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Rated: GC · Short Story · Fantasy · #1823347
Petra's wedding to Creedor Kratz and what happened.
Wedding Day

Image of Petra, not cartoonized

There was a cantonment area West of Corinth, where the Goldens were kept. They were the original Homo Sapiens from whom Elves, Dwarves and Men derived their origins. The Empire called them Apes, Gorillas or Simians. In the Free Territories the only reference to their existence was in the library at Tristan City where in The History of the Founders, they were referred to as Mountain Elves. Following the War of Confederation an enclave was discovered in the Carpathian Forest and the creatures were rounded up and moved to their new home, The Compound.

Creedor Kratz was the Compound commander, Director of Psychic Operations for the Empire and was the most feared Knight of the Order. Creedor was a homosexual, as is generally the case with Simians, however he chose to keep his orientation under wraps. While sex with a female was not appealing, he was none the less determined to have children. The answer to his dilemma came when a Simian girl was captured at the Tiberian Gorge. Her name was Petra and he became her bondsman. He convinced her to marry after promising the marriage would be in name only.

Creedor looked at the clock. He hated wearing formal attire. He was nervous but no one would have guessed. It was time to sign the papers. He had wanted to ask Petra about her decision but his pride held him back. He spoke to Hilda.

“Go get her."

Hilda entered the confinement facility and opened the cage.

“Time to go," she announced.

“What’s happening?”

“Get your ass off the cot and follow me.”

“Where are we going?”


Creedor met them outside the Conference Room and extended his arm. Petra gave him a dirty look and took it. The door swung open and from inside came loud voices. There was a party in full swing. The room was decorated with banners, ribbons and balloons. There was a long mahogany table filled with hors d’ oeuvres. An Oomph-pa band played in the corner. Excitment hung in the air and as they entered,everyone began to applaud. Petra stood dumbfounded in her thin prison gown with nothing underneath. Creedor led her inside. He cleared his throat.

“Ahem, Ahem, The reason I’ve asked you here today is because Petra faces an important decision. I’ve asked her to marry me but I’m not sure what her response will be. I want you all to witness what she has to say. Naturally I’ll be disappointed if she says no, but I’m leaving that decision to her. I’m prepared to accept either answer but whatever she decides I want you all to hear it. Then you can judge for yourselves if she was coerced or not.”

He dropped to one knee. “Petra will you marry me?”

Petra was stunned. She paused for a long minute…too long for most. There was a low almost inaudible murmur that began to circulate. Creedor remained on one knee, unperturbed. At length she took a deep breath and uttered in resignation. “I suppose so.”

There was a collective exhale of relief. If Creedor had been worried he didn’t show it.

“Mighty sure of yourself, weren’t you?” she said quietly.

“Actually, I wasn’t,” he answered.

He escorted her over to the conference table where an official document and pen and ink awaited. He took the pen and signed. Then he indicated to a blank line and Petra signed next to his. There was another loud round of applause.

“Now my friends, I have taken the liberty of appending all your names. If you'll sign as witnesses I'll be deeply obliged.”

He guided Petra into a back room. There in the middle was a huge galvanized metal tub filled with hot water and sweet smelling spices. There were partitions drawn about and several young women stood with towels. On a raised stage, prominently displayed, was a black satin wedding gown. Next to it was one twice it’s size in yellow brocade silk.

“My dear,” said Creedor. “We’re on a tight schedule. In an hour we’ll be beginning the ceremony.

“The ceremony?” she repeated. It was slowly starting to sink in.

“Excited Darling,?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes.

“I hope you like the arrangements,” he said walking away.

“Get in the tub.” ordered Hilda

Petra cocked her head and paused. Then she smiled. It was a wicked thought that began forming. “You forgot to curtsy, Hilda….and start referring to me as “My Lady.””

Hilda hesitated, startled by the reminder of how things now stood. Her role had shifted from jailer to hand maiden. Then she curtsied, “Yes My Lady.”

Petra slipped the straps from her shoulders and dropped her gown, There was a gasp. Her body was stunning. Seeing it up close in all its naked spledor was breathtaking, and a psychic energy resonated across the room. Gathering her dignity Petra walked to the tub. As she approached a bath matron held a towel to attend her modesty.

This was so unbelievable, she thought stepping into the hot water. It was delightful and she immersed herself and began lathering with soap. “Lean back My Lady,” said a hair dresser who began giving her a shampoo.

Another poured a vial of oil and a third added a fresh bucket of hot water. As she finished washing, the dresser was wringing her hair. A screen was removed revealing a second tub. It too was filled with hot steaming water.

“This is the hot rinse,” said the Bath Matron. “it’s so you can purge and detoxify. It'll remove all the residue." Turning to Hilda she said, “You’re next,”

An hour later they left the Main Admnistrative Building. It was joined to the religious center by a long trellised corridor supported by Roman columns. Beneath, a path of crushed gravel and strewn leaves opened to the wedding party. Along the walkway were walls and curbs of whitewashed marble and vines of red roses and thick ivy. On either side was a magnificent garden and at the end a chapel with vaulted ceiling and a space where beams of sunlight spilled down onto a manicured lawn. The effect was peaceful and serene like the clearing of a primeval forest. There were full grown trees reaching up through the ceiliing and abundant foliage, naturally arranged along the pathways. Alongside ran a brook and further ahead a waterfall cascaded into a deep pool. The party stopped on the green for the final ordering of the wedding train. Then with solemnity they passed into the main sacntuary. Inside more lush foliage was everywhere adorning the walls and bamboo stands and clumps of ferns stretched out towards the altar. There waited Creedor, his mother and a host of dignitaries.

The priest spread his arms as the wedding party assembled before him.

“We are gathered today to witness the Union of Creedor and Petra. If there are any that dispute the joining of these two in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

Muffled cries spilled over from outside. The words, "Abomination" and "Tainted Blood" could be clearly heard above the sound of the batons and flails...Then silence reigned once more.

The Priest cleared his throat.

“Do you Creedor take Petra to be your lawful wife?"

"I do."

"Do you promise to partner her as a husband?"

"I do."

"That you will be firm in the order of your household and maintain an atmosphere of discipline and respect?"

"I will."

"Do you Petra, take Creedor to be your lawful master?"

"I do."

"Do you promise to partner and obey?"

"I do."

"That you will remain ever loyal and bring honor and service to his household."

"I will."

"Who gives this woman to be married."

"We do," answered Horace and Volusia

"By who's authority?"

"By the authority of a father," said Horace. "And I speak for her mother," chimed Volusia.

"And who gives this man?"

"I do," said Mariana

"By who’s authority?".

"By the authority of a Mother and the will of our Emperor."

There was a deathly and protracted stillness.

“Can’t you speed this up?" asked Creedor in a low and emphatic tone.

“Let the man do his job." shushed Petra unexpectedly.

He looked at her in disbelief, trying to remember the last time anyone dared challenge his will.

“By your leave,” was all he could think to say.

“The rings, please," said the Priest nervously.

Mariana reached onto her right index finger and removed a glittering diamond. She handed it to the Priest.

Hilda felt a gold band pressed into her hand. It was from Horace. She did the same.

“Creedor, Take this ring as a token of your love and give it to Petra.”

He complied.

“Petra, Take this ring as a reminder of your devotion and give it to Creedor.”

She did the same.

“With these rings I now thee wed.”

A murmur went through the crowd.

“You may kiss the bride.”

A calm settled over the room. Everything had been carefully orchestrated to this point but now there seemed a disconnect. For a long moment they simply stood looking at one another. His mother stared intensely, shifting her gaze from one to another. Petra felt the power that radiated from the Crone's body. It was like nothing she had ever experienced. There was an undercurrent of violent sexual energy and it made her tremble.

At length, Creedor put his hands about Petra’s waist and leaned over kissing her on the forehead. There was a gasp. The two then turned and walked back down the path, followed by the entourage.

In the street was a carriage. The door was held by a groom and Creedor assisted his mother inside. He followed next and last a groom helped Petra up. A whip cracked and the coach surged forward. It clattered down the cobblestones, out the Compound and up the hill to the Chateau. The driver swept the team around a tree lined boulevard and pulling back on the reins, halted before the entrance. Another groom pulled open the door and the three descended.

“Welcome Home,” said Creedor taking each by the hand. A butler greeted them bowing low.

“Escort my bride to her chamber,” directed Creedor. Taking his Mother’s arm they walked into the library.


It took half a hour before all gifts and baggage were put away. Petra had started the day with a simple gown and now she had a closet full of dresses. As she sat on the edge of a huge four poster bed reflecting on the events, the door opened and Hilda entered. She was still wearing her Maid of Honor gown.

“That was some Hoop-La,” said the buxom woman. “Did you have fun?”

"It was exciting. Here I’d been sitting in that cell with nothing to do but stare at the walls and suddenly everything started happening. Talk about rags to riches.”

Hilda sat down next to her.

“You were so beautiful. Everyone was captivated…, no stunned is a better word! I was so proud to be your Maid of Honor, standing there, in this gorgeous dress.”

She reached out and brushed her hand against Petra’s face and pushed back a lock that had fallen. “I love you,” she whispered. Her chest began to heave.

Petra stretched out loosening Hilda’s straps. Then she took hold of the fabric and pulled it away. The Matron's bosoms spilled out like melons. There was something about those big breasts that never failed to excite Petra. From the first time she had nursed, pinned against the bars, the young Simian had been fascinated. It wasn’t just the size it was the dark aureole and the tips that protruded like beckoning fingers. They pleaded to be kissed, fondled and suckled like a babe. She reclined Hilda back onto the bed and began to suck.

“Oh Gawd, I love it when you do that,” groaned the big woman. “I love it when you take me in that little mouth. I want to stuff your cheeks full, until you can’t hold any more…then shimmer as your tongue drives me absolutely out of my mind."

She laid back squirming while her young mistress toyed with two obscenely large nipples. After a while she stood and began untying Petra’s corset. She reached behind, pulling off the satin gown and tugging down her panties. A swirl of black hair surrounded the tuft and the scent gland perked up like a miniature penis. As often as Hilda had milked it, she delighted in taking hold of the soft stem and seeing it grow firm, moist and responsive.

Petra began to get aroused. There was no need for drugs to stimulate her desire. Her body had been manipulated by knowing hands and insistent fingers, guided by a strict teacher, and now she responded to the cues like a racehorse in the hands of its rider. She laid back and let Hilda work her body and bring her to the edge of orgasm. The smell of lilacs filled the room.

Then Hilda hesitated, taking hold of the hem of her dress, a worried look on her face. Petra looked down wondering why she'd stopped. She was frustrated and a little piqued. The Matron lifted the fabric and to Petra’s dismay, she saw a long black dildo hanging from straps about her waist.

“Why are you wearing that?” she blurted in astonishment.

“Lay back Sweetheart. I’m really sorry it has to be this way.”

“You planned this with Creedor," she said in dismay, “Didn't you, Chubs?”

“Don’t be angry. It wasn’t my idea."

“Please, not like this!”

“Got someone else in mind? Somebody you prefer instead?"

“No....but that atrocious cock.”

"Like it?" she asked brandishing it back and forth...

"Its gross looking..."

"Feels real enough.... " she said, giving it a squeeze. "This is one expensive toy."

"If anyone would know its you..."

"Be nice Smarty Pants and spread your legs.“

“How does it work?”

“There’s a spring inside with a plunger…it’s loaded with Creed's sperm. I activate the trigger and it squirts. The same way a man's dick does. Now lay back while I lube up.”

Petra sighed and turned out her knees. She was used to obeying her handler.

Hilda slathered the dildo with the Lialic salve and settled on top nudging her thighs apart. Her hand searched with the head, groping the swirl of dark hairs feeling for the opening. She found it and began working the mushroom inside. Petra stiffened arching up as it began to slide.

“What a beast you are!"

Hilda paused. “Quite being hateful and let the salve work.“

Petra felt the heat begin to radiate.

“Feel the tingle? "Lady Prissy Bottoms?”

“Oh my Gawd… "Petra answered, fanning her face, " Am I ever hot for you.”

Hilda pushed inward, until at last their short hairs merged together.

“Don’t stop,"

"You have to help...shake it Baby!"

The big woman smeared some aphrodisiac on Petra’s breasts, swirling the residue around her nipples. Then she backed out the dildo and slipped it deep again.

Petra began flailing and thrashing about.

“You have to dance on it Honey; come on now ...move with me.”

“I'm trying,” Petra groaned, her heart pounding with desire.

“As I pull out you lift up, as I push in you relax….”

The full effect of the aphrodisiac kicked in. Petra wiggled and squirmed as Hilda worked the black cock.

"Sweet Mercy!", Their flesh slapped and perspiration flew.

“What a slut you are,” Hilda teased.

Petra, twisted and jerked, in the throes of passion.

Hilda picked up the pace with a more insistent stroke.

“I can't do this all by myself...you have to help!"

"I'm trying...what more can I do?"'

"Call out to your spirit.”


“If you want this to take, call out to your spirit.”

“Are you crazy?”

"Without his intervention Honey, you aren't going to get pregnant."

"How do I summon him?"

“Talk dirty, plead... What the hell do I know? ...Just get him involved.”

“What do I say?”

“Invite him to make love to you... use your imagination.”

Petra thought desperately but all she think of was...“Take me! Oh Dark master of desire.”

Hilda nodded with encouragement... "That's the idea... coax that devil fire from your soul.”

“Is that a vapor rising up off the floor?”

Hilda squinted, looking about. “Damn right it is. This is working. Romance that demon of yours."

She drew back as Petra thrashed about, trembling with fear and excitement.

"Tame me Oh Master of Darkness.”

Hilda thrust in as Petra reared, wide eyed with dismay and casting wildly about.

“There's a cold mist swirling about us.”

Hilda drew back again.

“Punish me with thy staff, oh Father of Torment."

Hilda thrust deep

“Oh my GAWD, it's so thick," panted the young woman as she hyperventilated, "I can hardly see.”

Hilda drew back again

“Slut me, like a whore!”

The Matron hunched as grey billowing clouds filled the room.

The walls creaked and groaned and from the ceiling came a chorus of moaning voices.”

"He's in my head Sweetheart, a horned beast....the specter of your worst nightmare!"

The vision of a lewly grinning Minotar flooded her awareness. His eyes were cruel and glowed like hot coals.

"Have your fiendish way...!" Petra cried hysterically.

Hilda seated the dildo full on the straps. "Talk to him, talk to him!"

“..Trumpet your horn of dominion, bend my pride to your will."

"I'm possessed, he's bending me backwards..."

“Fill me, Lord of Darkness with the seed of your iniquity.”

Hilda searched for the trigger, her body shaking violently..., she pressed,. There was a whoosh as the semen squirted out.

A fog settled about, mingling with their sweat. A cold chill ran down their spines. Petra jerked about in the throes of orgasm. Hilda towered above, holding her wrists to the mattress until finally they both collapsed in utter exhaustion. Only then did the pall of oppressiion begin to lift as a fresh breeze blew through the curtains.

Hilda pulled out the dildo. “I love you, Sweetheart.”

“I love you too, always will."

They embraced, drained of their passion, weeping unashamed.

Downstaris, Creedor and his mother looked with satisfaction at one another. Deep inside they had just felt the unmistakable tremor of conception . It was a high pitched psychic virbration and the resonance made them tingle with delight. As it passed, Mariana sighed and Creedor smiled back in acknowledgement.

"Was that a performance or what...?"

She walked over and Kissed him on the forehead.

WC 2999
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