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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1817197
Ichha's story continued... Ch. IV - VII

  Day after day, Ichha waited for Kebok to give the order for them to move on, but he never did.  Ichha hadn't left the confines of the underground chamber for at least a month by his calculations.  He was going insane.  When he finally asked why they hadn't moved on yet, Dilus told him, "Ichha must set body."

"Set body?  And how long will that take?", Ichha asked.  He knew nothing about setting his body---whatever that was.

"When Weir opens eye more," Dilus responded, "Ichha body set."

"Alright...how long does that take?  For Weir to open it's eye."

"Ichha smell...months?" Seilic interjected.  He added more timber to the fire.

  'Smell' means to understand; to know...

"Yes," Ichha answered, "How many months?"

"About two," he replied.  He turned his attention back to the fire, but Ichha could tell that he was still keeping tabs on the conversation.

"Two months?!", Ichha screamed, "We have to sit here for two months?!  Why?  We waiting on something special?"

  The Nomweir all seemed to laugh at this.  Again, Ichha did'nt see the humor but he chuckled along with them this time; just not as enthusiastically.  "When Ichha body set," Dilus said exasperatedly, "Dilus tell Ichha."

  Ichha realized he was asking the wrong questions.  If he was going to gain any kind of understanding about his situation, he needed to abandon those kind of mistakes.  "Ok, so what do you mean by 'set my body'?  How do I do this?"

  Seilic returns to the conversation; as Ichha knew eventually, he would.  "Ground eat Ichha howl.  Ichha die body not set."

  For some odd reason, Ichha understood.  The pressure created by Hoyedris' gravitational force would implode Ichha the deeper they went into Hoyedris' ground.  In order for Ichha to move on, his body needed time to become conditioned to the gravitational pressure.  Ichha felt as if a month had already passed and Seilic said they needed two more.  So a total of three months it would take his body to condition.  That was too long to be held captive in this fashion.  He knew a spell that would protect his body from just such a threat, but that would let them on to his other abilities.  They had'nt figured out that he 'smelled their words' because of magic.  He had no real reason for concealing this from them, but for some reason, he felt like he should keep that to himself.  Now he needed to make a decision.  He leaned toward where Dilus and Toplie sat.  "What if I told you that I could 'set my body' instantly."

"Instantly?  What Ichha smell?", asked Dilus, "Dilus not smell 'instantly'."

  'Dilus not smell instantly'?  Dailluu was confused for a moment by what the Nomweir said; then he understood.  "Instantly," Ichha explained, "Fast.  Quick.  Right now."

"Ichha not do," Seilic said; feeling the need to interject, "Ichha not move WeirWeir move Ichha."

"I understand about Weir moving me," Ichha lied courteously.  He actually did'nt understand anything about Weir or it 'moving him', but he did'nt let on.  "But for this, I don't need for Weir to move me," he explained, "I can move without the ground eating me."

"If Ichha do this," Kebok stated, "Pack move now."  He turned away and began walking off.  "Ichha hope work.  Ichha die not work."

  As if that was confirmation, Ichha placed his hands together---palms touching---and mumbled something incoherent.  When he finished, his hands began to glow a soft blue and the phosphorescence extended around his body.  He dropped his hands and looked toward the Nomweir.  They were in awe.  Ichha knew they had never seen anything like that in their lives.  They all dropped to their knees and bowed their heads and now Ichha was the one in awe.  "Nomweir.  I am no God to praise.  I am just a traveler as I have said.  Now, please...stand so we can get moving."

  The Nomweir got to their feet and immediately began to shut down the camp.  Kebok glanced his way once or twice and Ichha was'nt sure of whether he saw fear or reverence in his eyes.  He had said he would stop making mistakes that were extremely detrimental to his survival and he felt like that promise had yet to be kept.  When they were finished, he fell in behind Seilic and followed them out of the hollowed chamber back into the darkness which seemed to have no end.


  Ichha was no immortal.  Immortals couldn't die.  Ichha did'nt fall into that category.  The only similarity he held with an immortal was that he did'nt age and as to why...he wasn't sure.  He had come to the conclusion that a subject traversing The Realmstep only aged physically when in their originating realm.  He hadn't been in his since he first 'stepped'; so he knew---physically---he looked to be only in his late teens to early twenties.  He was 20; to be exact for it was his birthday when it happened.  That's the day that Ichha would never forget.


  Ichha woke that morning in his native realm of Gardim excited; for not only was it his day of birth, but he also had reached the age to choose his Life's Path.  He could finally begin his journey to becoming a wizard; a choice the rest of his family found mockful.  His family prided themselves on their skills in arms and hand-to-hand combat so Ichha's desire was joked and looked down upon.  For four generations, members of Ichha's family---women included---had always chosen an aspect of battle and warfare during their Life's Path.  Ichha felt that wasn't for him.  It wasn't as if his family's genetics by-passed him (he could hold his own on a battlefield) but his interests lied in the workings of the arcane.  "Magic is for cowards and loafers," his uncle would say, "And the only son of my late brother will grow to be neither".  This was the sentiment of everyone except for his younger sister.  He couldn't remember her name though.  He couldn't remember any of their names.  He did'nt even remember his own name.  No...not Ichha.  Ichha is the name he would say The Realmstep gave to him.  No...his name was something else.  Some...thing...that was lost to him like his home---that which ultimately Ichha sought so desperately.

  When Ichha entered the common room, his uncle and older sister were standing there in full battle garb.  Ichha did nothing to acknowledge them, but his anger was already boiling.  Not only was it his birthday and they did nothing to acknowledge it, but he knew they were going to press him about joining one of the Tactical Guilds.  He wasn't standing for it.  He walked around the table and gave his mother, who was already sitting and buttering a piece of toast, a kiss on her cheek; then took a seat next to her; greeting his cousin (his uncle's son who was about his age) while doing so.  As if that was their cue, his uncle and sister took their seats and immediately leaned in.
  "You're not going to embarass the family's name today, are you boy?" his uncle spoke in a humble tone, but Ichha sensed a sneer behind it.

  "Hadn't planned on it Uncle if you're referring to my Life's Path", Ichha responded.

  "Really, Ichha? (Not his name)", his sister asked with enthusiasm, "You're going to join one of the Tactical Guilds?  You can join mine!  I'm sure with..."
  "I'm sure he'll want to pledge to his father's guild, (name not remembered)," his cousin interrupted.

  "No, dear sister and cousin," Ichha spoke in the calmest voice he could muster.  "I'm not joining either of those guilds or any other Tactical Guild today."

  "Are you serious?!", his sister screamed from across the table.  His uncle stood abruptly; throwing the chair a good distance behind him.
  "Your father will roll in his grave, boy!", he boomed; spitting food from his mouth.

  "Let em' roll then!", Ichha returned, "At least he's my father to be able to do so!"

  "Ichha (not his name)!!  We will not have you speak to your uncle  that way in your father's home!," his mother reprimanded, "Now apologize."

  "I will not!  You apologize to him for me tonight while you're in the sheets getting bruises..."

  "Ichha (not his name)!!", his older sister screamed.  "Why would you..."

  "It's ok, (name is mentioned)," their mother said consolingly.  She looked up from her plate and locked cold, fiery eyes with her son.  "I want you to leave this house and never return.  You no longer have any ties to this family.  Let this be what plagues your memories when you think back to your twentieth year of life.  Now go!"

  The room was silent.  Motionless.  Ichha stood before his mother; locked in an intense gaze.  He's not sure how much time passed, but it seemed like an eternity.  The sound of his younger sister's voice entering the Hall is what revived time.
  "Happy Birthday, big brother!!!"  She walked around the table with one arm extended.  In the hand of her extended arm, she held a gift.  "I got...this...for..."  Ichha tried to not let her see his face; but he could'nt help but to look into her amber-colored eyes.  "What's wrong, Ichha (not his name)?", she asked.  "What's wrong with everybody?"

  Ichha felt overcome with a myriad of emotions---none any good.  He wanted to choke his older sister for not supporting him; slap his mother for the same reason and more; and literally disembowel his uncle.  It's funny, because he don't remember feeling any particular way about his cousin.  It's not like they were particularly close.  Most of the time, it was he who led the attacks on Ichha, but it was as if his cousin didn't matter at the time.
  He bent down and hugged his little sister tightly, then turned and bolted for the door.  He almost made it; but everything started to become transluscent.  His body began to tingle all over.  Next, there was a bright flash...and he was'nt with his family any longer.  He was in a forest of purple giraffe necks that were trying their damnest to eat him.  That was the last time that he saw the realm of Gardim; saw his family; or knew his true name.


  No, Ichha was no immortal.  The word that would more precisely describe him would be 'ancient'.  Ichha was old in spirit.  It had been a very long time since Ichha seen his home realm.  He knew that he'd been walking realms for just about as long as he can remember for his memories were too long and plentiful.  He'd resided in thousands of realms for many generations each; made numerous friends and double that amount in enemies.  Many civilizations were born by Ichha's hand...and many fell.  Yeah, 'ancient' was the word.  Ichha had been around for a long time.  Too long, he thought.

  His use of magic didn't help the perception of his immortality any.  Being that he could perform marvelous feats with what seemed like only a thought, many looked at this as part of the confirmation of his immortality.  Ichha did nothing to change their minds.  He let the 'natives' think what they wanted---using their naivete and ignorance to his advantage; if he could.  Besides, his proficiency in the use of magic was more of a recent development; something he acquired over the past thousand years or so.  He was no great sorceror; no powerful wizard or anything.  In the world of magic-users, Ichha was considered a novice (no more than a simple mage who did parlor tricks) only wielding a miniscule portion of what there was to know.  What made him unique from a simple mage though was his aptitude for understanding magic.  Whereas it took others months; sometimes years to master a spell, Ichha mastered spells only after a couple of tries.  By the time he arrived in Hoyedris, he was well versed in the simple spells of every form of magic he had encountered up to that point.  That was some feat when every magical realm held an infinite amount of Magics.  To top it off, he even knew a few advanced spells for most of them.

  This was Ichha's power...

  This was his gift---

  To see the connections within the workings of Will.

  Magic was the physical extention of Will and sometimes that was his purpose---to enact the will of some higher power.  While searching for his home, fufilling this 'self-ordianed' mission was also sought.  The mission had actually been given to him, but this he does not remember.  This...he never revealed to anyone.  Not even Masera.


  Masera was the only woman Ichha ever truly loved.  Ever since that evening along the Renel Riverbank, Ichha knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this woman.  Love could'nt describe the emotion he felt for Masera.  He had loved before.  When he was 16, he had his heart broken for the first time.  He cried for two weeks behind that; but even that paled in comparison to the instant connection he felt with that angelical being standing near the river.

"I think I have been waiting for you..."

  These were the first words she exhaled to him like a Breath of Life from a godess.  He was thrown aback by her statement.  He recovered.
"How's that possible when we've never had the pleasure of meeting?", he responds.
  She smiles affectionately and leans in close to him.  He can smell a light flower aroma waft from her neck as she does so.  In a whisper, she asks "Isn't that what we're doing now?"  She laughs the most beautiful laugh.

"Well you got me there.  And your name is?"


"That's lovely," he complimented.  "Does it have a meaning?"

"Yeah, it means 'beacon of light'.  At least that's what my father told me."

"Well whatever it means, it's beautiful.  Mine's is Ichha."

"Nice to meet you Ichha," she smiled blushingly.  She began to walk along the bank.  Ichha began to follow.  "What did you mean by you think you were waiting for me?"

"Have you found what you're looking for?", she asked glancing over at him.

  Ichha stops abruptly; startled.  Why would she ask that question?  How much did she know about him...and how?  "You must think I'm someone else?", he asks.

"No, why do you say that?

"Because we've never met."

"Of course we have never met...but I think our souls have.  Let me explain...

  Ever since I was younger...

  This was Ichha's first real lesson in the depths of Spirituality; his first conversation with Masera.  Of course, because of his interest in arcane learnings, he understood the concept of a 'soul', but Masera told him things he had never thought about before.  When she finished speaking, Ichha had a different outlook on life and felt like he understood why she had been waiting for him.  She was waiting because it was destined for him to come to her.  Everything had a connection with everything and everything had a purpose.  He was astounded because as he looked into her deep, amber eyes as she spoke, he realized that he loved her and it was genuine.  He had just met her and he knew it to be true.  This was how the impossible became possible.  This was how love could transcend ages, realms, and times.  This is how it was.

  And that's how it began...  They talked for a long while until Ichha's friend interrupted; asking for his help.  She waited for him to finish, and then they continued to talk for hours more; until the third sun set.  They finally departed with her leaving a light kiss on his cheek.  Ichha could still feel the kiss, heavy with emotion; innocent with a purpose.  He departed that day from Renel River thinking it did'nt matter if he found Gardim.  It would never be his home again...not now that he had found Masera.

  During his time in Niare---Masera's realm---Ichha learned alot of lessons dealing with basic absolutes and just common knowledge in general.  He gained an understanding about life after death; evolution; and most importantly about 'realmstepping'.  This was what inspired him the most to learn all he could.  Being that Masera was his first encounter where anything about his special, rare ability was even mentioned; Masera's words, "I think I have been waiting for you..." were reinforced.  All of the things they discussed couldn't just be coincidence; pure circumstance.  He knew this was not the case when she revealed that her father had the ability to travel between realms.  She did'nt know much about this aspect of her father's life, but what she did know proved invaluable to Ichha.  The more he could learn about this power that snatched from his home, the greater his chances would be of returning to Gardim.  There was only one other revelation Ichha had that superceded all of those things.  The one thing that he hated to think about the most of all his memories.  The day he...


"Ichha not lose paw."

  Ichha was snatched out of his thoughts by Toplie.  He was giving Ichha warning that they were about to cross a narrow footbridge across a deep chasm.  Ichha decided to impress them again.  He worked a levitation spell and floated along with the group as they crossed the bridge.  They were impressed; he could tell but none said anything.  It was almost as if they felt he was showing off.  He decided to try not to seem superior so he extended the levitation to the Nomweir and they all floated to the other side of the chasm.

  They continued on through more snaking tunnels and finally set up camp in one of the hollowed chambers.  Food was prepared---more rodent; but cooked this time---and Ichha scarfed it down and drank what he hoped was lemon flavored water.  Now that he was fed, he figured it was time for his companions to give up the goose.  Although he knew a little more about what he was dealing with now than when he was captured, he still felt he knew nothing.  Since it seemed like they had nothing but time, he figured he'd try to get a little history about the Nomweir and the realm.  One thing he learned while traveling---it always started with the history.
"Where's the rest of your people, Seilic?  Ichha asked taking a seat next to him, "How come I have'nt seen anyone else down here?"

"Pack not close," Seilic explained, "Still far to go.  This Inner Network.  Only Guard Packs here.  Other Guard Packs we may smell but no.  Nomweir not live close to surface.  Here it only us."

  This was something Ichha was avoiding having to deal with.  He was really struggling trying to grasp an understanding of the Nomweir's simplistic way of using his native tongue.  To try to embark in a conversation which involved divulging details was probably pointless, but he had to give it a shot.  From what Seilic said, he gathered that there was some place they referred to as the Inner Network; so there probably was a place they called the Outer Network.  They were in the Inner Network traveling inward; he supposed.  "So what's next?"

"Next?", Selic said, "Next what?"

"What comes after where we are; the Inner Network?"

"Outskirts come."

"Sounds dangerous," Ichha jested.

"No.  Smell Nomweir in OutskirtsOutskirts safe."

"Is that where we're going?", Ichha queried, "The Outskirts?"

"No.  Pack go Weirhowl," Seilic responded.  "Weirhowl home of NomweirWeirhowl Ichha see Council of Wane.  Ichha see Nom'tici."

  Ichha understood.  It had been easier than he had thought, but he felt it had more to do with Seilic.  He seemed to manipulate the language a little better than the others, he guessed.  Their territory they had divided into zones that you pass through as you travel further into the ground.  The first must be the Outer Network; where he was captured at.  He was'nt sure when they passed over to the Inner Network, but he figured when he started having breathing problems and they camped for a month.  That would probably be right.  They were about to move into the Outskirts and then finally into Weirhowl.  All of this taking place beneath the surface of a world.  He thought about how many worlds he had been to that might've had life thriving beneath it's surfaces.  But to this degree, he doubted.  He would've noticed them; probably in the same fashion as he had found this place.  No.  Masera taught him there's no such thing as coincidence.  "So how long have the Nomweir lived underground?", queried Ichha, "I mean, did you all dig all of these tunnels yourselves?"

"Nomweir dig some not all," Seilic answered, "Worm help.  Nomweir on surface long time ago.  Nomweir die by Neicoroxy and Nihaton who chase Ichha.  Nomweir go inside ground to survive.  Only come out when Weir's eye blue or red to hunt."

"So you dug a home underground to protect yourselves from your natural predators.  Interesting.  Who would've thunk it?"

"Smell what?", Seilic asked.

"Huh?  Oh, nothing.  It was a rhetorical question."

"I smell rhetorical," Seilic returned, "Rhetorical smell pointless."

"Rhetorical smell pointless," Ichha chuckled to himself, "In a sense, yeah.  You know Seilic...you're different from the others; even your leader Kebok."

"Kebok not Seilic leader," he responded calmly.  It was eerie because there was no emotion behind the words; just a matter of fact.  "Ichha smell like other OtherRealmer. Smell same words."

"So you were a personal acquaintance of the OtherRealmer?"

"Yes.  Seilic and OtherRealmer friends for long time.  This long time ago.  Nomweir live long time."

  Finally, something they had in common.  Ichha chuckled to himself again.  If Seilic was friends with this OtherRealmer, then maybe he had some information about how to return to Gardim.  He knew it was a long-shot for there really was no reason for the OtherRealmer to share any information about his ability being that Seilic did'nt posess the power himself.  But he had a mission.  Ichha wanted to go home; remember his name; see his family.  If only he could figure out how?

"So you're somewhat cultured, huh?" Ichha jibed.

"Cultured?  Seilic not smell."

"I'm asking whether you learned anything from the OtherRealmer?  Did they teach you anything?"

"Yes, Seilic smell many things."

"So that's what makes you different from the others.  You were exposed to things that they weren't.  All thanks to the OtherRealmer."  He laughs.  "How did you and the OtherRealmer become friends?" Ichha asked, going in for the kill.

"Selic not want to talk about OtherRealmer.  Seilic rest now."

"Sorry," Ichha apologized, "I really wasn't trying to upset you."

"Seilic not hurt.  Seilic tired."

  Ichha laid back and closed his eyes.  He was tired also.  Seilic had given him alot to go off of and he needed rest in order to process it all.  Weir and it's eye; Inner and Outer Networks; Council of Wane and the Nom'tici.  Most importantly though, was the relationship between the OtherRealmerand Seilic.  It was alot and as usual his past would invade his present.  He thought about Faryla (the last person he saw before coming to Hoyedris); who told him to wait a week before he left.  She would laugh at him now, and die killing these beasts to save him.  Sixteen years old and could handle a sword as well...


  Ichha was awakened as usual by the sound of Kebok barking orders for them to move out.  It felt like only a couple of hours had passed.  Nearly not enough time for Ichha's body to recuperate from aching.  As a matter of fact, he dreaded stopping for it was so much more agony to get going again than to keep going.  The Nomweir quickly gathered up camp and headed out of the hollowed chamber.  Ichha followed.  This time knowing they were headed for the Outskirts.  Now as what to expect...that was another whole matter altogether.  Seilic said the Outskirts were safe, but to whose standards.  He did'nt have 6 inches of razor sharp bone protruding from his fingers to protect him.  Ichha was no coward, he just did'nt like placing himself in unnecessary danger.

  After walking for what seemed like ten hours to Ichha, the group began to slow.  Ichha thought they were about to camp; even though they had never stopped this early, until he heard the nerve-wrecking whines coming from the Nomweir.  As if he knew, Kebok quickly leaped, bounded off the wall and snatched Ichha from harms way just as the tunnel floor where he had been standing exploded open and the head of some humongous worm-like creature emerged.  The other Nomweir immediately attacked; claws slicing from every direction.  About twenty feet away, Kebok lands with Ichha.

"Aaaaagggggghhhhh!!!" Ichha screams; eyes clinched shut.  He just knew he was dead.  In an instant, he realized he was'nt and opened his eyes.  He looked down the tunnel at the creature the Nomweir were fighting.  "What the hell is that?"

"That Dudadys," Kebok responded informantly.

"Doo-dah-dis," Ichha sounded-out.

"Yes.  Dudadys tunnel to hunt."

"Well, shouldn't we help them out or something?" Ichha asked, concerned for the Nomweir's safety.

"No.  Nomweir not need help.  Dudadys fall."

  As if Kebok's words were it's cue, the Dudadys let out a final roar of agony and crashed to the ground.  The Nomweir trotted around the creature; sniffing it's carcass and taking insignificant snaps at it's hide before standing and making their way towards where Kebok and Ichha stood.  He could'nt tell at the time, but only three Nomweir were making their way back.  Ichha tried to make out Seilic from the others, but they all really looked alike.  Ichha had developed a liking for the Nomweir; besides the fact that Seilic might have information Ichha could use.  He hoped nothing had happened to him.  As they got closer, Seilic spoke.  "Toplie lose howl.  Toplie with Weir."

  They all walked over to the carcass of the Dudadys and found Toplie's body sprawled a few feet away.  It was twisted in ways unnatural and his left arm had been ripped off.  The Nomweir all surrounded him in a circle and began to howl the most unsettling sound Ichha had heard the creatures make since their meeting.  As uncomfortable as the howling made him, it somehow moved him emotionally.  With no warning, tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheek.  He had no idea why he felt so sad.  He had held no rapport with Toplie---barely spoke two words to the beast; but while standing in the circle with the Nomweir, listening to their grief-filled howls, he bawled in tears uncontrollably.  There was only one logical reason Ichha could think of.


  Throughout his travels, Ichha had come to understand that all beings utilized magic in some form or fashion.  As proven, the Nomweir were not excluded from this truth.
  Finally, after about ten minutes, their howls began to dissipate and Ichha swore he heard other howls off in the distance but dismissed them as echoes.  Dilus and Etrulu began to dig out a clearing in the side of the tunnel using their sharp chisel-claws.  Ichha tried to help, but his digits caused nodisturbance to the rock-hard dirt.  When they were finished, Kebok and Seilic grabbed Toplie's body and placed it in the clearing of the wall and they all meticulously started filling it in using loose boulders and stones they found lying around.  Here, Ichha was able to be of some use, passing boulders to them by way of magic (the boulders were too heavy to move on his own).  Once it was complete, you could'nt tell that there was a body entombed there.  Ichha was finding himself more and more impressed with the Nomweir.  They were'nt just savage beasts.  They had the beginnings of a culture; a social structure and they were able to take him prisoner.  Pretty impressive by Ichha's standards.  The Nomweir all let out one final wail of a howl then continued down the tunnel they way they were heading when they were six.

  Ichha was'nt sure of whether they had made it to the Outskirts yet, but Seilic had told him he would know when they got there.  They had been walking for close to three hours since they were attacked by the Dudadys and he and Seilic talked the majority of it.  Yeah, he liked Seilic.  There was something rebellious and laid-back about him that reminded Ichha of himself.  They talked about Seilic's family and how he and his mate argued about him being selected for a Pack; about what a Pack was; all kinds of things...but he never mentioned the OtherRealmer and Ichha felt uncomfortable bringing it up.  After a while of this, Kebok had called for Seilic to come up front with him.  Ichha felt it had something to do with him.  He could tell that Kebok was not happy about one of his brethren being so friendly with the prisoner.  Besides, Seilic had said as much.  The other two, Dilus and Etrulu, looked as if they wanted to talk, but decided against it; choosing rather to converse amongst themselves than come under the scrutiny of Kebok.  Maybe it was deeper than that.  Ichha was'nt sure.  It did'nt matter though, for as they rounded a turn...everything changed.  No longer were they in a tunnel, but now a huge, dome-shaped cavern which seemed to have no end.  Ichha followed it's ceiling for about 40 feet before he lost visibility and it had'nt even begun it's curve yet.  The place was vast. Pillars of rock jettisoned from the cavern floor reaching into the heights of the chamber.  The pillars had been hollowed to some architectural degree for residing in.  Along the wall of the cavern, the same concept had been employed.  Lights flickered off in the distance.  More pillars?  "Incredible!", Ichha whispered to himself.

"Ichha smell Outskirts," Seilic said somewhat proudly.  Ichha took the time again to take it all in.  Somehow, it reminded him of a beehive.  Whoever heard of a race of werebeasts living in a hive.  The Realmscape never ceased to amaze him.  "Come."

  Ichha began following Seilic through the crowds of blue-eyed beings which crowded what Ichha considered to be the streets.  Now that he was emersed into the living thing which was the Outskirts, the beauty faded quickly and became hard to be seen.  All Ichha could see was the ugly.  It was a slum.  Why were the Nomweir living like this?  Did it have anything to do with the Nom'tici?  Ichha as 'Will' wanted to know...needed to know.

"Ichha stay close," Seilic said as he dodged a fellow pedestrian, "Brethren smell Ichha marked by Pack.  Some brethren not care."

"You did'nt have to tell me once," Ichha joked, "Other than that, it's safe? Right?", he asked trying to sound sarcastic.  His sarcasm came off more as worry than sarcasm.

"Yes, Outskirts safe."

"Where are we going?", asked Ichha, "Why did we split up from everybody?  More specificly, Kebok?"

"Outskirts Nom'ary home while Weir Eye open.  Pack take break.  Smell brood."

"Nom'ary?  Who're they?" Ichha inquired.

"Seilic..."  He swings his arms around in a circular motion, meaning to encompass everything.  "Nom'ary!  Seilic Nom'ary!"  He scrapes his paws on the ground like before.

"Ok, I get it."  Actually, Ichha did get it.  He had thought they were called Nomweir, but now he understood that they're just half or part of a race called Nomweir.  That led him to ask the next most logical question.  "Who are the Nom'tici to the Nom'ary?"

" Blue-eyed Nomweir Nom'ary.  Red-eyed Nomweir Nom'tici," Seilic explained.  They passed by two pillars and turned left.  "Nom'tici Nom'ary brethren."

"So why Nom'tici treat Nom'ary so bad?" Ichha probed.  "There shouldn't be all of this going on."  He gestured to their surroundings.

  Seilic did'nt respond.  For some reason, that was a touchy subject for Seilic to engage in.  Ichha figured it had something to do with the argument he and Kebok had when they first captured him.  With that thought, Ichha figured he'd try another direction.  "What's going on between you and Kebok...if you don't mind me asking?  I see how you both tense up around each other."

"Kebok and Seilic not smell same smell.  Seilic not trust Kebok.  Ichha not trust Kebok."  Ichha looked at him as he said this, his blue eyes burned with emphasis.  They slowed their stroll down to a halt before a pillar and Seilic turned to him; eyes still burning with intent.  "What...eh..vah...duh...Nom'tici ask Ichha to do, duh...ent...do it."

  Ichha stood in shock.  Seilic had just spoken to him using  words he hadn't heard any of them use since he'd been with them.  Impressed, he was.  "What would the Nom'tici ask me to do?  And why?" Ichha asked, a little confused.  "I've been meaning to ask...  How do the Nom'tici know anything about me?  I've never met your people before now."

"Come," Seilic directed.  He gazed around their surroundings as if they were being watched.

"Are we going in here?" Ichha asked, gesturing towards the pillar.

"Yes.  Ichha answers inside," he said.  He turned towards the pillar and dropped to all fours and crawled into the small opening at it's base.  Ichha looked around---more out of embarrassment than caution---and followed Seilic's example.

  The inside of the pillar was somewhat how Ichha imagined it would look from the outside.  Although the pillars, from the exterior, held no uniform shape, the inside had been constructed in a circular fashion; creating a dungeon-like atmosphere.  To ascend and descend the pillar, a winding slope of smoothed rock graced it's center; leveling out on platforms that ascended the pillar.  Around the perimeter of each platform, clearings---more like cells---had been gouged out of the rock.  Inside these open cells, Nom'ary resided, staring back at Ichha with wondering blue eyes as he passed.

  From the moment Ichha had entered the pillar, he wanted to leave.  The air was stale.  Sharp jolts of a pungent aroma struck his olfactory nerves so strong that he found himself gagging every few steps.

"Ichha ok?" Seilic asked seeing his companion in distress.  "Ichha eat bad?"

"No."  He gags.  "The smell is horrible.  I can barely breathe."  He gags again.  "I guess you're used to it."  Again, he gags again.

"Selic not smell Ichha smell.  Top maybe better.  Ichha smell better."

"What's at the top?" Ichha asked, although he was still curious as to what could cause such a stench that awful in the first place.

"Seilic brood.  Seilic live at top."  He stops walking and looks back at Ichha.  For some reason, Seilic looked oddly human at that moment.  "Ichha got brood?"

  Ichha was touched.  He hadn't considered that the Nomweir (sorry) Nom'ary's emotions or sense of awareness went further than themselves.

"None that I have 'brooded'," Ichha answered, "I'm part of a brood though."  They step off onto the next ascending platform.

"All brood some time in life.  That not special."  He glanced back over his shoulder.  "Lead own brood.  That special."

"Well...," Ichha began, "I almost had a brood.  A very, very long time ago."

"How Ichha brood not have brood?"  Seilic asked, genuinely interested.  He wanted to know something personal about his 'new' OtherRealmer friend.  "Ichha mate lose seed?"  Ichha almost wanted to jump on Seilic's furry back and choke the life out of him for that comment, but knew that the Nom'ary intended no harm.  He wanted to talk about it...  He needed to talk about it...  The problem with that was he was'nt sure he was ready to divulge anything that personal about himself; at least not details.  He fell quiet.

"Ichha not talk about Ichha have not brood?" Seilic asked.  They stepped off onto the next platform and stopped walking for a moment.  "Seilic understand," he comforted, "Seilic lose first seed of brood.  Seilic howl three blins until howl no more.  If bite Ichha, Seilic not need smell. Ichha did'nt respond.  "Seilic began walking again.  "When Ichha ready Seilic smell."  Ichha forces an understanding smile on his face and nods.  "Good."  Seilic points to one of the 'cells'.  "This Seilic den.  Come meet brood."

  The 'den', as Seilic had called it, looked to be no more than a cavern.  There was compartments etched out to signify different areas of the Nom'ary's home; but it was just actually a very large open space.  There was an area for feeding, sleeping, and waste.  When Ichha saw how the waste area was fahioned, he understood why it smelled so much better at the top.  A chute had been dug which led to the base of the pillar.  Anything that went in---urine and feces alike---all went to the bottom in a pile.  Ichha felt sorry for those that lived at the base and wondered why they would allow their own kind to live in such standards; but decided to save those questions for later.  Other than those three distinct areas, Seilic's home was pretty drab.

  Seilic's brood consisted of his mate and three seeds: two males and a female.  He introduced his oldest, one of the males, as Nutei.  Nutei, he claimed, had mortally wounded a Dudadys and escaped without a scratch.  Next, Ichha met Yuila, the female.  All Seilic mentioned about her is that she would birth a good brood.  He then moved on to his youngest son, Karak.  Karak, with the skills and strength he possessed now, was destined to lead the Great Pack and become Alpha during Ecliye.  Ichha, of course, had no clue what those terms meant; but he went along being that it did'nt matter.  One thing that did matter, or at least did'nt go unnoticed by Ichha's ancient eyes was the fact that Seilic never introduced his mate; nor did he embellish on his daughters the way he did his sons.  Ichha deduced that the Nom'ary's culture was a chauvinistic one---demeaning the female counterpart.  Ichha did'nt agree with practices of that nature; but had learned to only interfere if it was absolutely necessary or where the transition would be natural.  That wasn't the case here so he brushed his morals aside.  Sometimes, it seemed pointless for travelers of the Realmscape to have morals.  They always seemed to just be excess baggage.

  Ichha was offered something to eat and for the first time since meeting the Nom'ary, he got something close to a full course meal.  None of things on the feeding-hide resembled anyhting familiar to Ichha; only recognizable through food groups---and not even all of them.  There was of course, meat (a large chunk of it) cooked.  Relief.  Ichha doubted he could eat any more raw meat without some form of intermission to the savagery.  In a hefty, purple pile; some form of plant matter held post for vegetables; and to Ichha's amazement, something that resembled cheese.  He might try that.  He welcomed anything remotely familiar to cheese.  In all of the realms he had traveled to, only four had had a cheese-like food.  Ichha began to eat.

"Seilic brood eat like Ichha," Seilic's mate began, "Seilic friend teach Seilic how eat good."

"Smells delicious and it's cooked meat."  He shoots an annoyed look at Seilic.  "Thought I'd never see that here."  Seilic laughs.

"Nom'weir eat uncooked when marking.  It quicker."


"Guard Packs patrol tunnels that have'nt been marked by Nomweir,"  Seilic clarified.  "Reason why Seilic bring Ichha to Seilic den.  Ichha eat similar to OtherRealmer Seilic smell.  Take meet brood.  Feed Ichha.  Smell Ichha Ichha fate."

"Smell my fate?" Ichha said letting the words slip off his tongue.  "What fate is this?"

"The Nom'tici.  Ichha ask Seilic why Nom'tici treat Nom'ary bad.  That how it smell...always smell.  Some smell time change.  Ichha smell?"

"I'm following...and so, you're one of those who feel that way?"

"Yes.  Seilic in rebel pack.  Weirsigh.  It why Seilic and Kebok bite."  His eyes turned a fiery blue.  "Seilic and Kebok brethren in Smell.  Now, Kebok not brethren in Smell.  Kebok smell for Nom'tici.  Kebok smell Seilic not smell.  Seilic smell!"  He scraped the ground with his paws; nodding his head in agreement with himself.

"So that's why you said not to trust Kebok?" Ichha assumed, "Because he's a spy for the Nom'tici into your affiliation?"

"No.  Seilic smell Kebok smell for not Nom'weir.  Kebok hunt past Weir and not smell same after.  Kebok leave Weirsigh after.  Kebok smell Nom'tici and Nom'tici smell Weirsigh secrets."  He sighs in frustration. "Why Seilic say Ichha in danger.  Ichha fate."

"So what are you suggesting?  Helping me escape?  I'll need..."

"No.  Seilic can't do. Nom'ary deliver Ichha to Nom'ticiNom'ary must.  Seilic like Ichha smell.  Warn Ichha of fate."  Seilic released another frustrated sigh.  "Seilic got Weirsigh friend in Weirhowl.  Friend Nom'tici.  Friend smell .  Speak normal."

"What?" Ichha exclaimed.  He thought about what he had heard.  "I guess I got the jist of what you're saying.  You want me to meet your friend?"

"Yes," Seilic replied.  "Nom'tici friend explain."

"When do we leave to go to Weirhowl?  It's next, right?"

"Yes.  Ichha move butt right now."  Seilic laughed heartily.

"Nice try...ha ha," Ichha said not really ready to start walking again.  Wait.  You mean now?"

"Yes.  Now."
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