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Not your normal serial killer.. Prologue, Chapters 1and 2 |
Prologue Is it wrong to wonder why I did what I had to do? Just for a split second, my conscious was dancing slowly to remorse mixed with guilt. Last cigarette and one match left with the wind whistling "you're not smoking that"! Hands are cold with cracks revealing just how harsh this winters been. Looking out upon the choppy lake I catch myself drifting off into a world of disbelief. I catch myself smiling as a picture has been burned into my mind of a beautiful face, caught off guard by my surprising presence. "She never expected you to come through that door," my inner self snickered as I laughed out loud amused at the thought of her disbelief. That face, oh that beautiful face never showed a hint of uncertainty in any situation. Until now, everything had always gone her way. Trophies, Ribbons, Men, Money, and success came very easily to Jacqulin. She never put forth much effort for anything. It was like she was owed a great life from the gods above. She had always told me that when she dies, Heaven would get a make over and hell would be took over. Big goals right? What a bitch, but a damn fine looking one. Oh, how I will relish in this moment for quite some time. I always knew that I could be some one special or make a difference. Some want to be actors, others want to be musicians. Doctors, Lawyers, Policeman are all popular difference makers. Yes, but I am that one person who will touch all those professions lives. I will be the one they write about, investigate, perform emergency surgeries and sing about. I am the one thing all their years of schooling could never have prepared them for. Police officers and the parasite lawyers will be left in a sense of confusion and frustration. Their nights will be devoured by restless sleep and the fear of dancing silhouettes on their bedroom walls. In all the times they have slept in their beds, common sounds and shadows never got the attention like they soon will get. I am soon to be the unknown, the media's daily talk soup of theories and innuendo. Nancy Grace will give her professional opinion and deep concern to her pathetic flock of nobodies. Newspapers will have nicknames and headlines that will be amusing as well as fabricated and misleading. Yes, soon I will put a nation in fear. Soon I will own people's sense of safety and well being. I will be the extra lock on the door, the new security system, the reason for public panic.... I am coming... I am watching... I am learning... I am dreaming... Of when we will meet. When our eyes will bond as one while you are crossing over. I am anticipating the sexual rush of an intimate moment of playing the role of the "Grim Reaper". Nothing or no one can prepare you for the fear of my presence. I promise to make you feel comfortable before I bless you with my ability to catch you by surprise. All the time of watching you enjoy a bath, a book, your dinner, you sleeping, talking on the phone, shopping or cuddling next to your loved one. I know you so well that I can't wait to meet you. Just as I did with Jacqulin. Every morning I sat close to her on the subway commute. Somedays I was a woman, somedays I was a man. Other times a homeless bum that smelled of alcohol and shit. My favorite day with Jacqulin was when I was dressed as a police officer and she asked my advice of how to handle a situation of someone watching or stalking you. I loved leaving little hints to Jacqulin. At times I would flip one of her books upside down or pull a chair out away from the kitchen table, then watch her expression as she noticed. Watching her uncertainty whether she had done it or if someone had been in her house. On one particular evening I listened to her talk to her mother about how she felt like she was being watched. Explaining of how things seemed to be moved in the house. Hell, she even told her mother she was going to get up to look in her closet and telling her mother to call 911 if something were to happen once she opened it. I was beside myself watching her legs shake as she took very slow steps across her bedroom floor towards the closet. Once she got the nerve to open the closet door to find nothing, she always would say how stupid she felt. How paranoid she was for nothing and then start laughing. Many nights I watched her check her closet or look out the window due to being scared from a clue I had left. She would always flop down on her bed and sigh in relief of never finding some one in her closet. Jacqulin always slept very quietly, but had a tendency to switch what side she slept on throughout the night. I knew that as many times she had checked her closet she had gotten complacent in never finding anyone in there. That's when I knew the next time she did her closet check she would find what she was looking forward. That comfortability of knowing she will look but nothing will be there. This time, she would find what she had been looking for. This time she would meet the eyes that had been watching her. She would meet the person who had been moving things in her house. The person lying under her bed while she talked, read and slept every night for the last month...... This she would never know. She would never know that we both looked in the closet together every night. Jacqulin should have been worried about what was under her bed, not who was in her closet... She should have believed in her notion that some one was watching her, some one was in her room. Yes, I was there Jacqulin. I was hearing you breathe while sleeping. Listening while you had a weekend romp with your boss from work while his wife was at home with the kids. Watching Nancy Grace with you at times listening to you and your mother giving your own opinions on court cases and the "Scott Peterson" trial. Many times I wanted to just tell you to turn the channel to "unsolved mystery" reruns. Why waste the time of listening to Mrs. Grace jibber jabber with her queen bitch attitude of "I know everything" and I will get to the bottom of it. Then it dawned on me under the bed smiling. It made me realize that someday Nancy Grace would be giving her opinion about me. She would be taking calls and answering questions about the "scariest" person since the "Night Stalker" or "Jack the Ripper". I knew at that moment, you Jacqulin, were my first step towards absolution. My moment would start and the crowds would focus on me and grow in numbers until the entire nation was my audience..... Ahhhh yes, Set your goals high and success will be achieved.. Of course as my role as a man in uniform I informed Jacqulin to file a report and to have her neighbors watch her house while she was at work or out and about. Listening to her talk and explain things, I couldn't help but to think how I would be under her bed later on that evening. The thought of this made me excited like a child the night before Christmas. Jacqulin continued to talk with me that particular day and also flirted thinking she was talking to an actual officer of the law. She even gave me her phone number telling me she wouldn't be so creeped out with a Police Officer over for company. She even told me to bring my cuffs for entertainment. I remember watching her smile while batting those ocean blue eyes thinking how beautiful she was, but at the same time being reminded how her high maintenance arrogance made me feel angry and sickened. It made me think of when I was dressed as a woman one morning wearing a blonde wig that cost me 500 dollars. I wore a black skirt with black panty hose and high heels. A bright green turtle neck with a black ladies business coat that fit snug around my body. I wore a girdle that was very uncomfortable that made my stomach look flat to make my fake breasts look appetizing to even women. My make up looked very professional and my eye glasses looked great with the blonde bob style wig. Yes, sexy and professional looking. Jacqulin complimented how much she loved my hair and business jacket. She also told me that my perfume was amazing. The many months of training my voice to sound just like a woman when talking was grueling and hard on my vocal chords. Many countless hours of recording different types of women voices and playing them back until it was at flawless perfection. I practiced my voice acting as a telemarketer routinely during the day with a southern bell accent. I actually had numerous occasions of men telling me how sexy my voice was with the southern accent. This made me realize how pathetic some men are, and how I would love to change back to my male voice asking how many inches of love they had. The thought of this made me laugh thinking of the look that would be on their face after hearing my real manly voice saying this too them. Parasites....Pathetic flea bags that probably think their gods gift to women. Their only gift is to make themselves a poster boy of " Asshole ignorance". Shallow and possible mommy issues touched with self esteem issues. A need to feel wanted by all women. Jacqulin really looked forward to seeing me as Veronica on the subway Monday and Tuesdays. I told her I worked as a consultant for a financial firm two days a week. The rest of my consulting was done from home with other clients via conference call and online. Jacqulin loved the sense that not only was I beautiful but also was a professional consultant. She got to the point of confiding in me about personal issues. She also bragged of her cheerleading in college and her holy than thou bitchiness. The more she talked the more I couldn't wait to strip her of her confidence and arrogance. Jacqulin never knew she was talking to the person that was watching her and laying underneath her bed while she slept. All the work put into the Jacqulin project was not only successful, but also tremendously satisfying. That night I decided to make my presence the last one Jacqulin would every see, with her living eyes, is racing through my mind vigorously. As I rewind my months of preparation looking out at the star peppered night, I strike my last match and quickly light my cigarette beating the wind from blowing out my match. I quickly toss the match in my mouth and chew it up and swallow it. Not stupid enough to throw a match to the ground for forensic evidence. I also have kept all body hair completely shaved off my body for months. When I say off, I mean everywhere. Not a single stitch of hair. I also kept myself completely naked when being inside jacqulin's house. Even while I was under her bed, even while I took her life, even now as I stand on her porch smoking my last cigarette in the dead of winter. This ensures I will leave no trace of fiber forensic evidence and no blood stained clothes. It also made it very easy to cleanse the blood off in the shower. Everything has been thought of and played out to perfection. Every morning Jacqulin would awake and take a 20 minute shower and a 45 minute make up get ready session. She was accurate and consistent to this routine every morning. She would have her clothing laid out in the bathroom before going to bed. This gave me plenty of time to leave her room unnoticed every morning. At times I would stand outside the bathroom door and watch her shower. I was quite turned on by this but controlled the urge to do this too frequently. I studied her neighbors lives and routines in the morning hours for a month before visiting Jacqulin's house. She only had two homes around her due to the woods that separated the rest of the homes and a lake as her back yard. The two homes that were close, were easy to stay out of site due to the woods that created blind spots. My access and exit from her home was perfect. She had a crawl space under her back porch deck that had been built on in front of a basement window. She never checked this window in the basement and I jimmied the window in case she ever did lock it. Crawling under this deck made dirt an issue that could leave possible traces. I decided that once I gained access into her home that I would wipe myself down with baby wipes. I then would put the baby wipes in a zip lock bag and set them up in the rafters of her basement ceiling always grabbing them when I left. My clothing was never brought with me. I would always dress and undress in a secluded area that I had chosen. I would undress and place my clothes in a back pack that I stuffed in a hollow tree that had fallen. Walking naked through the woods was a risk, but the more I did it I realized no one was ever around. Quite frankly it was perfect! Jacqulin always drove into the city and parked in a parking garage and commuted by subway to avoid the heavy traffic. Made sense, I never said she was a dumb girl, but now she is a dead girl though. The cigarette and one match was brought as a reward and a routine after a job well done. The match box was placed inside the latex gloves that I would be disposing of. The cigarette butt will also be placed there as well after these last few drags. My body had now become numb from standing on the back porch deck in the windy winter air. This did not bother me a bit due to my mind being somewhere else. My mind was lost in a coma of sensation. A inner hunger had been fed. An appetite for this moment of self accomplishment had been achieved. A legacy has begun, a history of shock and fear has laid down a foundation that no one will be able to grasp until it keeps reoccurring. I am no one that will now become some one. I will now become someones assignment. Now I will be hunted by someone who thinks they will be able to out smart me. Before long, it will be FBI and criminal psychologists. Psychics will be a reach they will use because of desperation. I am neither a product of heaven nor hell. I will answer to no one. My sole purpose is to bring death. A Grim Reaper to those who I choose to make a journey to the afterlife. Where they go is their self created destination, but before they go, the only image that will be left in their short lived mind will be my eyes. The last words they will hear will let them know that I was with them as I did Jacqulin. When I spoke to her as she was cuffed to her bed post in my southern bell accent her eyes had a look of pure terror and sadness. That female voice with my manly body had to be the scariest thing she had ever witnessed. I said to her, " I brought my hand cuffs like you told me to for entertainment". Jacqulin new at that moment that I was not only Veronica, but the police officer she had been talking too as well on the subway. Tears rolled down her horrified eyes as she looked at me with snot and slobber coming from her nose and mouth. She asked, "Why are you doing this?" I knelt down in front of her and looked into her eyes and replied in my own voice. " Why has no relevance, God cannot help you." " My time has come, your journey will begin into your self created destination" " I look upon you with no remorse for I am only here to bring you death" " You are special for you are my first, but not the last to be swallowed by my darkness" " Last but not least, I will give you all of me to purify your journey" The last drag of the cigarette flashes the vision of exotic excitement. Feeling her warmth around me, and the warmth Of her blood on me. I feel a strength like I have never felt before. I walk back up into the bedroom and look at her lifeless body lying on the bed with her hands cuffed behind her back. I remove the cuffs and look at her bedroom wall above her bed.... I smile as I look at the trademark that I know will be feared very soon.... My entrance into your home and minds has begun...... Chapter 1 Another day of waking up to a world of uncertainty. What the hell will I have to deal with today? So sick of getting up not knowing how my job will go or if my ex wife will be sending me hate mail through her attorney. Who cares...think I'll have cold pizza for breakfast, jump in the shower and head out. "Oscar, Goddamnit!" what the hell man! Stepping in dog shit knowing you just smashed it into your carpet truly sucks! Doing it half a sleep trying to wake up makes it worse! Oscar is a three year old Siberian Husky that is abnormally big. I don't think anyone can believe there eyes when they see a dog of this nature. Easily 175lbs and the Girth of a Rottweiler. One of the most solid dogs you will ever see. Also, one of the most intelligent dogs by far. His only flaw is what I just stepped in. Oscar will not hold it when he has to go. I also think he loves to leave land mines and watch my reaction. Okay, where the hell are the paper towels? " I am picking up your shit Oscar!" Oscar must still be downstairs passed out on the couch. He don't get up until I get up. Time to hit the shower and get ready to head out into the unpredictable world. Lost my appetite for cold pizza thanks to Oscar. "Fuckin Asshole dog" I should go piss on him while he's sleeping. Okay, shower is done. Now it's time for a Red Bull. I even changed my mind about the pizza. Amazing what a hot shower can wash away. Yes, a breakfast of champions. I am sure Oscar will be up waiting at the fridge for his morning snack. As usual I am right when it comes to Oscar. There is the gigantic fur ball waiting by the fridge that just greeted me with Oscar delight this morning. I gave Oscar a dirty look and told him that I don't give hand outs to shit hounds. Of course he just looked at me Like he was saying "What ever dude, just give me something to eat" I opened the fridge and saw an old container of pork chops that I never revisited. Seasoned too the finest with honey barbecue sauce. Definitely was a nice feast a few days ago. Now Oscar will savor in the moment of these delicious pork chops. I put the container on the floor and Oscar sniffed at the bowl then looked up at me like he was saying "That's what I thought" and started devouring his moment of heaven. I grabbed my box of Mancino Pizza from last night and threw it on the kitchen table. I also grabbed my can of Red Bull, cracked the lid and began chugging. I took the can from my lips, belched, grabbed the pizza box and headed into the living room. Animal planet was on, Oscar has to have this on at night when I go to bed. Like I said, big smart dog, but likes to use me for his entertainment at times. I turned the channel to the morning news and heard Oscar's tongue smacking while he stood in the kitchen door way. Looking at Oscar standing there he had barbecue sauce stained on his white and gray fur around his chin and snout. He really gave those pork chops hell. I also noticed that he was looking at me like "Dude, are you serious?" His head was cocked and I got the feeling that Oscar was trying to tell me he wasn't done watching animal planet. I told him to go lay down and that he was lucky he got the pork chops. He now sat down looking at me as if he didn't hear me. I couldn't help but laugh because this dog had issues. He actually thought he was human. He had all the mannerisms of one as well. When he watched T.V he sat as if he was a person not a dog. When he walked through the house it was as if he was checking things out like a person would. Yes, Oscar was a special dog, but a pain in my ass! Man I hated this news anchor in the morning. He reminded me of a prick school teacher in high school. Mr. Burns was his name, what an asshole. As I was devouring my first piece of totally loaded Mancino Pizza, I watched as "morning news asshole" went through morning school closings and gave a quick outlook on weather that would have blizzard like conditions for the next 2 days. Great, maybe I will just stay home today and watch movies with Oscar I thought. He would like that I'm sure. His favorite movie is the "Wizard of Oz". His second favorite is "Grease". Damn dog, he is a trip for sure I thought, as I chomped away on what would be a contribution to heartburn later on. I didn't care though, I loved Mancino Pizza and it was well worth the pain. Somethings in life you just have to sacrifice for, Mancino Pizza was one of them. As I sat in my moment of glory the asshole news anchor started going into the top headlines. "Last night at around 10:00pm the body of a 32 year old woman was found dead by local police authorities" " The only information at this point that local authorities are confirming is that this is apparently victim number 37, to a string of gruesome murders, that has had the east coast in sheer panic for the last 3 years." I could not believe what I was hearing, this was Ohio for piss sakes. Do you mean to tell me that this sick son of a bitch has made his way to Ohio? He had hit every state along the east coast with his brutal vengeance. A local woman? 32 years old, that was only 2 years younger than me. Columbus, Ohio is a very big city, but it is possible I could know her. He is here, I thought to myself as I swallowed the last piece of Pizza, I could no longer stand to eat. I grabbed my can of Red Bull and polished off the remaining amount. I threw the can into the kitchen scaring the hell out of Oscar. I heard his body fly up off the kitchen floor hitting his head on one of the kitchen chairs. I looked into the kitchen and saw Oscar looking at me like "you fucking asshole, I got something for you later." Once again I was laughing due to feeling satisfied for the dog shit episode earlier. My short laugh was immediately interrupted by the Police Chief of Columbus informing Columbus residents not to panic. The FBi and the Columbus Police Detectives were working together to ensure all evidence was processed quickly, swiftly and efficiently to try and get some kind of leads. Yeah right, I thought to myself. Number 37 and you want us to believe your going to find evidence that will give you a lead? I had been following these murders since day one and was intrigued by what makes this guy tick. I also new he was a high caliber of intelligence due to never being seen or leaving any kind of evidence. Not a fiber, hair, footprint or fingerprint has ever been collected. I remember about a year ago that a detective out of Greenville, South Carolina saying "that the Anti-Christ has arrived." This was when his total was at 13, and the nation was still in shock that he had not been caught yet. We are now at 37..... And still counting. Who the hell is this guy? Why is he doing this? Does he enjoy this or does he feel he has to do it? Or both? What ever the case may be, he is here... Whether he is passing through or sticking around for awhile, he has wrecked another families life. Stripped them of a loved one, Stripped them of their child... Left emptiness in there stomachs that can never be filled. How do these women not see him coming? How does he find his way into their lives? He leaves no special pattern in anything he does. He has used a knife, a gun, a rope, wire, plastic bags, a rock and the list goes on and on. There were 5 victims that died of cardiac arrest. Basically they were so scared that there heart couldn't take it. All these women were between the ages of 25-30 years old. None of these women had a known heart condition or any kind of illness. What the hell did they see that could possibly be that traumatic? Was he a big man? Very doubtful I thought to myself. He had to hide in order to catch them off guard. I have spent so many hours questioning and dissecting this psychopaths road of destruction. Yet, I should not be so stupid to label him a psychopath. Psychopaths are reckless and violent. He does not even belong in the same sentence with the word reckless. He is matriculate in everything he does. I know we say no one is perfect, but I think this is why it has become 37. He is perfect in his approach and he is disciplined. He knows what he can and cannot due. He is an artist at what he does, graceful, peaceful, times of rage, all the emotions a painting can give you.. His sexual desire seems to become more and more of a hunger he cannot control. Could I be wrong on this? Of course I could be, everyone has been wrong about him for the last 3 years. I am just a photographer who likes to read anything and everything. Psychology, astrology, history, religion, ect. Have been subjects that I devour over and over. My photography is unstable. My pictures could be of flowers one week and strippers the next. I am a gun for hire in the photography world. My work has been said to be top notch but also reckless. Oh well, reckless is a pretty good description of me. I am just the opposite of the individual responsible for these horrific murders. This individual does leave his mark upon every scene so he can be credited for his presence. I am sure over the top of this victims bed was the number 37.. Somewhere close in Columbus: As the Columbus news anchor was finishing up with his report of the prior 36 murders that have occurred over the last three years, the T.V went black and made the room pitch black. A match was struck giving the room an illuminating flash for just a moment. The orange lit tip of a cigarette was all that could be seen in the pitch black room. Once a long drag was taken you could see a faded face with it's eyes closed. The sound of inhaling and exhaling controlled the sound of a perfectly quiet room. The sound of fingertips were now falling one after another onto the arm of a wooden chair in perfect repetition. Suddenly the soft sound of the guitar from the Animals classic "The House of the Rising Sun" is playing in the pitch black room. The Room is filled with the smell of Cigarette smoke and the beautiful voice of Eric Burdon: "There is a house in New Orleans, they call the rising sun. And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy And God I know I'm one.. My mother was a tailor She sewed my new bluejeans My father was a gamblin' man Down in New Orleans Now the only thing a gambler needs Is a suitcase and trunk And the only time he's satisfied Is when he's on a drunk Oh mother tell your children Not to do what I have done Spend your lives in sin and misery In the House of the Rising Sun Well, I got one foot on the platform The other foot on the train I'm goin' back to New Orleans To wear that ball and chain Well, there is a house in New Orleans They call the Rising Sun And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy And God I know I'm one" The volume slowly fades out and the Animals are no longer heard. In a sweet southern bell accent voice the previous song by the animals is being sang beautifully. The first verse sounds like a country version being sang by a lovely young woman. Such a beautiful voice that is just mesmerizing. Then as the Chorus kicks in, the sound of a deep manly voice bellows out, almost as good as Eric Burdon from the Animals. Once this graspy voice finishes the final note of the Chorus with near perfection, that southern bell sweet accent sound starts singing verse 2. Once the southern bell finishes verse 2 the manly graspy voice kicks in for the chorus... Numerous times this is repeated in the pitch black room... Then comes nothing but silence... Then a faint whisper in the pitch black darkness emerges... "Practice makes Perfect" "Practice makes Perfect" "Practice makes Perfect" Chapter 2 What a beautiful winter day in January to do a photo shoot for snowboarding. I am traveling down 33 West to do a photo shoot in a fricken blizzard! I swear to god Jack better make this worth my while! Jack Stanton is the Owner of Mad River Mountain in Bellefontaine, Ohio. There is really nothing like this in the state of Ohio. Snowboarding in Ohio? Yeah, that's what everybody says. I can't see shit on this highway due to the blowing snow and the semi's racing past me. Once a semi passed, it was like a snow blower pointed at my windshield. "Thanks asshole for blinding me!" have a nice day you fricken dinosaur driving inbreeder!!! Truck Drivers don't give a shit at all about the smaller vehicles. They act like they own the highway just because they live on it. "Holy shit!" what the hell is that smell? "Damnit Oscar!" your gonna blow wind with the windows up in a blizzard! I swear to god if this car was to break udown you would become a fur coat! I can't see shit, so I might as well smell shit huh Oscar? Looking over at Oscar sitting in the passenger seat, his tongue is hanging out panting, looking as if he is laughing. Just as I'm getting ready to tell Oscar to get his stinking ass in the back seat, I see the car in front of me swerving back and forth losing control. It is obvious whoever is driving has just bought a one way ticket to crash city. The driver franticly over steers to the left and the entire car starts spinning forward with the break lights pleading for someone else to be behind the wheel. "Back off the breaks buddy!" I shouted. It's not like he could here me or anything, but it's human nature to call out like he could. Oscar apparently had seen enough because he jumped in the back seat of my Escalade knocking my thermos of scolding hot coffee into my lap. With a sudden pain that left my lap and groin on fire I managed to not freak out and lose control of the escalade I cherished so dearly. Instead, I let my foot off the gas to only find myself slamming into the side of the car that lost control in front of me. That split second of reacting to the pain ridden burn was all it took to create a collage of metal and glass. The impact between our 2 vehicles was more severe for the person I collided with. My Escalade was like a battering ram when it smashed into the driver side of the Ford Focus that was helpless due to it losing control prior to the Oscar mishap. I knew by the impact, that the force of my body slamming into the steering wheel was a sure sign that the other driver was injured. Not to mention, feeling Oscars big furry body smashing into the back of my seat. The impact produced Oscar to let out a yelp of pain from eating my back seat with his head and the other 170 pounds of his frame. The pain in my burnt lap had now been replaced with a sharp pain that was shooting through my chest. My sternum took a massive shot from the impact with the steering wheel. I slowly collected myself while little sparkles were floating around in the air. I managed to open my door to step out into the Blizzards welcoming wind that was now spitting little daggers of ice. I felt myself getting weak as I started towards the driver of the other car. Oscar had found his way out of my meaningless Escalade into the blowing snow and ice. For a moment I remembered telling Oscar that if we broke down I would use him as a fur coat. I just shook my head and pushed forward towards the car. Once I reached the drivers side of the other vehicle, I noticed the driver was unconscious. I could barely see inside the car due to the huge front end of my Escalade hugging the side of the Ford Focus. I immediately started yelling into the car asking if they could hear me. There was no response at this point so I started making my way to the passenger side of the vehicle. It was taking everything I had due to the force of the wind spitting ice at me. It felt like bee's were stinging my face at a rapid pace. Upon reaching the passenger side, the driver was now conscious and looking at me. His face was covered in blood from the shattered drivers door window. He was also holding his arm as if he was not able to move it. Once again I asked if he could hear me and if he was okay. He shook his bloody face yes, but didn't say anything. I told him to just be still and I would try to see if my vehicle was still operational or not. The man waved me on to let me know that it was okay for me to go do that. Oscar was standing beside me looking up as if he knew that he was the reason for this accident. Yes, it was partly his blame, but also the guy that now lays in his car injured. Why did I even attempt to travel in this weather for Jack anyways? I didn't need the money, so I guess it was my macho bravado of thinking I can drive in a blizzard. Once I reached my vehicle I noticed that my windshield was now sporting a sheet of ice across it. Ohio now had transformed itself with an Antarctic atmosphere. My Escalade fired up without hesitation and I threw it in Reverse. The back wheels started spinning against the icy roadway. Within a few a seconds, I felt the Escalade pull itself free feeling a great relief come over me. The front end has taken some significant damage but my baby is pulling through for me. As I pulled up beside the immobile Ford Focus the driver was emerging from his car. I threw my vehicle in park and got out to see that the man was in better shape than I had thought. "Sorry about this misfortune" shouted the younger looking man. I informed him that my vehicle was fine and that we should get him to the hospital so he could get looked at. He told me it was not necessary and that he would be fine. I told him to grab what he needed to take with him and we could get into town and he could get a hold of someone to inform them of what had happened. This guy looked to be in his mid 20's and was plain in nature by his appearance. He accepted the thought of what I had said and proceeded to make his way to the passenger side of the vehicle. I quickly shouted for Oscar and he came full throttle jumping into the car. I handed the bloodied stranger a towel and told him to wipe some of the blood off of his face. As he was wiping his face off I could tell it was coming from a cut that was right along the hairline of his forehead. I then asked him if he was sure he was okay? The stranger did not respond and was in a daze looking out the window. I took a moment to look this guy over, to get a feel if he truly was okay. As I was looking at him, the stranger tells me he is glad that it wasn't his car that he had wrecked. " Thrifty will have to find a new Ford Focus!" he snickered as he winced in pain." I started laughing and told him Thrifty should be proud that an Escalade totaled their vehicle. We both started laughing at that point. As we made small talk I could tell that this storm was only getting worse. The highway had no traffic on it and it was apparent that we were the only vehicle on the road. Visibility was nearly zero at this point and if there were other vehicles I couldn't see them. "My name is Jonathan" the man said in a very settle voice. He went on to tell me that this was his first time in Ohio. He also told me that he was from Florida and never had driven in snow or experienced a blizzard before. "Perhaps our Hurricanes in Florida could be considered a blizzard, but much more powerful. Same concept, just a different form I suppose." As he said this I guess it did make sense.o I looked at Jonathan and told him that my name was Matthias and the fur ball in back was Oscar. Jonathan informed me that Oscar was the biggest dog he had ever seen. He then asked how a dog could get that big. I chuckled and told him that Oscar is a freak of nature who thinks he is human. Quite frankly, Jonathan was right, I have never seen another dog as big as Oscar. Not even close in height or thickness. He was a beast for sure. The weather had really taken a turn for the worse at this point and showed no signs of letting up. I was secretly hoping I would be able to see the exit sign. Right as I was getting ready to ask why he was in Ohio, I saw a blur of light off to my left. I quickly zoned in on the blur and realized it was an exit with Gas stations and stores. It had to be the 540 or 47 exit. I informed Jonathan we had made it and proceeded to get off the exit. At this point, the Escalade was struggling to move in the snow. Off to the right was a hotel and it let me know that this was the 47 exit. Jonathan noticed the Hotel as well and suggested we just go there. I told him he needed to get some medical attention on the laceration he received in the accident. He looked at me and told me that he had experienced worse. At this point he just wanted to get a room and contact Thrifty. He also said he wanted to get some ice on the laceration and get some sleep. At this point I wasn't going to argue, for I was thinking a nice warm room and sleep would hit the spot. I did however ask Jonathan what had brought him to Ohio. He told me that he was a private investigator and was trying to track a dead beat dad down out of Florida who was known to be in a town called Russell's Point. I told him that Indian Lake was a hot spot in the summer, but very dead in the winter. Jonathan then said that Lima, Ohio was also a place of interest in finding this character for his client. I told Jonathan he looked to be awful young to be in that Profession. He pulled out his wallet and handed me his I.D. Before I could tell him he didn't need to show me his I.D, he informed me that no one believes it when he tells them he is 37 years old. I told him that it was a shock to hear that he was that old. He definitely didn't look a day over 25. " I am a photographer" I chuckled as he looked as if it was no big surprise. He asked if I enjoyed it, I told him it was a great way to meet chicks and make money. We both started laughing and made our way into the hotel to book ourselves a room for the night. After walking into the Lobby I noticed a beautiful girl at the desk. She reminded me of Halle Berry right away. Looking at Jonathan he was already zoned in on her like a groupie at a Back Street boy concert. " Hi my Name is Haley, what can I do for you?" she said with her eyes locked on Jonathan's cut. We informed her about the accident and she offered Jonathan a med kit she had behind the desk. She also informed us that the forecast is now saying this could be a 3 day blizzard and that it will make the blizzard of 78' look minor compared to this one. 2 foot of snow accumulation with 75 mile per hour winds overnight and tomorrow as well. She said before it was over Ohio could see 8 foot of snow in 3 days. I told her we were more less trapped then for the next 3 days. She shook her head yes and told us we were lucky to have made it there when we did. She also informed us we were the only ones here except for a party of 7 that was on there way to a dance competition in Toledo, Ohio. At this point I just asked for my room key and which way I was going. She smiled and gave me the keys. I was in room 653 and Jonathan was in room 666. Jonathan looked at me and just shrugged his shoulders. " A number means nothing!" said Jonathan as he proceeded down the hallway. After a day Like this, I suppose he was right. Once I finally got to my room, it started to sink in that my vehicle was Screwed! I reached into my overnight bag and grabbed the bottle of Crown Royal that I had brought with me. It was actually brought for Jack as a inside joke. That last time i did some work for Jack we did shots of Crown and he got a little out of control. He decided to go snow skiing with his boots and ski's only. A flashback crossed my mind and I started laughing out loud for a moment. Let's just say that when he wiped out it was extremely funny while he was tumbling! Not to mention the 2 bimbo's screaming to Jack that his "Johnson" better not get frostbit because there teeth were sensitive to cold things. Boy, just the type of girls to bring home to mom. Just as I was opening my escape from today's fiasco, I heard a digging sound in the other room. I got up from the little table to peek around the corner to find the culprit creating the annoying sound. Oscar has decided to dig at the blankets to make himself a nice comfortable sleeping area. As I watch Oscar form the bed into an area that he deems suitable, I notice that Oscar is also holding onto to something in his mouth. Whatever Oscar has in his mouth is leaving a bright red stain on his fur around the side of his left jaw. At this point Oscar notices that I am looking at him, he then takes the item into his mouth and starts crunching. "OSCAR!" I said with a stern voice. "Drop it now!" Oscar hesitated then dropped the item from his mouth with a nice force field of pinkish slobber around it. As I got closer I then noticed there was red bright blotches all over the bed spread. I then noticed exactly what it was and started shaking my head... "Oscar, where the hell did you get lipstick for Christ sake?" Tick tick tick tick tick..... Tick tick tick tick tick..... The sound of this annoying clock has gotten me to the point of digging into the side of my leg. I can't help but to wonder who the next person will be that attracts me to their flaws and dishonesty. Who will be chosen to look into the eyes of death? Who will have the opportunity to meet a new friend or casual listener that they confide in? Oh, the eagerness is consuming me with a burning excitement. I can only fantasize of watching, learning, listening, deceiving and betraying number 38. To touch, to feel and to satisfy her physically as well as emotionally. That moment of surprise brings an uplifting joy into my mind. A joy with misconceptions of my self control. I find my desire of wanting and needing number 38 out growing my disciplined control of taking my time and being mistake free. Oh how I want to know who you are... How you sleep at night... Your strengths... Your weaknesses... Your blindness.. But most of all, your eyes... Ah yes, your eyes will be the main reason why you are chosen.. The eyes will tell me everything.. Your eyes will also be blind of who stands before you as you spill the details, of your pathetic life, that so badly needs my energy to cleanse your soul, before I send you on your journey to judgement.... I am coming my beautiful product of misbehavior... Of promiscuous endeavors... Materialistic Evilness... Selfish persona... I start to slowly giggle in my southern bell accent at the thought of all these things.. My giggle has now turned into a laugh of a deep manly voice... As I look into the mirror smiling, I start putting on a lovely light blue eye shadow. I then put on my fake eyelashes, batting my eyes, then blowing kisses at the mirror. Entranced with the happiness of playing dress up I reach into my kit for my earrings and place my dangling diamonds into each ear. Oh how beautiful I m starting to feel as I start transforming into Veronica. "I'm to sexy for my car, to sexy for my car, too sexy by far!" bellows out of my little cassette recorder. The sound of Right Said Fred always makes me want to dance and fantasize of being wanted... I reach into my bag to add my dark black wig that is shouldered length that is layered to where my hair comes towards my face. I look so sexy as I shake my hair back in forth moving my hips to the sexy music... Now for my finishing touch to complete Veronica's new look... What? This can't be?" How in the fuck!" Suddenly my bag is flying across the room and I am punching the bathroom wall. My attention is now tearing apart my pillows and ripping the sheets off the bed.. Now Psalms, Matthew, Mark are mixed with shredded yellow and white pages all over the room.. This tirade lasts a homicidal 20 minutes. The room now looks as if it has been a scene from "Poltergeist" when the closet is sucking everything through the room. I slowly walk into the restroom, my mascara is running down my face. The black wig is sticking up and half cocked on my head.. I'm breathing heavily with blood streaming down my face that is coming from under the wig. Slobber is dripping from mouth with a long stream hanging from my chin as I am gritting my teeth asking... WHERE IN THE FUCK IS MY LIPSTICK... |