Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1828105-Legalize-and-Liberate-us
by suseZ
Rated: 13+ · Review · Opinion · #1828105
This was a review sent by me to the item ID #1387076.
The prohibition of marijuana is one of the most debated topics and yet it always yields a one sided opinion that favors the politicians no matter what the truth really is. In the past marijuana was one of the largest cultivated agricultural crop and was used for various reasons. Its one of the biggest tragedy in history if we learn how the natural growing cannabis was desperately tried to be eradicated based on false myths and information. But the herb will not stop growing as long as the human civilization exists. We are now evolved to a new level of thinking  and  everyone are searching for the truth behind our existence. Why marijuana is illegal is a big case I'm researching on and will soon post my findings as another article. My probe into this sensitive issue has revealed many truths and it encourages to fight for the legalization of cannabis. I just would like to share some certain basic knowledge and hence reviewed one of the existing item ( ID #1387076) as follows:

They don't want to legalize marijuana because legalization would stop a hell lot of authorities from earning through this illegal trade of marijuana which generates tax free black money.

Official statistics reveal that Alcohol and tobacco are the two major factors leading to death on consumption whereas
consumption of marijuana is attributed to zero number of deaths.

Marijuana consumption leads to killing of brain cells is the most popular myth that I laugh about because marijuana when smoked alone doesn't kill brain cells but only stimulates them. The entire myth was a result of a careless experiment conducted by the US govt. officials in the past where the scientists exposed a group monkeys to a blast of high THC graded Colombian Grass through pipe masks for hours continuously and and repeated it for over a month. The results were obviously Non-sense.

Alcohol also underwent prohibition in the past in USA from 1920 to 1933 and the result as expected was a big mayhem! Mob rage grew stronger and became more violent! So typical of an alcoholic! Later the U.S Government regulated the production and consumption of one of the greatest man made intoxicants that kills millions worldwide.
According to WHO, worldwide alcohol causes 1.8 million deaths (3.2% of total) and 58.3 million (4% of total) of Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). Unintentional injuries alone account for about one third of the 1.8 million deaths, while neuro-psychiatric conditions account for close to 40% of the 58.3 million DALYs

So why not regulate the production and consumption of Cannabis like how alcohol is still regulated?

Why are pot smokers criminalized? We don't get violent, we love peace.
We smoke weed and we think better if we have the intellect.
Many great musicians do weed to enhance the working of their brains and to free their minds.
Comedians call it magic potion.
Biologists Believe The Law of the Land doesn't ensure justice to the biological world by prohibition of cannabis.
Doctors recommend Marijuana as one of the most important source for the THC drug that has extremely beneficial medicinal values.
Economists identify Marijuana as one of the greatest resources for production of several commodities such as hemp paper, ropes, fiber materials, clothes, handicrafts, Natural herbal medicines etc etc.

We need to join our hands together in a more grand and important way to fight for the legalization of one the most important herbs that naturally evolved alongside many civilizations. IF you are a believer in God, then you must believe he created it for a purpose. If u seek science to explain the truth, then believe in science because it says Cannabis is essential in every way..
Lets Move on to a Liberal society where Stoners are not discriminated. PEACE.
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