee. “Thanks. That’s much better.” said Seltyiel once he stood up. ”Now that this is all over we should keep going if we want to get out of this dungeon” said Seoni. “Agreed, I don’t want to have another attack in this place” said Harsk. And so the four adventures continued walking down the long corridors of the maze, picking between left and right by tossing a coin at each intersection until they found themselves in front of a big door decorated with many glyphs and runes of all kinds. “Seltyiel, do you think it’s booby-trapped?” asked Harsk, “I can’t find anything on it so I don’t think it’s booty-trapped, but I can’t see any lever on it so I don’t know how to open it either” replied Seltyiel. “Then it must be connected in some way to the weird glyphs all over the door. I even think I have seen some of them before. That one up there is the magical symbol of death and this one down here is the magical symbol of ritual, but I am not sure about the other three” said Seoni. “I think I have seen the one in the middle before, it was inlaid on the front door of that Assassin’s guild we purged Zipaglum of last year so it must mean assassination” said Seltyiel. “And I have seen the one left back in my home mountain. It's meaning is servant” said Harsk, “The last one is the symbol of summoning” said Lini. “Well, now we know that meaning of all the glyphs, though we still don’t know what to do with it or if it’s of any use” Seltyiel considered askance. “I say we should just try and press the glyphs randomly” said Harsk, “Haven’t you had enough traps for one day?” muttered Seltyiel. “I got it!” yelled Lini “It must be ritual summoning servant assassination death” said Lini. “Are you sure about it?” worried Seoni, “Yes. The only logical answer.” replied Lini. “Okay then, go ahead and press them” dared Seltyiel. “Okay. Here I go.” said Lini. As she pressed the five glyphs in the order she has decided earlier everything began to shake, and the four adventurers had a hard time not falling on each other. When the rumble stopped the door began to open, revealing a giant room on the other side occupied by ten white clad creatures of all kinds of race and gender. They were encircling one masked man, who sat on a mask shaped throne, in the middle of the half circle made of them. They were wearing a suit of leather that seemed to vanish into the dark. “Quiten yourselves, for thy squabbles resonate in the master's ears” sang the white clad creatures concordantly. “What do you think of our chances here?” whispered Seltyiel. “I don’t think they are in our favor” replied Harsk. "Silence! We'll kill you!” ordered the white clad creatures. "It is okay children, let them speak. They will learn in due time." said the man behind the mask, coughing heavly. "I have summoned thee hither for I have a task for thee. There is a nuisance in a city named Saltmarsh. With your help, his days are numbered. For now, all you need to know is that we want this man eliminated." "And why should we do as you desire?" asked Lini. "For three simple reasons first, we will pay you handsomly. Secondly, the man we want you to eliminate is a cat murderer!" said the masked man All of a sudden "say no more, that cat murderer will die by my hand" yelled Harsk as he fall to the ground clutching his groin with a pain striken look on his face. When Harsk fell, it was obvious that Seoni was the cause for the pain "Damm cat loving dwarf!" she cursed, as she walked over Harsk to the white clad creatures. "You said there were three reasons why we should help you but I heared only two" said Seoni. "You are right Witch, and if you are so intrigued I will share it with you. The third reason as to why you should help us is because, quite frankly, you have no other option" the man laughed menacingly. “Cats!” yelled Harsk suddenly from his fetus like posture, only to earn himself a furious look from Seoni. "And, why is that? Exactly?" inquired Seoni as she stroke the obsidian floor with her staff, and channeled blue lightning in the palm of her hand. Suddenly one of the white clad creatures vanished. He appeared once again only moments later, holding Seoni by her white hair from behind. “One wrong move and you die old hag!” he whispered in her ear, while placing his vicious dagger on her neck. “Leave her alone!” Seltyiel cried out.As he and the orange haired Lini were charging weapons drawn in hand at the white clad creature. But a brief moment before their attacks came in touch with the white clad creature, another of the white clad creatures in the room lifted his hand to both sides of his body pointing at two of the walls that defined the room, hence Lini and Seltyiel were immediately thrown at the near wall, and flattened on it accompanied by the unpleasnt sound of bones breaking. “Cease your acts of violence, for you can see there is no chance of success” said the masked man. “Okay. we surrender “said Seoni. The white clad creature that was grabbing Seoni by her hair released her and vanished only to reappear moments later next to the rest of the white clad creatures who were still circling the masked man. “Are you guys all right?” asked Seoni. “I think I have broken my leg...” moaned Seltyiel. “Same here, but that doesn’t mean I can’t annihilate these damned creatures” replied Lini. “There is no need for that, Onglid. We don’t have any chance of winning right now” said Seoni. “I’m also okay, in case anyone cares” mentioned Harsk. “Our meeting here is over, adventurers. You have your mission clarified. Eliminate Heroine Timertikos, or face the consequences. We will be watching...” said the masked man. When he finished his sentence he clapped his hands and everything went white. Chapter 2 After a moment the light was gone and the four adventurers found themselves in a glade. “Lini, do you have any idea where are we?” asked Seoni. “It’s still me, she will probably be back soon” said Onglid. “Can’t you make the change faster?” asked Seoni “I’ll try” answered Onglid, shutting his eyes. ”Flower girl, they need you out here” said Onglid to Lini, who was sitting on a rock on top of a small floating island in the middle of nothing. “Then come here and switch places with me, you oaf. I can’t get out of here on my own” replied Lini. “Why should I? It’s much nicer out here". “Don’t play these games with me Onglid. I’ll get out of here anyway” said Lini. “Fine. I’ll switch with you, but when we get to a big city I want me a wench” said Onglid. “Fine, but get me out of here first!” answered Lini. “It’s me again” said Lini to the other adventurers as her hair was becoming green, silky and smooth. “Good. Do you have any idea where are we right now?” asked Seoni. “Based on the Dragon Flowers that are scattered all around here, I am pretty sure we are somewhere along the Dragon coast. In case you wonder, Harsk, Saltmarsh is located north of here in the land of Cromyr, and to get there we need to find a way to cross the Dragonmere” Said Lini. “I already knew that” bitched Harsk. “I didn’t actually know that” whispered Harsk to Seltyiel. “In any case, we should probably go north until we get to the Dragonmere shore. From there, we will probably have the best chance of finding a place to cross” explained Lini. “I don’t think it will be needed” proclaimed Seltyiel, pointing northeast. Following Seltyiel's comment the three other adventurers looked northeast and, high above the tress, they could see many towers varying in shape and size. "I guess we should probably go there, I mean we would probably have more chance of finding a boat in a city than out here in the middle of this forest" said Harsk "I have to agree with Harsk" said Seltyiel. "Okay then. Let's go" commented Seoni. After about two hours of walking through the gloomy forest, our four adventurers found themselves at the bottom of a mountain, whose peak was peeking between the clouds. They saw an enormous city with many buildings on the side of the mountain, all the way from the sea below to the peak. "Seltyiel, do you know where are we?" asked Seoni. "Based on the fact that this is one of the biggest cities I have ever seen, and that we are somewhere along the Dragon coast, I would have to say that this city is probably Westgate, the Dragon coast's capital" answered Seltyiel. "Okay then. We shall find an inn somewhere near the docks. We can start looking for a boat first thing tomorrow said Seoni. After entering the city through its massive stonegates and passing among many merchants' caravans and foot peddlers arriving and departing, the four heroes made their way down the mountain passing several roads, some of which narrow and some wide, stopping for a break on one of the plateaus to enjoy the view. The docks' district of Westgate was neglected and odd, made out of wood that became soft and damp long ago. Many of the pepole in the crowd weren't any less shady. Upon reaching the docks' district the heroes began to regain their strength, hence, the first thing they did was to look for an open inn. A quick look around revealed the heroes a three stories high stone building signed "The Golden Road" on a picture of a road. The four advenutres entered the inn without much thought and saw while standing at the threshold they could see that the inn was packed with pepole, from simple dock workers wearing their blue vest with the westgate's coat of arms on it to tanned pirates wearing patched clothes, drinking and gambling. But one thing was shared by all of the lodgers, they were all listening and cheering for the man playing his lyre. The man had blue eyes and a short brown hair. He was wearing a purple fluffed collar vest inlaid with white rhombus, yellow silk pants and a black tricorne hat. "That's Dandelion" Seltyiel unexpectdly pointed at the man playing the lyre. "You are right. That is him. I wonder where he has been since we last saved his ass in Baldur's gate. I'm very surprised he hasn't gotten himself killed yet" said Lini. "As much as I would love to trade tales with Dandelion over a mug of a strong dwarven ale, I dont think we can get to him while he is preforming, so let's rent a room and find somewhere to sit and wait for Dandelion cause I dont think I can stand much longer" said Harsk. After playing a few more songs Dandelion made his way off the stage and toward the stairs. "Dandelion!" shouted Harsk, "Dandelion! Come over here!". Dandelion noticed the four adventurers and changed his route toward them while gesturing to the maid to bring a round of rum. "It sure has been long, since we last sat along" " said Dandelion, dashingly smiling. "Where have you guys been, until we met in this inn?" "I was just about to ask you the same thing" replied Lini. "The last time we saw you, was when we had to to go through the Wererat-crawling sewers of Waterdeep just to smuggle your ass of the death sentenced ward. All of that just cause you HAD to sleep with the mayor's wife, furthermore after all of the hard work we wasted on rescuing you, you just left without even saying thanks" Lini snapped. "I see you haven't changed since our last words were exchanged" replied Dandelion. "You are still vindictive as you are addictive" Work in progress |