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"This Article was published By Marguerite Theophil In Time's Of India" newspaper
These Days we notice that most of us rush about 'getting things done' , often multi-tasking in some desperate attempt to be more efficient and productive. The Problem With this, form a learning or transforming perspective, is that when we constantly do or act, We cannot learn or benefit from our actions and experience.
Real learning and success require reflection and integration. And in our mad rush to succeed, we do not make time for either. Reflection can be used as basic skill for problem-solving or goal setting, focussed on day-to-day productivity, as a physiological tool for personal growth, or a deeply spiritual practice - in fact many religious traditions have a suggested format for their adherents to follow.
Jewish sages felt that if people want to live meaningful lives, they need to do cheshbon hanefesh, or an accounting for one's deeds, at specific times of the year. In the form of a nightly practice, this could mean asking ourselves: What am I living For? What did i do towards my goal today? What did I do counter to my goal today? What is something That is more important to live For?
Author And creative teachers Angeles Arrien holds that integrated Experience is what develop character . To this end, She Teaches About
"tracking tools" - two two sets of questions which, after a busy heavy day, Switch us back to a reflective mode.
Her first four questions to ask oneself on a daily basis are: Who or what inspired me today? What Surprised me today? Where Was I touched and Moved today?
You could work for some time with these first four, and then add the second, deeper set when four ready: What was strengthened in my nature today? What was softened in my nature today, some of the rough edges rounded? What was opened in my nature today? And what was deepened in my nature? What fell into place or came together as part of deepening process?
In Her "Gathering Medicine" , Arisen Offers effective method based on shamanic traditions to help find out who you really are, and to shape and constantly evaluate the direction of your life . Questions Such as "is What is good, true and beautiful in my nature as strong as the whispers of the demons and the monsters?" can we wake up us to knowledge of truths about ourselves and patterns we had previously Swept aside. She Believes That when we can answers 'yes' to this particular question every single day, we can be healing against in our families, communities, organizations and nations.
Reflective questions such as these are best done at the end of the day. Those who use them also swear as to how doing this form of processing gives them a peaceful , untroubled night's sleep.
Instead of the day that goes like this: Action-Action-Action, a better day might look like this" Action-Reflection-Action only than we can examine what happens as a result of our action choices, and learn valuable life-lessons to move ahead. This is a good way to foster change. However, wise teachers show us that in order for this change transformative, our days need to be even ,ore different, as in" Reflection-Action-Refection.
The Process of reflection allow us to review, question and reassess experiences or theories, revealing new insight . so through reflecting, you do not just experience or conceptualise things, you learn; and you do not just learn, but integrate your learning into larger; broader, more meaningful picture of your life.

By Your
Chandrakant Sharma (Charlie)

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