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Carson the son of a rich family has been taken captive by Pirates can he escape? |
The sunlight streamed through the windows making me squirm. I dragged myself out of the warm bed and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Threw on some clothes, and headed down the stairs of the mansion. I started for the kitchen to get something for breakfast, but was shooed outside and into a stretch limo that was waiting for me. The vehicle was already moving so there wasn't any escape. I rolled down the divider between me and the driver. "Where are we going?" I asked "I'm talking you to your father's yacht, Young Master." "What for?" "I believe it’s a birthday party for you young master.” Flopping back in my seat and rolling up the divider again. I let out a sigh, took out my phone and started up my favorite game; it was going to be a long ride. As I chucked my last bird at the crumbling structure across the screen, the car came to a halt. The red bird landed but didn’t hit anything, Try Again, came up on the screen. The driver opens the door for me to get out. Shutting off the game, I pull myself out of the car, the salty smell of the sea; hit me like the waves that hit the shore. Walking up the gangplank, I see servants’ rushing around setting things up for the party. “Carson!!!!” I turned to see my mother coming towards me; her arms open for a hug. I just rolled my eyes and let her embrace me. She put her hands on my shoulders and held me out at arm’s length looking me up and down. “I cannot believe how big you are getting!” She proclaimed taking a silk handkerchief out of nowhere and dabbing her eyes. “Now let’s go down to your room to get you settled in and changed before the guests come. That also will get you out of the servant’s way so they can do their jobs.” She pulled me along behind her as she headed down to the level under where we were standing. I looked back sadly; I was hoping to be able to play tricks on the servants, it was one of my favorite ways of passing the time. But I was dragged behind my mother to my room and had to endure her picking out my clothes for that night. I thought that what I was wearing was just fine but when I said so, she disagreed. After about two hours of trying on everything that was in the closet my mother finally picked out what she thought that I should wear. It was a suit that was a very dark blue almost black. The crisp white shirt under the coat rustled when I moved. My mother came over to help with my tie, after she had finished, she backed up and looked me over. “What a lovely young man you are becoming.” She said with her eyes shining, but then they caught the clock and she saw what time it was. “Oh! I have to go freshen up, the party is starting in ten minutes.” She rushed out the door, but popped her head back in real quick. “You get up to the top deck right away I don’t want you to be late for your own party.” As soon as she left I let out a sigh, and pulled on the tie that seemed to be choking me. I loosed it so it was hanging from around my neck and unbuttoned the top two buttons of the spotless white shirt, and popped the collar. Running my hands through my hair I started out the door and found my way up to the top deck. There were almost no more servants, guests had started arriving. I saw my father greeting some of them and I tried to get away, as I knew that he would want me to greet them with him. I tried to duck behind one of the bushes that were placed randomly around the deck, but he caught me. “Carson! Come over here and greet your guests.” He said sternly, and I knew that I was not going to get out of it. Another couple came walking up the gangplank, another complement about how I was becoming a handsome young lad, and how I will be a perfect air to my father’s business. I was getting rather tired of them all sucking up to me and my father; I turned to him to ask him if I could be excused. He thankfully let me go, but only if I promised to talk with some of the girls, that were casting sidelong glances at me and giggling whenever I caught their eyes. I said that I would, and walked over to the punch bowl. I stood there trying my best to look interested in what some girl that was standing in front of me was saying. I let a deep breath out of my nose, and noticed that the girl was looking at me expectedly. I tried to remember what she had said, but unable to, I flashed a sad smile. “I’m sorry.” I ran my hand through my hair. “Can you please repeat that?” “Oh…yes.” She said blushing “Do you-“ Excuse me.” She was interrupted as my father walked up onto the small stage in the middle of the deck. “I would like everyone to head down to the dining hall one level below please as we will be cutting the cake for my son’s 18th birthday.” A spotlight hit me and I could hear the sound of applause, the girl was still standing beside me and was caught in the light also, she had turned a very deep crimson. But soon everyone forgot about me and started down the stairs. I was about to slip away when my mother caught me by the arm. “Darling where are you going? You need to be down stairs we can cut your cake without you. Plus I have some girls that I want you to meet.” I groaned but there was too much noise so she didn’t hear me. Soon I found myself next to a giant cake; my father was next to me with a knife and started cutting the cake and paused for the flashing cameras, I just stood there a blank look on my face. He handed me a piece of the cake on a plate and gave me a hand shake, again pausing for the flashing lights. Soon after I was again forgotten and this time I could slip away. I made my way back up to the top deck and went to the front of the large ship and sat on the rail wishing that I could be anywhere but here. |
She followed from far behind as the workers were shooed into the open air, so they could welcome tonight’s main star, the birthday boy. She rolled her eyes when a handful of waitresses talked between them and fantasized to be married into this wealthy family. Then they wailed and gasped, trying to fight to the front row when a limo pulled up to the coast line. While everyone gaped at the birthday boy who was walking toward them now, she mumbled into the mouth piece that strategically placed on navy woman suit, “Why the hell do I have to wear this monkey suit?” She backed up until she hit into the railing as everyone else back-stepped to make way to the fat lady of the house to greet her son on the yacht. She tightened her black pony tail and fluffed her bangs that were slightly touched the top rim of a pair of dark shade. Although the sun had already set at least 30 minutes ago, [i]they[/i] were required to wear the sunglass; to distinct themselves from the guests. “To blend in with the security guards,” a harsh male voice replied to into her earpiece. “We had to get you onto the yatch somehow, Lady Boone. And you---.” “Errh. Errh,” someone’s snort interrupted on the other end. “Mee-lady didn’t want to wear an evening gown; even though I still think that suites you better. I can see you in a long free-flow satin red dress that hugs your body to enhance your womanly curves and bod-.” “Shut up, Bigler,” she screamed into the mouth piece, loud enough to tell them that she was serious but low enough that no other guests and guards would able to hear her. “Jazz, slap him on the head for me.” “Ouch!” “Now stop goofing off. You guys have a good watch of the ship? What’s your distance?” “Roger. We have all 360 degrees. Humma’s and his speedy jet will be at the bow within a minute at your command, Lady Boone,” Jazz assured her. “Good.” When the lady and his son retired inside, everyone else hurried around to their stations and get things in order. It was the perfect time for her to scope the area. “I must admit, this disguise is perfect,” she complimented. “Everyone thinks I’m just securing the ship.” “Errh. Eerh. You’re very welcome mee-lady,” Bigler’s voice boomed proudly. Not too long afterward, more guests arrived and the hosts came back out to entertain them. The yacht filled pretty quickly with snobby and rich people in their fancy dresses, fake laughs and expensive, sparkly jewelries that caught her attention. Her hazel eyes starred at each and every bling under the black shade. She was so intrigued by them that she didn’t remember how she ended up by the bunch table or why this stranger called out to her. Up close, he wasn’t too shabby looking in his clean suit and tie. On top of that, he was filthy rich; the gold watch on his wrist probably worth a quarter million dollars. Little dollar signs hovered around his head, which enhanced his baby-face yet manly features. “Errh. Errh. That’s the birthday boy. He’s loaded with green. Mee-lady?” She heard his insinuation but her body didn’t react or lips moved. She was too busy starring behind the shades. “Lady Boone!” She finally recovered from the surprise quickly and replied to the birthday boy, “Oh..M. Yes. Do you-.” An older guy boomed over the speakers and interrupted her greeting. “What the f-.” Her hand slightly covered her eyes when she was caught inside the spotlight. She slowly backed away and let the rich boy get his lime light. “Change of plan boys.” She watched the people fighting their way into the cabin. “We’re gonn’ar get us a cash-cow.” “Kidnapping?” Jazz clarified. “Exactly. Less conspicuous and we can milk the thing as much as we need to. Humma, hope three isn’t a crowd on that speedy jet.” “No, ma’am. It’s never too crowded,” a country voice barely made a squeal. “Oh perfect!” she exclaimed when she noticed the prey had made his to the bow all alone. She untied her hair and ran her fingers through them to give them some volume. She took off the jacket, and then unbuttoned her blouse enough to show off some cleavage. “Errh. Errh. Looking mighty fine, Mee-lady. That blouse really show off your booby-. Ouch! Jazz, wah waz that for?” She ignored the two clowns and directed her get-away, “Ready your jet, Humma.” She slowly approached the birthday boy with a friendly smile. “Your parents can throw quiet a party, young master,” she complimented, resting her arms on the railing next to him. “You don’t seem too please. Not your type scene, I bet.” She slid the shade down her nose bridge and looked up at him. “Want to go somewhere else? Quieter? And more secluded?” A jet’s engine echoed through the air and indeed within a minute, a large muscular man pulled the jet right beside the yacht. She acknowledged her underling with a nod and tried to persuade her prey, “So, what do you say?” She climbed into the railing until she was at his eye level. She leaned in closer to his ears, “You’ll go to a place that’s definitely far from here.” She walked her fingers across his collar bone with a smirk on her face. “Oh screw this game. Humma, catch!” she screamed to the man below. In a split second, she grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed him over the railing. It sent him free-falling toward Humma, who waited with open arms, catch the fish and quickly over took the birthday boy with his hands tied behind his back. She too then jumped off and landed next to them as if this wasn’t her first rodeo. “Take us away,” she ordered. Humma threw the tied-up hostage to the back and then took over the wheel, jetting them into the dark horizon. She hovered over the birthday boy and looked at him with a coy smile and satisfying expression. ((Can you please describe his appearance & full name somehow in the next post?)) |
Carson sat on the rail of the ship looking out over the water that was reflecting the moon making the surface sparkle. His dirty blond hair was being blown by the wind, covering his deep blue green eyes. He was so mesmerized by the moving of the water that he didn't hear footsteps coming up behind him, until someone leaned up against the rail next to him. He looked over and saw a girl, he guessed about his age, standing next to him. Her black hair framed her face, and she had a pair of dark shades on, which he found kind of odd since the sun had gone down long ago. He missed what she said, because he was trying to place where he had seen her before. Pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a jet engine coming closer he heard her ask, "So what do you say?" The girl was at his level now and he could feel the hot breath in his ear as she asked the question. Confused as to what she was asking he didn't respond. “Oh screw this game, Humma catch!” Then all of the sudden he was falling backwards off the side of the ship. Bracing to hit the water Carson was surprised to be caught by arms. But his relief was short lived, because he felt his hands being tied behind his back. The jet dipped lower in the water from the girl jumped from the railing and landing beside them. Thrown to the back, none to gently, Carson finally realized what was happening. He twisted around and looked up at his captor as she looked down at him, with an eerie satisfied look on her face. “Take us out of here.” She said to the driver, not taking her eyes off of him. Carson felt the small vehicle leap forward, and the engine roared through the dark night. As they sped off she bent down and inspected Carson’s wrists taking off his watch, then took everything out of his pockets, a small notebook and pen which she gave back to him, his phone and wallet. Shutting off the phone she stuffed it into her back pocket with the watch, she opened up his wallet. “So the birthday boy’s Name is Carson R. Broderick.” She said in a mocking snobby voice, and gave him an over dramatic bow. Carson just scowled back trying to wriggle out of his bonds. She crouched down next to him, giving him a smirk, “It’s no use, Humma’s knots will never come loose like that, they will only get tighter.” It was true Carson could feel the ropes digging tighter into his wrists. He pulled with one last attempt to get free when he felt a hand on his face. “Now, now stop struggling we don’t want you to get damaged,” using her hand to turn his face toward her. “Now why don’t you be a good boy and – ahh!” He didn’t let her finish instead he clamped his teeth down on the finger that was closest to his mouth. Jerking away, and clutching her hand close, she glared down at him. Looking up defiantly, he turned his head and spit out a glob of red liquid that splattered onto the floor of the jet. “You idiot, I was going to be nice, but now I have changed my mind.” Grabbing some lengths of cloth that had been on the floor, she tied them around his mouth and eyes. “Now don’t you worry where you are going we are going to treat you nice, first class.” She said with a snort. Carson was not getting worried, his parents would find him, and he would back home before he knew it. The darkness behind the blind fold, aided by the rocking of the small boat quickly put him to sleep, blocking out the rest of the world. |
Thump!- Carsen was stirrred from his sleep as a stack of small boxes, obviously filled with something heavy, paraded down onto his head.he drowsily sat up as he wondered what was going on. He had this weird dream : He's at his 18th birthday party being crowded by people he didnt even know and finaly he manages to slip away to the dock of his dad's yacht.As the wind gently tousels his dirt blond hair, some girl he is sure he's seen before walks up to him.As he tries to figure out just who it is he's talkin to she throws him overboard to his seeming watery death, ( he took swimming lessons once when he was four but failed miserably and after five weeks of making no progress, he quit.) he was caught in the beefy arms of some dude who badly needed deoderant. He was then tied up and assured that these people had no intent of letting him go. But that was all a dream. But after 10 seconds he realized it hadn't been a dream.He heard his captors as they disscused what to do with him. He only had bits of what they where saying.As he leaned forward to hear them better he toppled over with a crash that got their attention. " Did you hears sumthinn Jazz?" "Nuh-uh, how 'bout chu Bigler? " " Nuh-uh how bout -" " Will one of you just go back there an check on 'em?""Why dont you,Humma? I'll drive." " Nuh-uh ,no one drives this baby but me!"" Fine,I'll go look." As he heard someone coming, Carson employed the oldest trick in his book, which over the 18 years he had to perfect it, it in no way could fail him now: He faked like he was asleep. And it worked. "The punk is still asleep. Musta been some of thems boxes.""Do ya thinks meybye he is fake sleepin' , maybe?" "Nah.The rich punk is prob'ly one of those goody -goodies, who be too stupid to learn how to fake sleep.""Yea,he's a rich idiot. The best at bein dumb.(snort) Hey you wanna hear a joke?""I'm sure you'll say it sooner or later,so go ahead and say it.""So three animals are sittin havin lunch and the manager of the caffe shop comes and asks which one of them is payin!""-Is that it?""Yea!" "ARRG! Jazz slap him for me!" "Gladly-" (SMACK)"Owww-" "Hey Jazz take the wheel I wanna slap the fool too-" "Sure." "Hey wait -do you hear that?" " Hear wat?" "Quiet!"Carson strained to hear what it was that made them be quiet.He heard a sound comin from the engine,it was a slow grinding noise."Hey Humma, I think we're goin down!" " What?! Move!"Carson looked outside of his closet-like confinementwhere he could see through the pilot's window a deep fog and a blanket of rain.'what's going on' He thought. Suddenly he felt himself sliding forward with momentum. "Quick grab a 'chute and the runt we're gonna have to jump!" Suddenly Humma burst into the room and scoops up Carsen, who was temporarily disabled with fear.A rush of wind almost knocked them all off their feet as Bigler opened the emergency hatch.Humma glanced at the control panel where he seen the gas gage."Bigler you didn't fill 'er up with gas!" "I forgot ta do it!" " IDIOT! If we live through this I'm gonna kill you !!" With that he threw on his parachute and secured Carsen to himself. As they jumped out the plane the others quickly disappeared from sight as did the plane itself.Carsen opened his eyes but fear did not sinkin yet.He was free.Sure , he was tied to a hulking mass called Humma as he plummeted to a sure death but somehow as his face turned blood red from the cold and rain he felt excitement flush inside of him.Right about now he would be dancing with some girl his parents thought was Miss.Right hating every seconed of it.But right now being 2,000 feet in the air felt like a great solace had come over him.The only thing he was worried about was if his parents even knew he was gone.He thought back to the time when he was seven he had run away from home.Nobody ever knew until 3 weeks ago when he poured out his heart to his father,only to be answered with: "I'm sorry son,were you talking to me."With that memory on his mind, 'Oh crap', he thought as the ground became ever more visible 'I hope I dont survive this ,' His face was now burning the wind which whipped his face,'If I do I'm a goner!' That was the last thing he thought for just as he noticed the ground was dangerously getting closer a box much like the one that had fallen on his head at first, hit him in the head.-Thump- |