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The story of a prisoner |
He had been imprisoned for so long he had forgotten his name. it was dark and wet and uncomfortable.No one ever actually came in to clean his cell, they simply poured water on him from the roof every so often. Food was delivered the same way. he wasn't allowed visitors or human contact. What was sad was the fact that he couldn't even remember what he had done or how he had been ensnared. There were constant voices outside of his cell. Sometimes he could make out their words but usually it was too muffled. A few times he had punched the walls trying to get someone to ackwnowledge him, but it never worked. Eventually he simply got tired of trying but when hope grew dim he found himself trying again. Suddenly the floor opened beneath him, and he toppled head first down a hole. He thought he was going to die when he hit the bottom since he was falling so fast, but the walls gradually grew closer slowing his descent. It was fortunate that the walls were so wet or he would have cut himself against the rough surface as he fell. As quickly as it began it was over, and he emerged in a room so bright that he had to close his eyes to stop thyem from hurting. Voices filled the room but nothing they said was important after he realized that he wasn't lying on a solid surface but in a pair of giant hands! He had been captured by giants! With all of his might he began to kick and scream but the giants simply laughed at his futile efforts. "Give him to me," a female giant said. The giant holding him oblidged and handed himto the woman. At first he kicked and screamed,but there was something about her voice that soothed him. His eyes had adjusted enough to the light so he could see her face and her smile was relaxing. He suddenly felt really tired and fighting seemed like too much work. He sighed and laid his head against the giant's achest closing his eyes. There would be plenty of time to fight after he woke up. The last thing he heard before he fell asleep was "Congratulations you have a healthy baby boy." |