Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1819390-A-Giant-Invasion
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Rated: XGC · Interactive · Adult · #1819390
A group of college kids enter a portal that makes them giants of another world.

A group of college kids enter a portal that makes them giants of another world.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Characters. (others can be added throughout the story)

Good Giants
Jayson - age 22, 6ft 3, white, thin athletic build, dark blonde hair, nice guy, very caring
Angela -age 22, 5ft 9, white, perfect body, big breasts, bubble butt, black hair, very nice girl, very caring.
Sean - age 21, 6ft 4, white, thin athletic build, brown hair, nice guy, somewhat cares about others.
Jane - age 20, 5ft 8, white, thin body, average breast, perfect butt, brown hair with highlights, very nice girl, very caring.
Rachael- age 19, 5ft, 7, white, thin body, average breasts, average butt, red hair, nice girl, somewhat cares for others.

Evil Giants
John - age 22, 6ft 5, white, bulk body, buzz cut hair, bullies others
Brittney- age 21 5ft 8, tan, nice body, big breasts, nice butt, snobby attitude.
Barry- age 21 6ft, white, fat, bullies others, eats sloppy
Cassy- age 22, 5ft, 6, white, thin body, big breasts, small butt, bright blonde hair, snobby, self-centered.
Bridgid- age 20, 5ft 7, white, thin body, small breasts, big butt, blonde hair, doesn't care about others, partyer.

1) No gay, girl on girl is okay.
2) The giants are always naked.
3) No death of children
4) No toilet stuff.
5) keep the good giants good and evil giants evil. However, I'll let the evil giantesses turn good, but that's your decision.
6) Anything else goes.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1819390-A-Giant-Invasion