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Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #1825785
A family learns about the true meaning of Thanksgiving from their son. (Form: End Rhyme)
The Thanksgiving Blessing

The dawn crept under the shades, drawn tight,
dispelling the dreams that had filled his night.
This was the day he'd been waiting for
he thought as he slid from the bed to the floor.

There, in the chair, was the hat with a brim
and breeches with buckles just like a pilgrim.
He put on his costume from the school play
and quietly slipped out into the hallway.

The short walk to the kitchen wasn't too far
and he silently pulled the pantry door ajar.
He knew that a basket lay deep inside
near where the picnic supplies reside.

He paused, thinking back to the stories he heard
about the first settlers and "bounty" – a word
that he wasn't sure of. He thought it could be
the food that Indians shared by the sea.

He remembered the play and thought, at least,
there was turkey and corn laid out for the feast.
Looking about he saw the corn flakes
and there high above, some gold Twinkie cakes.

In the bowl on the counter, he found some fruit
and as he worked, he gathered more loot.
He placed all his treasures into a mound
then filled the basket with all he had found.

With a mighty heave, he lifted his wares
and carried them up to the top of the stairs.
He quietly opened his Mom and Dad's door;
all that he heard was his father's snore.

He flipped the lights on, still playing the part,
and grinned when his parents sat up with a start.
"Happy Thanksgiving," he shouted with glee.
His parents, now laughing, said "Who would you be?"

"I'm the spirit of giving; I've brought this to share,"
he said as the laid out the food with great care.
He felt strong arms lift him and pull him in bed
as Mom and Dad hugged him and ruffled his head.

"What wonderful gifts you've brought us today
but there's just one thing that we need to say ...
Of all of our blessings – both old and new -
we are most thankful for a boy just like you!"

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Prompt: Image
Line Count: 40
Word Count: 350

Thank you for taking time to read my words. I would appreciate it if you took a moment and left a comment. Your reaction, impressions, criticisms, - yes, even praise *Smile* - are all equally welcome. Happy Thanksgiving!


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