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Harry Potter, Doctor Who (David Tennent) with crossover potential to Primeval. |
Harry Potter, Doctor Who (David Tennent) with crossover potential to Primeval.
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HP crossover with Doctor Who. Specifically I am drawing upon new Doctor Who Season 3, Episodes 9 and 10: Human Nature and The Family of Blood as inspiration. That's when the Doctor hides himself by becoming human. His nature and memories are hidden, and only Martha knows that they are bound to a silver fob watch. The Doctor, known as Mr. John Smith, is teaching at a boarding school in 1913. Martha is employed as a housemaid by the school.
Without a doubt, I'm sure someone else has thought of this crossover possibility. I am going to have to answer a couple of obvious questions during the course of the story, but what if the Doctor taught at Hogwarts? Also, Martha would not be relegated to working as a housemaid based on race in the 1990s.
Of course, I gave it even more thought and considered that a Doctor with his mental faculties intact would be immensely more fun. He would need to duplicate magic effects for at least himself and maybe some for Martha.
BTW, I love David Tennant as the Doctor, and I'm so old I used to watch the old series on television. Locally in the US, we saw the Tom Baker episodes mostly.
And to be particularly annoying, how about Helen Cutter from Primeval as our villain?
Disclaimers: These characters are not mine, and I make no money on using them. |
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