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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Military · #1821797
this is a made up story about richtofen from black ops's life before and after the war.
Richtofen Haskch
I Richtofen Haskch was born in Berlin Germany, on September twenty seventh eighteen ninety-nine. I had served in World War one from May of nineteen fifteen to July of nineteen eighteen. I loved it so much I thought I would try to incorporate it in my daily life, by going hunting fishing with grenades, rifles, sub machine guns, etc. when I had heard the news that Germany had lost to Russia I was devastated. It had threw me into a rage, I had started swinging a machete that was in my tool belt around in a circle.(“It felt like I was leaving my body and a devil was taking over me.”) but the toll of dead bodies took its’ toll on me. I had not known that I killed those people until I came back into consciousness. The affects of killing people had made me want to experiment with living people and dead bodies. I had found it interesting, and thought it to be cool how the blood and everything else was so natural.
It was a normal day until my girlfriend broke up with me. So I had thought of who I could turn to. I thought maybe that I would go over to my cousin’s house and hang out for a while. So I had went over to my cousin’s house, and he was really surprised I was there. He said “well this is quite a surprise.”I have not seen my cousin in a few years. We have had our differences, but we are still cousins. Well we had gone outside for some target practice. We were using a mg fourty two, and a deployable mg, I can’t remember what model it was, but I know that it sure was powerful. These would be prototypes of the guns that I would try to invent .They were I was thinking about back in world war1 and it happened. I had been taken over by evil, I had shot my cousin from about two hundred and fifty yards with the best and fastest shooting gun that I have ever held. I didn’t mean to do it I was just daydreaming about my past, and I shot. Well it wasn’t me that shot him it was my evil side. So I had to do something with the body I couldn’t just leave him laying around. I had buried him right next to his mother and his father and his dog lucky. He didn’t hardly ever see anyone, the only people that he would ever see were me and the drug dealers. “Rest in peace cousin”, “That was fun to shoot that punk,” oh no it is happening again.
I had wanted to go back home and visit my mother but the evil part of me had something else in mind. I had starting having nightmares every night for the next few days until I had done something horrible. It was so horrible i could not see, breath, or hear normally anymore. I felt like the evil was taking over again. I couldn’t control it anymore, I lost and swung my machete at my mother and sliced her head off. I was really remorseful after I had done what I did. I think that I had come to visit her, then we were talking about what I had done in the war. Then I think that my evil side had taken out my fourty five magnum silenced revolver and shot her between the eyes. I will not talk about the war unless I am fooled, I want to, or if I have to.
A few years later I had went to visit my very good friend Adolf Hitler. I had met Adolf in Austria in nineteen o’ seven. Ever since then we have been very good friends. So I had stepped onto his gigantic doorstep and then I had rung the giant bell on the side of the door. He had also served in World War one with me he was in my platoon, he wasn’t much of a marksman but he was still pretty good at dodging bullets. Adolf and I had made a goal together, the deal was that he would become the Fuhrer and I would become the highest ranked doctor in charge of human experiments. So when the time came I had come to my friend’s house to fulfill our promises to one another. He had already become chancellor. It was only about maybe a few months since I had came to see Adolf that he had become the Fuhrer. I was so overfilled with joy and happiness to be able to inflict so much pain on as many human beings, as possible.
I would soon be on the verge of the most devastating and best by far of the medical breakthroughs known to man in my time period. I would assume that there would be many other types of illnesses and cures. The place where I had started was in the lab with a tube of each gas known to man. I had to figure out a way to combine them to make a gas that if inhaled that it would heal the swamp fever virus. Apparently there was a lot of people in this little town that were suffering from this fever. I had accidentally dropped the tubes of sodium, chloride, potassium, and a number of other gases that were derived from this meteorite onto the body of a general that Adolf had shot in the head. I have no clue why he had shot him but I think that it was very high treason. Adolf said that they found it at the facility in Japan, during one of the officers he had bought this land where the officers have a base at. And when one of the men were doing their usual rounds, to check for signs of intruders, mice, animals, etc. They had found the meteorite really early in the morning.
I had accidentally dropped them onto his major arterie that was busted open when he was shot. And he started to move again, but I had thought that it was just his muscle system was spazzing out like dead people sometimes do. But in the blink of an eye he had jumped up and started to attack me. But he pushed me Into my desk that I keep all of my heavy sedatives in. so I had grabbed about ten or twelve of the highest punishing sedatives I could see. Then I had stabbed him about three or four times in the eye, and about six to four times in the neck and the chest. He had passed out a few seconds later. He had not woken up until a few days later. I had taken samples of his blood, his tissue, bone marrow, I had even taken a sample of his hair. Finally, I had taken a sample of the place where he was shot and where I had spilled the mix of chemicals, and gases at. I had gotten very low levels of brain function. All that he wanted to do when he had come back to life, and when he had woken up from the sedatives was to eat human flesh. He was completely lost from the normal behavior of a normal human being.
I had checked the general’s health before he had died. The only thing wrong with him was that he was infected with cancer. He had had cancer of the bones. I had concluded that the only thing that the cancer would contribute to was the way that he had walked. He was always limping on his left leg. This must have been the place that the cancer was centered at. He must have been in cancer’s most advanced stages. He was losing his battle to cancer. He had to have been very loyal to the Nazi party. Mostly because he had cancer but still went to work and did his fullest to help the Nazi party. The other symptoms are that he has a very hot fever, he also has some type of a flesh eating virus. His entire arm was being eaten alive by this virus.
I had also started testing this new powerful disease on animals like the german shepherd. I had also tested this powerful disease on short men, tall men, short women, tall women, cats, rats. Unfortunately the rats had all died and not come back to life. Of course I had done different tests to make sure that I had used it on a species when they were alive, and then when they were dead. The only other way to become one of these zombie like creatures the species would have to either be bitten, scratched, or to have touched an open wound to an infected area on the species when they are in this state. They also have a very naucious type of gas that is emitted from them. Just do not inhale too much of this gas or you will die. The gases being inside the zombie like turns the gases into naucious fumes for about 10 to 15 seconds after the zombie like creature explodes. The skin of the creature seals in some of the gases for that short amount of time, but if you breathe it in longer than ten to fifeteen seconds you would become close to death and not return. There is a nineteen percent kill rate for this gas if you breathe it in for so long.
There are only about three to five ways to kill one of these creatures. The first way to kill them is to shoot them in the middle of the forehead. The second way to kill them would be to shoot them straight in either pupil. The third way to kill one of these creatures is to hit them on the head with a blunt, sharp, throwable weapon. Pretty much all that you have to do to kill one of these creatures is to destroy the brain. The fourth way to kill one of them is to just cut, or shoot off their hands and legs, then all that you have to do is leave him sit where he is and he will eventually die of his own power. Just be careful because before he dies he will usually call one of his little friends to try and kill you for him. The fifth way to kill them would be to just leave a giant hole in their torso, stomach, with a bowie knife, a machete, or an Egyptian type of curved knife.
After I had found all of these things out, about how to kill them, how they work and everything else about them. I was going to turn it in to my very good friend Adolf Hitler. I had given it straight to him, but he had to go to a meeting or something. He had said that he would look at it whenever he had come back from the meeting. I had went back at about 10 to 11 o’clock that night. He was there and he was looking over it and I had knocked on the door. His butler had answered the door. I had looked over at Adolf but he was as dead as he always was when I had seen him at home. He must have gotten some bad news at the meeting. He had told me that the war was almost over. I was asking him if we were winning. He had told me that “we are very far from winning my friend.” Then he had looked at the papers that I had given him he had said “This war might not be over just yet.” He had called up one of his top generals that could get an airplane for him. He had told his top general “general get me an airplane that is the hardest to shoot down and has about two to three feet of steel in the protective plates.”
He is going to have me make some more of the element one fifeteen chemical. He had ordered about twenty thousand gallons to be made in to missiles that would spread it all over wherever it would land at. The next day Adolf had killed himself because they were about twenty miles away from where the concentration camps were. “I still want to do this thing” I had said to the general. The general did not let me do the mission. He had someone fly the plane over this specific arctic area, Shangri la in Africa, I think. This of course was kept in the most classified of files in the whole history of time.
So now I am with my three allies and I am helping them to kill the endless zombie hordes. The places we are killing zombies at are Shangri la, and at kino hotel I think that it is called. We had left the arctic area to the other group of movie stars who were shooting a film. I have absolutely no idea what happened to them.
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