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Rated: · Sample · Fanfiction · #1824066
Its about a girl who has to save the world from Lucifer with the help of two brothers.
Tyler walks into a bar sore and tried from her last hunt. Sitting at the bar she orders five shots of tequila and a beer. As the bartender is getting her drinks she spots two guys sitting in the corner booth of the bar. Noticing how familiar they looked she took another glance. Breaking her thoughts the bartender sets down her drinks.
Downing all five shots instantly gets the two guys attention. As Tyler sits there sipping her beer the bartender shows up in front of her with another shot. She looks up at him eyes barely visible beneath her bangs. The bartender merely nods over towards the guys. Tyler grabs the shot glass, and raises it in their direction thanking them before downing it.
What she doesn’t realize is that the guys just saw the protection tattoo that is on her left wrist. Finishing off her beer she tosses some money on the bar and heads for the juke box. As she walks away from the juke box AC/DC’s For Those About To Rock starts playing.
Suddenly a guy playing pool grabs Tyler by the arm and whispers in her ear “hey baby wanna play some pool?”
“I bet I can sink every ball in one shot,” Tyler says placing some money on the table.
“Ha yeah right” the biker replies also throwing some cash on the table. Carefully watching every ball she sinks them with precision. Quickly grabbing the money she heads out the door before the biker starts any trouble.
Tyler jumps in her 1968 mustang quickly peeling out of the parking lot. As she drives to her motel she has a change of heart. Swiftly throwing the gear shift into reverse she slings the car around at lightning speeds. Driving to the nearest crossroads Tyler grabs the all to familiar box from the passenger seat and climbs out.
Burying the box she waits for the red eyed demon spawn to appear. “Well well well long time no see” the demon says slowly circling Tyler.
“6 months as usual?” Tyler asks getting right to the point of her visit.
“What no small talk?” the demon replies stopping in front of Tyler and cocking her head to the side. Tyler merely glares at her. “Fine we’ll get right to it then this time though its only 2 weeks,” the demon bitch replies annoyance ringing through out her voice. Hanging her head Tyler sucks in a breath realizing this is stupid, but she doesn’t care. Just as she lifts her head Castiel shows up quickly sending the demon back to hell.
“CAS what the fuck was that?” Tyler screams. “I was saving you again,” Cas says calmly.
“Did you ever think that maybe I didn’t want to be saved that maybe I would rather rot in Hell than have my brother down there huh Cas did you?” Tyler says on the verge of breaking.
Shaking her head she walks back to her car ignoring Castiel and his infuriating rambling. As Tyler pulls into the motel’s parking lot she notices a ‘67 Chevy Impala parked in front of her room. Shrugging it off she climbs out of her car and glances around the dimly lit parking lot.
Noting how late it has gotten since the bar she makes her way back to her room but as she approaches she hears two male voices. As Tyler slides against the wall she pulls her colt .45 from the waistband of her almost too tight jeans. Spinning on her heals Tyler faces the door giving it a good swift kick practically knocking it off its hinges.
“Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my room?” Tyler asks aiming her gun at the guys. “Whoa easy there tiger,” Dean says raising his hands slowly. “A friend of ours said you were in trouble and needed our help,” adds Sam. Flipping the safety on she sets the gun on the table waiting for the “friend” to appear. Just as Tyler sits down Castiel emerges causing Sam and Dean both to jump slightly.
Tyler glances up at Cas now more annoyed with him. Shaking her head she abruptly rises and pins Castiel to the wall by his collar. “You should of let me go Cas, you should of let me save him damn it” Tyler screams at Cas while punching the wall just inches from his head. “you know you are needed for the coming war getting yourself sent to Hell will not help us win” Cas says getting aggravated. As the boys just stand there and watch silent and awkward the argument gets more heated.
“You know you have more training why can’t you just accept that you are plan b?” Cas says finally calming down. “I’ve accepted it Cas that doesn’t mean I like it though, Eric is my brother I can’t just stand by while he,” Tyler stops now looking at the floor; “Cas you have to understand that just cause it’s written in a prophecy doesn’t mean it’s set in stone I will chose my own destiny rather Zachariah likes it or not.”
Sitting down at the table Tyler takes a few deep breathes. “wait what do you mean more training, I finished my training” Tyler says glancing back up at Castiel. “Michael has asked me to train you more he says you aren’t ready yet” Cas says a thin layer of shock in his voice. Tyler huffs in anger at her brother’s commands. “Michael as in the arch angel Michael?” Sam asks after a slight awkward silence. “Yeah he uh he loves to boss me around” Tyler says trying to avoid eye contact.
“Just cause I’m part angel he thinks he can boss me around” Tyler says quickly glancing at the guys to see their reactions. “Wait you’re part angel?” Dean asks cocking his hide to the side. “Yeah meaning I still have to eat sleep etc but I have all the powers of an angel” Tyler says smirking at their faces.
“Well I must go, but Tyler I want you to be at your house in one week for training and bring Dean and Sam with you,” Cas says glancing at the boys “be warned she like visiting crossroads.” Cas quickly vanishes before Tyler can even so much as look at him. Shaking her head angrily Tyler stands up and motions for the brothers to leave. As soon as the door closes she slides down it and mumbles to herself “great a babysitting job.”
As the clock slowly ticks away Tyler lays there more restless than ever. Laying there in the moonlit room she thinks of what Cas said earlier. Finally falling asleep she dreams of Hell, staring at the hooks in her arms and legs; watching the flames rise up around her. As the demon slices down her arm she jolts away realizes she is still in the motel room.
Quickly getting ready for the day Tyler attempts to block the images and screams that stuck with her. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Tyler jumps slightly then realizes it’s only the boys. As she reaches for the door her phone rings. Pulling the door open she glances at the caller I.D. It reads out Conrad. Hitting the ignore button quickly she heads out the door.
“You guys wanna grab some breakfast before heading out?” Tyler asks tossing her stuff in the backseat . “Yeah sounds good,” Dean comments as Sam nods his head. Once they pull into the diner’s parking lot Tyler notices they are being watch, but can’t quite pin point from where or who. Closely watching her surroundings she makes her way into the diner. Sliding into a booth with the boys sitting across from her Tyler glances up at them before staring out the window. “Let me guess you wanna know my story?” Tyler says not looking away from the window. “Only if you want to,” Sam says giving her the puppy dog eyes. “Alright, but I’m gonna start at the beginning,” Tyler says rubbing her hands over her face.
Taking a deep breath she starts “I was born June 21st, 1980 my mom and dad were both hunters, they died when I was six and that left my sister who is thirteen years older to raise my brother and I. I was fifteen when I started hunting on my own to the dismay of Jenni and on my 18th birthday I received my grace. Shortly after turning 20 I sold my soul to save my brother then again when I was 24,” Tyler sighs finally looking at the guys. “And I just got back two weeks ago from my third trip to Hell,” Tyler says looking down at her coffee.
The guys are speechless and there is now a sudden stillness at the table. Looking around the diner Tyler realizes it’s not just the table but the whole place. Suddenly feeling an evil presence she rises motioning for the guys to do the same. As she throws money on the table the waitress walks up to her. Glancing up at the waitress Tyler notices something isn’t quite right with her. Against every instinct in her body she walks away from the waitress with the guys in front of her just in case. Tyler glances back as the boys and her exit the building. “Just follow me we are heading to my sister’s for a few days” Tyler says climbing into her car.
As they speed northwest towards San Jose, California Tyler can’t help but think back to last night. Pulling into a parking lot Tyler climbs out of her car. As the guys pull up behind her Tyler grabs her backpack from the backseat. “Uh I thought you said we were going to your sisters place?” Sam asks while he and Dean walk up beside her.
“We are, but Jenni would hear the car coming,” Tyler says as she walks across the street. Walking up the steps to the house Tyler takes a deep breath now standing at the front door. As Tyler knocks on the door she moves over towards the porch swing. Waiting only a quick minute the door swings open “may I help you?” Jenni asks looking at the guys in front of her. Stepping back in front of the door Tyler smiles at her big sister. “Young gun!” Jenni exclaims with happiness. Tyler rolls her eyes at the nick name but hugs her sister anyway. “Hey Jenni, this is Sam and Dean Winchester,” Tyler says pointing at each one as she walks into the house closely followed by the guys.
Quickly walking to the kitchen Tyler inhales deeply “I missed your cooking sis.” Hopping up to sit on the counter Tyler smiles looking over at her sister, “Jenni are the kids at school or upstairs?” Laughing at the enthusiasm of the question Jenni nods her head towards the stairs, “they are upstairs doing homework; in fact it should be about time for Tommy and Erica to be waking up from their naps.” Smiling at the names of the youngest Tyler looks towards the stairs. “I haven’t even met Erica,” Tyler states frowning. Walking over to the stove Jenni smiles at Tyler, “why don’t you go up and get her; I know you want to see her.” Sliding off of the counter Tyler makes her way upstairs to Erica’s nursery.
Quietly slipping over to the crib Tyler smiles at her tiny sleeping niece. Tyler wakes her gently picking her up and walking towards Jake’s room. Leaning on the door frame Tyler looks up from Erica’s face to Jake and Emily. “Just like your mom, more worried about school work than fun;” Tyler grins watching as her niece and nephew come running at her. Hugging them both careful not to squish the baby.
After waking Tommy and hanging out with the kids for a little while Tyler heads back downstairs still carrying Erica. Jenni smiles over at them, and as soon as Tyler reaches the bar stool she asks; “Do you want to feed her?” Smiling up at Jenni then back down at Erica, Tyler nods ever so slightly. Jenni starts warming the bottle as Tyler spins around on the bar stool looking over at the guys who are at the breakfast nook.
Glancing back at Jenni Tyler smiles softly, “Where is Jason?” Jenni sighs quietly, “on another business trip.”
“Who is Jason?” Sam asks and he and Dean look up from their dad’s journal. “My oh so lovely brother-in-law,” Tyler said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. Jenni laughed slightly as she started to set the table. Suddenly getting a stabbing pain in her head Tyler hands Erica to Jenni heading for the backyard. Picking up speed slipping into the tool shed Tyler drops to her knees, eyes rolling back into her skull. Throwing her head back Tyler’s body begins to convulse, eyes now glowing ice blue, letting out a blood curdling scream. Snapping her head forward, blinking away the blurred vision, Tyler breathes heavily cursing out Zachariah. Snapping her head forward, blinking away the blurred vision, Tyler breathes heavily cursing out Zachariah.
Forcing herself back to her feet Tyler heads back to the house. As she walks into the kitchen Tyler feels all eyes on her. Looking up from her feet Tyler sighs glancing around the room. “Zach thinks he is so funny sometimes,” Tyler says growling at the name of her “brother”. “another order?” Jenni questions watching her sister sway slightly. Tyler just nods sitting down next to the guys. “Wait Zach just sent you orders through your mind?” Dean asks. “Yes, and it’s pretty damn painful,” Tyler says laying her head on the table. Calling the kids to the table Jenni and Tyler carry the food into the dinning room. Just as Tyler is about sit Jason walks in with a surprise. “Hey honey I thought you weren’t gonna be home for two more days,” Jenni says walking over to kiss her husband. Jason then turns towards the door motioning for the surprise to come in. As the surprise walks into the room, Tyler stands frozen staring wide-eyed in shock and anger suddenly feeling the need to pull her hunting knife from her boot.
“miss me baby?” Conrad asks smiling sickly at Tyler. Tyler then smiles a sweet somewhat sadistic grin “let me get you guys some food.” Heading straight for the pantry Tyler searches for a little special something to add. Quickly adding the extra ingredient she takes the two bowls out to the table setting them down in front of the guys. Heading back to her seat Tyler closely watches Conrad as he begins eating. Suddenly Conrad begins coughing. "I don't remember it being this hot," Conrad chokes out reaching for his water.
Tyler looks away trying so hard not to laugh as Conrad downs the water. With his mouth still on fire Conrad glares over at Tyler "what did you put in this?" Tyler looks up from her dish. "Oh whoops did I forget to mention i put a quarter of a bottle of hot sauce in your stew? I'm soooo sorry" Tyler says standing from the table and walking towards the back door. Leaning against the outside of the house Tyler pulls up the sleeve of her shirt, sliding her fingertips across the scar that runs from her elbow to her wrist.

© Copyright 2011 Danni Michaels (samm1947 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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