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This is the actual story |
Dinechos Adventures By: Mitchel David Gallett Prologue I have had many bad experiences in my life but the only ones I had were unimaginable. I am 10 years in life and I have suffered torture worse than Death. I am an orphan who is at the will of the Japanese Government. My name is Gannon Sirinal Falco aka “The Deathbringer.” My alias or my name here is Raikushu. I am about to tell you my story. In this book I have been through enough for a lifetime. My best friend Muy has lost her left leg and I care for her now. I am a master at working metal, so much that some call me a Metal Bender. My Sledgestaff is a powerful mix of hard work and blood (literally) so much that I named it Bloodbath. On the top end is a holy crystal with a protective spike guard. On the bottom is a Sledgehammer which is very heavy, but I’m use to it. I hate telling this story the pain that fills me is unimaginable because I have hovered through life and death so much it doesn't even faze me anymore. That is why I am writing it. Chapter 1 The beginning As I am sleeping boys are playing, as boys are sleeping I am practicing. I cannot seem to get up during the day. I have tried very hard. Still I am able to see Muy when I awaken during the night. She usually sleeps in the same room as I. We live in an orphanage with at least 84 other children. We have lost 20 of the boys because the tried to smash the glass around my crystal. “They need to learn one way or the other Sengi. My staff is not to be messed with.” I told Sengi the Caretaker of us orphans. “We might run out of children before that happens.” Sengi replied. All of the boys were incinerated by the light that my crystal emits. Nothing was left of the boy’s not even ash. [Time lapse] I have been in a coma for the past 3 days. I would like to wake up but Muy is the only one who can do it and she has been out as well. She has been ill with a disease. I wondered how many more kids would die at the hands of my staff. [Time Lapse] Muy has recovered and so have I and I have been told that some old friends have been spending time with Muy and the boys. I am glad because I am stuck in this steel hut ever since I have had problems with my electrical powers. I have heard that those boys’ names are: Kai and Rikku. I knew these boys well and they knew me, too. I asked for Muy to bring me Rikku. It is not light out it has been dark for several minutes. As Rikku entered he saw me and ran to hug me. When we embraced he felt the electricity and immediate handed me a dirtnut. The dirtnuts are supposed to suppress my electrical energy and help me get up during the day. “So this is where you’ve been? Why did you not write me?” Rikku asked. “Rikku, I’m sorry but let’s wait till tomorrow. Thanks to you I can get up during the day tomorrow. I’m actually tired for the first time in a long time. I did write you they just never get past the superintendent of this facility.” I explained to him. He accepted my apology and agreed that I needed to rest. He left but Muy stayed as usual. I actually slept very well that night. When I woke up Kai was in the room. He was, strangely, in tears. Probably because they have not seen me since the Battle of Tuskuanny. “Rai, you’re awake!” Kai exclaimed. “Why? Why did you leave us? We were worried sick that you left us for good.” “I’m sorry. I was having problems with my electrical abilities.” I apologized. “I had to leave you because I thought of myself as a threat to your lives.” “A threat? You idiot because of you Saia is gone. The government took her. You were not there to protect her.” Kai yelled. “We have been searching for her ever since.” “They took her! They said they wouldn’t!” I growled. My electricity began to fly off my body. "Rai! Your electric energy!" Muy warned. I calmed down just as my Government agent walked in. He noticed that I was angry because he backed off a little. “Hello Raikushu. Why do you look so angry?” He asked. “Well I’m glad to see you up during the day at least.” “How long?” I asked. “I beg your pardon?” “How long have you known that they took Saia?” I asked. “They promised they would not lay a hand on her!” “I assure you. I have no idea what you’re talking about. If I had any idea or even heard of rumor of such a thing I would told Muy that same day.” He had no lie in his eyes. “Ok. I believe you. You’re blood pressure is normal. You’re not sweating so you must be telling the truth.” I told him. “Oh! Rai you’re up earlier than ever! I did not believe Rikku.” Sengi walked in. “I brought you all a little something.” She put down the silver platter with food. While we ate I explained why I ran away from the Army. Chapter 2 Lost in Memory In Dream Land… *How long has it been since I remembered my past? Never? Maybe. Raikushu do you remember who you were born to be?* a young boy about 14 asked. *A far off memory that's like a scattered dream, a scattered dream that's like a far off memory. I want to line the pieces up, yours and mine. I want to know what's real and what isn't.* *So, Nonnag, you really want to know do you?* a young girl about 14 asked. *I do not know you, but I do. How's that possible?* the Nonnag asked. *You are half of a young boy named Gannon a.k.a Raikushu. I have a duty to put things back where they belong.* the girl says. *But what is your name?* Nonnag asks. *My name is Eniman. I am just as Gannon, but I no longer walk among the living.* the girl explains. *I am at the will of an Organization. They want Gannon to be whole again because he is a member. When I was alive Gannon and I were very close.* Nonnag was very silent for a long time. He was thinking Eniman could see. Then finally the dream faded. Gannon woke up drenched in sweat. “Gannon are you ok?” Muy asked. “You were yelling two names last night, Eniman and Nonnag. Rikku even heard you. Then we heard a strange sound. I’ll have to take you to my house tomorrow.” “Yes I’m ok. I had a dream about them. They were talking about my memories.” I confirmed. “A heard a quote from them, too. A far off memory that's like a scattered dream, a scattered dream like a far off memory. I cannot make heads or tails of it. Nonnag mentioned me. I think we are two parts of the same whole.” Then they both thought about it till Rikku walked back in. I told Rikku the quote but we still could not make heads or tails of it. No one could even the superintendent of the facility and he was really smart. “I wonder if I still got it. Hey let’s go to the smithy I want to see if I can still Metal Bend.” I began to run to town. “Jezz why are you so energetic? You’ve never been this lively before.” Muy asked. “How long has he been in that hut?” Kai asked. “For about 2 years. I’ve known him since I was little and he has never been this lively before.” “That’s because he has been cooped up for so long. He has built up so much energy. I hope he can still Metal Bend.” Rikku said. “Why?” Muy asked. “He might make you new leg made out of Automail as a reward for helping him get back on his feet. It hurts like hell to connect to your nerves and brain but you get a very powerful body part.” Kai explained. “Oh!” Muy yelped at the idea of pain. “It’s ok Muy. You’ll have to be there so he can out fit you with the attachment system.” Rikku explained. “The attachment system allows the Automail part to connect to your nerves and brain.” They saw me running up the hill with Automail in my hands. I had a very big smirk on my face. “Look guys I got a deal on this Automail! The guy at the store said he had no use for it and no one would buy it so he gave it to me for free.” I said. [Time lapse] Luckily I was still a master Metal Bender. I made both the attachment system and the leg. When I bend the metal goes into a liquid state and I form it how I like. “Will this hurt?” Muy asked. “I will not lie to you. It hurts like a pain you’ve never felt before. I should know I did it to myself. I, too, lost my leg in a battle. Some wise crack decided it would be funny to slice my left leg and right arm off.” I explained. “It will hurt worse than when you lost the leg.” Then he began to attach the leg to Muy’s attachment system. As he attached the latches the leg went into place. “OWWWWWWWWW! Mother Fucker!” Muy screamed. “Holy crap! You weren’t kidding. That hurt! Although I can feel my leg again.” “Good then it was performed successfully. If you felt no pain it wasn’t attached correctly but you did.” I explained. “If you break it, which is highly unlikely, I can easily fix it.” “You used to do this for a living?” Muy asked. “Yes and I was very good at it too. I’ve lost my touch.” Gannon said. Then Muy looked up and began to practice on her new leg. She was surprisingly faster. Chapter 3 A brand new Team A "Muy I'm sorry. I am going to have to go to the Japanese government to straighten this out. I'll need another companion but I you need to stay here to protect your family." I explained. "I'll take the most promising individual with me." I began to scan the room and saw a boy who was 10 years in life. His name was Centae. I knew him very well. Before I was bed laden Centae and I were the best of friends. Then when I was bed laden he thought it was his fault. He shut himself off from the rest of world. He was a very skilled fighter and he used his fists and a sword (that way he was never unarmed). He stood about 2 long swords tall (very tall for his age). I needed him to come with me but I was not sure if he would. “Centae! You’re coming with me.” I yelled. “But what about what happened last time?” Centae muttered. Then I grabbed Centae by the collar and drug him outside. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Let go of me!” Centae shouted. "I don't think so. Stop feeling sorry for me. I'm ok now you spineless twit." I yelled. "Let go of me NOW!" Centae shouted. "No way moron! You stop feeling sorry for both me and you." I had to slap him 12 times before he stopped crying. I could have slapped him more but I decided not to. He has been through enough. Outside… Centae and I walk outside to find a wooden man. “What the hell is up with this?” Centae said. “That is your training dummy.” I said. "Training Dummy?" Centae asked. "Yes you have no been practicing of late. I think it is time to review the basics." I explained. [Time lapse] *Nonnag recalling Gannon's Memories* Now as you do not know he was a dog of a side branch of the Japanese Government called the Blue Shield. He was not a very high up but he liked it that way. It probably would have been lonely at the top anyway. He never went on a mission without Centae or Saia. He was very strong and a great asset because he was another one Deva's Guardians. Fortunately he found out what they were planning and immediately betrayed Deva and joined Saia. His Team was now composed of Rikku, Kai, Centae, and Myself. He was not even human anymore yet he was like Saia and that was what made Kai and Rikku sure that he was fit enough to be in their family. He was a very happy Dinecho. He was given this opportunity by Fate and Destiny. His Guardian- self has never had to show up and protect that much. Even if he wanted it to now he could not call it forth anymore. I, Nonnag Sirixnal Falxco, am going to find and give him his memories. [Time lapse] Unfortunately I had to say good bye to the other orphans and head on to Japan to find Saia. The Blue Shield probably had her. I was already pissed that they separated Saia and I from one another. They were always looking to separate Dinechos from each other. Saia and I were number one on the list. I had also come to know that a new Eloj had command and was trying to find us and locate Saia at the time. “So Gannon. What’s the plan?” Kai asked. We were in the car so I thought we were safe for the time being. I had begun to wonder that myself. I came up with a plan pretty fast though. Another quality the Blue Shield had taken interest in. “Well we could always hit the Hot spots of Dinecho Activity. If there are any Government agents near by we can offer assistance. Then we can build up a reputation that is sure to attract the Blue Shield. Unfortunately it might attract Deva as well.” I explained. “That is a brilliant plan Gannon. I cannot believe your skills of Deduction. If that is all you can think of for the time being then lets do it. I will go with it either way.” Rikku said. Rikku, he was the one who found me in my Guardian form. He was the only one who not afraid me at the time. He even snuck food out for me. Now Saia, Deva and I had drugged them into our fight. I knew Deva had to die. In or for that to happen one of us would have to die if not two. Hopefully it will be Deva who dies. I care too much for this world as a human and as a Dinecho. I want this world to be at peace even if it costs me my life. I felt a Dinecho near by. As we drove the feeling grew more intense. It was just newly created too. New and Powerful beyond believe. Perfect. We got to the site of the Feeling. The Dinecho was T-rex type, strength and size. My strength was beyond it by a multiplier of 10. One hell of a battle ahead of us though. I had Rikku distract it so I could try to transform it back. When I tried the beam was broken by a Guardian Dinecho. Anshoal Goldsmith had created this one from a human. Now I was seriously pissed. I had to capture it and keep it now. I would need 12 of them to make the power of the Baby Behemoth T-rex. My crystal could only hold 60 of these and I need that space for my friends should they be captured. “Ah, my brother Gannon has returned to us.” Anshoal said. “I have only come for the Dinecho Anshoal. Now out of my way or else.” I said. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such bad manners. I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” Anshoal said as his hand became a Crescent shaped Giant Butcher’s knife He then rushed at me and tried to slice me in to two pieces. This battle was like a butcher shop. He was the Butcher and I was the Meat. I had only regained my Arm and leg a year ago after he cut it off. Now they were flesh and bone again. I wanted it to stay that way. I kept blocking but he would not let up. If anything he swinging harder and harder. I then had to resort to my spells. “Incarte Inflamare!!!” I shouted. My fist was closed. “Inflamed Mach Punch!!!!” In that opening he cut my right arm so deep you could see the tendons hanging on. Blood was everywhere. My blood was dripping from my veins and along my arm down my staff. It was a bloody mess. Rikku, Centae, and Kai had to bail me out. “R.” Rikku said. “R.” I said. “C.” Centae said. “K.” Kai said. “In position. It’s show time guys.” I said. “Damn it. Retreat now!” Anshoal said. There was no way in hell I was letting that Dinecho get away. I smacked it with my Hammer and knock it unconscious. I then proceeded to capture the Dinecho. Once that was done I released it and gave it human speech back. “What is going on?” the Dinecho asked. “Where am I? Why do feel so hot?” When the Dinecho looked down he saw his new body. He did not seem freaked or upset. He was angry though, severely angry. “Can you remember your name?” I asked. “Can you remember anything about being human?” “I can’t seem to remember my name. I know I had a pretty good life though. Then that Anshoal guy came and injected me with some sort of serum.” The Dinecho replied. “Fine. I’ll give you a new name. It will be: Sirron.” I said. Chapter 4 The first Capture With my new Dinecho partner Sirron, a T- rex type packed with power, I no longer had to go it alone in battle. Sure I had Human partners but now I had a fellow Dinecho ready to fight. I loved the Tritonic Glass that I had used because it was transparent. Not only could I see the Annex Crystal but I could the current Dinecho inside the Crystal. The one that was currently inside would the one first into battle beside me. Unfortunately there were other Annex Crystals sealed behind Tritonic Glass. I knew more than one person had to have one with them. “Gannon, m’lord. Is everything alright?” Sirron asked. Since he was sealed in the crystal itself he could use it’s powers of fusion and talk to us through the Glass. “What if we run into someone who wants a Dinecho Battle?” I asked. “You’ll battle him and Win. Then we will be on our way.” Kai said with confidence. “You are far too confident Kai. I haven’t battled in years.” I explained. “Does it matter? That skill is in your blood just like Metal Bending is. You will do fine.” Kai said. He still had that reassuring grin on his face. We stopped in the next town to get supplies. My memories had been drained sometime ago but these people seemed to remember me and were very friendly. There was once fear here. Now all that remains is Joy and Happiness. “You once helped them against a Dinecho rampage. They are still very grateful to you.” Kai explained. “I was there when you saved this town. You were remarkable. You incinerated them all in no time flat.” It must have been true because they gave us all of our supplies for free. Once we were on our merry way we found ourselves outside of town with an encounter with a boy about 14 holding a small diamond shaped piece of Tritonic Glass. He was obviously a Dinecho fighter. “Are you the one these people are rejoicing? The one called Gannon?” the man asked. “Maybe I am. Who are you to ask for my name?” I replied. “My name is Nonnag. I hold in my mind your memories and in my hand is a pieces of an Annex Crystal that I stole from the next town over that is now over run by People turned into Dinecho’s by this very crystal. The Tritonic Glass has failed and needs purifying.” The boy said. “Catch the Crystal and we will become one once again. I am trapped within the Crystal and if you release me we will become one again.” Nonnag then threw the piece of Tritonic Glass and I caught it. The image of the boy Faded and I was left with the piece of the Crystal that held my memories intact. “That was your memories form?” Rikku asked. In order for me to purify the crystal and regain my memories I needed to swallow the Crystal. As the Crystal purified I would regain my memories and the crystal I held would grow larger and regain of it’s lost powers. I was hopeing it was an offencive power. I then swallowed the Tritonic Glass and began the process. I was already regaining my memories. My Crystal was once part of a whole Annex Core Crystal the size of a Baseball. It was shattered by a group of people who call themselves the Organization. In turn to destroying the Crystal they were transformed in to Dinechos. I was of the original but was already a Dinechos and used the power of my two shards instead of abusing it. The organization did not like the idea and stole one of my shards. I then lost my memories and some of my powers. I now know what my purpose in life is now. I had to destroy the Members of the Organization and gather the pieces of the Annex Core Crystal. I would then have to find my sisters Deva and Saia. Neither of them held a shard but I would have to find and side with one of them. Just then I sensed that Anshoal was near. Anshoal then leapt out of the bushes and took Rikku. Anshoal then fled into the near by forest. I then began to give chase. There was no way I was going to let Deva have Rikku, ever. It was a very long chase but I kept my distance to see if he really would lead me to Deva. Anshoal had led me to a house and I hid in the forest. Sure enough Deva came out of the house and had decided to show herself. Deva then began to talk to Anshoal and Rikku. “Thank you for bringing Rikku, Anshoal.” Deva said. “Your welcome Deva. It was a pleasure.” Anshoal replied. “Rikku. You are a special human being. You and your brother both. You are like my family now. You took my big brother in and even my twin sister Saia. Anyone else would have kicked them out into the streets.” Deva said. “For that you are all very special to me. I will love you all unconditionally as my new Guardians.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Deva was planning to turn Kai and Rikku into her Guardians. “No I won’t. Your evil Deva. Saia will kill you. Raikushu will attempt a rescue. I will not be your Guardian. Neither will Kai.” Rikku yelled. I knew Rikku would not accept Deva’s offer but I had a bad feeling. As if he was going to become a Dinecho anyway. “It’s too late Rikku.” Anshoal said. “Even now you are becoming a Dinecho. I injected you when I picked you up.” “Rikku!!!” I shouted. I jumped out of the bushes and rushed towards Deva. As Anshoal went to guard like the dumbass he was. I then changed course for Rikku. “Raikushu! I knew you would come.” Rikku shouted. I then fled with Rikku in my arms. He seemed happy but we both knew his fate. “Rikku. My beam won’t be able to turn you back. You were injected.” I explained. “I’m doomed. I’m doomed to be a Dinecho for the rest of my life.” Rikku said. He had tears in his eyes. I could not keep a secret from him. “Rikku. There is a secret that I have to tell you. If I tell you it will probably change your out look on your transformation. It will only happen if I bite you or if Deva or Saia bite you. You can become my Guardian if I bite you. If I bite you I will be your official brother. If I don’t bite you you will become a wild Dinecho by evenings beginning.” I explained to him. “If you accept and I bite, you will go through the transformation at the same time, evenings end that is, but you will automatically revert to your human state and be a lot stronger for it.” “Raikushu. You care for us so much us. You even give me the option of Death or Life through you. Thank you.” Rikku said. “Please. Bite me. I wish to be your Guardian.” As we approached Kai’s car it seems we had visitors. We had human visitors. I could not believe my eyes. They were my friends from America. I had studied about my own kind back in the University Of North America. My colleagues were Eniman, Singquenta, Starlight and Centae. I got very close to Eniman and she was killed by Deva. I then chose to work to work with Saia. She was family. Singquenta and Starlight were conversing with Centae. They were probably talking about times past. “When did they arrive?” Rikku asked Kai. “Just after Raikushu ran to chase after Anshoal.” Kai answered. Rikku then told everyone what happened. Even the part when I came in and when I could not kill Deva I took Rikku instead. “Anshoal injected you?!” Kai yelled. “How could this have happened?” Rikku then told them the choice I gave him. Kai seemed to be relieved to know that Deva had not sunk his teeth into Rikku. “At least you’ll be on our side still.” Kai said. “I still have to bite him.” I said. “Well what are you waiting for? Bite him. I don’t want to fight my brother.” Kai said. “I needed your confirmation. Now that I have it I will bite him.” I told Kai. “I am actually glad this happened. I am very thirsty. If Anshoal attacks before I recover then I will not able to help you.” I walked over to Rikku and layed him down on the ground. Singquenta had layed a blanket down that was, as she said, made for what was going to happen. I then opened my mouth and my canines became longer. As my teeth hit Rikku’s warm flesh it felt like my wild days again. The days before Deva and Saia bite me and made me their guardian. My teeth then pierced Rikku’s flesh and the blood began to flow. His blood was flowing into my mouth and my blood was flowing into his. This is how Dinecho Guardian’s are made. I was drinking his blood while replacing it with my blood. I then became weaker and weaker. This was the side effect of making a guardian. I was feeding and making him stronger at the same time. “Kai. Help me up.” I said weakly. I was so weak. Trying to feed and create at the same time. No Dinecho has ever survived. Kai caught me and layed me down on the mat next Rikku. Rikku and I were both knocked out at the same time. Chapter 5 Rikku’s transformation and Nonnag the regretter Dream world… Nonnag is sitting on a stump in a meadow near a large tree. “Good is Evil. Evil is Good. Or is it. Pure has become impure. Impure has become pure. Or has it. I can’t tell. With memories comes several emotions. Sadness and depression. Anger and Agony. Happiness and Glee. I am an empty person.” Nonnag said. Then I walk up to the stump and Nonnag notices me. He wasn’t surprised or anything. “There are no such things with in the world Nonnag. Good and Evil, Pure and Impure. They don’t exist.” I told him. “There are only Destroyers and Protectors, Obliteration and preservation.” “What side are we on?” Nonnag asked. “We are Preservers and Protectors.” I explained to him. Real world… Kai was sitting near a tree and keeping watch. “Almost time. Evening is beginning.” Kai said. Dream world… Nonnag was still sitting on the stump and I was sitting right next to him on the ground. “You gave your life away like it is meaningless. Do you even think things through?” Nonnag said. “Sometimes I do. I would gladly lay down my life it was meant to save the people I care about.” I said. “Even though we are the same I could never do that. I could never lay my life on the line.” Nonnag said. “That is because you are my regrets and rationalization.” I explained. Real World… “The sun is going down. Just 5 minutes away.” Kai said. Rikku’s aura the began to change and his heart began to beat loudly. You could feel his heart pulsating. Even at Kai’s distance. “What’s going on?” Singquenta asked. “Rikku’s Heart has restarted itself. It is time for his transformation to begin.” Kai explained. Rikku’s body was covered in scales from head to toe. They had taken all of his clothes off but his underwear so he could put them back on when he reverted back to his human self. Rikku’s upper jaw and nose began fuse while his face pushed out into a reptilian muzzle while his ears completely disappeared into his with two holes remaining. Claws then crept out of his merging fingers and toes. His claws were as white as pearls even in the fading sunlight. A long thin tail began to grow just above his ass and he grew 2 feet taller. If he were standing he would have been 5’ 6” just like his brother. His tail was a good 3 foot 6 inches long and his claws were 4 inches long. He was not hunched over like other Dinecho because he was a Guardian, most Dinecho are hunched over because of how thick their tails are. Everything was in proportion even his arms, which were bulging with some rather large muscles for a Guardian type. Rikku the began to shrink and transform back to his human shape. Dream World… “To live is to die. To die is to live. You gave up your own life to save your friend Rikku.” Nonnag said. “No. I didn’t give up my life. I am just so weak.” I said. Just then I felt Rikku revert back to his human state. “What’s wrong Raikushu?” Nonnag asked. “Nothing is wrong Nonnag. Everything is right.” I said. Just as I said the word “Right” the dream world began to fade. Soon I was back in the real world with Kai and Rikku, who was now dressed. “Good morning Raikushu.” Rikku said. He was at my side as any Guardian who sees his creator knock out on the ground. As I thought he was in human form. We were in a hotel. I was out for a while I knew. But unfortunately I had no idea just how long. “You began your Hibernation sooner than expected.” A familiar voice said. |