Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1817170-The-RealmStep-Ichha-and-the-Nomweir
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1817170
A traveler of realms is taken prisoner by a race of werewolf-like beings. Ch. I - III

  The realm that Iccha came upon was primitive, alien, and savage; even to the likes of him.  None knew his origins or anything of his travels before coming to Hoyedris.  During this time, known as the Pre-Keter Era, there were 3 species which dominated the land.

  At the top of the food-chain, there were mist-like creatures called the Neicoroxy.  During this time, they held no natural enemies and survived by becoming the air that a creature would breathe.  Once inhaled, the Neicoroxy would "impregnate" their victim.  The Neicoroxy that was born inside of the host would be exhaled; dragging the host's life-energy along with them to become manifested into the real world.

  Next in line were beings of extremely large girth called Nihaton.  The size of mountains, the "Land Lords" as they were nicknamed, were the most feared creature in all the realm of Hoyedris.  There were three clans of Nihaton; all which held no more than 6 members at a time.  If one died or was killed within a clan, another member would reproduce asexually; keeping the population in balance.

  Last, but not least were the Engelmo.  When and if they were observed, they resembled miniature green humanoid beings with a turtle-like shell called a kopoa attached to their heads by an appendage called a yusup which hung from the center of the kopoa. Once they reached a certain size or age, the Engelmo "plants" itself in place on the ground and seperates from it's shell.  The shell, called a kopoa, was impenetrable, immovable and provided shelter for the Engelmo being that it would now live out the rest of it's life in solitude beneath it.  For nourishment to sustain life, it consumes all that has been encompassed by it's kopoa.  After some time, the shell--alive itself--grows by doing what was called "spewing".  An eruption of kopoa material geysers into the sky forming an outer-shell which broadens the circumference of the kopoa.  The  Engelmo, encased inside the inner-shell, begins to eat it's way out; consuming the entire inner-kopoa.  During this time is the only period in which the Engelmo matures and grows in size.  This process is repeated at different intervals throughout the duration of the Engelmo's life; each time, it and it's kopoa becoming larger.  To reproduce, the kopoa--sometime after it's 100th spewing (about 350 years)--releases spore-like Engelmo into the air which use their kopoa like a parachute to drift across the land.  Once they land, the process is repeated unless a Neicoroxy becomes trapped inside the kopoa or a Nihaton steps on the kopoa during it's early years of development.  Needless to say, the geography of Hoyedris was prominent with Engelmo kopoa that the landscape looked as if it wss blistered from a malignant disease.

  The fourth species I'd like to speak on ranked pretty low on the food-chain in Hoyedris.  Ichha, when first coming to the realm, had no understanding of the heirarchy of it's nature and wildlife.  This discrepancy almost cost him his life for after about 45 minutes in the realm, Iccha stumbled upon a Nihaton.  The only place to go to save himself (for it immediately attacked and even he didn't possess an ability to stand up to something of it's size) was down.  Miraculously, there was a hole at the base of a rock outcropping that looked to be just big enough for someone of his dimensions to access.  He jumped in, feet first, just as the front left foot of the humongous beast came crashing down on the spot Iccha had been only seconds before.  The hole, more like a chute...went down.


  Iccha went sliding like a log along a river current.  After about two minutes of this, the chute deposited him (about three feet in the air, I might add) onto his rump in a small chamber.

  Without warning, Iccha's arms were restrained by two individuals and before he was even able to try to break away from his captor's grip, a third placed an object near his throat which felt to be multi-pronged.  All he could see in the pitch-black darkness were the huge, blue-glowing eyes of the one in front of him.  Behind that one, Iccha noticed two more sets of the sapphire-hued eyes.  They smelled wild; animalistic.  Due to the snarls they were making, Iccha felt he was'nt too far from the truth.  The one standing before him literally barked something to the two standing behind him.  It sounded wolf-like and instantly images of werebeasts permeated Iccha's mind.  The owners of the blue eyes began to snarl and immediately began to float through the darkness towards him.  The two beasts holding his arms pulled him to his feet and the other two placed what felt like a small log on his shoulders and bound his arms outstretched along it.  It's as if the creatures knew that he needed both his hands to come together in order to perform magic.  The one holding his throat hostage finally decided to redirect his attention to other issues.  To Iccha, the 'throat fanatic' held some form of rank over the other four.  He had a captive.  Things needed to be handled differently.  Helpless, Iccha was roughly escorted out of the chamber and into more darkness.  Oddly, Iccha thought...this could actually be a lot worse.  He could be dead.


  Iccha was no stranger to uncanny predicaments.  Being a traveler of realms, he was bound to have himself involved in something that was hard for his mind to become accustomed.  Just when he thought there was nothing that could shock him, he'd travel to some realm and encounter the weirdest phenomena or event that would almost drive him insane.  This, Iccha felt, was one of those situations.  He had been captured blindly.  He knew nothing of the realm; knew nothing of his captors other than what his freaked imagination led him to believe; but most of all...he knew nothing of where they were taking him.  He wanted to perform a Mind-Link Spell, but if he could do that; he'd just set them ablaze and escape.  That was'nt the case.  This was a terrible situation to be in.  Surviving this ordeal was highly unlikely especially being they were traveling further undergroud.  Through tunneled corridors and chambers, they walked in darkness.  Iccha had lost all sense of time.  They could have been only walking for five minutes, but it felt like hours to Ichha.  Being surrounded by the grunts and snarls while traveling through the pitch-black, Ichha thought he could feel the insanity taking hold.  He closed his eyes once more---not that it made a difference---and began to think of more pleasurable moments in his life.


  Masera was only 17 and the most beautiful thing Ichha had ever seen.  He met her standing on the riverbank alone one serene evening in the realm of Niare.  He had been near the river helping a friend fix a boat when suddenly, nothing else mattered except for this enigma before him.  She was wearing the most magnificent pink dress that billowed in the wind coming off the Renel River.  Over her left shoulder, a red hair ribbon was draped and the setting sun glistened off of her eyes making them sparkle a luscious amber.  In her right hand, she twirled an umbrella daintily above her head.  It too, matched her attire.  All of this was breathtaking; but when she looked his way and smiled, it was as if the rest of reality fell off into an abyss and only she, he, and the gaze they shared existed.  Without even realizing, Ichha had begun to make his way towards the young beauty.  To his surprise, she began to do the same.  They met...and for no reason he could understand, she extended her free hand and gently caressed Ichha's cheek.  She gazed deep into his eyes and said something Ichha was not expecting.
  "I think I've been waiting for you..."


  Ichha was snatched out of his thoughts by flickering light shining onto the lids of his eyes.  He knew better than to just throw his eyes open to the light.  Probably would damage his eyes permanently if he did that.  Instead, he waited till the light began to recede before opening his eyes.  After about the third time of doing this, Ichha could see that the light were torches intermittently placed throughout the tunnels.  He also caught a vague glimpse of his captors and what he thought he saw was fur...lots of it.  Beasts.  Why they had'nt killed him on sight, he did'nt know but he really was'nt interested in finding out what they had planned for him once they reached their destination.  He needed to escape.  He needed a miracle and he had learned to never rely heavily on miracles.  They'll kill you.

  As they came around a bend, Ichha saw a torch ahead of them in the tunnel and figured this was his opportunity to catch a better glimpse of what form of monstrosity held him prisoner.  He knew that he still could'nt take a direct blast of light to the eyes; but he should be able to withstand it a little longer than previous---long enough to discern his enemy's form.  They got closer.  The light got a little brighter.  Ichha strained his eyes in the darkness; wanting...needing...to see them, but they were still too far away.  They got closer.  The light got a little brighter.  Man, was he tired.  His legs felt like...he did'nt have any!  They had been replaced with aches and pains.  Ichha probed and could make out the outline of the leader in the front.  They got closer.  The light got brighter.  His eyes began to sting.  He turned his head to look at the subordinates he had walking on his sides and really could'nt make out anything.  Besides, it took to much effort to do so anyway.  He put his attention back on the leader.  They got closer.  The light got brighter and Ichha saw.  What was walking in front of him, hunched over, was a werebeast.  His heart began to race.  It was covered in fur from head to toe.  His extremeties were much longer than a humans and although he was'nt able to see it's face; the blue eyes he could easily imagine going with the ensemble perfectly.  It's hands had sharp, chisel like extensions from each of it's fingers and it was then that Ichha realized what was threatening his throat during his capture.  Every form of werebeast he had come across throughout his travels had been extremely savage.  What would make these any different?  The light aches his eyes.  He shuts them quickly; welcoming the comfort it gave and dreading it at the same time.  For the only thing he could see in his thoughts were those eerie blue eyes.


  The tunnels, chambers, their dull earth-tones, and the random light from the torches seemed to go on with no end.  The one thing that was omnipresent was darkness---all the other annoyances only becoming prevalent when they passed through the light.

  Ichha was exhausted.  It was taking him effort just to breathe.  If his 'escorts' were to continue moving at that rate, he doubted he would be able to go on---even if he wanted to.  As if that thought was his decision, Ichha extinguished any effort to progress any further.  He dropped to his knees and fell face-down in the dirt of the tunnel.  Over his head, he could hear the beast's snarling in that weird bark-language; sounded as if they were arguing.  Before he realized what was happening, he could feel relief in his arms and hands.  They had cut him loose.  Excitement stormed through Ichha.  He could use some magic and obliterate these creatures.  He could escape!!  Or could he?  He sat on the ground rubbing his wrists and arms; trying to buy time while he thought about what to do.  Why had they decided to cut him loose now?  There had to be a reason.  Then it hit him.  He could'nt escape.  They had traveled so far underground through the meandering tunnels that he was bound to not find his way to the surface.  He had been thought about 'stepping' to another realm (that did'nt require the use of his hands) but since he was underground, he would emerge in the earth of the other realm.  He might not be lucky to find himself in hallowed ground and he had'nt learned how to breathe dirt.  Besides, his body was so fatigued that they knew Ichha did'nt have enough strength to make the trek---or either fight for that matter.  Nah, he'd have to cooperate for now.  He was their prisoner.  They snatched him to his feet, bound his arms behind his back at the wrists and shoved him forward to continue their march through the underground labrynth.

  They walked for what seemed like another four hours; Ichha having fallen almost every step of the way.  He tried to delve back into his thoughts---his memories---but new aches and pains were manifesting that it was hard for him to stay focused.  He tried to disregard it; accompanying the new pains and stresses with the fatigue of his ordeal, but the pains became progressively worse.  Ichha was no dummy.  He was well traveled and had learned alot during his travels.  He had studied under numerous scholars and indulged in many forbidden studies that if it had'nt been for the fatigue, he would've been realizeed what was happening.  His breating had been reduced to a series of short gasps and what liitle vision he had regained had begun to become plagued by stars.  Pressure.  That word held so many meanings for Ichha at that moment.  One thing that remained a constant no matter what realm was 'gravity'.  Every realm had at least one sun and if there is a sun, then there is gravity.  With gravity comes pressure.  The further you traveled toward the core, the greater the pressure.  They were killing him through simple torture: implosion.  What a horrible way to go.  The beasts must've dealt with this before for as soon as they saw the complications he was having, they pitched camp.  Shortly afterwards, Ichha slid into a coma.

  When Ichha awoke, he had no clue how much time had passed.  He was'nt even sure where he was.  Before he could even begin to rack his brain, everything returned to his memories.  Reality set in.  He saw his captors sitting around a campfire; none aware that his cosciousness had returned.  He needed to know what they were saying.  He hadn't wanted to reveal his use of magic, but sitting in the flickering flame of their campfire listening to grunts, snarls, and barks was not helping him endure.  It had been a very long time since he came upon a realm in which he could'nt communicate.  Their speech sounded nothing more than guttural tones and whines to him, but he knew a way to overcome that.  He fluently held the usage of over 3500 languages and dialects---most he couldn't speak due to physical limitations---but comprehension was never a problem.  Due to magic, he' would learn their language the same way he learned the others---a Mind-Link Spell.  Knowing that they would be none the wiser about the spell, he clasped his hands together behind his back; looked deep into the sapphire eyes of one of the creatures across from him and worked his will.  He felt himself become one with the creature's mind and then heard the grunts and whines of the beasts turn into speech which was comprehensible.  Satisfied with his stealthy accomplishment, Ichha sat back and listened; glad to have something to entertain him other than his memories. 

"We must do two times?" , one beast asked the one Ichha assumed was the leader.  "Yeah", the leader responded.  "For him live."  He gestures towars Ichha.  "We must."

"Why it matter?", asked another of the beasts.  "He not us."
"Waners want alive," answered the leader.  "They word law when Weir closes eye."

  One of the beasts who had'nt been speaking stood and walked over to Ichha.  He glared down at him with his eerie blues and then threw something at his feet.  He then kneeled and using the sharp claws of his hand, he freed Ichha's wrist from their restraints.  "Why feed it?", it huffed; removing the rope from behind Ichha.  "Pack not have enough to eat feeding it."  The creature stood once again and glared at Ichha once more.  "Eat!", it screamed; pointing at the thing he dropped before Ichha.
"It not smell our words," one of the creatures said, "You feed pup!  You a bisha!"

  The group of creatures burst into laughter at this.  Ichha did'nt see the humor; especially since it was at his expense.  He got to his knees and crawled over to what had been dropped on the ground before him.  It was some kind of rodent.  It had long, open gashes across it's back which looked to had begun festering.  Ichha's stomach began to wretch at the sight, but he was starving.  He hadn't eaten since his last 'step' and did'nt have a clue the next time he'd get that opportunity.  Besides...he'd eaten worse.  He picked it up, fluids flowing through his hands and down his arms, and began to devour the carcass.  His group of captors watched in awe as he ate.  One even seemed to worry that their charge might choke due to the way he engulfed the tarelom--the name of the rodent.  Once he finished, the leader brought over a mug of water and took a seat on his haunches beside him.  Ichha took a large gulp of the liquid; making sure to keep his eyes on the fiendish looking creature sitting beside him.

"Kebok smell Nomweir words preyzo words," the leader said calmly to Ichha.  Ichha did nothing but stare and drink.  He was'nt sure what the creature meant by that, but he thought he knew.  The leader seemed to be aware that Ichha could understand them.  How?  He did not know, but he couldn't blow his spot.  He had wanted to ask for more to eat, but that would let them on to his ruse.  If he spoke, they would understand him and the gig would be up.  He burped, wiped his mouth with his forearm, and continued to stare blankly at the beast.
"Kebok could eat," the beast continued; looking hungrily at Ichha, "Preyzo die. Nomweir words preyzo words, right?"

  Ichha took the last swallow of water and placed the mug on the ground.  The leader smirked and filled it back up from some form of skin he had draped on his side.  Ichha nodded his head in thanks and picked the mug back up and drank.

"Why preyzo special?", the beast inquired.  Ichha continued with the blank stare.  "Why Kebok not eat and be done?", the leader drilled; losing the calm demeanor he began with.  "What Waners want with preyzo?"

  One of the other creatures rounded the campfire and approached.  He placed his right claw on the leader's shoulder and locked eyes with Ichha.  He shivered from the gaze.
  "Preyzo 'OtherRealmer'," he said plaintively to the leader and then redirected it to Ichha as a question.  "Preyzo 'OtherRealmer'?"

    Ichha's eyes had shot wide at the word 'OtherRealmer' and he knew his ruse was blown.  He wasn't sure what it meant, but he had an idea.  Somehow, this one felt that Ichha was not from that realm.  He had to make sure.  He slowly rose to his feet; knowing they would probably attack for him doing so.  He was right.  The group quickly mobilized around Ichha, but only took guard.  Even so, Ichha placed his hands together...just in case.  He took one cautious step forward and spoke.
"I have no idea what Nomweir and preyzo are, but I do smell your words, as you say.  Now that that's been established, why have you captured me"

  The beasts all seemed to unnerve at the sound of his voice.  Reason being because to them, Ichha spoke in the whines, barks, snarls, and grunts as they.  This was all due to the Mind-Link Charm.  He continued on, "Why do you think I'm one of these 'OtherRealmers'?"

  The leader stepped towards Ichha and grabbed him by his collar, "Kebok ask questions!", he screamed, "Preyzo answer!"  He shoved Ichha back; almost making him fall.  "Preyzo lie to Kebok!", he yelled.  So his name must be Kebok, Ichha thought.  Ichha regained his balance and stood tall once again.
"There's really no need for that," Ichha said in a firm, but reassuring voice. "I'm willing to answer your questions, but...I would like to know why you've taken me prisoner?"

  The leader's countenace resolved and he stood in silence for a moment; with his head bowed.  When he lifted his head, he spoke.  "Pack ask same.  Why Pack not kill?  Preyzo not NomweirWaners knew you come.  Waners tell Kebok not kill preyzo.  Kebok bring preyzo back to WeirhowlWaners say preyzo special."

  What kind of cruel joke were the Realmscape playing on him.  Was he really about to play emissary to a clan of werebeasts?  He chuckled to himself at the thought.  "Is that the name of your race?  The Nomweir?", Ichha asked; trying to keep the 'interrogation' (for that's what it was---an interrogation) civil. "I know nothing of your kind.  Nothing of the Waners.  Nothing of Weirhowl.  As this one suggests," he gestures toward the Nomweir standing the closest to Kebok, the leader.  "I am not from this realm.  'OtherRealmer' you called it."  The beast nodded his head in confirmation.
"Then an 'OtherRealmer' I am.  My name's Ichha."

"And what Ichha want here?", Kebok returned.  "Why Ichha come here?"

"It's kind of like...what I do."

"What Ichha do?", asked the one standing near Kebok.

"It's not fair that you're able to use my name so freely and are not at the same mercy as I," Ichha said testily, "May I ask what you are called?"

"Seilic howl Seilic." He scratches the ground with his paws; alternating from left to right and begins to point around the room.  "This is Kebok.  Utrelu.  Dilus.  And Toplie.  Now answer!" he spat.  Kebok grinned.

"Well...Seilic, I travel to different realms by way of a power I was born with.  But this you know already," Dailluu queried.  "You've met my kind before, haven't you?"

"Yes," Seilic said.  "Very long time gone."  He thought for a moment.  "Why Waners want Ichha ," he said more to Kebok, than Ichha.  "Waners want Ichha 'OtherRealmer' power."

"Why?", Kebok asked simply.  "How Waners get power?  What Waners use power for?"

"Seilic not smell," he answered, "Waners go to other realm."

"Why?" Kebok repeated, "Kebok not smell."

"Why Kebok not smell?", asked Seilic.  "We not kill Ichha.  Ichha special.  Kebok say say so!  Waners want power to kill Nom'aryNom'ary must confront!"

"Seilic smell why?", Kebok glared.  "Kill Nom'ticiNom'tici gone then kill Nom'ary?!  Nom'ary not kill brethren."  Kebok turned and walked back over to the campfire.

"Do what with preyzo?", Seilic snarled.  "Bind it?"

"No," Kebok answered, "Leave Ichha.  Kebok trust Ichha more not Seilic."  He haunched near the fire.  "Ichha run Ichha die.  Ichha smell Kebok words."
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