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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1817346
Ichha's story continued... Ch. VIII - X

  They rendezvoused with the others near the only other structure Ichha had seen other than the pillars.  It stood about twenty feet high and resembled a miniature volcano.  Along it's side, stairs rose drom the floor to it's peak marked by torches placed along their edge.

"What is this?  A volcano?" Ichha asked, gazing at the peak of the formation.

"Seilic not smell 'volcano'.  This WeirmouthWeirmouth lead to Weirhowl."

  Ichha was about to ask another question, but Kebok emerged from around a pillar with Etrulu in tow.  Even at that distance, Ichha could see that his eyes were on him and Seilic the entire time as he approached them; but once he was up on them, he looked at everyone but them.  Seilic glanced at Ichha and smiled, showing his fangs.  So he noticed it too.  Kebok walked into the center of the group and the five of them gathered around.

"Hope all smell brood and not waste like Etrulu on bisha."  The Nomweir laugh at this.  All except for Ichha (he didn't know what a 'bisha' was) and of course...Etrulu (he was the subject matter).  "Ichha", Kebok continued, "Kebok not sure if Seilic smell Ichha smell Weirmouth?"

  "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!", he wanted to scream.  The frustration from trying to follow that broken-tongue had taken a toll.  He had no clue what Kebok was saying.  Good thing Seilic interceded in response.

"Yes.  Not smell Drop."

"Seilic not smell Ichha smell Drop?" Kebok said trying to sound astounded.  "Kebok smell Seilic smell Ichha smell many things not Drop."

"Seilic not get smell Ichha smell Drop.  No more." Seilic said with a sneer.  Again, Kebok locked eyes with Seilic for a moment.  No words were exchanged.  Kebok broke the standoff with a chuckle and turns to Ichha.  "Ichha not smell when go Weirmouth.  Smell Kebok?"

"Not really?" Ichha complained.  "This 'smell' thing is driving me crazy!  What do you mean by don't smell when I go in Weirmouth?"  As soon as it came out of his mouth, he understood.  He needed to hold his breath when he entered Weirmouth.  "Oh...well...you should've said that!"  He laughed.  They laughed.

"Pack camp at Howlsplain," Kebok continued with the orders.  "Go."

  They began to climb the steps on the side of the volcano.  'Weirmouth'.  Whatever 'Weir' was, they had an obsession with it.  Everything important to them so far had the word 'Weir' in it.  WeirhowlNom'weirWeirmouth.  Interesting, he thought.

  They reached the top.  It was not what Ichha imagined.  He thought there would be stairs descending inside the same way they had outside.  He was wrong.  Ichha was staring at a very large gaping hole.  Heat blew outwards toward them from it's depths.

"So we just jump in?" Ichha jested.

"Yes," Dilus threw back over his shoulder, just as he ran and leaped into the air dropping into the hole.

"Are you serious!!"  Ichha sreamed, watching the Nom'weir vanish out of sight.  "Now that's got to be an adrenalin rush."

"Ichha not smell till Ichha reach Howlsplain," Seilic reminded him.

"Hold my breath till I reach the bottom."


"Gotcha'"  They clasped hands.  Seilic scratched the ground with his paws, then ran and leaped.  Down he went into the darkness of the hole.  Ichha readied himself.  This truly was a 'leap of faith'.  He braced his legs and locked his muscles.  He started to run, but as soon as he got close to the edge, he remembered that he didn't remember to hold his breath.  He slid to a stop a few mere inches from the edge.  Once he reagained his composure, he peered over the edge.  It looked bottomless.  "Whoa!!  I almost went..."

  Without warning, Ichha pitched forward into the hole.  With quick thinking, he drew in breath and held it just as he began to penetrate the darkness below.  Quickly, he dropped but it was as if he had all the time in the world to think about what happened.  He had'nt lost his footing.  He was pushed.  He looked up toward the opening of the hole, but as soon as he thought he saw a figure leaning over the edge, his body slammed into something hard and continued it's descent in a slide.  He almost let his breath go, but he knew he would have to stay conscious of that fact.  Faster and faster he slid down a chute similar to the one which had led him to this subterranean diaspora.  The problem with this slide was that it was more like a freefall---Ichha's body frequently touching the ground and then being shot back into the free-air.  "Hold it," he thought.  Only approximately 4 minutes had passed since he entered Weirmouth.  "How long did he have to hold his breath?", he thought.  Hopefully, not much longer or he might not make it.  He remembered a time when he was in the realm of Cuolus, which was made mostly of liquid, and he had to learn to hold his breath almost thirty minutes at a time.  That had been a very long time ago and it was something he had trained for.  He was pretty sure that he could hold his breath a lot longer than the average, but that still might not be enough.
  Ichha's body hit the slide once again and was quickly thrown back into the air.  Except for the not beig able to breathe, Ichha was actually enjoying the ride.  A strong adrenalin rush just like he thought.  He needed to breathe.  Ten minutes had passed and he was well into feeling light-headed.  If he was'nt careful, he could pass out and begin to breathe involuntarily.  They had'nt explained what would happen if he did breathe, but he figured it had to be detrimental to being able to classify himself amongst the living.

  Twelve minutes now.  Masera's voice speaks in the darkness.  "I think I have been waiting for you..."

"Masera!!", he screams with his mind.  He glances around himself, but his vision is plagued due to the self-suffocation.  "Masera!!", he bellows with his mind again.

"Don't fret, my love." Masera's voice echoes again.  "The light will come soon..."

"I'm not ready to die!!" Ichha screamed in a panic, "I must make it home!!"

  When he inhaled, he realized that he had made the mistake.  His lungs began to burn like acid-fire and blood began to seep out of his skin.  Ichha could'nt believe that this was how he was going to die.  A stupid mistake.  Then again, how else does anyone die other than by a stupid mistake.  He had exhaled when he spoke and now he would die.  Below him, he could see a soft, crimson glow.  The light, Ichha thought.  Then...darkness.


"We'll name her Masicha if it's a girl...

"And if it's a boy?" Ichha asked, kissing her gingerly on her chin.  He liked doing that.

"I'll leave that to you, love," Masera said, running her hand across his chest. "Of course, you know I have something if you can't."

"I'm sure I can come up with something that we both like," he responded, "But let me hear what you got."

"Lurien," she said.  She spoke it as if the name itself would become personified, "It was my father's name."

"Lurien."  Ichha let the name roll off his tongue.  "Got a nice ring to it.  Sounds like the name of a king."

"You really like it?", she beamed.

"Yeah.  It's a name I'm sure our son could live with."  He pauses for a moment.  "You know...you've never mentioned your father's name before."  He stood and began to dress.

"Really?", she replied, "I guess it never came up."

"Something like the name of your father?"

"Well...you never thought to ask," she retaliated light-heartedly.  Ichha knew she was right.  Masera spoke about her father frequently; and not one time did he think to ask what his name was.  He realized later that it was because there was never a need to ask any questions about Masera's father; for she seemed to have divulged everything you would want to know about the man.  He turned around to face her.  "It's no conspiracy, Ichha."

"I'm not saying it is."

"Well...is something bothering you?", she asked affectionately.  Ichha walked over and sat down on the bed beside her.  "I just could'nt believe that that never came up until now," he says looking at the floor.  "We're about to have a child and there's still so much that we don't know about each other.  So much that's hidden..."

"I have'nt hidden anything from you, Ichha," she says imploringly, "Anything that I have'nt told you simply wasn't to be until it was.  I don't force the hand of nature."

"No coincedences, right?"


"Whatever makes you feel better," Faryla shot back.  "Let's go."

  Before Ichha lied the purple lands of Pinshi.  This was where Ichha resided for the past 700 years before coming to Hoyedris.  Dead bodies of a being he only remembered vaguely dotted the plains and a past friend was running into battle, sword drawn.  He was about to call after her, but at the same moment, something rose behind him.  With reflexes of a cat, Ichha had drawn his sword and blocked the blow the creature behind him wielded.  Ichha parried and shoved his blade deep into the being's torso.  He leapt to his feet and folllowed in Faryla's wake; killing anything that tried to attack him.  Finally, he made his way to Faryla's side.

"Took you long enough," Faryla said, stepping to the side to counter one of the creatures.  She chops of her attacker's head.  It drops and rolls to a stop before Ichha.  "Thought maybe your skull was on it's way to becoming a Velinkin smokebowl."

  Velinkin.  That's what the beings were called.  Three centuries past, the Velinkin had invaded the lands of the Ransha; kidnapping them for their brains.  When Ichha arrived in the realm of Pinsha, the war had been going on for about two and a half centuries and he found himself right smack in the middle of the conflict.  The Pinsha had been a peaceful people; having only a small, select few groomed for battle.  He had come to the Ransha in search of information about the Realmscape.  They agreed to help him if he could assist them in their war effort.  He informed them that he was pretty good with a sword and would help get more of the Ransha battle-ready.  During this time is when he met Faryla---one of the Ransha's batlle-groomed.  She assisted him with his endeavor and they became close friends.  "I...,"  He shoved his blade through two enemy soldiers.  "...be killed by a Velinkin.  I balk at the thought."  He used his foot to shove them off his blade and immediately swung the blade around, pointing it behind him between his arm and abdomen, and impaled another Velinkin who approached from his rear.

"We need to get closer!", he yelled.  He ducked, dodging a luminescent blast the Velinkin were able to release from their eyes.  Faryla flung her hand, palm forward, towards the creature.  A bright red ball of energy shot out of her palm, flew over Ichha's back, and exploded the Velinkin into a bloody spatter.  When Ichha lifted his head, Faryla had already advanced about fifteen feet.  Their destination was a Velinkin command center they, along with two others, had been asked to take out of commission.  They were almost there.  The command center was now only about 30 or 40 feet away.  Their two companions trailed them by 10-15 feet.  They would be successful.

"Almost smell Weirhowl Ichha.  Ichha not die now.", Faryla yelled from across the battlefield.  Ichha stumbled over a body on the ground and fell face forward.  When he rolled over, he was looking at the celing of a cavern...and Seilic was by his side.


  What jolted Ichha from his memories was the shock that Faryla did'nt speak in her familiar gruff voice.  Seilic's voice and his broken tongue is what he heard.  "What happened to Fairy?" Ichha asked muddled, "Where'd she go?"

"Seilic not smell Fairy.  Only Seilic, Ichha, Dilus here."

"But I was just talking...to...her."  Ichha realized he had been dreaming.  But it seemed so real...  He felt like he truly lived that moment over again while he slept.  He noticed for the first time that he was lying in a field of black flowers.  A cloud of pollen floated above them as if suspended in a time much slower than his own.

"How long have I've been out?" Ichha asked groggily.  My body feels stiff as a board."

"Ichha body heal when Drop.  Ichha rest long time."

"Then that was one hell of a drop.", he chuckled, "Because I don't think I can move right now.  I feel paralyzed."

"Ichha mind wake now.  Grip pass soon."

  Ichha relaxed trying to will his extremeties to move.  He stared at the ceiling of the cavern.  A bug of some sort scuttled across his line of sight.

"Why Ichha smell Mouth?" Seilic asked in his usual nonchalant manner.  "Seilic thought Weir eat Ichha."

"That's what someone wanted to happen," Ichha stated accusingly, "Where is Kebok and Etrulu?  Why aren't they here?"

"Seilic not smell," Seilic responded, "Kebok never come down.  Etrulu never come down.  Ichha last come down.  Dilus smell Kebok beckoned.  Kebok took Etrulu."

"I was pushed into Weirmouth," he informed.  "I almost did'nt get to hold my breath."

"Ichha smell Kebok push?  Etrulu push?"

"Yes!" Screamed Ichha in anger, "One of them...or both...tried to kill me."

"Seilic not smell.  Kebok need Ichha smell Council of Wane."

"I know it does'nt make sense; but why aren't they here?"

"Seilic not smell," he answered.

"Someone wants me dead?  Who would want me dead?"

"Seilic not smell either.  No Nom'weir benefit if Ichha die."

"Well, we need to find out what happened to them," Ichha exclaimed.  "At least why they never entered the Mouth?

"Ichha feed get strength."  Seilic propped him up and began placing small bites of food into his mouth.  "Sooner Ichha rest quicker Weirhowl come."

"This isn't Weirhowl?"

"No.  This Howlsplane.  This entrance to Weirhowl."

"Well how do we get back up to the Outskirts?"  Ichha asked as he chewed and swallowed the food with some effort.

"Go other way."  Seilic placed another piece of meat into Ichha's mouth.  "Through Weirhowl."

  Ichha stopped chewing the meat and thought about the events that had taken place.  Someone---Kebok or Etrulu---tried to kill him.  Even if it wasn't them, someone felt he needed to die.  But why?  "Ichha need not worry."

  "Oh, I'm not worrying, Seilic, my friend." Ichha stated nonchalntly as he stared at the ceiling, "Kebok better hope that I don't see him or Etrulu again."  Ichha took the swallow of water Seilic offered him.  It was very warm.  "They better hope..."


  After Ichha rested, he was able to move his toes, fingers, and turn his head.  He had thought it would take longer for him to regain feeling.  Something similar had happened to him before and it was six months before the paralysis wore off.  (That's what happens when you challenge an Elecute to a swim race)  Ichha twitched for five years afterwards and could'nt use magic at all.  Not even realmstepping.

"Ichha get better now," Seilic said after massaging the muscles in Ichha's limbs.  "Ichha move come fullblin.  Go Weirhowl then."

"How are we gonna get through Weirhowl without the Council of Wane catching wind?" Ichha asked, seeing if anyone had any ideas.  Better for them to create the plan being that he had never even seen the place.

"Ichha still smell Council of Wane," Dilus informed Ichha.

  Ichha turns to Seilic.  "Wait, we're still going to see the Council of Wane?", he asks astounded.  Seilic nods his head.  "Why?", inquired Ichha.

"Weirsigh friend part of Council," Dilus responds to Ichha's surprise.  "He need smell Ichha," Seilic added, "We go through motions."  Seilic smiles at the last part of his statement.  'Through the motions'?  Seilic definitely had spent alot of time with someone from his realm or someplace very similar.

"So Dilus is Weirsigh too?" Ichha asked rhetorically.

"Yes.  Dilus Weirsigh many weirs."  He pounds his chest three times like Seilic so many times before him.

"I see...but what about my 'fate' in meeting the Council of Wane?  "These were your words, not mine Seilic."

"Ichha not worry," Seilic said reassuringly,"Weirsigh let no harm bite Ichha."

  Ichha feigned being comforted by their words.  It was'nt like he had some other choice.  He would go see thee Council of Wane  and find out what all of this hoopla was about.

  Later that evening as Seilic had predicted, total usage returned to Ichha's limbs.  He excersied by taking extended walks and jogs around Howlsplain; gathered roots for timber; made a clearing within a large patch of the black flowers by way of magic (Dilus had told him they were called ecliyes and grew only in Howlsplain); did all sorts of various exercises; whatever he felt would help him get back to where he was before all of the craziness transpired.  Eventually, he fell asleep and dreamed.  His dreams were'nt ones derived from his memories as usual; but something normal---unrealistic.


  What was 'unrealistic'?

  To Ichha...

  'What was realistic'?

  Ichha had traveled through so many different realms and seen so much that was not normal to him that being unhinged from his normalcy was what was sane.  It was nothing special.  It happened from time to time---Ichha dreaming something 'normal'.  He relished those moments moreso than his pleasant memories; for they felt like a vaction to his plaguing thoughts.

  When he awoke, Dilus informed him that Seilic went to hunt for food and asked him to keep watch.  He thanked the Nomweir and got to his feet.  Where were Kebok and Etrulu?  Why did'nt they come down?  He walked over to the pail to get a drink.  If they had wanted to kill him, they had ample opportunities to do so before Weirmouth.  Why give yourself away now?

  Ichha bent over to fill the mug with water.  He noticed the bubbles in the water but dismissed it as nothing.  He lifted the cup to his mouth...

"Ichha not drink.  Forget smell Ichha."

  Ichha looked at his mug and saw steam coming from it's interior.  He dipped his finger into the water and quickly yanked it back.  The water was hot.  Very hot.  'We're close enough to the core of this world that it's hot enough to boil liquid.', thought Ichha.  The Impervious Field Spell he adorned protected him from all external disturbances: pressure; gravity; temperature; etcetera.  He had'nt realized how hot it was.

"So what do we do for water?  Wail till Seilic comes back?" Ichha said trying to keep his composure.

"Yes.  Seilic bring cool water."

"Well...why did'nt he just wake me up?" Ichha reasoned, "I can walk now.  We all could have left together."

"Seilic smell Ichha need rest.  Seilic ask Dilus to watch over Ichha," Dilus responded.

"Dilus, I'm not trying to be immature," Ichha began to explain, "It's just that I'm tired of being underground.  I know this is where you all live and all, but all of this dirt and rock is driving me crazy!  So...if getting to Weirhowl and going before the Council of Wane is what I need to do for that to happen, then the sooner the better.  We've wasted too much time already waiting for me to heal.  I say we go find Seilic and begin our move."

"Dilus not smell," Dilus said without turning to Ichha.  He chucked a couple of the dried roots into the fire.  He then took a small metallic container; placed chunks of some meat into it; and then filled it with the boiling water from their supply.

"So we waste more time waiting for him to come back?" Ichha said annoyed, "What if he takes forever?"

"Dilus not smell.  Seilic great hunter.  Find food fast."

"I say we go," Ichha exclaimed, "I'm going with or without you."

"Ichha go without Dilus.  Dilus not smell Seilic hunt.  Seilic smell camp."

  It was amazing what the Nomweir did with what little they had.  Their use of the language was limited, but they somehow were able to convey a large spectrum of emotion.  Ichha realized that Dilus was right.  They had to wait for Seilic or they might wander in the tunnels forever looking for him.  Something about this bothered Ichha, but it seemed unimportant so no effort was employed on it.  That made perfectly good sense.  What was wrong with him, he thought.  As quick as rain, he was about to plunge---headfirst---into another one of his dumb mistakes.  His predicament was driving him insane.  But that was'nt it...  He'd been in worst situations and had always held his composure.  No...this was something else.  Then it hit him...  He needed Seilic.

  Seilic, now, was more than his friend---more like a brother from another realm.  He enjoyed Seilic's insight into the human-side of things and the comrarderie they shared; but most of all, he felt comforted in this alien world when he was around.  In no way did he take the place of Masera, but he did help fill the void to a degree.  That's another thing Ichha had come to realize; that ever since he lost Masera, he had found someone to latch onto in every realm that signified Masera in some way.  This was Seilic for the realm of Hoyedris.  Faryla had been that in the realm of Pishna.  Thomas had been that in the realm of Earth.  Lert had been that in the realm of---  And the list goes on...

  After about an hour, Seilic returned with fresh meat and cool water.  Apparently, there was some root which stored water and was kept cool by it's thermal-resistant skin.  He must've decimated the plant for he carried many of these roots.  He dropped them on top of a hide that Dilus had spread out on the ground for him.  "Seilic smell Ichha awake when Seilic return.  "How Ichha feel?"

"I'm alright," Ichha said as he walked towards the Nomweir to greet him.  "I freaked a little bit earlier, but Dilus set me straight."

  Seilic looked over at Dilus and smiled.  Ichha actually thought he saw the creature blush with pride.  He quickly began tending to the water roots (as Ichha began calling them) and offered one to Ichha, then took one for himself.  Ichha took a swallow from the root and was surprised at how cold it was."

"Blood of cola run cold," Dilus said, "Make water more cold."

"Interesting plant," Ichha surmised.

  Seilic walked over and began to scoop some of the boiled meat out of the pot.  "Ichha eat?", he asked using his chisel claws to shovel the food into his mouth.

"No, not yet," he responded.

"Come eat.  Ichha not make Weirhowl with no strength," Seilic coaxed, "This journey more hard.  Easy so far."

"So, we're about to leave?"

"Yes," Seilic nodded.

"And it get's harder than what we've already been through?"

"Yes," Dilus responded.  He sat down on his haunches and began to eat what he had prepared.  The two Nomweir's cool composure irked Ichha.

"I mean, we did lose Toplie to the Dudadys," Ichha added trying to shake their countenance.  Seilic handed him a hide of the meat Dilus cooked.  Steam rose from the individual chunks and wafted to his nose with a somewhat delectable aroma.  He popped two of the chunks into his mouth.

"Toplie save Seilic howl," Seilic said staring at the ground.  When he looked up, there were tears and anger in his luminescent blue eyes.  "Toplie want smell Weirsigh."

"Toplie was Weirsigh too?" Ichha asked amazed.  If everyone had joined the Weirsigh, who was left to be part of the original.  So far, out of the five Nomweir whom had captured him, none were part of what already was---all were seeking to change things.  Even Kebok, at first, had been a part of Weirsigh according to Seilic.

"Not yet," he answered, "Selic say no. Toplie do anyhow.  Toplie smell gift help Weirsigh."

"Gift?" Ichha said wonderingly.

"Yes," responded Dilus, "Toplie smell beasts.  One with beasts."


"Toplie sense beasts mind," explained Seilic, "Toplie smell Seilic Dudadys called forth.  Dudadys attack.  Kebok snatch Ichha leave fight.  Toplie knock Seilic down.  Dudadys bite Toplie.  Toplie lose howl."

  Ichha was'nt sure, but he figured they were saying that Toplie held some connection with beasts and the Dudadys fell in that realm.  Toplie somehow realized that the beast had been summoned or something and was about to attack.  Then it all came crashing in on him.  It made sense...  When the Dudadys attacked, none seemed  to be aware other than Kebok who quickly leapt to Ichha's rescue.  Everyone else (well except for Toplie now) was taken by surprise.  Ichha had figured that their senses were just that great for Kebok to be so quick to act.  The truth was that Kebok had called the Dudadys to attack.  That only left one deduction...Kebok was the one who pushed him into Weirmouth.

  Ichha took a swallow from the root to wash down the meat.  "So you think it was Kebok?", he asked insinuatingly.

"Or Etrulu," Dilus adds.

"Or Etrulu," Ichha repeats, "I was waiting for one of you to tell me he was Weirsigh too."

"Weirsigh smell large.  Etrulu not Weirsigh."  Seilic swallowed some water; rolled his feeding-hide; and leapt to his feet.  "Come," Seilic said picking up his things.  "Weirhowl howls."

  And with that the two creatures began to howl a magnificent roar.  It moved Ichha and he felt proud; admiration to be amongst the two Nomweir.  It dawned on Ichha that their magic manifested within their howls.  This might be something useful later on," he thought as he turned his head skyward and began to howl also.


  Dilus began cleaning up their site and they all made their way to the farside of the cavern through an opening which led into another cavern; much larger than the one they had spent so many days in.  Howlsplain seemed to be a network of connecting caverns; with an occasional tunnel here and there.  Also, every now and then, a pool of magma could be seen.  Iccha could only imagine how hot it must be for Seilic and Dilus; although they did'nt seemed phased by it one bit.  They must've adapted over the centuries of living this close to the core.  That also would give reason for their chisel claws; used for digging through the hard rock and dirt.  These things intrigued Ichha.  These were things of interest to Will...their desires.

  They walked for close to 8 hours before they reached the walls of Weirhowl.  Ichha could not hide the fact that he was somewhat impressed.  The entire city had been carved from out of the rock to where it seemed as if the city was domed by rock.  Large, smooth oillars jutted out of the ground, near the wall forming a natural barrier to any external threats.  "What would attack them down here?", he thought.  "Dirt."  Ichha cracked up inside and continued to marvel at what was before him.  The pillars came to a break along the wall and here was a path.  The path led to an entrance which was manned by two Nomweir---Nom'ary to be exact.  Their large wolfen eyes sparkled sapphire in the distance.

  They approached the two men tired from their journey.  Immediately, Ichha saw the savagery of the two beasts.  "Ichha fine," reassured Seilic, "Move with Seilic.  Nom'arci not harm."

"Nom'arci?", Ichha began; keeping his eye on the creatures as they moved pass, "Why do they seem different than other Nom'ary?"

"Not Nom'ary," Dilus said simply, "Nom'arci."

"Different Nom'weir," said Seilic, "Nom'arci and Nom'tiry other Nomweir."

"So there are four races of Nomweir?", asked Ichha.

  They exited the corridor, entering into a large courtyard.  The architectural design of the city was astounding; but that was'nt what shocked Ichha.  All the Nomweir that he saw did'nt look like Nomweir.  They did'nt stand as tall as Seilic and the other Nom'ary; their limbs were of Ichha's length.  Their face held more human-like features, much moreso than the Nom'ary.  The biggest difference were the eyes.  They were'nt large like the Nom'ary and although they were wolfen-like, their wolfen features weren't as pronounced.  On top of that, they were crimson red.  "They have red eyes!" Ichha exclaimed.

  Seilic burst out in laughter.  "Nom'tici eyes red.  Nom'ary eyes blue.", he said moving through the crowds of people that populated the streets.  There were a few blue-eyed folk walking; but for the most part, everyone had red eyes.  The things he saw in the Realmscape.  It truly never cease to amaze him.

  Now that the shock of their differences was wearing off, Ichha now focused on the grandeur of the city.  The architectural design was almost natural; as if it formed on it's own in that fashion.  Buildings, carved out of rock, lined the streets; craters in which the magma flowed seemed to hve been nurtured by the cavern itself.  Oddly enough, Ichha felt somewhat comforted by the look of Weirsigh.  It reminded him of something familiar; maybe Gardim.  Along with the buildings and their polished sheen, the Nomweir had somehow devised away to capture the light emitted from the flowing magma that interspersed throughout the area and centrilize it for illumination (that's where the craters mentioned come into play).  Even more intriguing was the ventilation system which was designed to keep the city naturally cool through chutes that channeled air through the water-root system producing cool air.  Savages.  Ichha did'nt think so.  No...there was something advanced about the Nomweir.
  Thats when it dawned on him as to why he felt comforted bt Weirhowl.  It was reminiscent of Earth---a realm he had grown very fond of.  The look of Weirhowl reminded him of an ancient ruin he had visited while in EarthGreece had been the place.  Thomas was with him.  Good man.  Kind soul.  There was so much life; so much history alive in that place.  It was the same feeling he got standing in the courtyard looking at Weirhowl in it's glory. 

"Ichha in Weirhowl now," Dilus said, readjusting the pack he had been carrying, "Ichha smell Firedd soon.  Firedd smell better than Dilus or Seilic during Waning.  Firedd answer questions."

"Firedd is the Weirsigh I need to meet?" Ichha asked.

"Yes," Seilic answered.  He turned left onto another street, sidestepping a crate of some spilled beverages.  Dilus did the same and Ichha followed.

"I have a question...," Ichha stated.

"Ichha smell," Seilic responded.

"If the Weirsigh are fighting Nom'tici tyranny against Nom'ary, why are there Nom'tici associated with the Weirsigh cause?"

  Seilic thought for a moment before responding, but Dilus was quicker with the tongue.  "Firedd smell questions better.  Ichha wait and smell Firedd."

  It finally dawned on Ichha what they had been telling him about Firedd.  They had mentioned that he was on the Council of Wane and that he was Nom'tici.  Maybe he was their leader and held more of the answers to what he sought.  In other words...he was wasting his time with them when he could find out all he needed from Firedd.  "So Firedd will answer all my questions then?"

"Yes," Seilic responded as he turned down what Ichha would've called an alleyway.  He approached a door, somewhat camouflaged in the corner of the alley, and made three short raps on it, followed with two pounds, and then three more short knocks.  After a short moment, the door opened and two red eyes peered from behind it.  "Short howls make long nights," said a voice, which belonged to the red eyes, in somewhat of a whisper.  Ichha noticed that there was something different when the voice spoke, he just was'nt able to discern what it was.

"Seilic howl is Night," Seilic stated back as if the words were magical.  As if they were, the Nomweir on the other side swung the door open wider and they entered into a room that was filled with all kinds of books.  That is correct...books.  The Nomweir had a written language.  Ichha loved to read and actually hoped he'd get an opportunity to peek at a few of their tomes.  Along with the Nom'tici which had given them entrance, there were five others moving around busily.  Two of these were Nom'ary and they could'nt keep their blues off him.  Matter of speaking...all of them seemed intrigued by Ichha's presence.

"Firedd's not here, Seilic," informed one of the other Nom'tici, "You just missed him."

  Ichha's mouth dropped open.  He knew what it was that had been just nagging him about the other Nom'tici when he spoke.  He understood him perfectly fine---which meant that they were speaking his tongue.

"You speak a common tongue!", Ichha exclaimed, interrupting the two Nomweir's exchange.

"Lodewn smell Ichha," introduced Seilic, "Ichha 'OtherRealmer'."

"Well I can see that much," jibed Lodewn, "He surely isn't from around these parts."  He extended his hand---not claw---to greet Ichha.  Ichha accepted it waringly; still in shock from how well they used the language.  The Ichha who was Will was impressed.  "So, you're going to help us out with our cause?", added Lodewn.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," said Ichha who quickly looked towards Seilic whom was giving Lodewn a disgusted look.  "What is he talking about Seilic?" Ichha asked suspiciously, "I'm suppose to be helping the Weirsigh?"

"Ichha smell Firedd," Seilic said deflectively.  He turned to Lodewn.  "Where Firedd?"

"He went to the council hall.  Said he'd be back in about a qua."

"Ichha smell Council of Wane," Seilic said angrily.  "Come!"

  Seilic threw the door open and stormed out.  Dilus and Ichha followed.  After a few steps, Dilus grabbed Ichha and held him as Seilic began to bond his wrists.

"Hey?!  What's going on?" Ichha asked with concern in his voice.  Something about their demeanor was different.  Ichha could sense it.

"Ichha prisoner before Council of Wane," Seilic responded, "Nom'tici not smell."

  Ichha relaxed and let Seilic finish tying the twine.  He knew something was amiss about the whole situation, but he was in their court.  He'd play by their rules for as long as he could.  He figured that probably would'nt be too much longer.

  All of that bothered Ichha, but that's not what bothered him the most.  If his feeling was correct, then that would mean that Seilic had been playing him the whole time.  He looked at Seilic as a dear friend and to find out that it all was a lie seemed devastating to Ichha at that moment.  If that turned out to be the case, he'd destroy the whole lot of them.
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