Brian K Compton says "It's good; you should give her (hot 9th grade crush) that note to go out sometime.
Result: "BUG OFF!!"" Brian K Compton says "Advice: If you hit a bully first, they'll back off.
Result: Then, you become the bully." Dad says "Go ahead and call Mongo a dolt. He won't mind. Hell's bells! He won't even understand what you call him!" THANKFUL SONALI Love my family says "OT -- Grum, have you met my Dad lately and did he tell you that? He never takes any notice of 'use by' date. " ☮ The Grum Of Grums says "You don’t need to take any notice of “Use By” dates" ☮ The Grum Of Grums says "Yes dear, I turn right at the intersection" THANKFUL SONALI Love my family says "Go ahead and post a question to the last poster.
Yes, the newest is at the bottom." Just a Penguin says "Don't be such a prude. Cops LOVE being mooned." Dad says "(OT - Sez who?) "I'm gonna accuse Dad of lying about bad advice. He doesn't mind!"" THANKFUL SONALI Love my family says "(OT - Dad, that is NOT real.)" Dad says ""I'm sure the gas tank is empty! I'll prove it! Gimme a match!"" ☮ The Grum Of Grums says "Crocodiles won't attack if you leave them alone." Dad says "Don't worry. He can't hit a curveball.." THANKFUL SONALI Love my family says ""Take the train. It's faster and cheaper than the bus." " Dad says "Whatever you do, Don't Let Go!" ☮ The Grum Of Grums says "Oh yes, very much like - have you turned it off and on again? That usually cures the problem." Steev the Friction Wizurd says "Maybe if you reformat your hard drive it will cure the problem..." ☮ The Grum Of Grums says "It's not really very cold, so I don't need a jacket." THANKFUL SONALI Love my family says "Post in Robert Waltz 's in-and-out ... " Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h says "It will only hurt for a little while." Robert Waltz says "Don't panic." PuppyTales says "If you want to learn how to use a chainsaw, I'm sure Ash can teach you. First, let's cut off your hand..." Robert Waltz says "Go ahead and pet him. He doesn't bite." Robert Waltz says "Be yourself." Total Displayed: 24 |