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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Personal · #1829388
one of thoes ideas that makes all the other ideas wait their turn my “niche”
I was going to write to you about my day today, and probably still will, but I got side tracked by one of thoes ideas that makes all the other ideas wait their turn.

I have found my “niche”

to make people feel good about their daily life- help them navigate around a lack of love, time, excess stress… whatever it may be.

Let me explain,

I read this article about blogs today, and one of his points was to “find your niche”. You know, like “your thing”, and one of my old college friends made the comment “this releases my stress in a weird kinda way”, and well, I think this could be my niche.

Not just what I blog about,but maybe even my niche in life.

Maybe all my experiences were meant for a reason…. Well… I believe everyone and everything has a reason… it has to.

I view life as a giant puzzle.

The big bang is kinda like when anticipation, imagination, and the physical purchasing meet, and you tear through the plastic wrapper on the box of you’re new project and dump all the pieces on the floor. Slowly they start to bond together as you apply your energy and find the corner pieces..

then maybe the sun piece,

and interlock them.

Some pieces are boring- a solid green piece that is just part of a grassy field. Some are exciting- a light blue and fluffy piece with curves and edges dug from the sides… but both are just as important to the puzzle…. The bigger picture.

Anyways, everyone and everything is necessary-just like every puzzle piece- to complete the picture.

I spend a lot of my time wondering if I’m a corner piece who will bring about a new energy for people to fit into, or maybe a new path…

Maybe I’m a middle piece of the sun that will shine light on hope and fuel desire to finish the process.

Or maybe i’m just the plain grass piece, significant in that i’m only here because without me the field would be incomplete, but still just a part of a field… unnoticed and looked over after the picture of the puzzle is complete.

I want to feel like i’m put here for a more direct reason, with direct effects I can experience… I want my voice to be heard (or read) by the masses, not because they are forces to, but because they enjoy too.

I want to fly around the world and try to learn as much as possible to help people themselves remember how to learn, how to have fun, how to be creative…. what it’s like to be happy so deep in their being that it can never be taken away.

I want to wake up on Wednesday and not worry about what time it is.

I want to go to work in my p.j.’s

I want my work to not feel like work at all, but a hobby I’m paid for.

I want to spend all day writing because I write about my experiences with life, so research be my walks around the green belt on a nice day.. overtime be an extra moment to pause and listen to the water fall on the lake, and my managers be only the critique in my head and my own voice leading me down a path of nothingness. (They are easier to ignore then an actual manager)

But maybe my whole purpose was indirect, insignificant in the flesh of the moment.

I wonder if I’m just a stranger that bumps into you walking down the street, knocking down a path of necessity to the outcome of our existence…

Maybe i’m not even the grass in the puzzle, but the dirt the grass grows in that feed the deer.

Either way the “do-er” or the “manifester” is no more more important then the grass that fuels the deer, or the dirt that give the grass a bed to sleep

So in the end… Does it matter?

Should I spend time trying to figure out what i’m going to be?

Should I sit there and change my hypotenuse everyday as more data is added?

Does this take time away from me experiencing life, the very thing I’m trying to figure out.. Missing possible leads because my eyes were too far looking to focus on the now, or becoming numb as my heart beat remains in the past…

I know it’s not unimportant.. to think about it if the thought is presented to you- your niche, life’s purpose… whatever you want to call it.. Sometimes life needs to to find out-but it’s still life that you’re figuring out.

The puzzle must be a picture before it can be fragmented and put back together, and putting it back together is the fun part- the in between potential and product.

So If life is the process of putting the puzzle back together, and the process of putting the puzzle together is fun- then life should be fun… Right all my Logic professors?

What makes this process of putting together a picture you’ve already seen together fun?

Why don’t we glue the front of the puzzle box to a cardboard and hang it from our wall?

What makes the process… The energy… Worth it?

I think it depends on the person (which depends on his influences, and their influences’ influences.. and so on…), but maybe it’s the challenge that motivates us, the feeling of accomplishment from setting a goal and achieving it.

Maybe we pick the puzzles based on the beauty of the picture and CRAVE to have some part in it’s assembly. Maybe we want to connect to their voice of the puzzle’s message- the relaxing ocean, the inspirational starts, the reassuring moon rise to another long day… It’s like saying “I wish I would have drawn this because I can’t imagine it being any better”, “I wish I was feeling this and looking at this view”.. like our stamp of understanding on an unspeakable experience…

So I guess what the puzzle is trying to say is;

Don’t lose sight of where you’re going

and you won’t get frustrated with where you are

or the process of getting to where you’re going.

The fun is in the challenges,

the games,

the conversations,

the process,

And at the end of the day the puzzle remind’s me to ask myself… What is my puzzle picture saying?
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