Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1826342-Mori--the--mouse
Rated: E · Fiction · Nature · #1826342
One of several short stories reflecting the magic of mother nature.
Pg 1
The view from the top of the old barn was awesome!!

He gazed out over the vast expanse of wonder through hole in the wall at the very tip top of this stately structure. Mori’s heart pounded so hard that he could feel it from his ears to the tip of his tail. He was not sure if it was the vertical climb up the massive wall that he had just completed, the thought of his mother ever finding out of his spontaneous adventure. Or the reality that at any time the wise old owl could sweep down from his perch , inviting him back to the rafters as a midmorning snack. So he convinced himself that it was excitement and not fear that was tingling through his little body. Mori had to pinch his tail to be sure he wasn’t dreaming ~ AGAIN!!

As long as he could remember, he had heard stories of, and then dreamed of this moment. To be at the top of the world, his world. But now what?? Well, take it all in!! nobody will believe him when he tells of his adventure, they will think that it was all a dream, ’’ another one of Mori’s dreams ‘’ they will say. So forget about the rest of the world , and he did. For a short time in the life of one little mouse living in a big old barn, he became one with the life force of the old oak. Still radiating it’s mystic power over all within, over all that believe.

Pg 2
The first thing that Mori noticed were the cows!! He looked down on them, as they loafed around the area just outside the barn. They were so little!! How could that be, he thought!! Just last month his uncle Moe allowed him to come along with him to fetch food from the storeroom. On their way he saw many very large animals that uncle Moe said belonged to the men whom ancestors built the barn many
generations ago. Among these giants, the cows were the biggest!! Now he felt that he could reach out and hold one in his hand. He remembered now how slow they were, and how easily he and his uncle collected all the grain they could carry, just under the noses of the magnificent beast!
Next to catch his eye, was the movement of the birds outside. There were hundreds of them, everywhere he looked! From big black ones to tiny green ones that seamed to hover mid air as if they were floating. He could see one bird soaring high in the sky, his wings not flapping like the others. It was just hanging there! There were little purple ones, flying so fast he could hardly follow them as they looped around and around over the barnyard. Sweeping up a mouthful of insects to take back to there nests on the side of the barn. Made carefully bit by bit with mud from the barnyard, and now overflowing with hungry mouths! Safe under the overhanging eaves, the loyal parents dropped their morsels and then quickly went back for more.
Mori knew about birds, as he was taught to be wary of the owl who lived in the rafter. He was respected as the wise one, and many a time the wise old owl was called in to give advice.

Pg 3
His depth of knowledge was respected, but nobody was anxious to be sacrificed for the great cause. Leave that to the slow and foolish, there were plenty of them around! But these birds were different, they flew in the open air! The freedom that they must feel!!
He then focused his attention to the pond that was just a little ways from the big red barn. Mori watched as ducks and geese landed and took off the silky glistening water!! Wow that’s a lot of water!! I thought the water trough was huge!! Also on the waters surface with his keen eyes Mori could see many other examples of life. He saw frogs, and turtles swimming on the surface as it reflected the bright morning sun . He could see a large furry animal swimming to and fro with something in his mouth. He looked like, the more Mori studied him, like a big rat!! He knew that mice, and there cousin the rat could swim, but that was usually when one fell into the water trough! And most often they drowned when not able to get out soon. This big guy seamed to enjoy the water, as if he lived his whole life around it. The more that Mori saw the more that it became clear to him, that the world was so much bigger than he had ever thought possible! And full of so much life!!
He kept noticing little bubbles and swells on the smooth glasslike surface of the pond. Then as he was watching a mother duck parade her new babies across the water, Mori saw his first fish jump out of the seemingly solid surface. It rose up into the air and snatch a dragonfly in flight! Quickly returning from where he came with only a few fading ripples on the surface as evidence that anything had happened.
Pg 4
He was amazed, and realized once again that there
was still, another dimension of life that existed in this wonderful place, another world, outside of his own, a world that he was
experiencing for the very first time!!
As Mori continued observing the bounty of life outside what was previously his whole world, he sensed the feeling that he was being watched!! That brought his attention back to the wooden beam that supported him and the board wall with the knothole that he was observing the world thru. He realized that towering over him was the great wise old owl! *Hello* Mori choked out. His legs shaking as his left eye searched for a escape route while looking the old owl in the eye with his other. And his body was preparing to run for his life at any moment!!
Relax, the old owl bellowed out in his low, calm, deep voice, I’ve had my breakfast. And besides, you are in spirit, this is your special time. It took Mori a few moments to come to ease with this huge bird overshadowing his small body. But something inside told him that everything was all right. He felt somehow connected to this beautiful creature.
Mori and the owl hit it off like old souls. Telling each other of their lives and adventures. The old one seamed to know everything about the old barn and all the living creatures within. Including the humans whom came and went from time to time. Caring for their animals that lived along side all the small wild creatures. They were living in the wall, floors, roof, everywhere! If there was a space, there was a precious animal that made it his home, in the ark of life~
Pg 5
As the morning sun rose high in the sky, the old owl said,
’’ are you ready to see more‘’? More! The little mouse exclaimed. There’s more than this?! Oh yes!! Climb aboard and I’ll show you!! Now keep in mind, I’m fat and slow, plus it’s way past my bedtime. But I have someone I want you to meet. I think you’ll like her.
Mori climbed on top of the old owls back. And as instructed, dug deep into his thick feathers. As he worked his way down into the plumbs, Mori realized how small the owl really was. He was mostly feathers, and a whole lot of wisdom, heart, and soul, packed into one magnificent package. So off they went!! A couple of passes around the haymow, and then~ ~~
Mori saw the old dusty window at the other end of the barn
coming up fast! Oh no!! we’ll never make it thru that one broken out widow pane! He instinctively ducked his head low into his feathery surroundings. And before he had a moment to be scared~~ they were thru the tiny hole! Outside flying with all the other birds in the bright warm spring sun!!
The old owl was almost out of breath when they landed on top of the old barn. Owls were built for short quick flights, mostly to grab up slow mice. Not for long flights with a passenger on their back. They settled in on the roof and gazed out over an even larger world. The wise one was right! There was even “more” to the world!
Mori was taking it all in. Especially on of the hawks that he saw through the knothole. As he watched it get larger and larger, he realized it was coming right for them! Then with the softness of a feather the sleek bird swooped in silently and nestled in beside them.
Pg 6
Harriet, met my new friend Mori!! The owl exclaimed, as he got his breath back. Hello Mori, nice to meet you! On any given day you would make a nice lunch, although I prefer field mice. But it appears that you are in spirit today~ your first time I assume?? Yes, thank you for noticing, I’m not anxious to be anyone’s lunch today. I’m just discovering this whole new world that I never knew existed!! It’s been a awesome experience, for sure!!
Well, today’s your lucky day, to catch the owl, and myself in spirit with you, lucky indeed. Harriet went on to explain to Mori that what he saw from the top of this grand old building was just the beginning!! The sleek stately bird of prey told Mori of yet another fantastic world beyond that which they could see now from the top of this massive structure. Mori listened, with wide eyes, and open mind taking it all in like a sponge. Mori was experiencing life, like the layers of an onion, from the inside out!
The mighty hawk soared thru the cool air like a fighter jet as compared to the old biplane that the owl resembled in comparison. Up higher and higher they climbed as the hawks strong breast muscles pumped her long narrow , feathered wings into the seemingly solid air. At this speed the air itself became rigid. The aerodynamic bird could dance on the wind as easily as Mori could dance on the wooden beams of his home. This wondrous creature of creation was at home here,--on the winds , dancing on thin air!! And then without warning, they dove down, down, like a rock falling from the sky So fast that Mori felt the weight of his body fade away, as the both became one with gravity.
Pg 7
Leveling off back up high, the two floated motionless in thin air. As the warm air accelerated up from the sun soaked , freshly plowed rich black soil Pushing thru the cooler thick morning atmosphere, it provided the movement of airflow over Harriet’s wings for lift, without her having to beat her wings even one stroke!
A perfect perch, in thin air to view this wonder filled world around them!! Mori was in awe, as he realized once more how small his barn world was compared to the vastness that lay before him. He could see thru the clear spring air, for miles and miles more checkered fields, surrounding more barns and other buildings. All he imagined, filled with mother natures wonders. He could see a lake, that overwhelmed the small pond. In the distance he saw a city, and towns, all full of life.

Mori climbed down the wall of the massive structure, weaving in, out, and around. All the time trying to not forget a thing that he had experienced today. It was the greatest day of his life!!
He had just snuggled up into his little corner of his home, in the wall behind the tact room, when his mother looked in on him. Off on another adventure today?? Been gone along time! We were worried, but we realize this is your time to explore, to find out your place in the world. We’re glad your home, you can tell us about it tomorrow. Good night!-and she was gone.
Right, I’ll tell them about it tomorrow! not!!
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