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Christian faces with a perilous truth that could doom him to a terrible fate. Or will it? |
Saint's Quest is a timeless tale based on the beloved classic, "Pilgrim's Progress," by John Bunyan. Dive deep into a breathtaking saga . . . of an ancient, unknown world way beyond our galaxy, where the entities of Good and Evil take on a new form of reality. Where a great, and terrible, ageless war rages between two kings, Elohim and Luciferus, for the past eons over the souls of men. Elohim, desperate to save his creation from the cruel clutches of his adversity, sends himself as a blood sacrifice. So that all, by his atonement, may be set free from eternal damnation. Luciferus, after being defeated and beguiled by Elohim's sacrifice, furiously wipes out all remembrance of the Great Sacrifice from mankind. Thousands of years later, the great war hero of Mephistophelia, Christian of Interitus comes face to face with a perilous truth that could doom him to a terrible fate . . . Or will it? Welcome to a world where reality switches. Everything you know to be true . . . is a lie. Christian is caught in between these worlds, where all of heaven and hell is broken loose, He cannot escape it nor can he hide from it. But can he face it? The journey unfolds. . . Part One: The Blood Book To those who are called to be Saints, who are sanctified by the Blood of the Lamb: Many moons ago, I began a quest that changed the entire course of my existence. Of my destiny. A quest of uncertainty to find the truth, which ultimately led to its revealing. My writing to you today is a testimony of this. But not just the truth that I sought alone. But the truth of Life— in and of itself, and Death. And Love. Take heed as I pen my story to paper. For these are the steps to a journey long forgotten. A journey where it all comes down to the heart. So guard and follow your heart as you embark on this voyage. Because both Paradise and the Abyss await you. I will inform you that this quest began not with me, but was born from eons past . . . in the dawn of Creation. In a universe where the vileness of Darkness of Evil resides, Luciferus, Lord of Darkness makes his abode on two planets . . . Elohim sent out his beloved creation of Mankind to both of his Enemy's worlds, to conquer the evil that infested it. But Elohim gave Man free will, and surely, both Adams rebelled. Embraced the evil they set out to destroy, thus subjecting themselves to the rule of Satan. For thousands of years, it seemed that all creation was doomed—till Elohim redeemed Mankind with his own blood. In one world, the Christians believed in Jesus through faith, though not seeing yet believed. But in this world, the Great Sacrifice was forgotten; the Ancient Blood Writings of Elohim lost, and the Saints . . . disappeared. This is why my journey began, and my calling born. Saint The Books Of Saint Prologue Tiny water droplets dripped off the moldy, stone ceiling. Leaking down the dirty walls, it made a constant tap tap tap noise, echoing in the filthy prison dungeon. A lone man sat, chained, in the foreboding darkness, his rugged features half lit in the dim, single candle light. John pulled up his aching, chained legs against his naked torso, shivering from the terrible coldness. The dungeon forbade any sunlight from the outside world, and the whole place stank with the stench of death. John moaned with pain, as the candle burned out, leaving him in the complete blackness. Oh well, he would just have to wait for the prison guard to give him his next beating and a new supply of light. John leaned his sore head against the rough wall, staring bleakly at the darkness beyond. Life was hard in this dungeon. Prisoners suffered from disease, numerous beatings, and hardly a scrap of food. For John, being away from his family was the hardest part. A lump filled in John’s throat, a terrible suffering clouding his features. Would he ever see his wife and child again? Would he die in these dungeons? Had God forsaken him? No, of coarse not! God would always be there, even in the haunting silence. How could he doubt God? John slowly closed his eyes, “Forgive me, Lord,” he whispered ever so quietly. He inhaled the stale air, as his mind fogged in a strange tiredness. His eyes suddenly felt heavy, extremely heavy. Perhaps he should just sleep. Sleep this terrible nightmare away. So he did. And dreamed . . . Or did he? _________ |