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Continuing saga of a man's addiction to his Ex's ability to transform him into any woman |
CHAPTER 6 I woke up feeling like I had a new lease on life. I was motivated to get my life back on track and thought to myself that I was going to start treating myself with respect and I could start by getting back in shape, watching what I ate and cutting out all the drinking. This body didn’t crave cigarettes so hopefully when I transformed back I would already have quit! I yawned and stretched and nearly jumped out of bed and looked out the bedroom window. It was a gorgeous early July day and I could see the complex pool across the commons. I decided it would be a great day to go for a jog and hit the pool before my shift started. I dug thru the drawer and put on a sports bra, since I didn’t want a black eye. The bra really supported my breasts and kinda squished them flat. I didn’t feel like Jessica Rabbit in it! I pulled a white tank top over my head and stepped into some black Nike bicycle shorts from Mary's sisters box. They were tight and form fitting, my bubble butt and camel toe being clearly visible. Next came the white ankle socks and white with purple trim Lady Reebok jogging shoes. I jammed my hair back into the scrunchy from yesterday, those things are life savers! I could see why chicks like them. I headed out the door and started jogging down the country road. This body felt great! Very agile, light and graceful. I had always been athletic but I never felt like this. I headed down the road grateful for the minimal bouncing from my chest. Running seemed easier without all the "man junk" between my legs. I felt like I could go on for miles. Several cars slowed down and I could see the drivers checking me out and one guy in a pick up truck slowed down and whistled, but I ignored him. After 2 miles I turned around and headed back, arriving at the development forty minutes after I had left. Man, that felt good. I was tired and sweaty but I felt energized. I decided a quick dip in the pool would be awesome. I walked into the condo and realized everyone was still asleep. Looking at the clock I understood why. It was only 9:15AM. I went into my bedroom closet and dug thru Kathy’s bin of old clothes. She had to have a swimsuit in there somewhere. “AHA!” I said aloud and pulled out a pink and black two piece and looked at it. It should do. I stripped down and put on the suit. The top was a little number that clipped together in the back, like a bra and tied behind the neck. It took a little work to get my girls situated, but I managed. I wiggled into the bottoms, pulled a plain white t shirt over my head and grabbed Mary’s beach bag. I hope she didn’t mind, but I didn’t want to wake them. I walked across the street to the pool doing the hotfoot across the pavement. Today was going to be a hot one if the pavement was hot at 10AM! The pool had just opened and I almost had the place to myself. There was a young couple with a small kid on the other end and 2 young guys playing volleyball in the pool. I guessed they were between 15 and 17. I walked to the closest lounge chair, set my bag down and sat down. I dug through Mary’s beach bag and found some sun screen, paper back copies of “Jaws” and “Misery”. I pulled off the T shirt carefully. The suit top was tight and I didn’t want an equipment malfunction. I squirted a little SPF 20 on my palm and started putting on the lotion, starting with my feet and working my way up. I think I had the softest smoothest skin I had ever seen or felt. I also made a mental note to shave my legs before my shift tonight. I continued on up my belly, wondering how it would look with a belly ring. Next I did my arms and shoulders and finished off with my cleavage. I was careful to get underneath my suit top a little. I looked up and noticed all eyes fixed on me! The two teenage boys were just staring, mouths agape. I gave them a little wave and they turned bright red and quickly looked away. The married guy was sharp, he had on mirrored sunglasses; his wife was giving me the dagger eyes though. Jesus, all I did was put on freakin’ sunscreen! I shook my head in disbelief, put the sunglasses on, leaned back in the chair and started re-reading “Jaws”. I lay on the lounge chair for at least an hour absorbed in my book, enjoying the sun. I had just gotten to the part where Jaws chowed on the kid on the raft when I noticed it was getting really hot out. I became aware of it when a long bead of sweat ran right down my cleavage and pooled in my belly button. That was an unpleasant feeling! I put the book down and sat up. The sun was really strong now. I stretched , stood up and walked to the pool edge and dipped my foot in.It was cold! I hesitated a moment , then dove in feeling the instant shock of cold water. I swam the length of the pool underwater , having to strain a bit. I could feel the drag of my breasts and bikini top slowing me down. I surfaced on the other side and could feel my boobs trying to float; they actually made me feel more buoyant! I could feel my nipples stiffen from the cold and rub against the suit top. I chuckled to myself, swam to the ladder and climbed out of the pool. I observed the teenagers still staring and decided to have some fun. I had to walk past them to get to my lounge chair so I stuck out my chest and walked towards them. I exaggerated the roll and sway of my hips a bit and got a nice boob jiggle going. I leaned my head back and squeezed the water out of my hair as I walked, then hopped on one foot to get the water out of my ear. I paused right in front of them and adjusted my top. I walked over and leaned on the picnic table they were sitting at, cocking my hip a bit and letting my boobs dangle. They were barely held in by the straining cloth of the suit top, I could feel the ties around my neck, digging in deeper. “Hi guys! “ I said softly. “Beautiful day isn’t it?” I almost fell over laughing, they didn’t know whether to shit or go blind. Both boys stood up and I was surprised to find that I was substantially shorter than a 16 year old boy! I tried not to laugh as I saw them puff out their skinny chests. I could see their erections testing the limits of the swimsuits. The taller one was blushing deep red and he stammered. “H…Hi” he said and then went totally silent, seeming to be spellbound by my breasts. I felt for the kid…been there...done that! If anything, I was giving them valuable experience in talking to women. I stood up straight and adjusted my suit bottom.” You guys enjoying the summer vacation?” That snapped him out of his hypnosis. “Yeah” the smaller one answered. “Yup, are you?” blurted out the taller one. “Yeah, I am. Just figured I’d get some sun today.” I cooed. “What school do you go to?” asked shorter one. “Montclair State, what about you guys?” I answered, trying to stay in character. “West Caldwell High” They both replied in unison. “I’ll be a junior this year. He’ll be a sophomore. I’m Justin and he’s Shawn” Said short one. “Cool” I answered. “I’m Kristin “I said and extended my hand. It was weird how my hand was smaller than a 16 year old kid's. They both had at least 6” on me in height, too. “Nice to meet you guys. I really gotta get going. See you around sometime.” I said turning to leave. I caught them high fiving each other out of the corner of my eye. I thought “that was me, 10 years ago! “ I rounded up Mare’s beach bag, put on my T shirt and walked back up to the condo. When I walked up the driveway, Jimbo was pulling out. He rolled down the window and motioned me to come talk to him. I sighed and strolled over, glad that I had put the T shirt on over the suit. “I just wanted to tell you that I told Mary you came home a bit “tipsy” and went right to bed. I didn’t tell her you flashed me and we made out”. I felt my face redden in anger. “I didn’t flash you, you creep! …and you cornered me! Y’know, don’t even talk to me!” I exclaimed and turned, storming into the apartment. When I came in Mary was making coffee in the kitchen. I sat down at the table. “Mornin’” she chirped. “I thought you were still in bed. James told me you really tied one on last night” she continued. “Nah, I had a few beers at Scorecards while I watched the game. I went to bed pretty early and I woke up feeling great. I went out for a jog and then hit the pool.” She looked at me a smiled warmly. “Listen, I’m sorry about being so bitchy lately. Your whole “situation” upsets me. I still care and I worry about you. I want you to know the reason I’m being tough on you is because I want you to get your life back on track” she said sincerely. I stood up and gave her a big hug, wrapping my arms around her back. “Thanks Mare, I really appreciate this, and I will pay you back!” I said. “Yeah yeah” she smiled and rolled her eyes jokingly. We sat at the table drinking coffee and just chatting about the “before” times for nearly an hour. It felt great to laugh with her again, I really missed her. As we cleaned up the coffee mess we decided to go out for lunch. I showered, did my hair and make up and put the lowrise jeans and baby tee back on with a bra this time. Mary looked great, wearing a tight pair of jeans shorts and a black tank top. “You look great Mare; you still have that great heart shaped ass!” I said as I smacked it playfully. She giggled and tickled my ribs playfully. We were getting close again, I could feel it. On the way to her car, the two teenagers from the pool came by on their bikes. They waved as they pedaled by “Hi Kristin!” they yelled. I hoped Mary didn’t notice, but she did. She gave me a look of concern. “No, it’s not what you think. I met them at the pool. Nice kids.” I replied. She got into the car, shaking her head. We ate lunch at TGI Fridays, her treat and not much out of the ordinary happened. We laughed and talked, she teased me about our waiter, and it was fun. On the drive home we started talking about sex, Jimbo and our situation. I asked her if she ever “changed” him and she nearly choked. “No! He’s not as open minded as you are. He’d freak out. If you remember correctly I didn’t even ask you until we’d been together over a year” she added. “Did you ever think of changing yourself? “ I asked. “Not really, I’m not even sure it’s possible, why?” she said with a shrug. “Just curious, I thought it would be cool if you were a guy for awhile” I replied. “Hmmm” was all she said and then promptly changed the subject. CHAPTER 7 By the time we got back from lunch it was time to get ready for work. I was kind of nervous, not because of the job… more about how to act. I had waitered before back in college but that was 5 years ago and this was slightly different. Hell, who was I kidding it was WAY different. I told Mary I was going to get dressed and she informed me that all the girls get dressed there and reminded me to shave my legs. So, I went into the bathroom and used Mare’s “Skintimate” gel. I wiggled out of the jeans and sat on the edge of the tub, and wet my legs. I applied a good amount of gel to my legs and started carefully shaving. I winced as I cut myself on the anklebone. “Hey, I did pretty good, only cut myself once!” I thought out loud as I rinsed and patted my legs dry. I ran a hand over my legs…so smooth! I went into the bedroom and put on a white push up bra and a matching thong under the jeans and baby tee. I noticed I had gotten some sun today; the tan lines from my bikini top were clearly visible. I did my hair down and curly with the sides pulled back with gold tone barrettes. I figured I should keep the hair out of my face. After I finished with my hair, I moved on to make up. I applied light foundation; in the mall we decided Covergirl Simply powder “Buff Beige” suited my skin color best. I put it on, blending it into my neck and jaw line as Mare showed me. I applied a light dusting of blush also Covergirl Cheekers in “Rose silk” to my cheek bones. Lipstick was next Revlon “Mauve it over”. That left the eye make up, which was hardest for me. I always either poked myself in the eye or smeared it. The shadow was Revlon’s “Midnight Garnet” above some “Aubergine” feathered in the creases. I applied the “Blackest black” eyeliner and mascara to complete the look. I hated mascara, it made my eyelashes feel like they were sticking together when I blinked and I could actually SEE my eyelashes. It took some getting used to, but it looked great. I checked my look in the mirror, I looked pretty damned good! As an afterthought I dabbed some J-Lo perfume on my wrists and cleavage, gathered up my make up and headed out of the bathroom. I carried my purse out into the living room and plopped on the couch, waiting for Mary. She came out and did a double take. “Holy shit! Did you do your own make up? The girls usually do that in the dressing room, though!” I smiled and nodded. “You look great! I want to jump your bones right here, right now!” She added, leaning over to dab at my jaw and cheekbone blending in the make up better. “C’mon, we’d better go” she said. She handed me a box with white non slip sole shoes. “Wear those tonight. You’ll need them and its store policy”. On the drive to the restaurant, Mary filled me in on some details. I learned that tonight I’d be teamed up with another waitress for training. Then over the course of the next few days I’d start working alone, starting with only 3 tables. By the end of next week I’d have my own full section. She also told me I was expected to talk with all the customers, I was even encouraged to sit down with them for a few minutes and make conversation. We walked in a half hour before my shift was due to start. Mary took me into the small dressing room and gave me a locker. I looked around a bit depressed. Instead of the locker room fantasy land of beautiful girls having naked tickle fights it was just a small brightly lit room with a long white countertop and a row of small lockers. The counter was littered hair extensions and curling irons and all types of clothing, make up and various boxes of female paraphernalia were visible in the open lockers. The air was a choking mixture of hairspray and perfume. Ugh, I could taste it! It was early and there were only 3 girls in there. Two girls were arguing over the last pair of pantyhose in their size left in the vending machine. Yup, the white “slouch” socks and the thick pantyhose were sold from a vending machine, only 4$ too, what a bargain. The last girl, a tall striking black girl was talking on her cell phone. I tried not to listen, but it sounded like she was talking with a very controlling boyfriend. I put a 10 dollar bill in the machine and selected a pair of the socks and pantyhose. I collected my change and walked back to a locker, placing my purse in a locker. Deciding it would be a good time to change; I carefully pulled off the baby tee and hung it from a hook in the locker. The”twins” had shifted in the bra slightly, so I reached in and got them situated in the cups. I flinched a bit as my long nail scraped a nipple as I reached in. Once I got my cleavage adjusted I pulled the tank top on over my head, being sure not to mess up my hair and smudge my make up. This top was tight and left very little to the imagination, my cleavage was on full display. At least it didn’t feel like they would tumble out, like in the bikini top . As I was making my “adjustments”, a thin redhead walked in, saw me; smiled and walked over. “Hi, I’m Laura; you must be the new girl. Mary told me I’d be your trainer tonight.” She said. I smiled back and replied “Oh, cool! I’m Kristin, nice to meet you”. She put her bag in the locker next to mine and pulled off her Abercrombie Tee shirt. I thought to myself that this was going to be interesting! She was “Girl next door” cute. I nonchalantly glanced at her chest, I estimated her to be a small B cup. She took 2 tan pieces of silicone rubber that resembled chicken cutlets out of her purse and reached into her bra, inserting them in the cups. I was amazed that she went from a small B to a full C in a matter of seconds. That was cheating, I thought. She smiled and laughed “I need all the help I can get! Looks like you won’t need them!” she said, gazing quickly at my chest. Now I know guys are competitive and compare penis sizes, but not openly like this. A guy might see another guys Johnson while using a urinal and compare, but he’d NEVER admit it, let alone talk about it. I just smiled and laughed with her. I wriggled out of the jeans and sat down on the wooden bench and started putting on the thick brown pantyhose. I pointed my toes and inserted my feet all the way into them. Once they were all the way in I slowly rolled and stretched them up my legs until they were on correctly. I had found that pantyhose were surprisingly warm and these were no exception. These were more like a leotard than a stocking, they were tight and supported my thighs and molded my butt like a control top pantyhose. The tiny shorts went on next; I was amazed at how tight they were. My camel toe was out there for all to see! I was looking down at my crotch when Laura spoke again. “Don’t worry about that, the receipt pouch we wear pretty much covers you down there”. “Well, that’s good to know! Thanks!” I replied. Sitting back down, I put on the white slouch socks and laced up the white non slip soled sneakers. I walked over to the full length mirror and fixed my hair and checked my appearance. I couldn’t believe that was me staring back. I looked amazing, my ass was molded into the classic bubble butt shape by the pantyhose and my waist looked tiny! It had always been my fantasy to get into a Hooters girl’s pants, but not like this! I really couldn’t get over how my boobs looked in the tank top. They were so perfect, they almost looked fake, but I knew they were real! I grinned nervously at Laura and held up my crossed fingers, nibbling my lip. “Aww, you’ll do fine. I’ll meet you out there” she said as I turned and walked out into the bar area to find Mary. I hadn’t walked 15 feet out the dressing room door when I passed two guys in their mid twenties as they walked into the place. They were both wearing NY Yankee paraphernalia. I got the obligatory head to toe stare and I was used to that, but to this point I had never gotten the “wolf whistles” and “cat calls”. Yankee T shirt guy whistled and Yankee ball cap guy said “Shake ‘em, but don’t break ‘em baby”. I smiled even though I wanted to strangle them. “Welcome to Hooters, guys!” I said as I continued past them into kitchen area thru a door marked “Employees only”. I spotted Mary coming out of Tony’s office. “Hey Boss” I said grinning. “Where do you want me to start? “ She looked me up and down. “You look great, but… lets get rid of these” She said as she reached over removed the barrettes from my hair and fluffed it out. She fixed the shoulder straps of my bra, tucking them under the tank top better and affixed an orange Hooters nametag with “Kristin” printed on it to my left tank top shoulder strap. “Much better! Now you are official. Let’s get you started with Laura” My first shift went fairly well. I earned 102$ in tips which Laura told me was good for only having 2 tables. I only screwed up one order and got propositioned twice. It took me awhile to get back in the server swing. It was mostly issues I had with getting used to this body. I realized that holding a fully laden tray over my head did not work as well as it did when I was male. I wasn’t strong enough to hold it that way for long and being 5’4” the tray did not go over people’s heads as it used to do. I did some table visits, actually sliding into the booth and chatting for awhile. With a few exceptions, the guys were really nice. I had the few "talk to the boobs" guys but Mary had told me to expect it. So were the people I worked with, for the most part. I noticed two of the girls looking my way, talking and giggling. I decided I’d find out their issues. Laura told me that they were commenting on my breasts, saying they were obviously fake. I just chalked it up to jealousy. I realized that, at the risk of sounding arrogant, I was the hottest girl in the place now and that was threatening to them. Mary and I got off at the same time and I changed and met her in the car. I had changed back into the baby tee minus the bra. That damned underwire again! It felt so good to get it off. The support it gave me was great, my boobs felt a lot heavier and slightly lower with it off. The bouncing and swaying was a bit distracting, but it was ecstasy taking it off. I slid into the car and Mary just leaned over and laid a lip lock on me! I kissed her back deeply after my initial shock wore off, the sensation of lipstick on lipstick was new to me. She looked at me with lust in her eyes. “I wanted to do that all night! You looked so hot in that outfit.” She purred. My nipples had responded to her kiss by becoming fully erect and that was not lost on her. She reached over and circled my nipple with her finger. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, moaning softly. It was heaven. She suddenly stopped and said “Not here, not now… let’s get home first.” I sighed and responded “I’m so fucking horny, drive fast!” She put the car in gear and pulled out. I winced and held an arm across my boobs as we bounced over a pothole. “How do you like having big boobies, Rich? It takes some getting used to, doesn’t it?” she asked softly. I knew it turned her on knowing I was really still male inside that nubile female body and it turned me on talking about it. I had come to learn that I liked her teasing me about how I looked and what I was feeling. I cupped them in my hands, hefting the weight and bouncing them a bit. “I love them! They’re so soft and firm” I cooed. “Tell me more…” she replied. “I love the way they draw attention. I saw all the guys staring at them, even some women. I love feeling them bounce and rub against my arms. I feel so sexy and feminine with them! “I purred softly. I lifted the bottom of the baby tee and flashed her briefly, smiling. We were driving each other crazy! I started to feel that throbbing wetness down below. I leaned over, my left breast grazing her arm and started massaging her crotch thru the black dress pants she was wearing. I nuzzled her neck and nibbled on her ear lobes letting my breath blow softly in her ear. I felt her body stiffen immediately. She could barely drive and we were still about ten minutes from home. She took one hand off the wheel and cupped my dangling right breast, squeezing it gently. “ Does the great big man like being a little girl with big boobies?” she said in a singsong voice, knowing that I loved the teasing. “I should make you shorter and bustier” she hissed in my ear “How would the macho man like being 5’ tall and...hmmm, maybe a double D? Maybe I should make you 16 years old so you can hang out with your friends from the pool for a day. Go out on a date with one. You could pop their cherries!” she said, only half joking. She knew she was driving me crazy. I could only imagine what it would feel like to be that tiny and busty. We pulled into the driveway and I could barely contain myself. I hadn’t felt that aroused in a long time. We hurried into the house, where she immediately guided me to the couch. She pushed me down onto the couch by my shoulders easily. I felt small and powerless. I pulled off my top as she grabbed my jeans by the hem and pulled them off with some effort. I could feel the coolness of the damp spot on my panties. She straddled me on the sofa in the classic “69” style; I looked down over my boobs and watched her slowly lick my clit in small circles. I heard a loud female moaning and panting. It took me several seconds to figure out that it was me making that noise. I reached up with one hand and rolled her large nipple between my fingers, pinching it between my nails every so often. I stuck my face closer to her crotch; the lips of her vagina were open like the petals of a flower. I blew on it softly and started teasing her by nibbling the outer lips softly. I made sure to stay away from her wanting clit. She ground her hips against me, groaning softly. “Please…please” she begged. I felt myself getting close to climax, my hips were starting to buck furiously. I sent my tongue to her clit softly, then slowly with more force I started the rhythmic circles I knew sent her to heaven. We both climaxed simultaneously with a fury. Mary collapsed on top of me, spent. We lay there like that for a few minutes. “Jesus Mare… that was amazing!” I said my voice hoarse from yelling. She sighed softly and turned to face the same direction, lying with her head resting on my breasts. We cuddled like that for awhile, she broke the silence first. “Rich, would you really like to be a 16 year old girl for a few days? You know I could make that happen, if you want.” She asked in a whisper. My eyes widened in shock as I imagined the possibilities. “I would make you sooo cute! But I need a favor…” her voice trailed off and I knew there was a catch. “You know I’d do anything for you, Mare. What do you need?” I asked, she had really peaked my curiosity. “ James asked me to go away with him for the weekend and I already promised my friend Kerri I’d watch her son… could you…uh...watch him for me?” She bit her lip and looked at me nervously. “It would only be over night…2 days at the most...please…” her voice trailed off. I thought it over and took 5 seconds to agree. "Ok.. I'll do it. " I said, trying not to sound too anxious. She filled me in on the details, it seems the kid, Brandon was 6 and a real handful and I’d be watching him here. I decided to hedge my bet and ask for a condition. I told her I wanted 3 full days as a sixteen year old and I would want to change tomorrow. I’d watch the kid in my 16 year old form. She agreed immediately, teasing me a bit more. “Thank you …Thank you! This is going to be soo much fun! I can’t wait to see you as a sexy little teenybopper. I'm thinking freckles and big green eyes! I’m going to call you….Becca! “she squealed excitedly. We fell asleep snuggling together on the couch like spoons, but when I woke up, she was gone and I was covered with a throw blanket. I heard her in the kitchen talking on the phone. I yawned and stretched, listening to what she was saying. “Yeah…my niece…very reliable. Ok, yeah… come on over, I’ll introduce you. See you in a bit Ker”. I padded into the Kitchen after throwing my panties back on along with Mary’s Hooters management embroidered Polo shirt. “Good morning sunshine!” she exclaimed “I just talked to Keri and she wants to meet you first. I hope you’re ready to become “Becca”! “Before I could even respond, she made that characteristic hand gesture and I felt the tingle start. In my peripheral vision I saw my hair slowly change from blonde and curly to dark and wavy my scalp itching as it changed. The curls straightened as if they were pulled tight by imaginary fingers. My vision blurred, then refocused and the colors shifted shades slightly. Shades of green and blue got greener and the shades of red became less so. I knew she was changing my eye color. I felt the falling sensation and then Mary seemed to get even taller, she towered over me now. Mary reached down and gently placed my hands on my breasts. She grinned and winked. “I want you to feel them grow” she said seductively. Then she made the hand gesture again. I could feel my breasts swell under my hands. I sensed them getting fuller, feeling the tug on my shoulders and collarbone as they got heavier I gasped in amazement, that sensation never got old. I cupped and squeezed them, enjoying the sensation…then it stopped. She looked down at me and clasped her hands together. “Aww! You’re adorable! Your eyes are so pretty!” she giggled. “How’s the weather down there, Becca? How does it feel to be so petite?” she asked. It began to sink in just how small I was, when I remembered Mary was 5’7” and the top of my head was well below her nose. I looked up and replied “very funn…” stopping short, surprised when the soft tiny voice emanated from my mouth. That set her to a fit of giggling. “Look at you! You were a 6’2” 200 pound “manly man” just a few days ago. What did you brag about bench pressing, 250 pounds?” She laughed hysterically when my tiny voice replied “275”. I crossed my arms first over my boobs, then under waiting for her to stop laughing. I wasn’t sure where to put them. “You’re so cute, you’d be lucky to bench press 75 pounds now” she said, patting me on the head. “Come on, I need to get you ready.” She took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom to a full length mirror. “Ok, chicky, what do you think?” she asked, pulling my hair back and letting me see my face. I just muttered an amazed “wow”. I stared in awe at the cute teenager that looked back at me. I blinked my big bright green eyes and looked closer. I had a tiny little upturned nose that was dusted with freckles. I had full rosebud lips and I was now a brunette, my hair was down to bra strap length and worn in the “no bangs” style that was popular now. I noticed that Mary’s Polo shirt hem now was midway between my thighs and knees and the shoulder seam was 5” down my arm. “I made you 5’1” and I think you’re about 95 pounds and half of that is boob! I’ll have to check, but I was shooting for a 32DD, but you might be an E “she giggled. “I can’t get over how cute you are! I can hardly wait to see how those boys react when they see you! You are going to rock their world! Stay here…I’ll be right back. I need to get you an outfit! Be good! Don't break the merchandise! “She turned and scurried off with a giggle, and I heard her car start a minute later. She was only gone for an hour, and I spent that hour exploring my new body. I pulled off the Polo shirt and performed various poses in the mirror; I found that my tiny hands couldn’t even come close to containing my new breasts. She had never made me this big before. I found that I could very easily lick my own nipples! I was still busily playing with them when she returned. She entered carrying two shopping bags. “Boy, you’re easily amused” she chirped. “Have you been playing with them the whole time?” “Pretty much” my tiny voice peeped.” I got you this…..” She pulled a soft pink looking lacy bra out of the shopping bag and held it up. “I had a hell of a time finding a bra to fit you! I found one at Bare necessities” at the mall. I know you hate underwire, but you’ll need the support. Try it on, I got you the cute matching panties too!” I took the demi bra and put it on; it fit and was pretty comfortable as well. The bikini cut panties fit too. “Thanks Mare” my high pitched voice replied. She held out her finger and shook it at me side to side. “I think you should call me Aunt Mary, young lady.” I rolled my eyes and took the top she had bought me out of the shopping bag. It was a red plaid and white rib knit short sleeve cardigan. I pulled it on over my head, and down over my boobs. It felt really tight across the chest. It showed minimal cleavage. “I can’t have my “niece” walking around like a slut, even though “she” is now can I? Now put on the skort!” She said, really getting into this. I felt like a Barbie Doll. I stepped into the white pleated skort and zipped it up. She put her hand to her mouth, stifling a giggle. “You look so cute!” She pinched my cheek and reached down and adjusted the top on my boobs. “Ok Bec , go put on a little lip gloss and some eyeliner. Remember, you’re only sixteen, I don’t want you wearing a ton of make up.” I went into the bathroom thinking she was taking this a bit too far. I put on some clear lip gloss and the “blackest black” eyeliner. I heard the doorbell ring and when I came out Mary was hugging her friend Keri. I remembered her immediately. Her husband was the hotshot lawyer and drove a Mercedes. I had hated him on sight. She saw me and came over. “You must be Rebecca! I’m your aunt’s friend, Mrs. Klein. So nice to finally meet you! Let me introduce you to Brandon, Brandon this is Rebecca.” I leaned down to get eye level with him, and I really didn’t have to go very far. “Hiya Brandon” He looked like the kid from the movie “Problem child” he immediately poked me in the boob. This was going to be interesting. I hoped I wouldn’t have to lock him in the closet. His Mom just laughed and said “Brandon, that’s not polite! I hated them now too. So for the next hour I listened to Mary sing my praises. I was an honor student, trained in CPR and first aid. I was also a certified lifeguard (which was true). Keri agreed to “allow” me to watch her little bundle of joy, she’d drop him off tomorrow after 7PM and pick him up at Noon on Sunday. Mary and “Jimbo” were heading out after 6PM so I’d be alone with the little turd for the whole time. I sat at the kitchen table, my feet barely touching the floor, talking to Mary. I got the idea she loved seeing me like this! I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t want to “get it on” with me in this form, but she seemed to have no problem with me getting laid. In fact, she was really teasing me about it. The questions really started flying and deep down, I loved it. “I think we should go back to the pool this afternoon, Becca. I got you a really cute suit that the boys will love!” she joked. I just felt my face redden. “What do you think? The development is having “Teen dance” night in the clubhouse tonight. We could go get you a little black dress and you could go. I’m sure with a little flirting the tall one would ask you out!” she said, almost squealing with delight. She leaned forward grasped my hands and looked me directly in the eyes. “I know you’ve fantasized about this. I want you to experience all your fantasies, maybe you’ll get this out of your system.” She said, whispering conciliatorily. “Think about it Rich, You’re a gorgeous young girl, going out on a date! You'll get your "first kiss" and maybe get to know how sex for the first time feels for a girl.” She said with a grin. I nearly choked on my Pepsi. “Did you say what I think you said!? I’m a… a… virgin again?” I replied in shock. “Are you saying I should have sex?” She nearly jumped out of her chair with enthusiasm. “Yes! Play the part! BE Becca. Live her life for 3 days. Experience EVERYTHING!” I let it all sink in, intrigued. If I was still a guy, I would have gotten a massive hard-on just thinking about the possibilities. She grabbed me by the hand and led me into the bedroom. “C’mon I want to show you the suit I got you!” We walked to the pool, Mary in her silver tankini and I in the Black two piece Mary had gotten for me. She had bought it at Sun coast at the mall. She said it was made for busty women. It did support me and hold them up, my cleavage was bangin’! The bottoms were French cut style. Not super revealing, but very flattering. I didn’t feel my boobs bouncing so much but I could feel my cleavage vibrating as I walked. At times I could feel my boobs touch together in the top. It was an odd feeling that took some getting used to. I also noticed that I had to keep adjusting the bikini bottoms , they tried to move into my buttcrack all the time.We entered the pool area passing the lifeguard stand. It was manned by a young guy and girl. I’d judge 17-18 ish. They were the stereotypical lifeguard types, thin, blonde and athletic looking. The guy was looking me over bigtime. Mary was the first to pick up on that, of course. She elbowed me and winked. “Looks like little Becca is getting noticed!” she whispered. I just rolled my eyes. The pool was crowded today, I noticed a group of kids 14 to 17 playing volleyball in the pool. Justin and Sean were part of that group. Mary looked over and said “There are your friends, why don’t you go talk to them!” I answered back… “They don’t know me in this body, I can’t just walk over and say Hi… “. She put down the beach bag and grabbed me by the hand. “I’ll fix that. The two kids on the left are Tim and Stacy’s kids. Come with me.” She half dragged me over. I felt my whole body blush. “Hi, guys!” she said in the customary Mare jovial fashion. “This is my niece Rebecca. She’s staying with me for a few days.” I just held up my hand in an embarrassed wave. “We call her Becca, isn’t she cute! I wish I had a body like hers!” she said, pinching my cheek. She was really laying it on. She knew that part of my “thing” was that I liked being teased. Shawn, the tall one from before smiled right away, he really was a cute kid. “Hi Becca, you wanna play? You can be on my team!” He said cheerfully. Before I could even answer, Mary said “Sure she does, dontcha Bec? See ya later, have fun!” She then turned and walked away. I figured I might as well play the part and I jumped into the pool feet first and immediately was up to my shoulders in the water. All the other people were standing chest deep. “What the fuck?” I thought. I looked at the water depth marker and it said 4 feet. Jesus, I was freaking tiny! I waded my way over to Shawn, he introduced himself and I did the same. On the first serve, I could tell this body was not as athletic as “Kristin’s” was. My boobs got in the way when I tried to dig the ball and it was really hard to move around in the water. I was a good volleyball player as a guy, but I sucked as a chick! I blew 3 out of 4 balls that came to me; I just didn’t have the strength to volley with any authority. Shawn tried his best to cover my zone but failed miserably and we lost. I apologized profusely to the people on my team. After the game, Shawn and I just sat on the edge of the pool talking. He had a really hard time focusing; his eyes kept wandering to my chest. I felt kind of self conscious about them. It was kind of odd. I wanted guys to look, but felt kind of conflicted when they did. I felt proud of them, but also thought “Hey, my eyes are up here!”. We made small talk about school and about what we wanted to do after school. I told him I was a junior and wanted to get into Nursing. He suddenly got a bit nervous and he asked me if I had a boyfriend. I replied shyly “No, no one serious. Do you have a girlfriend?” He just shook his head no. Just then another kid, I later learned was named Jeff, swam over and asked if we wanted to chicken fight. I haven’t done that in years! “Sure” I replied when Shawn asked me to be his partner. We both slid back into the water and he ducked down under the water, put his head between my legs and lifted me right up like I weighed nothing. I felt my crotch rubbing against the back of his neck. We were chicken fighting Jeff and Sara, his partner. She was a chubby girl who probably had 4” and 40 pounds on me. We grappled around, each trying to topple the other. I was really worried about my top coming loose, so I kept my upper arms close to my chest. We managed to cause Jeff to lose his balance and Sara soon fell off. We had won! I reached down and “knuckled” Shawn and he dumped me off his shoulders backwards by flipping my legs over. I came up to the surface and he was laughing hysterically. “Ha ha” I said and unsuccessfully tried to dunk him. I felt his erection rub against me as I did. I heard the whistle blow from the lifeguard as he announced that it was “Adult Swim”. It took me a few seconds to realize he wanted me out of the pool as well. I told Shawn that I’d see him later, I went and sat by Mary. When I approached she was reading “Jaws”, she said sweetly “Did you have fun, Becca?” without even looking up from her book. “Yeah, thanks for embarrassing me!” I said while toweling off. She giggled and replied “My pleasure. I know you dig it. Did he ask you out?” I told her that he hadn’t and she replied with a laugh “Oh, he will…he will”. When I asked her how she knew she said “Trust me, I saw the way he was looking at you.” I walked to the restroom trying to clear the water out of my ear by bouncing on one foot and tapping the side of my head. I passed Shawn coming out of the Men’s room. “Hey Becca” he said, sounding nervous again. “I was wondering if you’d like to… y’know… hang out sometime. The Association is having a teen party tonight. Can you go?” I looked up at him and answered “Yeah, that would be cool”. He grinned ear to ear and said “Great! I’ll pick you up at your Aunt’s house at 8. We can walk there together!” I nodded and said “See you then” as I headed into the bathroom. I entered the stall and immediatly missed being able to pee while standing up. With a bathing suit it was easy, but the first time I had to pee while wearing a skirt was awkward. I let the stream fly and heard the classic “chick pissing” hiss of urine. The relief was still the same, though. I wiped carefully wishing I could just shake it twice and be done. It didn’t work, I had tried. I walked slowly back to the lounge chair that Mare had saved for me and sat down. Mary piped right in. “Oooo Becca! I saw you talking to him. He’s a cutey! Did he ask you!?” I tried not to get embarrassed and answered her nonchalantly, “Yeah, we’re going to that teen thing you told me about”. I thought she was going to jump out of the chair, she was THAT enthusiastic. “See, I told you! Can I read men or what? You two will look so cute together. I’m taking you out to get a dress and a make over! Come on, let’s go. We have a lot to do to make you pretty for your first date!” she smiled, laying it on thick. |