Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1824806-The-Secret-at-the-Prison-Part-2
by Thoth
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1824806
The guards use their new weapon to punish a criminal.
Jack and the others got together early the next morning and began to plan out who the first victim will. “There’s this prisoner named Mac that I want dead. He took a few jabs at me when I broke up a fight he was in. I never got a chance to pay that fucker back for what he did.” William said with a mean mug on his face. “No!, I want Keith dead, he walks around thinking he is so great because his daddy is so wealthy. That prick deserve more.” Mark said glaring at William. Mark and William started going at it when Jack interrupted them. “Would you guys keep your voices down. Do not ruin this.” Jack said sternly, “Look we have to do this carefully. Back in the day we always picked the worse prisoner and went downward from there. It would help ‘clean’ the prison up, but the good thing for the blob is more dicks keep getting thrown in. An endless supply of humans is what it wants.” Jack said smiling. “Who do you suggest we pick then?” Toby asked. Jack grinned and said “The prisoner named David Herrera.” They all nodded in agreement when they heard that name.

David Herrera was a 40 year old, 5’6”, 175 lbs Mexican-American who was the National leader of the MS13 gang. He was sentenced to 25 years for possession of a large quantity of drugs and for assaulting three police officers. His gang was the most powerful in the prison, but the only Mexican one and thus had to create alliances with other gangs in order to prevent any warfare. Even Keith knew not to mess with Herrera. He would always  sit with his gang of Mexicans. His personal body guards were big bulky guys and Jack and the others knew they could not get him away from his men. They would have to wait at night when he was in his cell. But another problem presented itself, his bunk buddy likely would notice the guards taking him out of his cell but fortunately his bunk buddy was not a member of the MS13. Jack reassured the others that everything will work out just find like it always had.

That night three of  guards went to his cell to get him as they all wore leather gloves. The other three were near the boiler room waiting. William opened the cell door, “Herrera, the warden wants to see you.” He said in a commanding voice. David woke up and looked over the cell door and saw the three guards waiting for him. “What the fuck for?” He said in an irritated slightly Mexican accent. “Lets just say the warden wants to make a ‘deal’ with you.” Thomas said. “Can’t it wait till fucking morning?” David asked as he sat up. “No, get up now and lets go. The warden assure you will be happy with it.” William said lying. David got up and glared at the guards “That bastard better not waste my time, he said standing up and holding his wrists together and the guards cuffed them along with his ankles. They walked him out of his cell and noticed that his bunk buddy’s back was turned and did not see anything.

They walked towards the Warden’s office which not far from the boiler room (strange for a prison). When they got near the Warden’s room, Keith, who was walking behind David, jumped and hand gagged him. David was taken by surprised as he immediately let out a “MMMPPFFF” and immediately tried to fight back but the William and Thomas quickly assisted Keith. They dragged him forward as they went past the Warden’s room and towards the boiler room. Luckily no one was around and he barely made much of a sounds as all he could do was moan through the hand over his mouth. At the boiler room Mark, Toby, and Jack were standing in from of them. Jack smiled and took out two bandannas and told Keith to remove his hand. As he did he quickly stuffed the bandanna into David’s mouth before he could make a sound and tied the other Bandanna around it. David let out grunts and groans as he struggle violently as William and Thomas held him back.

Jack started speaking, “You are here tonight because we decided that you are plaque on this planet. You are going to die tonight and no one will ever know, MS13 will have to find another leader.” Jack said chuckling in a cocky manner. David glared at Jack and the others and continued to struggle immensely. “But first we are going to beat the living shit out of you first, then your dead .” Mark said now smiling and excited by all of this. Williams and Thomas push David forward and Jack delivered a hard right jab at David’s face which sent made him stagger. He then punched him in the gut as he fell on his knees the. The other guards then jumped him for and beat the guy senseless for a good five minutes. After they were done, David had bruises all over face and on his body under his orange jumpsuit. They were all heaving after they beat the hell out of the guy and were all smiling. “Alright time for the finale.” Jack said as he motioned for William and Toby to pick him up and drag him into the secret room. Inside the room, nothing could be seen, but the blob was hiding well and would come out when it was time. They dropped him on the floor and Jack said they could stay and watch how the blob does it work or leave like him. He has seen the blob suffocate and drain their victim many times in the past.

They decided to stay and Jack nodded to them as he shut the door behind them and waited for them outside. Keith removed David’s bandanna gag and his handcuffs. David was too weak to get up and fight back only said, “You BASTARDS are going to die for this!!” He said slowly trying to stand up. They all heard a weird sound from the darkness in the corner. Out the corner came the amorphous blue blob as it saw its new meal. Like Joe, Jack had been giving the telepathic link with the being and hence the blob knew who the meal would be. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!!!” David shouted scared. The blob immediately grabbed David by his legs and immediately engulfed them. David screamed at the top of his lungs but not much could be heard from down here, let a lone his screams. The blob unzip his jumpsuits fly and went through his jockstrap underneath. David began to struggle but the blob decided to engulf his entire body completely. The blob enjoyed having its meal struggle within side of it as his drained their sexual fluids and slowly suffocate him.

The five guards looked on in amazement but also sexual excitement. They have never seen such a creature before and seemed like something out of a science fiction book. They could still see David’s body struggling inside as they hear muffled grunts and screams. The blob began to explore its new meals body, it did not want to suffocate him to fast but only till after its was finish ”tasting” him. The blob began to flow into his ears to stop any sounds he may hear and began to enter his mouth and nose but it still allowed air to get through but only a little. It also began to flow up into his anus and began to go deeper inside as well as engulf his entire crotch underneath his jockstrap. It even began to flow through his piss slit and deep into his urethra, it was very much enjoying tasting his every orifices. David was struggling but could only so slowly as the blob was very strong for an amorphous being and only as very soft muffled grunts came from his mouth inside the blob. The blob, filled with intense hunger and desire, immediately began to apply pressure on his meals penis and went deeper into his anus and began to massage his prostate gland. All of this made David get hard unwillingly. The blob was literally in control of him and could make him cum as much as he want.

David could no longer hold himself back as he let out what loud grunt he could must from the blob gagging his mouth and immediately shot a huge load of cum that the blob happily absorbed all of it. It would be similar to how a person may bite a fruit and get the sweet juices inside, except no biting and this can be kept up for as long as it liked. The prisoner started on in awe and Thomas was slightly stroking himself from watching this guy getting what he deserves. The blob ignored its meal’s refractory period, it would get is filling even if the prisoner is in immense pain and starts shooting blanks. It continued to go deeper into his anus and massaging his prostate while going further into his penis down to the shaft. David let out loud grunt as he ejaculated again as the blob absorbed it some more and kept doing this four time until David was not able to ejaculate anything else, this whole thing lasted for a good 10 minutes. The blob was finally done and it could taste David’s sweat from the forced milking he had been through. Satisfied and full, it finally began to suffocate its meal as it prevented David from breathing and went further into his throat and anus. It began to fill his lungs and colon as it tasted fresh oxygen and feces. David continued to struggle inside its shapeless predator but after two minutes his movements began to slow down as he stopped altogether. Leaving the blob lying motionless on the floor. It continued to explore its meal body some more, absorbing any semen, urine, or feces before leaving its meals body and expelling his body. Jack opened the door and came back in as the blob hid back into the shadows. “Well guys, what do you think?” Jack asked smirking. They were all shocked and had nothing to really say but did not show any sign of approval. “I felt the same way when I first saw the blobs feeding process.” Jack said laughing. They went over to David’s body and noticed there was no marks on him and that his clothing was still in good condition. He appeared to be sleeping as his eyes were clothes. His fly was still open but Jack zipped it back up. “The blob suffocates his victims but all the autopsy rules that it was heart failure. Not sure how the blob does it though, it never reveal that to me or Joe.” Jack said as he shrugs. Alright lets get him back into his cell and call it a night.

The next day David was found in his cell dead. All of the MS13 members thought it was his bunk buddy but when the autopsy ruled heart failure they caused a slight ruckus but it eventually died down as there were a couple members in the MS13 who could not profit with David’s death. No one every suspected the work of Jack and the others. Later that day they got together again and began to plot out who would be the blobs new meal. “So its agreed? The leader of this prison’s Aryan Brother should be the next fucker to be the blobs meal?” Jack asked the five other guards. They all nodded and smile with great satisfaction and excitement.

The End
© Copyright 2011 Thoth (starcomet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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